Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 892 Let’s put the past aside for now

Chapter 892 Let’s put the past aside for now

In the main camp tent, looking at the bruised Noglin and the legendary warrior standing behind him again, Imric joked,

"It seems that you have fully exchanged opinions and made good progress. I am very pleased about this. After thousands of years, the Fire Dragon Flag and the Granny Flag stand together again."

Although the dwarves did not have the common sense to reach out and not hit the smiling man, Noglin knew that this elf prince with a relaxed tone might be more terrifying than the armor whose true and false identities were unknown.

With Magnus getting older, the White Dwarf's whereabouts mysterious, and the Green Knight not knowing whether he is a human or a ghost, it is really difficult to find a strong man who can compare with him in the old world order.

The knowledgeable Belegar was skilled in rummaging for drinks in the wooden cabinets. He knew that the maids around the Dragon Prince had a bad attitude towards the dwarves, so if he asked the Dragon Prince present to pour the wine, maybe they would be more willing to spill the wine on the dwarf's head.

Although the dwarves were led by Eternal Peak, Belegar, who had found a drink, was quite satisfied and sat on the empty dwarf seat and began to speak as a representative.

After drinking a full glass of New World beer, Belega burped rather indecently.

"Hiccup~~, I think we have had a friendly exchange. Since the Great Holy War, the dwarves and elves have never had such a smooth exchange of views. The Angrond clan is deeply gratified by this."

"It would be more convincing if you could shake the liquor off your lap." The maid interjected. After the dwarf entered, she felt that today's arrangements were all in vain. Every place must smell bad. Beer stink.

No matter how disgusted Phyllis sounded, the atmosphere at the scene relaxed a lot with this interruption. Women can often act as a buffer, providing a space for both parties to negotiate.

Belegar widened his eyes and lowered his head to look for traces of ale. In the end, he only found dry sand scattered in the cracks of the armor. He angrily said to the maid,

After everyone drank a symbolic glass of wine and expressed their high expectations for this cooperation, it was naturally Imrik, the highest-ranking person present, who began to speak.

When the High King appointed the commander to retake Golden Oath City, he was prepared to endure some frustration.

Norglin, who had already guessed this request, had no objection to it.

Everyone avoided talking about the matter, leaving the upright Damian to scratch his head and feel at a loss. Could it be that he was really beaten like this by a goblin? It shouldn’t be.

With the interference of Belegar and Phyllis, Noglin reluctantly sat in the assigned seat. Fortunately, unlike the Dragon Prince just now, the reception at Imric obviously took care of their emotions, and the seats were all suitable. The size of a dwarf and the height is the same as the tools used by elves.

The Dragon Prince first targeted the Eternal Peak, especially Noglin.

"I don't care what Thor Green thinks, but your nickname must change during the partnership."

Letting the dwarf carrying the dragon slayer walk around in front of him was as uncomfortable as Malekith stealing the dragon egg and using magic to hatch it into a black dragon to turn against Caledor.

And Damian's appearance made it even more of a joke.

Phyllis gave Belega a big look, walked to the wooden cabinet, turned over the crystal cup, and began to perform the duties of a maid.

"I think it's Imric who favors you, yet you dare to casually frame important allies."

The barbarian was obviously very familiar with Noglin, and asked why he was in such a mess, with his nose and face swollen. Could it be that he was robbed by goblins on the way here?

As Masnot, Edgar, Bruni, Damian and others arrived belatedly, the meeting finally began.

Stubbornness that doesn't know how to adapt may appear in every longbeard, but it will not appear in a longbeard who is willing to cooperate with the elves.

"I can accept this request, but I also have a condition."


"Occestes, I don't want this butcher who disappeared in the Longbeard War to appear in front of the dwarves." This is the first reaction of the elves. It is an indifferent request. It can be resolved by using any verbal loophole. He fought against the greenskins on the front line, but happened to encounter the dwarves again. Doesn't this mean that the dwarves appeared in front of him?

"Okay, I don't want to bring up the troublesome issue of the Nagasu War again at this critical juncture."

"Let's not mention it for now." The dwarf emphasized.

"Okay, let's not mention it for now."

After emphasizing, Imrik was ready to make a decision on the nature of the dwarf army. An army was not allowed to have two voices. This was Caledor's long-standing tenet.

But first, Noglin cannot be asked directly, but the target should be Belega.

Knowing what the elf on the throne was going to say, Belegar waved his hand very generously and gave up the command.

"The Angland clan has no interest in Golden Oath City. My only requirement is that I must participate in the war deployment and have the right to refute unreasonable arrangements."

Before Imric could nod in agreement, Norglin, who was already a little annoyed by the subtle relationship between Belegar and the elves, pointed his huge fingers at the Lord of Angrond beside him, gritted his teeth and said,

"You...recovering Golden Oath City is a major event for the Mountain Kingdom. All clans should respond to the call of His Majesty the Supreme King and devote themselves wholeheartedly to the war to regain the lost land!

Is your negative attitude worthy of the teachings of your ancestors? "

Belegar, who had a little more determination on his face, sneered at the important figures in Eternal Peak with a rather sarcastic tone, and he didn't know who he was hinting at.

"The Angrond clan is not a dog of some authority. They talk about justice, but they are stubborn about the power in their hands and refuse to let go. The words they say are as ridiculous as the goblins think they are brave."

Although he did not specify who it was, everyone present knew that Belega was talking about Thor Green.

If the matter of Karak Budar had nothing to do with Thorgrin, it was all Torek operating in the Eternal Peak in the name of the gods, and Belega would not believe it.

Pointed ears and cold-blooded creatures are responsible for this matter. Don't you, Thorgrin, have no responsibility for your greed for Torek's influence?

If he was determined to protect Karak Bodar, Belegar really didn't believe that Imric would risk the second Longbeard War and let the knights who believed in barbaric gods occupy the mountain fortress.

This incident made Imric, who was apparently not involved, shrug his shoulders and prepare to watch the show.

Go ahead and make a fuss. Anyway, there are a lot of conflicts accumulated within D Duozi. Wouldn't it be a good thing if we could take advantage of the opportunity of internal strife to find a few people who are willing to negotiate peace with the elves.

Noglin held his hands tightly. As a warrior who is not good at words, he prefers to persuade the other party in the physical link rather than bickering with others at the negotiation table.

But Belegar didn't care about this and continued to talk about the deeds of a certain important person.

"We all know that Master Torek brought the dawn of dawn to the Mountain Kingdom, just like a ray of sunshine shining into a dark mine, and his contribution in bringing back the knowledge of the ancestors and gods is enough to rival any hero.

But when anyone makes a mistake in judgment, even Father God Granny needs Valaya’s reminder to manage the Mountain Kingdom..."

"What on earth do you want to say!" Noglin slapped the table, and had no intention of dealing with the elves. If the Angrond clan was ungrateful and forgot the thousands of years of free sacrifice they had made in hosting the Eternal Peak, he would remind Belegar here that the Supreme Being The King will not tolerate any slander!

Belegar also stared, ignoring the majesty of this dragon killer.

"Anyone who needs a wise reminder to avoid going down the wrong path, who are Master Torek's overseers? Who are Thorgrim's overseers? Their every move will have a huge impact on the Mountain Kingdom, The Angland clan did not dare to talk about the choice of the ancestor gods.

But the Supreme King, as the co-owner of the Mountain Kingdom, must understand what he is doing! "

(End of this chapter)

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