Warhammer: Return of the Dragon

Chapter 901 Trial Ceremony

Chapter 901 Trial Ceremony

Draconir rubbed his brows, thinking about the impact this would have.

First of all, the defensive alliance signed between Caledor and the Empire will definitely be cancelled. When his father signed it, he made it clear that the alliance was with the Empire ruled by Magnus.

Before it is clear who the next emperor of the empire will be, it is inevitable to terminate some important provisions. No one can put their hope in an unreliable imperial election environment.

Secondly, it is necessary to evacuate sensitive personnel within the empire, such as Priest Juan, who is an important adviser with a large number of contacts in the empire. During the election of the emperor, the prince is not prepared to give the electors the power to intervene in the internal affairs of the empire. Excuse.

Finally, there is the Great Horned Viper, whose conflicts with the Southern Kingdom and Bretonnia have intensified. Originally, under the mediation of Magnus, the two sides maintained a delicate balance.

Those Holy Grail Knights traveling in the Southern Kingdom, in the name of exterminating the greenskins, constantly harassed the cold-blooded creature base in the Gray Mountains, exposing some originally hidden sentry towers and residences to the Ratmen's network.

The Giant Horned Viper is not to be outdone. It does not require a navy to kill mice. The Snake Nest routinely goes north along the Briogne River every year to pay friendly greetings to the residents along the coast in the name of visiting Athel Loren.

From time to time, they would also arrive at the mountains of Palavon, looking for a few destined Pegasus to take away.

The secret teams of both sides have had many contacts in Estaria, and they have carried out fierce killings without identification marks.

This conflict originally started out as a search for an object, but under the control of someone with good intentions, it has become more and more like a religious war, sparing no effort to eliminate the opponent.

"Should we send out the dragon?"

"Well, I will personally arrange for the two dragons to travel together."

Miranda, who was holding the silver disk, looked at His Highness with some worry.

Seeing that the students calmed down, Berannar asked the second thing,

A word that struck Drachnir as strange, before Berannar turned around and finally said it, the old mage took advantage of the moonlight, preparing to return home and prepare for the coming disaster.


Draconir, who had stayed up all night, took the black tea from the maid, preparing to use this cool liquid to wash away the accumulated bitterness in his mouth.

"Your attention should be on Ulthuan. Someone will naturally handle the matters in the old world."

The belated messenger hurriedly explained to the prince standing alone in the palace what had happened in the old world.

Although it is unknown how His Highness learned about it, the messenger was not surprised. With the prince's magical attainments, perhaps Magnus had already learned about it less than a minute after his death.

"You mean Masno?"

Belannar nodded, "Before you were born, Masnuo had been appointed by your father to act as the actual regent. I believe in your father's judgment and that I will kill Julian Poison Blade, who will kill your grandfather." The Dragon Prince."

"I will return to the White Tower of Hos immediately to prepare for this change. Luo Ning will be responsible for the information processing office."

Released the palms that were rubbing his brows and eyes, Draconir felt a little relieved when he saw the teacher's kind face. He took a deep breath, implying that there was no need to be nervous and he would follow the instructions step by step.

"Excuse me, teacher." Draconir knew that the teacher was going back to the White Tower of Hoth to persuade the great mages. In any case, an important figure who openly supported Caledor in the wizarding kingdom was still very important. .

Belannar knew the fierce thoughts in the student's mind, and his serious expression softened a little, as if he wanted to comfort him and not be too nervous.

"hope so."

"Send a condolence team, led by Mr. Woodrow, to participate in the emperor's funeral with the highest courtesy."

"Your Highness, Emperor of the Empire..."

"Well, I just hope that I can finally see the ending of all this..."

During this period of time, the prince's rest time was far more consumed than his working time. He was like a machine that was filled with fuel, only to stop replenishing it when it was exhausted, and then was put on the production line again.

"You should rest, Your Highness."

"When it's just the two of us, just call me Dracnir, Aunt Miranda." Although she was a little moved by the prince's words, Miranda still refused.

"You cannot overstep the dignity of the palace. You are the future master of the kingdom. I am just a maid serving the palace. Please don't say any bad words."

"Oh, that's all...Did anything interesting happen to Kalede?"

"Not yet. Every Asur is seizing the time to perform their duties and contribute to the future of Caledor."

Although he heard it thousands of times, Draconir still knew that it was the truth.

Most people still insist on their thoughts, believing that retaking the Dragon Horn is the destiny of the kingdom, and they must succeed no matter how much blood and sweat they put in.

The thief caught yesterday was only the rarest of them.

It was a calm morning. Although the death of Magnus made the prince a little shaken, he was in no mood to think more about a human he had never seen before after fulfilling his duties as a ruler.

Based on his father's nature, no matter what the progress in Itaza's basement was, he would probably go to the Empire in person to see Magnus one last time before he entered the dark world.

A sound of footsteps caught Draconir's attention. The sound was clear and sonorous. It was not the leather boots of ordinary visitors, but the unique echo of dragon armor.

After putting down the black tea, he asked the maid to leave first. The Dragon Prince who could bypass the palace guards and enter directly was just a few seniors.

Since he came to the door in person, there must be something important.

Wycliffe's old face was more serious than Draconir's impression, which made His Highness feel bad. Such an expression on an old guy's face was usually not a good thing.

And when Wycliffe opened his mouth, his murderous tone showed how unacceptable this matter was for him.

"In the Court of the Phoenix King, Fenubar asked Caledor to fulfill his duty of loyalty to the Phoenix King thousands of years ago, and held a ceremony for the Dragon Tamer family in the name of Asuryan to test the faith of Sotek and the Dragon Father. Is the blood descendant of Caledor still qualified to be called Asur?"

Are you starting to take action now?

Draconir was not surprised by this. Now the Phoenix King only holds a few cards in his hand, including Asuryan's mortal incarnation from Aenarion, the Platinum Flame Temple, and the White Tower of Hoth. Archmage.

From what he has observed of Fenubar over the years, he will definitely put pressure on Caledor in the name of Asuryan.

But I never thought that on the first day after Magnus' death, Fenuba's actions would start so quickly, and he seemed a little impatient.

Seeing Draconir thinking, Wycliffe also knew what kind of character this young man had. He was pacing back and forth in the palace, cursing constantly.

“The son of a bitch of the Phoenix Court, if it weren’t for Caledo, they would have been killed in the arena by Druchi long ago. Apart from Fenuba being able to do some small tricks with the Platinum Flame Temple, he is a complete waste.

If it weren't for the group of phoenix guards guarding the royal court at all times, and if it were replaced by the former white lion guards, I would directly organize the Dragon Prince to tear down his throne! "

“But the actual situation is that there has never been a Phoenix King usurped, and this trial against the Dragon Tamer family is a ceremony that must be attended by the parties involved.

Otherwise Finubar could put pressure on the Dragon Court on the grounds that the ruler of Caledor was not Assur. Although in fact, my father and I do not believe in Sotek and the Dragon Father..."

"Forget the former, you must be devout in the latter!" Wycliffe, who emphasized the purity of the monarch's faith, was furious. No matter what the real situation was, Drachnir must show his faith in the Father of Dragons and set an example. effect.

"Well, as a believer of the Dragon Father, I have no objection to this trial."

Wycliffe repeatedly confirmed what he just heard and asked in disbelief,

"You should understand the meaning of this ceremony. Fenubar doesn't care whether you are Asur or not. All he wants is the Caledor dragon and the army.

If the ceremony is held at the Platinum Flame Temple, we will not be able to bring any weapons and equipment in. The Phoenix Guards will have to control the situation, and your safety cannot be guaranteed.

I cannot agree to this matter. If you really cannot refuse, your father must appear. "

"But the premise is that we can contact our father."

(End of this chapter)

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