The national teacher does not practice

Chapter 163 Xu Yuanyun, is that you?

Chapter 163 Xu Yuanyun, is that you? (seeking subscription)

On board?Ji Ping'an raised his eyebrows, feeling that something was wrong.

Jiang Jiang next to him also asked suspiciously: "Curse killers, would they hide in such a place?"

Even Qi Ling, whose social experience is as shallow as a blank sheet of paper, raised doubts, which shows that it was indeed unexpected.

"Maybe it's to pass the news, to connect." Ji Ping'an analyzed:
"A place with a lot of people is actually more suitable for message transmission, because it is difficult to trace."

Well, the two of them followed all the way. Although they didn't make contact, with the perception of practitioners, they also felt that this son-in-law was quite different from the murderer hiding behind the scenes.

More like a mortal.

Therefore, Ji Ping'an guessed that this person was assigned to watch nearby, and if there was a situation, he would pass the news to the murderer.

As for why I didn’t go to a remote street, but chose to go on the bustling and bustling Qinhuai River, it can be understood as a convenient way to deceive people:

Don't you see, in spy war dramas, spies meet up in lively restaurants and teahouses and other places.

However, that's what he said, but Ji Ping'an also faintly felt that there might be some small problems somewhere.

On the other side, the young son left the coachman and took a boat towards a huge, brightly lit painting boat on the river.

Qinhuai Fengyue, after nightfall, is the busiest time.

At this moment, the flow of people is getting denser, and the sound of silk and bamboo orchestras is melodious. Brother Young Master walked up the deck along the lowered sloping plank, and immediately a young man eagerly greeted him:

"Sun Gongzi came early today, please come in quickly."

Sun Gongzi said lightly: "Miss Xiangning is up?"

The boy laughed and said, "It's just getting dark, so it's still early. But the girl told me that if you come, please sit down in the living room first, and I'll pass the news on."

Sun Gongzi nodded in satisfaction, and followed the latter into the small hall on the first floor. Because it was still early and people were not satisfied, many scholars were eagerly looking forward to it, ready to show their strengths.

Qinhuai has eight beauty, but these eight beauty are not fixed people, but only the positions of the eight top oirans.

Behind each of them, there is a side of power.

At the same time, every year, each family will also hold newcomers to hit the "Eight Beauty" seat.

And the girl Xiangning who has risen recently is one of them. She didn't have this name originally, and her status is not high.

But since these days, perhaps the effort has been increasing day by day, or the passenger flow has increased a lot.

In order to check the popularity of a famous prostitute in Shendu, it was changed to this - a similar operation is not new.

It can probably be understood as changing the name and debuting again.

Sun Gongzi is a wealthy young master in the city. He stayed here for one night a few days ago, and fell in love with him. He became a repeat customer and frequently threw coins, similar to the big brother on the list.

"Wait a minute, I'll go and inform the young lady." The boy said in a low voice, and then left in a hurry.

Sun Gongzi nodded slightly, maybe it was hot, he picked up the teacup and drank several bowls vigorously, wiped his mouth, with obvious expectation on his face.

Then, he suddenly thought of something, slapped his head, stood up, and without being led by anyone, he walked out of the rotunda familiarly, and walked towards the latrine at the stern——

Put water before doing things, so as not to delay things later.

However, just as he stood in front of the toilet, untied his belt, and was shaking, suddenly a palm knife stuck out from the air behind his head and hit the back of his neck.

Immediately, he snorted and was caught in Ji Ping'an's palm.

He took off his robe casually, then carefully examined the person's appearance, and threw the unconscious young master into the cabin full of sundries.

Ji Pingan put on his outer robe, rubbed his face, and changed his hairstyle briefly, and he was already disguised as "Mr. Sun".

Then, he invited Jiang Jiang back to the Taoist scriptures on the grounds that "it is not suitable for children", and walked Shi Shiran back to the round hall.

After a while, the boy came back and whispered in his ear, "Miss, please."

Ji Pingan showed joy, got up and left in a hurry. Before parting, he glanced at a group of scholars who were eager to fight and prepared to compare their literary talents at night, so that they could become the guests of the curtain, with pity in their eyes.

"Master, the girl is waiting inside."

The servant led him to the third floor, outside the door of a room, and smiled at him.

Ji Pingan glanced at him, proudly threw some loose change from the original owner's purse, sent the latter away happily, and then he pushed open the door.

At the entrance, there is a side hall, which is elegantly decorated, with blankets on the floor, small tables, a folding screen in front, and a hexagonal lantern above the head.

Inside a bead curtain door on the side is the bedroom.

At this moment, a graceful woman in a light veil, with painted eyebrows and sideburns, was sitting sideways at the small table, lazily holding an emerald wine jug in both hands, and drinking slowly.

Amidst the sound of "ding dong" in the water, a dark green hairpin stood out in his black hair.

If the "black fox" in the Shendu Xiaoxiang Hall is here, you can recognize it at a glance. The appearance in front of you is a little less handsome, but the charm of the original "Xiang Ning" is exactly the former "Xiang Ning" in the city of Shendu. Yaozu Anzi.

It's just a change of appearance, from the gods to Yuhang.

At this moment, the former Xiangning Oiran heard the voice, raised her head slightly, smiled and glanced at the "Grandson Sun" who came in, and said softly:

"Why did you come here in such a hurry today? Could it be that something has changed because of the young master's entrustment?"

Ji Pingan stared at the other party with interest, a strong sense of disharmony welled up in his heart, his eyes inadvertently caught a glimpse of the hairpin on the woman's head, his expression became "ambiguous", and said:
"The girl entrusted me, I dare not neglect."

As he said that, he hurriedly walked over, gesturing to catch him:
"Let's talk about it later..."

Hey... covered with a light veil, the smooth white wrist with a hint of fragrance on the smooth shoulders deftly raised, gently covering his hand, pinching a glass of wine with a few fingers, smiling, and said softly:

"Young master, let's have a drink first."

Ji Pingan pretended to be displeased, and was about to speak, when he suddenly saw the latter's vermilion lips slightly parted, and lightly exhaled a cloud of mist, which sprayed all over his face.

The hosta on Xiangning's head flickered slightly, her eyes revealed a strange light, and her voice was ethereal:
"sit down."

"Grandson Sun" was sprayed on her face, as if she had been manipulated, lost her expression, and sat down cross-legged obediently as if she had been hypnotized, with a small desk between the two of them.

Xiang Ning let out a "heh", and the obedient smile disappeared on her face, and she was full of disgust, and muttered:

"Stupid and lustful human race."

Then, she stretched her waist with a cold face, and said in a commanding tone:

"The next thing I ask you, don't hide it."

"Grandson Sun" nodded in confusion.

Xiang Ning picked up the wine cup with satisfaction, sat cross-legged with long legs like a python, handed it to her lips, and asked lightly:
"What happened that made you come to find me?"

"Gongzi Sun" said: "The demon slayer has appeared over there."

Xiang Ning was not surprised, and sneered:
"The imperial court was quicker than I expected this time. It seems that Chief Yesi is not completely reckless."

Ji Pingan nodded, deeply agreeing:

"Although Ye Hongling's talent in martial arts is good, it is still not as smart and astute as Anzi from the Yaozu."


Hearing this, Xiang Ning flicked her wrist, and the cup fell to the ground, rolled and rolled, and the hot wine also spilled on her body and slid down the white goose neck.

She raised her head in astonishment, her pupils constricted, her body stiffened instinctively, a feeling of numbness shot up from her spine to the sky, and she stared at the opposite "Grandson Sun" in disbelief.

But she saw this stupid man controlled by her, looking at him with a smile at the moment, his eyes were clear, how could he be charmed at all? !

"Who are you?!"



If you look down from the air, when night falls, the entire Yuhang City goes out little by little, only the winding Qinhuai River that runs through the whole city from east to west is brightly lit.

like a satin.

Among these many lively places, Fengyuechang is only the core area, along which it radiates east and west, and there are a large number of "normal" projects.

The Confucian Temple and the Wu Temple are full of pedestrians.

The night market with stalls can be visited for an hour along the river bank, and a large number of merchants will also carry goods sold from all over Kyushu and sell them here.

When Xu Yuanyun led the butlers, old women, maidservants and other cronies brought from Zhongzhou to walk among the crowd, there were shouts in his ears, the aroma of local snacks, and the chatter and laughter of rich men and women tourists filled the air.

In her eyes, strong nostalgia welled up.

"Miss, it's so lively. It's really as good as the rumors say. You should come out for a stroll earlier."

The close servant girl's eyes were not enough, so she was very excited.

Although the Qinhuai River is lively at night, it is not like this every day.

But when there is a gathering on an agreed date, it will be more prosperous. At that time, some cargo ships will arrive at the pier and are allowed to sail into the river to form a "boat collection".

People in the city can board the ship to choose goods to buy, which is a unique scenery here.

After the Pei family summoned the hexagram masters yesterday, for some reason, Xu Yuanyun became more and more difficult to calm down after returning home.

She vaguely guessed that more and more abnormalities in the city recently may be related to people like herself who "resurrected from the dead", which made her even more restless.

But during these days, the investigation of the Beastmaster Sect was not going well. She never thought of a good opportunity to contact and talk to the contemporary master.

Distraught, just in time for the gathering, she brought her cronies to the night market tonight.

But... how much is boredom in my heart, how much is nostalgia, how much is hiding expectation... I don't know.

"Girl, why do you seem to know this place very well?" the old woman looked at Xu Yuanyun's profile and asked curiously.

After all, he is an experienced person who is keenly aware of the strangeness.

Xu Yuanyun didn't panic at all, and smiled slightly:
"Although the person has not arrived, the book has come too many times."

Reading... The old woman with a low level of education is envious and admired for a while. People of this age have an ignorant admiration for culture.

But who knows that Xu Yuanyun stayed on the banks of the Qinhuai River for a long time in the past. Although two or three hundred years have passed, things have changed and people have changed, but he still revisits the old place.


Where are the people who swam in the lake back then?
I'm back, where are you?

Xu Yuanyun thought bitterly, and suddenly, the servant girl said excitedly:
"Miss, there is a river lantern up ahead."

Xu Yuanyun looked around and saw many people bought river lanterns, drew or wrote on them with pens, and then put them into the river water, floating like a river of stars.

Suddenly, scenes of memories welled up in front of her eyes, she turned her head and looked opposite the river lamp, and saw a renovated inn, still at that location.

Just like then.

Xu Yuanyun pursed her lips, and suddenly felt an impulse. She walked to a small stall and bought a big river lantern.

Then I need to write and write. In my memory, the Taoist priest once stood here and let off the river lantern with me.

What was he drawing then?



"Who... are you?!" Inside the boat of Huafang Building.

The prospective oiran lady who painted her eyebrows and temples was shocked, a sharp voice subconsciously rolled out of her throat, and immediately lowered her voice abruptly, but her face was no longer calm and calm.

Ji Pingan seemed to be smiling but not smiling, admiring the other party's change of face, but did not answer immediately, but lowered his head to pick up the wine cup that had rolled down at his feet, put it on the table again, picked up the wine pot and lightly poisoned the wine, and then Yoyo said:
"Does it matter?"

Xiang Ningsu's chest rose and fell, her eyes narrowed, and the hands hanging on her waist were clenched and then loosened. After all, she didn't choose to make a move—she was just named Anzi.

Not a demon clan who is good at fighting.

As the saying goes, there is a specialization in the arts. She is good at manipulating the soul and hypnotic illusion, but the person in front of her is obviously not affected.

"Pfft." Just breathing, she laughed again, as if the panic and panic just now didn't exist, and said charmingly:

"It's the servant who lost his composure. It's just that I thought it was the official of the imperial court's demon-killing division, who came to arrest and kill people."

She didn't try to justify, but admitted it openly.

Seeing this, Ji Pingan was slightly surprised, and asked:

"Are you so sure that I'm not a demon slayer?"

Xiangning let out a "heh", exhaled like blue, and winked like silk:
"Those reckless people only like to go straight, so they won't be like Your Excellency."

Ji Pingan smiled: "Interesting. It seems that those fake couples have cultivated not only a group of idiots, but also clever ones over the years."

Xiang Ning's heart shuddered, her eyes flickered with fear, of course she knew that the "fake couple" mentioned by the other party was referring to the current king and mother of the Yaozu...

Being able to say the word "fake" is enough to show that the other party has a lot of power behind him, and he can use such a frivolous tone to comment on the mistress of the demon country...

Or, the other party is ignorant.

Or, the other party has enough confidence.

And with her ability to know people, it is easy to rule out the first possibility.

Xiang Ning's heart became more and more heavy, with a smile on her face: "Your Excellency's visit this time is definitely not to scare the slave family."

With weird eyes, Ji Pingan said:
"I originally only noticed the person who cursed and killed from the air, but I didn't want to, but I found it on the head of the Yaozu."

Sensing the old-fashioned tone of the person in front of her, Xiang Ning blinked and explained:
"Since your Excellency knows Anzi, you should know that the slave family is only ordered to collect information and pay attention to the big and small things in Yuhang City."

She also noticed the curse murder case and grasped the relevant information earlier, so she hypnotized Mr. Sun to be "offline" and asked him to report.

In the end, Ji Pingan came after him by chance, but he didn't find the curse caster, but accidentally picked up the fish.

Ji Pingan said indifferently: "Oh? Then what did you pay attention to?"

Xiang Ning's beautiful eyes flickered, and she said with a smile: "The servants have also been here not long ago, and I haven't had time yet..."

In the middle of speaking, Ji Pingan drank the wine, then only pressed the wine cup on the table, and gently twisted it with his hand, it turned into fine sand and fell down.

"...I have report to Your Excellency," Xiang Ning said from the bottom of her heart:

"As far as I know, the curse killer stopped yesterday and left the main city of Yuhang."

"Leaving? Where did he go?" Ji Pingan asked.

Xiangning puffed up her cheeks, shamelessly showing off her cuteness, and hummed:
"The slave family only knows that the man has gone to the 'Half Moon Villa' outside the city, but there is a faint danger there, and the slave family dare not continue to investigate."

Half Moon Villa?Ji Pingan retrieved the map of Yuhang and related information in his mind, and his heart moved.

If he remembers correctly, this is a farm property owned by the Pei family, not too conspicuous.

Going around in a circle, so the enemy is right under Pei's nose?

Does this count as dark under the lights?
Ji Ping'an's thoughts fluctuated, and he used magic to deduce it, confirming that what Anzi said was true, and said unexpectedly:
"Are you so obedient? I thought you were strong and strong."

Xiang Ning cried:

"The slave family is just a weak woman, and she can't do anything harmful to nature. She's just silently inquiring about information, she's just a part-time worker, and the three melons and two dates given by her superiors, why bother to work hard?"

As she spoke, she poked her neck and shed tears:
"It's just that the monster has a different way. Today it falls into your hands. You can kill or cut it as you please."

Ji Pingan watched in admiration, thinking that if there was a chance, he should really sneak over Yu Yuti and let her learn his acting skills.

Cry as soon as you say, kill most of the entertainment industry in seconds...

He shook his head, stared at the jade hairpin on the other side's head with a half-smile, and said:

"I am not interested in killing a corpse, but I am more curious about your hairpin."

Xiang Ning's body froze, her back felt cold, and real fear appeared in her eyes.

However, in the next second, Ji Pingan laughed, got up and left the table, knocked open the window and drifted away, leaving only one sentence:

"If it wasn't for your side of the line, and I have an old relationship with this seat, I will definitely not keep you, so I can do it myself."

Xiang Ning was stunned.


Under the night.

Ji Pingan jumped into the river, steered the water towards the bank, and read the words "Half Moon Villa" in his heart, ready to act immediately.

As the saying goes, late makes changes, and the person who cursed to kill cannot be allowed to escape.

However, when he was flying all the way along the Qinhuai River, Ji Pingan suddenly jumped out of the water and stepped on the river as if he felt something.

The right hand took a photo of a square river lantern, and saw that the candle flames of the river lantern were shaking and reflected on the colored lantern paper.

There is a very simple and weird painting on the lantern, which should not belong to this era.

It was a Doraemon.

If Ji Pingan was struck by lightning, there was only one thought in his mind:
Xu Yuanyun, is it... you? !


Correct the typo first and then change
(End of this chapter)

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