Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 887 The green-skin rout threshold

Fifteen landing ships sailed in a triangular formation towards the coastline of the Western Badlands. After Ark completed supplies, they received a fatal order. No matter how severe the situation they faced, they were not allowed to take a step back.

The expected easy landing scene did not appear. Yiga, who was looking at the coastline with a monocular telescope, looked serious.

You cold lizard-raised bitch, how come the greenskins know how to deploy coastal defense lines? !

The cause of this incident can be attributed to the Champion Warrior's continuous harassment of the bad land, but the current Marine Corps has no intention of paying attention to the reason.

In front of them was a rubble defense wall arranged in a chaotic but inexplicable pattern. The orc boys were holding crude bows and arrows, squatting under the cover of the rubble, waiting for the pointy-eared things to come ashore, and the arrows blessed by Brother Mao would penetrate them. Shining armor.

What's even more strange is that the West Badlands, which is supposed to be barren of grass, actually managed to get more than ten trebuchets from nowhere under the goblin's manipulation.

Judging from the style, most of them are crude imitations, including three doors. The runes on the wooden frame are covered by feces, but it is still difficult to hide the rigorous and neat interior. It is most likely that they are captured from the dwarves' catapults of hatred.

From the faintest corner of the telescope, Yiga faintly spotted the silhouette of a wild boar in a lowland.

If the judgment is correct, as long as the Marines engage the enemy head-on, these boys riding war pigs will soon attack from the side and push their own troops into the sea in the name of Brother Mao.

As the distance got closer, he felt vaguely uncomfortable. The green-skinned position was very delicate, 1,200 meters away from the coastline.

Whether it is directly from the sea or docked, it is a position where it is difficult for the landing ship's artillery to accurately fire.

Log in directly, or?

Fortunately, the command center discovered something bad about the battle situation earlier than the officers did. The giant battleship in the center of the fleet was prepared for this moment.

The long-term continuous penetration of the badlands has already allowed Caledor to understand the characteristics of each tribe. The greenskins currently on guard on the coastline are a war gang called Big Smart, who are particularly good at learning and imitating.

This set of anti-landing tactics may have taken a long time to figure out.

The magic stone in the officer's pocket began to vibrate, and the order from the command quickly dispelled Yiga's attempt to steal the limelight.

"Attention everyone, the Yirei will cover the landing operation in the form of artillery fire. After firing the first round of artillery fire, the landing ship will immediately move at full speed!"

The sail was pulled down, and after losing its power source, the landing ship's speed on the sea began to slow down.

But the speed of the flagship was obviously completely different from these inferior products. It still sailed towards the coastline at the same speed. After it was about to reach the expected position, it turned around and began to make lateral maneuvers.

As a new generation of tactical artillery strike ships, the Yi Lei is equipped with a variety of classic weapons, from the expensive and sophisticated Dragon Claw Ballista, which is used to accurately kill high-value targets, to the latest generation of solid cannons, which are all loved by the navy. Guy.

On the thirty-meter-high side hull, with the sliding sound of the noose, the artillery hidden under the armor plate now revealed thick black steel pipes.

The greenskins who already knew the tactics of the elf stuff gradually disappeared from the noise in the bunker. The boys who exposed their heads and tried to aim with their bows and arrows were all huddled under the cover of the rocks, praying for the protection of Brother Gomao and not letting the black paint The paint thing fell on me.

According to the research of the accompanying mage, when greenskins gather in large numbers, a special position will appear that interferes with the flow of the wind of magic. The main function of this stance is to allow green-skinned magic users to burst their heads faster.

A green mist emerged from around the trebuchet. Even the stupidest fart knows that the bigger the thing, the worse it is. These things that can throw big rocks are one of the few that can restrain the things with pointed ears.

Under the shroud of green mist, Mage Agil's guidance spells were interfered with, but the military mage was in no mood to compete with the greenskins for control of the wind of magic.

Years of combat experience told him that when fighting green skins, one cannot refer to past magic confrontation methods, otherwise they will fall into the opponent's control.

You have to highlight one thing: you hit yours and I hit mine.

After the mage explained to the bombardment team leader that it was difficult to accurately guide, the position of the ship's hull was slightly adjusted, and the muzzle of the gun originally aimed at the catapult was also aimed at the rock wall serving as a bunker.

There is a famous saying in the army, if there is a cannonball in the barrel, just fire it, no one cares whether you can hit it or not. Shooting all the shells will definitely result in less punishment than not firing a single round.

In line with the principle of not wasting a shell, the team leader did not hesitate to order the gunner to fire on the bunker wall.

The length of the bunker wall is enough to cover the entire location suitable for landing, and the defensive layer stacked up by the goblins with gravel, feces, bones, and rags is "strong" enough to make Khorne, who is least good at defensive warfare, call him an expert.

The thunder seemed to have never stopped since it appeared. After the black gunpowder in the artillery was ignited, it released terrifying energy. Its power was so powerful that the hull of the Yi Lei jolted and shook for a while, and the right side of the hull seemed to be caught by fire. It was like burning, and a large amount of thick smoke was emitted.

The sound of shelling brought iron balls the size of human heads. Under the guidance of Master Argyle without sparing any effort, these weapons with impressive precision in the hands of humans and dwarves turned into battlefield killing gods.

The human-height gravel bunker instantly exploded into fragments of different sizes when hit by artillery shells. Some of the orcs hiding behind the bunker were lucky enough to have their heads just next to the shelling track, and disappeared above the neck. After that, you can report to Brother Mao.

Some unlucky ones suffered from abdominal and chest pains, large holes appeared, and after a burst of burning smell caused by the high temperature, they had to endure the pain of pieces of gravel piercing into their flesh and blood.

Thanks to the tenacious vitality of the green skins, these lucky ones lay on the ground struggling for a long time under the fearful eyes of the fellow boys, and finally died.

Thirty artillery pieces drew thirty different arcs of death in the greenskin position. If it hadn't been for the boss's loud call, some of the boys might have already fled towards the east when they thought they had lost the protection of Brother Gaomao.

It is generally accepted that greenskins are not good at naval combat and long-range fire strikes, and their racial characteristics will cause them to disperse when the casualties are too high.

For this reason, Masnow has specially studied the ratio required for the greenskins to collapse, but the final result is not satisfactory. This race cannot be logically speculated. Sometimes they can fight until there are only a hundred people left, and sometimes the casualties are less than 30%.

But a concept was still established from this, what degree of firepower is needed to reach the threshold of the greenskin defeat.

According to the predictions of the captain of the Yi Lei, this green-skinned war gang, with a population of only 5,000, should be able to reach the defeat threshold in five more rounds.

However, according to the instructions from the headquarters, he ordered the bombardment team leader to load the gunpowder and shells, leaving some time for the landing ship to accelerate. (End of chapter)

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