Chapter 14 Problem Solving
Of course, Ji Ping'an knew that during the feudal dynasties, people lacked understanding of the universe and the starry sky, so they would link changes in celestial phenomena, even earthquakes and floods, with human actions. This is the so-called "interaction between heaven and man" theory.

But this is a world of fairy tales... As the founder of the "star official" pathway, Ji Pingan believes that no one in the entire continent understands astrology better than him.

According to the timeline, the last time the stars returned to their positions was 400 years ago. In the same year, the spiritual essence of the Kyushu mainland began to decline and entered a low period.

People are not surprised.

Because the rise and fall of Lingsu is like a tide, it is not static at all, which has also led to a decrease in the number of newly promoted Shenzang powerhouses in the mainland in the past few hundred years, and the major sects have died down, rarely initiating disputes.

The next time was the blowout of Tiancaidibao about 700 years ago.

1000 years ago, this period was the period when strong men were born in batches among the Daxi Prefecture and the East Sea Monster Race, and the essence of the sun and the moon were transformed into forms.

500 years ago, the northern barbarians rose from savagery.

900 years ago, the originally weak human race became powerful at an astonishing speed as if luck had been added to them. Dao Zun and Buddha Lord were all figures of this period.

Going forward, there is also a period of "big earthquake" with inaccurate timing, and the diversion of mountains and rivers is the norm.

Continuing to trace back, it is the chaotic era of the sun and the moon in myths and legends.

And every change corresponds to the "returning" of the stars.

"This is by no means a coincidence." Ji Ping'an's face was solemn, "In ancient times, people observed the laws of the movement of the stars and predicted bad luck, maybe it wasn't stupid."

There seemed to be some...his undiscovered truth in this world.

"According to my calculations back then, at the end of summer and early autumn of this year, the stars will return to their positions again after 400 years. What changes will happen then? Is there a hidden truth about my 'time travel'?"

Ji Pingan wanted to figure it out.

But the changes in the trajectory of the stars are too complicated, and there is no supercomputer to assist him, so he can only use his brain to process huge data.

Back then, he only calculated the approximate time, but he was not sure which day it was, so he returned to the Library Pavilion today, with the purpose of restarting the unfinished calculations of previous years in the next period of time.

Find the exact moment in time.

Withdrawing his thoughts from the memory, Ji Pingan put back the file in his hand, and then walked to the outermost bookshelf, where the astrological records of the past ten years were placed.

It was something he had never seen.

Without wasting time, he took out a dossier and sat at the table flipping through it at an extremely fast speed. He only glanced at almost every page. The power of "Taiyin" endowed him with a strong memory.

The night was quiet, and the only sound left in the silent pavilion was the sound of pages being turned.

Just as Ji Pingan opened another file, he suddenly stopped, and saw a piece of folded paper sandwiched between the papers, which seemed to be used as a bookmark.

Who left it?
Ji Pingan unfolded it curiously, and was surprised to find that the paper was actually a question about astrology. This question is not difficult, but it is interesting to approach it from an angle.

The person who left the note seemed unable to figure it out, so he wrote down the troubles in his heart.



"Jian Sichen, where are you going?"

Qin Tianjian, at a street corner, the patrol team with lanterns stopped and saluted the young man who was walking towards him.

With respect on his face.

Wearing a blue robe, the slightly thin Jian Zhuang said with a gentle smile: "Go to the library and review your homework."

A Dian Zhong admired: "It is worthy of being a genius ranked in the top ten of the Tianbang, so hardworking."

The Tianbang is the list of the monthly assessments of the ministers, and the list of ordinary supervisors is the "ground list".

As an "old student", Jian Zhuang has already stepped into the Po Nine Realm with excellent grades. He is a man of the younger generation of Qin Tianjian, and his status is equal to that of ordinary Si Li.

The reason why he is still "Sichen" is that if he becomes a secretary, he will have to allocate a lot of time to handle official duties, which will affect his practice.

Jian Zhuang smiled, bid farewell to the group, and walked slowly to the downstairs of the library. After showing the warrant, he was able to step up the stairs and walk towards the uppermost floor.

The power of the "star official" system comes from the stars, so if you want to improve your cultivation, in addition to hard work, the deeper your understanding of astrology, the stronger the resonance with Qiyao.

Therefore, although he is a practitioner, his daily astronomy lessons have not been left behind, and are even more important.

It can be roughly concluded that:
A powerful star official is absolutely equally excellent in astronomy and astrology.

But a star official with good knowledge may not have the cultivation level to match it.

Jian Zhuang has been very distressed recently, because his master assigned him a very difficult and mysterious topic. He has been thinking hard for a long time without breaking through. Except for eating, sleeping, and daily practice, he spends all his free time in the library.

Try to solve the problem by reading the information books and combining the real astrological records.

"This is not a problem that I can solve at this realm." Jian Zhuang thought dejectedly, feeling both distressed and deeply aware of the profound and mysterious knowledge of astrology.

I just had a glimpse of the way for the first time, and I found it difficult. How wise should the national teacher who created the star official path be?

Shaking his head, Jian Zhuang came to the sixth floor with a lantern in his hand, took a deep breath to calm down, and pushed open the door.

It was quiet in the pavilion, no one else was there.

Jian Zhuang was not surprised, there were not many people who had the authority to step into this floor, let alone at night.

He put down the lantern, walked to the familiar seat as usual, took out the files that he hadn't read last time from the vast bookshelf, and followed the "bookmark" left behind, to the corresponding position.

There was also his own question written on that note—this was his personal habit.

In order to quickly enter the state and avoid forgetting, every time he finishes his study, he will write down the most distressing problems on paper and put them in the book.

In this way, the next time you take a look at it, you can pick up your thoughts and continue to think.

This time was no exception, Jian Zhuang unfolded the note habitually, his eyes fell on the words he wrote, and then he was stunned for a moment, and found that there were a few more lines of unfamiliar handwriting in the blank space of the note.

Who left it?Has anyone also checked this dossier?
Jian Zhuang was a little surprised, and started to read with curiosity. Then his hands froze, his pupils suddenly tightened, and he felt as if he had been scolded.

This young genius who was in the top ten of the celestial ranking list felt as if a thunder was going off in his mind, staring at those few lines of text, and started talking to himself like a bewilderment:

"It turned out to be like turned out to be like this..."

He stood up, paced back and forth with the note in his hand, and then rushed to the side like crazy to get a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, muttering something while writing, drawing, and calculating, even if the ink stained his sleeves, he didn't care.

After a long time, when he filled the blank paper, he collapsed into the chair as if drained of energy, laughing wildly:

"Hahaha, I solved it, it turned out to be so simple..."

The problem that had troubled him for more than a month, was actually pointed out by a few words on the note, which made him enlightened.

(End of this chapter)

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