The national teacher does not practice

Chapter 181 Ji Ping'an's Layout 3 Qingguan into the Urn

Chapter 181 Ji Ping'an's Layout of Sanqing Temple into the Urn


The drizzle was swaying, hitting the window paper of Mingyuan Building, making a delicate sound.

Song Xuezheng bowed slightly, raised his eyes cautiously, and looked at the "sword holder" sitting behind the desk meditating.

dare not speak.

There was a moment of silence in the room, and it took a long time for Ji Pingan to come back to his senses. He tapped his fingers on the armrest of the Huanghuali chair lightly, as if thinking, and said:
"Are the dark web killers in place today?"

As a Jianghu organization, the Darknet is not only buried in various places, but also responsible for maintaining the operation of the organization and the "hidden officials" of intelligence collection. What really scares the Jianghu people is the killer system.

Before Ji Ping'an came to Yuhang, he ordered Han Bachi to mobilize some elites to Yuhang, and after confirming that there was no problem with Song Xuezheng, he handed them over to him for overall planning.

"My lord, all the personnel are in place. According to your order, they are all placed outside the city and can be transferred at any time."

Song Xuezheng was startled at first, surprised by the turning point of the topic, but he still replied quickly.

Ji Pingan nodded in satisfaction, thought for a while, and said:
"Assemble people to the city. They may be used in the past few days, and they will be summoned with tokens. In the past few days, no matter what happens, you'd better not wander around, so that you can be easily found."

Song Xuezheng's heart trembled, wondering if the sword-wielding man was finally going to show his fangs, he was both apprehensive and inexplicably excited, and hurriedly said:

"As ordered!"

Ji Pingan said "En" and was about to leave, but Song Xuezheng stopped him and said:
"My lord, I haven't reported to you the major events that have happened in the city these days, such as the Pei family, and the transfer of the Bairi military mansion..."

Ji Pingan waved his hand and said, "I already know."

After saying that, the figure twisted and disappeared out of thin air, leaving only Song Xuezheng in the room.

He waited respectfully for a while, then let out a deep breath, sat back in his seat, picked up a handkerchief and wiped his forehead, his eyes thoughtful.

The last sentence just now was regarded as a small "test" for him, but now it seems.

"The attack on Banyue Mountain Villa was also done by the swordsman? Just like the previous Four Sacred Religions? Sure enough, the real power of the dark web is far more terrifying than I expected. As a secret official, I don't know if I only touched the huge iceberg. corner."

Song Xue was looking at the cold rain outside the window, feeling more and more in awe.


Kill the monster.

The yamen in the night has lost a lot of evil spirits, and under the lintel, the lanterns with the big characters of yamen swaying gently.

In the hall, Ye Hongling sat alone in the chair, closing her eyes and thinking about the experiences of the day.

Her black cloak was casually hung aside, and the saber was leaning obliquely on the right side, which was the most suitable position for drawing it.

After a long time, she opened her eyes and sighed softly:
"A person who came back from the dead..."

If it is said that the previous investigation was not clear through a layer of window paper, but Sun Xianzu's actions made many things clear.

Ye Hongling still doesn't know the whole picture of the matter, but only relying on the information she has, she has already pieced together the truth.

"The stars returned to their place, the spiritual essence revived, and people who should have died were resurrected. The Four Sacred Religions revived, and the exercises that had disappeared in history reappeared... So, it is the resurrection of people in the history books? It is incredible."

"The military mansion, Qin Tianjian, Daomen, Yushouzong... and the powerful warrior who came to see me before... are they all looking for these people?"

Ye Hongling whispered softly, still finding it difficult to accept this guess.

But it seems that only this explanation can perfectly explain all the recent anomalies.

What should I do?
Continue to play dumb?

Pretend to be ignorant?
Emperor Yuanqing obviously didn't trust the local government. Of course, she could pretend not to know, but besides being an official, she was also an extremely talented practitioner.

There is obviously a big secret brewing in Kyushu, and all the major factions have already ended, how could Ye Hongling be willing to turn a blind eye?
"Dong dong." At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Then came the voice of the confidant official: "Chief, there is a situation."

Ye Hongling said in a deep voice, "Go in."

The door opened, and the short and fat official's robe was soaked, the rain still remained on his round face, but his small eyes were extremely bright:
"Director, you asked us to pay attention to the Nangong family. There is a situation..."

Ye Hongling sat up straight and said in a deep voice, "Sit down and speak carefully."



Laoliu Street, Yijingzhai.

When Ji Pingan walked back to the back door of the shop holding an oiled paper umbrella and returned to his residence, the night was already dark.

The whole street was plunged into darkness.

But the lights in the rooms in the small courtyard were all turned on. Hearing the movement, it was as if the "silhouettes" imprinted on the window lattice were twisting, and then there was the sound of pushing the door at almost the same time.

"My lord!" Huang He's eyes lit up, "You're back."

Mu Yaoyao and Yu Yu were also standing at the door, with a look of anticipation, while the former was simply curious and wanted to hear gossip.The latter akimbo accuses:

"Why did you come back?"

Seeing that the prison was not there, the playwright saint stood up again.

Ji Pingan glanced at the three of them, motioned to enter the room and said, as soon as the four of them took their seats around the round table, Yu Yu took the lead to ask questions about what happened today.

Only then did Ji Pingan take his time, and explained how he had met the prisoner early, and how he had planned his plan.But there was no mention of the "Black Gold Pawnshop" or the letter from "Nangong".

The three of them were stunned for a while, as if they were listening to a story in a tea house.

"So that's the case. In other words, the imperial court also realized that it can no longer hide it, so they simply stopped pretending and chose to use thunder to close the net?"

Yu Yubai's tender little hand "slapped" the table, seeing the wise appearance of the truth.

Huang He pondered and said:
"This is troublesome. With the imperial court's control over various places, I am afraid that no one can collect clues and arrest targets. It is also difficult for all parties to go to the major military mansions to snatch it."

Ji Pingan is very indifferent:
"Not necessarily. You know, Sun Xianzu has only arrested a few people in Yuhang City, a core city in the south of the Yangtze River, and only one of them is indeed a reborn person. What does that mean?"

Mu Yaoyao's eyes lit up, and she raised her hand to answer:

"It means he's unlucky."

"..." Ji Pingan glanced at her and continued:
"It shows that this kind of arrest is very hasty and inefficient. The vast majority of reborn people are extremely smart people, how can they just sit and wait for death?"

Huang He agrees:

"What the young master said is true. Especially after such an incident, I am afraid that the hidden reborns will hide even deeper... Hey, is this the purpose of the court? They are worried that after the major forces enter the arena, more and more reborn Those who come out, one after another, will damage the control of the royal family, so come here to scare away potential targets and delay their return to their respective sects?"

Ji Pingan praised:

"It is indeed a possibility."

Seeing that the two were analyzing each other, Yu Yu couldn't help being annoyed that he couldn't get his mouth in anyway. He snorted and raised his snow-white jaw:

"What's the use of saying that."

Ji Ping glanced at her: "What is the saint's opinion?"

On Yu Yu's delicate face, the corners of his mouth twitched, he proudly grabbed an invitation card, and slapped it on the table:
"Well, look at this."

"what is this?"

Yu Yu whispered:
"An invitation card from the Nangong family. We came back a few days ago, and I, the saint, walked in the front and returned first. Then I bumped into the person who came to send the invitation card, saying that there is a woman in her family holding a wedding ceremony tomorrow...

In fact, the invitation has already been sent out a few days ago, and it may be that it was only two days ago that I found out that you are the guest of the Pei family, and the divination master who has recently become popular in the city also came to make up a letter..."

It's Nangong again... Ji Pingan was stunned.

Then, I heard the saint say mysteriously:
"However, the Holy Maiden has vaguely heard in the past two days that a young man from the Nangong Family seems to have risen suddenly. Well, although I haven't investigated it in depth, it looks suspicious. I think we can take advantage of this opportunity of Jiji Ceremony to scout ..."

Ji Pingan didn't hear the rest of the words clearly, but just unfolded the invitation and thought about it.

Huang He and Mu Yaoyao next to them were greatly surprised. They didn't expect the saint to get a big clue behind everyone's back, and they were suddenly moved:
"My son, what do you think?"

I think there is something wrong with this matter... Ji Ping'an muttered in his heart, looking at Yu Yu's smug face, as if he finally felt elated and deserved a beating.

After all, he couldn't bear to tell her that the news this time was not only second-hand, but also had deep doubts.

After a moment of pondering, he said:

"It's good to have a look, let's go together tomorrow."

The three of them got the order, suddenly felt full of energy, got up and left.

After the people left, Ji Pingan tapped the invitation card on the table lightly, flipped his wrist, took out the simple octagonal astrolabe, and used the invitation card as a medium to carry out round after round of divination.


Silent all night.

In the early morning of the next day, Yu Yu woke up early and began to make arrangements.Bang bang knock on the door.

When Ji Pingan opened the door, he yawned and said:
"What's the rush, afraid that people will run away?"

Yu Yu folded his arms and snorted, with a proud face:
"You are lazy. It took so long to come out. Let's eat first."

Ji Pingan shook his head and said:

"Not very hungry, I will go out to meet the neighbors first, so as not to spread rumors."

After the three of them came back yesterday, although they had explained to the neighbors, Ji Pingan felt that it would be safer to swipe their faces, at least to reassure Fang Fangling.

Yu Yu looked at his back after leaving the hospital, suddenly frowned, and muttered:

"Why does it feel a little weird?"

Sure enough, after Ji Pingan appeared in public, some rumors in the neighborhood were dispelled, and everyone suddenly realized that they were relieved and did not suspect anything.

In their simple cognition, it is of course okay to be swaggered back by the government.

Later, the group of four did not use the escape method, but took a rented carriage, left Yuhang City, and rushed towards the target location along the official road.

When Huang He was driving, Mu Yaoyao covered her stomach with a bitter face after getting in the car. She didn't eat in the morning, and according to her, she had an empty stomach and was going to have a big meal after the banquet.

Yu Yu scoffed at this, feeling that being a saint must be dignified, so she ate very full and tried her best not to lose her status at the banquet.

As for Ji Ping'an, he closed his eyes and fell asleep after getting in the car.

Yu Yu asked him to talk, but didn't respond positively, as if he was sleepy and drowsy.

Seeing that the saint frowned, the feeling of weirdness in her heart became stronger, but she couldn't find the reason.


Nangong's family is located dozens of miles outside Yuhang City, in a village alone. Considering the road problem, Jiji ceremony will be held in the afternoon until the evening. Guests can stay overnight and return the next day.

When a group of people approached Zhuangzi, they found that the carriages and horses on the road began to gather. When they arrived outside Nangong Villa, they were immediately stopped by the densely packed carriages.

"So old people? Are they all here to participate in a funeral ceremony?" Mu Yaoyao clutched her stomach, extremely surprised.

Huang He explained:
"The business of the Nangong family is all over Lanzhou, and it has stronger control over the merchants than the Pei family. Today's banquet, dignitaries and dignitaries may not come, or send a servant like a butler to give gifts, but in the Chamber of Commerce in Yuhang, everyone, big and small Small merchants, outsiders with money, how dare they miss it?"

Ji Pingan opened his eyes from his sound sleep, got out of the carriage when he saw this, and said:
"Come in together."

When everyone approached the gate of the manor, which occupies a large area and is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and presented their invitation cards, the servants of the Nangong family eagerly lead the way.

The four of them entered the manor along the main road. Along the way, they only saw a steady stream of merchants of various colors, and many of them bowed their hands to each other and "admired each other for a long time", highlighting a business exchange.

In contrast, guests in other fields are separated from merchants by themselves, and the distinction is clear.

"Ji...Mr. Li! Are you also invited?"

Suddenly, Ji Pingan heard someone waving from a pavilion in the distance. It was actually Chief Qiu Shan who was wearing a Confucian robe.

Only one night later, they met again by chance.

Ji Pingan walked over and nodded with a smile: "Master Shan, we meet again."

At the same time, the four also attracted the attention of some other literati in the pavilion.

Apparently, there was a small circle of literati in this group of guests, and Akiyama was very prestigious among them. He immediately introduced a few words in a cryptic manner, and when he learned that he was the guest of the Pei family, a distinguished person, the group of literati suddenly became more polite. Welcome to sit down.

Ji Pingan didn't refuse, sat down happily, and said with a smile:
"Has the banquet started yet?"

Akiyama said "En", and pointed to the scattered guests in the huge garden:
"It will start later, after all, there are still guests who haven't arrived."

Another literati also held a folding fan, shook his head and said:
"I only accepted the invitation when I heard that Song Xuezheng would also come. Otherwise, why bother to travel such a long distance to gather with a group of merchants?"

In Da Zhou's chain of contempt, merchants are at the bottom, and Jiangnan has a prosperous literary style, and scholars are habitually dragged down.

Another person sighed: "I heard that we were going to come, but it rained last night and Song Xue was suffering from cold. It's inconvenient to come."

Immediately, a group of literati sighed and sighed, with a look of grievance that "I didn't want to come here", and didn't mention the thought of friendship with the Nangong family in their hearts.

Ji Pingan didn't say a word, just smiled at everyone's reaction, and thought:
Lao Song is quite obedient, if he is not allowed to run outside, he will really not move.

At this time, his eyes swept across the huge garden, and he really saw some "acquaintances" one after another, such as "Zhou Banxian" who had met once, and for some reason his expression was sluggish.

It's as if "someone broke into the room yesterday and tortured him for information, and today he was forced to go to work with injuries under the threat of the leader, and he came here to inquire about information."

Another example is the butler of Pei's family - the main family is not suitable to come out to attend any banquet due to the funeral of the eldest son.

There are also some officials in the government office, the official positions are not big, and they are probably regarded as the attitude of the magistrate.

Ji Pingan searched several times, but did not see the boy named "Nangong Aotian" in the information.

Just when he was about to ask someone to ask.

Suddenly, there was a commotion at the gate of the manor, and immediately a voice shouted: "The Sanqing Temple Master has arrived."

In an instant, the four people in the gazebo turned their heads "swipe" at the same time, especially Yu Yu, who was even more surprised.

I wondered why the people from Yuhang Daomen also came?Attending an unimportant ceremony in a second-rate family?

Even if you send people to congratulate, with the status of the Daoist sect, at most one deacon, or even an ordinary Taoist will be sent over to save face.

How can the rank of Yuhang Daomen be comparable to the "abbot" of Buddhism, who is also an elder-level temple master in the main altar of the Daomen in Shendu to come to congratulate himself?
Ji Pingan also looked over, only to see a few Daoist monks in Taoist robes, holding whisks in their hands, floating towards them.

He narrowed his eyes and said in a voice that only he could hear:

"It's getting more and more interesting."


Near Nangong Shijia Manor, on a hill.

A lieutenant of the Monster Slayer Division removed the magic weapon in the shape of a mirror tube from his eyes, bowed and trotted towards the dense forest behind him.

Immediately stopped: "Director, the people from Sanqing Temple have entered."

In the forest, the sun pierced through the trees, and dappled light spots sprinkled on Ye Hongling's black cloak. The female martial artist sat cross-legged and meditated with her eyes closed.

Hearing this, he opened his eyes, with an unexpected look on his face:
"Where's the Onmyoji Academy? Did you send someone here?"

The captain shook his head:

"I didn't see it. But you told me to keep an eye on it. Master Li Gua of Yijingzhai is indeed among the guests."

Ye Hongling understood immediately, and closed her eyes again: "Continue to observe."


When the captain left, Lin Zhong waited among the nearby demon-slaying warriors, and someone asked:
"Boss, should we just wait like this, or go in and have a look? It's not like we don't have invitations."

According to the rules, enough invitations from aristocratic families should be given out. People don't need to come, but you can't refuse to invite them.

So even though Demon Slayer has almost never participated in any non-governmental organizations' banquets, the invitations were delivered early.

Ye Hongling ignored him, she just wanted to clarify some things, and she didn't intend to recklessly plunge into some high-level struggles.

"Wait a minute."


Inside the manor.

As soon as the people from the Taoist sect appeared, they immediately attracted the attention of the audience.

Even those merchants were shocked, not knowing what had happened. You must know that the government office is already the highest power that their level can touch.

As for the Sanqing Guanzhu, in the eyes of ordinary people, he is already a big figure at the level of "immortal".

Although the Nangong family also has a large number of martial arts practitioners, they dare not neglect one bit.

All of a sudden, in the hall of the main house, Patriarch Nangong, who was accompanying some distinguished guests, hurried out with the core members of the clan.

The leader of Patriarch Nangong is in his prime, with black hair and rather elegant appearance, he will be surprised:
"The Lord of the Temple is here, the Nangong family is flourishing, please hurry up!"

Among the several Taoists, an old man with white hair and childlike face looked flat, neither happy nor sad.

Hearing the words, he only glanced at the audience lightly, hesitated for a while, seemed to find a certain name difficult to say, but still said:
"Nangong...Aotian, where is it?"


typo to help catch bugs
 Thanks: 2019...3782, Mao's Phage Hundred Rewards support!

(End of this chapter)

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