Warhammer: Return of the Dragon

Chapter 870 Pineal Gland

"Are you threatening me?"

The gaze that was already full of majesty, with the slight tightening caused by the gaze, only made the human being as the scapegoat suffocate.

But every Holy Grail knight only found the strength he desired after countless trials. A little bit of insignificant oppression was not enough to make Frolan retreat even half a step.

Grandpa Holy Grail, who is over a hundred years old but still looks middle-aged, repeats his previous tone with righteous words.

"We demand that the organizations under the Dragon Palace carry out reasonable control. According to the prophecy of the Lady of the Lake, the Sotigo sect entrenched in Karak Budar has essentially become a huge threat to mankind.

In line with the beautiful pursuit that humans and high elves should coexist harmoniously, Bretonnia hopes that Caledor will disband the horned vipers and restore peace to the old world.

And the person involved in the massacre of Black Rose must go to Musilon to solemnly apologize and pay compensation to the family of the deceased. "

Imric expressed his helplessness that Grandpa Baator took them too seriously. He thought that the mustached king could have some control over his knights, suppress the conflicts between the two sides in the religious field, and prevent the situation from escalating further.

But the rumors that Bretonnia is controlled by a woman don't seem to be groundless. As soon as Lilith's little sister said hello, these lickers rushed to grab the top spot on the list.

"What if I disagree? Will King Henry declare war on Caledor, or will the Church of the Lady of the Lake launch a new chivalry expedition?"

The knight's eyes began to show a chill, and his palms involuntarily placed on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

"You don't want to get a specific answer. The Bretonnian knights have justice in their hearts and are bound to eradicate all injustice."

"Can I regard this as a war threat?" The tone of his voice, coupled with his serious eyes, proved that Imric was not joking at this time.

An overly strong tone will only appear to be a lack of confidence. When you are confident about something, any threats are nothing more than talk.

The knight did not answer directly. In the end, he tried his best to understand when meeting a king, bowed his head to show respect, and left a meaningful sentence,

"Everything will change over time, but justice will always exist in people's hearts and will not be delayed too long due to some unspeakable means."

"Haha." Knowing that Grandpa Holy Grail meant that the emperor was always mediating the conflicts between the two sides, Imric sneered a little and gave him a message,

"Lies will eventually be exposed. I hope that the Bretonnian knights, as agents of justice, will not be defeated by fate in the end and insist on the so-called eternal justice."

The two people who didn't talk to each other immediately separated after a brief meeting. Ben showed off his power and rode a vulture to the Holy Grail Grandpa in Sartusa. In the end, he could only leave in despair on an inferior war horse under Mina Saniel's teasing eyes. .

Seeing the Holy Grail Knight leaving the mansion, Minasnir raised his head, and a huge eyeball covered the window behind Imric. For a moment, the originally bright and spacious room was darkened by the shadow of the dragon's head. .

"Are you ready to confront her head-on?"

Minas Nir's tone was very serious. Since the end of the Great Holy War, the brat has been thinking about pulling down Lilith all the time.

Lilith, who can face a god directly and has extremely complicated relationships in the elven pantheon, has a very difficult time succeeding.

"No, it's not me who is prepared, but she who decides the timing of this fight. Only at the most desperate moment will the man behind the millennium-long cherished wish really show up." "Before that. , or think about other things.”

"Yes." Minasnil expressed his rare elegance and agreed, then lowered his head and lazily basked in the sun, waiting for the servants to clean the dust between his scales every evening.

Looking at Lao Mi's messy appearance, Imric shook his head and didn't know what to say. Although he was used to his usual laziness, now he had to leave such trivial matters as cleaning his body to the servants.

It's most likely that he's exhausted, but it's a pity that he can't find a trumpet.

With this in mind, after finishing today's affairs, Imrik immersed his thoughts in the depths of his soul and held a meeting across space distance for the first time in a long time to summarize the current situation of all parties in order to make proper arrangements for the subsequent expedition.

It was still the familiar ancient dragon capital. What was different from the originally empty temple was that there was a stone round table in the center, which was large enough to accommodate a hundred people to participate.

The first person to respond was Masnuo, whose soul was in an icy blue state. He consciously came to the seat on the prince's left and waited quietly for the arrival of the personnel without saying a word.

Time passed a bit long. Although they had been notified in advance, there were too many things that the participants needed to be busy with. This made Imrik, who was already a little bored, take the initiative to talk to Masnow about some things that only a few people knew about.

"Speaking of which, those two idiots should be enjoying themselves in Naggaroth."

"Maybe, I just hope that the last batch of experimental materials will be enough for them to spend a while, otherwise..." Speaking of the experimental site, Masnot rubbed his temples and felt an unusual headache.

Regarding the fusion plan of Nephalem flesh and blood, some preliminary results were achieved decades later. Under cumbersome and strict monitoring, Druzi, who was used as the experimental material, did not turn into a creature like a chaos egg.

His physique has been greatly improved, and his ability to control magic is also excellent, but the side effects that come with it...

The sensitive souls of elves cannot match the strong will in flesh and blood, and they generally turn into madmen...

"They are two idiots who are tinkering with a thing called the pineal gland. They think that as long as they place a transit point between the soul and the body in the brain, which can serve as a bridge between physical and psychological communication and filter out mutual rejection, they can achieve the desired results. results.”

"It's such a classic dualism."

After summarizing, Imrik said no more. Most of those failed experimental subjects were destroyed on the spot. Although their physical potential was comparable to that of Superman, they were all unstable factors.

The court mage proposed to use several strong-willed dragon princes as experimental subjects, believing that Druchi's mind was too dirty and was naturally affected by the evil side, eventually turning into a state of incomprehensible madness.

This proposal was rejected by Imric without hesitation, and he bluntly stated that if he dared to target Caledor, all projects would be terminated and he would be trapped in the secret base below the palace for the rest of his life.

But if it succeeds...

This devilish thought made Imric shake his head and drive it out of his mind. He could not do anything without a bottom line and would never do it.

If the effect of the pineal gland does not meet expectations, the artificial Nephalem plan will be officially cancelled. The two of them have been delayed for too long. (End of chapter)

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