Warhammer: Return of the Dragon

Chapter 909: Complimenting each other

Chapter 909: Complimenting each other

The scene was very embarrassing for a time. The two most powerful female elves in Ulthuan had a confrontation because of an absent Asur, which only made people wonder whether they were in the wrong place.

Adila was quite confident, so she could only hug her chest and snort to show her disdain. The person you are asking is my husband. I can say whatever I want. The status of this champion warrior is completely useless.

Alarielle was not afraid at all, maintaining a calm and majestic posture, calmly waiting for Drachnir's answer.

If you give an unsatisfactory answer, you will definitely be given a name that disrespects the Lord.

Fortunately, there are always spoilers, whether intentionally or unintentionally. This matter that attracted much attention ended with Davian yelling in the corner.

"You bad old man, go to hell! Where can I find you a giant dragon skeleton as an art exhibition? If you want Druchi's black dragon, I will go to Kalundekar to catch one for you now. "

"Is this?" Alarielle changed her gaze and focused on the angry Dragon Prince in the corner. She must have known Davian, far more than Teclis.

Alfonso's only disciple left a deep impression on the queen, an impression that was inconsistent with the steady and cold nature of the Dragon Prince.

Belannar coughed and explained for the queen, "It should be Alfonso's business. He has recently been obsessed with displaying the remains of giant creatures, and now he is suffering from the lack of a complete dragon skeleton as an exhibit."

Alarielle didn't know what to say for a moment, asking Caledor for the dragon's bones was like putting her head on a lance and asking for death.

Being disturbed, and Alarielle sensed that Belannar was going to have a long discussion on this matter, she shifted the focus of the topic to Alfonso, stopped looking at Draconir, and chose to give up the inquiry on her own initiative.

After they were seated firmly and supported, Alarielle motioned for everyone to sit down on their own. It was tradition to respect every citizen, and these influential figures were the cornerstone of eternal rule.

The look in Prince Caledor's eyes just now was just a look of embarrassment that he didn't know how to answer, but there was no sadness in it. It was obvious that his father was not in danger at the moment, which was enough.

And I feel honored that Prince Draknir was invited to Lothern. "

Draconir stood up from the wooden chair and put his right hand on his chest to show respect to the owner of the throne.

"As long as you are an Asur, no one can refuse the Queen's invitation. Your respect for the Caledor family also makes our family feel that thousands of years of hard work have never been in vain.

"The reason for summoning all the ministers this time is naturally not for some trivial matter. The Caledor family is the oldest and purest surname in Ulthuan, and even the Eternal Queen's family has full respect for them.

Compared with the Phoenix King, who has different personalities and may be wise or stupid during his reign, the Eternal Queen is more popular among the people. The luxurious palace is just a microcosm of Asul's heart.

Every prince who is named Caledor is an outstanding dragon of Assur, and has made immortal contributions to the protection of Ulthuan.

After the greeting session ended, the reason for summoning all the people to the palace was revealed.

The rest of the people, Alarielle, kept talking about the recent situation and whether they needed help from Avalon.

Alarielle sat back on the throne. The Eternal Queen, who was far greater than the Phoenix King, naturally had a throne in Lothern that fit her status.

"This is really... quite like Mr. Alfonso."

Since the unobservable ancient times, the Dragon Kingdom has stood with Avalon from beginning to end, fighting against the darkness side by side in countless critical moments.

Our ancestors swore eternal loyalty to Her Majesty the Queen and guarded the territory of Ulthuan from intrusion. This is a great responsibility and the supreme honor you bestowed upon Caledor. "

Is he really...Imric's son?

This was another confusion for Alarielle. The Queen remembered the dragon lord's foul mouth. It was the only thing that could be hardened when death was imminent.

Although he is no stranger to some exaggerated words, it is obvious that the dragon lord prefers to use this rhetoric to inspire the people rather than cater to a group of nobles. But soon, Alarielle understood why Drachnir was the dragon lord's only descendant.

Drachnir paused for a moment and pointed his finger directly at Gilgarion.

"My clan is different from some people who deceive the world and steal their reputation. Whenever the dragon fights in front, there is always a group of people who try to steal the glory, thinking that some trivial achievements are all due to him.

Little does anyone know why only Caledor can protect Ulthuan, because there are too many such rats and they have forgotten the noble qualities left by their ancestors. "

Alarielle, who did not want to intensify the conflict, naturally would not ask who it was in response to Dracnir's words. Since Caledor liked to be praised, all he had to do was praise his greatness.

"Of course, the Caledor family is a model of Assur, and no one can match the honor every time they are mentioned.

It is for this reason that I choose to invite you here. "

Knowing the meaning of Alarielle's words, Dracnir kept stroking his chest and no longer dwelled on what he just said. His bad mouth should be in moderation, and he could not be like his father who had no bottom line.

"Your Majesty, please explain that our clan is willing to obey all your Majesty's wishes."

Although she knew that Dracnir was telling lies, Alarielle was still very pleased with him, not for anything else but because of the constipated expression on Adira's face.

"Sir Dracnir's understanding makes me feel much more at ease. If the dragon lord is here, it may only show that Caledor's efforts can make everyone listen for a long time."

"My father regards family honor as everything, and I naturally follow my father's example. However, in front of Her Majesty the Queen, our family's honor cannot match Her Majesty's dazzling light."

Seeing that they were complimenting each other well, Alarielle chose to talk things over. If she praised the relationship between the two countries, maybe the two of them would still be continuing after the turn of the sun and the moon thirty times.

"It is hard to go against the will of God, who arranges the fate of every Asur, but do you have any intention of resisting this purity ceremony?"

Getting to the point, everyone who was a little bored listening to the two complimenting each other suddenly became energetic.

The Eternal Queen's attitude on this matter is very important, there is no doubt about it.

Draconir pretended to think a little, and there was a troubled look on his face, which seemed to be a struggle in his heart because of the Queen's cordial greetings.

After a moment, the prince slowly shook his head and said, "I naturally choose to obey the will of the gods. Many people advised me that there are young people in the Phoenix Court who are plotting against Caledor and trying to gain benefits in the name of rituals to satisfy themselves. An outrageous conspiracy.

But I believe that with Her Majesty the Queen presiding over it, this ceremony must be fair. Only the incarnation of the gods can represent justice. "

A metaphor made everyone look at Drachnir differently. The Eternal Queen is the daughter of Aisha. This is an indisputable fact. Every Eternal Queen is the incarnation of Aisha.

As for the Phoenix King who ascended the throne with the help of a fire-avoiding spell, it's a bit difficult to say.

Drachnir is secretly saying that the Phoenix King is immoral, but Caledo cannot believe it.

Alarielle, who understood what he meant, smiled. The little prince was much better at talking than his father. It seemed that he spent less time in the military camp, which indeed had a great influence on the ruler.

"Naturally, the brilliant Kadai gods will treat every Assur fairly. Prince Draknir can rest assured that under the witness of the gods, this ceremony will be fair."

(End of this chapter)

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