Warhammer: Return of the Dragon

Chapter 918: Hatred turns again

Chapter 918 Hatred reincarnates again

After leaving the temple, Draconir looked at the devastated plains, feeling a touch of sadness in his heart, but it immediately turned into overwhelming anger.

The wind of magic was spinning and beating, like a ball of flame responding to Prince Caledor.

The bloody smell of the plain was blown away by the sudden strong wind. The strong wind from the ocean caused the giant beast in the sky to shake. When the clouds were stirred, the dark clouds seemed to be thundering and about to fall.

He suppressed the grief in his heart, turned his eyes away from the corpses of the two elders, and stared at the Shadow King who drew his bow on guard, speaking every note through gritted teeth.

"You could have come in earlier!"

The old monster who had lived for thousands of years was surprised by the prince's powerful oppression, but he was by no means afraid.

Aris Anar calmly stated the reality, "You can come out earlier instead of doing useless things for a matter that already knows the outcome."

Drachnir stared at the Shadow King for a long time, his eyes seemed to have murderous intent, but in the end he agreed with these words and attributed the responsibility to himself.

If he hadn't wanted to observe the divine power in the temple, he would never have stayed so long.

And the source of all this...

When more than a dozen thunders fell, the Phoenix Guards began to shrink their formation. Some elves far away from the leader, Asuryan's power did not protect them, turned into balls of coke emitting black smoke in the thunder.

Seeing this scene, the man in red armor raised his long sword, and a torrent of white flames rose into the sky. The dark clouds that were accumulating strength actually dissipated under this power, allowing the originally dark sky to gradually regain its brightness.

With Berannar's intervention, the majestic earth energy gathered towards the Phoenix Guard's location, and the pure and flawless energy of the eight winds was integrated into advanced spells in the hands of the old mage.

Several hundred meters away, Prince Caledor and the man in red armor made eye contact. The former's eyes were full of murderous intent and revenge, while the latter's eyes were full of teasing and satisfaction.

No matter who the mysterious man is, the retired old mage believes that except Lord Slan, who is blessed by the giant spiritual network, no one in the world can have the upper hand over the master and apprentice in magic.

"Very good, very good!" Draconir's eyes were bloodshot, and he no longer suppressed the violent wind of magic in his body. The thunder that had been ready to strike suddenly fell, like a giant snake coming to the world to hit the world.

You can't be attacked by this ball of soul quenching...

The man in red armor is incompatible with the chaotic environment of the battlefield. He is spotless, as if a god has descended, overlooking everything in the world. When he inadvertently takes action, he will turn the situation around.

A glimmer of light appeared in the old mage's hand, and the staff given to his disciple by the master of knowledge appeared immediately.

The red-armored man's lips moved slightly, letting Drachnir clearly know what he said.

"You are careless..."

A ball of soul quenching that was as dazzling as the sun flew away at lightning speed. The speed was so fast that the expression of the red-armored man who originally maintained a joking attitude suddenly changed.

What's more, in the past, he was the supreme mage who protected Ulthuan, and no one knew how to borrow the land of Ulthuan.

The prince did not focus on Kazuoin. The Phoenix Guard Captain was just a tool. The one who really wanted revenge was the master who manipulated this tool.

Belannar wants to help the students. This kind of magical confrontation only needs the intervention of a third party, and the result will be achieved quickly.

Belannar plunged the staff into the ground. Compared with the wandering magical wind in the sky, the energy of the earth's veins was easier to control.

Malekith quickly made a judgment in his mind. Berannar's magical ability surprised him. Teclis only said that the teacher's level was not below him.

But judging from this mass of pure magic condensed into substance, the descendant of Aenarion was undoubtedly lying.

The Witch King shifted some of his energy from fighting with Drachnir for control of the magical wind in the sky to the ground. As he pointed forward with his left hand, a magic wall composed of flames was instantly formed. The inability to expose black magic limits Malekith's spellcasting ability, but with the power of creation given by Asuryan, today's Witch King is completely different from before.

After the red and white flames intertwined, the soul quenching that was supposed to be invincible seemed to have encountered a nemesis, twisting and shrinking in the magic wall until it disappeared.

The magic wall formed by the mixture of divine power and magical wind made Berannar's already serious eyes become more cautious.

Malekith is different from Aenarion. The former's attainments in magic undoubtedly allow him to skillfully use the power of Asuryan, and his methods of use are more diversified than his father's.

The power of Asuryan...

Drachnir also determined the source of the power of this wall of flames. Since Malekith made no secret of it, the prince was now ready to make a big move.

His thoughts gradually rose upward, from the dirt-filled mortal land to the sky, through the clouds to the vast universe with stars as the background.

The Old Ones have never left, and the rules they established at the dawn of creation are still in force today.

The tops of the pyramids in the six temple cities of Lustria shone with light, and beams of light appeared one after another reaching the sky.

By climbing through the mind to the characteristics of the vast stars, Drachnir provided a positioning coordinate for the six temple cities. The weapons of destruction left by the ancient saints in the sky will completely destroy Malekith.

Clustered engines of the gods, this is what Drachnir calls the magic of destruction.

The sky is no longer a place for the magical wind to compete, because a huge hollow vortex with a diameter of one thousand meters has made it impossible for the magical wind to be used here.

Malekith's face went from surprise at first to vague awareness of what would happen next, and the interval between fear and fear was less than half a second.

Didn't Teclis, the traitor, say that Caledor and the lizardmen only have a cooperative relationship? ! Why are all the engines of destruction weapons targeting Ulthuan, and judging by the size of the hole above our heads, there must be more than one!

For two seconds, just two seconds, Malekith believed that it was impossible to withstand the attack of the engines of the gods.

He believed that his body was perfect after being reshaped by the fire of Asuryan, but its strength could not be compared to the bloodthirsty demon and the Great Unclean One.

Only a madman would do this to resist an extermination attack with human flesh.

While Draknir was adjusting the shooting trajectory, he immediately used teleportation magic to prepare to escape. If the strategic layout was to undergo major changes, the possibility of lizardmen's intervention must be considered!

Before leaving, the Witch King considered that Kadron knew too many things.

Hesitating for a moment is enough to detonate the power of Asuryan in the Phoenix Guard Captain's body and shut him up forever.

It's better to take him away and continue to be a troublemaker, so that Her Majesty the Queen can have a backer.

When casting the spell, the Witch King still chose the latter. Kazuoin still has some significance. Although it cannot match Kulan, it can still be regarded as a useful and loyal dog.

The emergence of the portal made Beranal's path difficult. He thought of using a dimensional anchor to prohibit the space connection, but he never thought that Malekith's casting speed was incredibly fast.

The old mage has never seen anyone cast teleportation magic so quickly. Even the All-Changing Demon Lord, who uses the wind of magic as a tool, is not even half as good as Malekith in terms of magic escape ability.

A gray shadow swept across the Phoenix Guard team and disappeared in an instant. Malekith, who was still wrestling with magic just now, ran away when he saw that the situation was not right.

Drachnir was also very surprised. You must know that when the engines of the gods were positioned, it was almost impossible to mobilize the magical wind here. How could Malekith still run?

Ran? !

The prince's eyes were only blood-colored for a moment. He gritted his teeth and nodded, as if confirming this abominable reality, and then looked at the group of Phoenix guards waiting to die.

Very good, now that the master has run away, you can't even think of living, and the Lilith Temple behind you will all die to me!

(End of this chapter)

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