The national teacher does not practice

Chapter 232 Ji Ping'an: Really, then you may have miscalculated

Chapter 232 Ji Ping'an: Really, then you may have miscalculated ([-] words for subscription)

found it!
In the dimly lit mansion, when Ji Pingan said these words, the four people who were looking left and right turned their heads at the same time.

It's hard to contain the anticipation.

Although the ground is full of copper coins, the magnificence of the whole mansion is equally impressive, but compared with a group of mud-legged Jianghu people, people from powerful backgrounds are very clear about what is truly precious.

"In the study?" Fang Shijie finished bragging, his eyes shining brightly.

Ji Pingan explained:

"Look, compared to the messy yard and other rooms full of rummage marks, only the door of this study room is closed."

Yu Yu suddenly realized, he clenched his fist and hammered in the palm of his hand:
"So it is! It makes sense!"

It makes sense, what a fart, how can he not know what he did?Hypocritical "reasoning" here... The Emperor despises it.

But there was also a "reasonable" look on his face.

Five people pushed the door and entered, only to see that the whole study room was still in the same state as before, with a desk in the middle, on which were placed the Four Treasures of the Study, facing a mahogany armchair.

The hairs on the pen stand on the table are withered, and the brush with the remaining jade pen holder hangs down.

A roll of splashed ink landscapes hangs on the wall, the paper is yellowed and cracked, and on both sides are lattice bookshelves, painted with red lacquer, on which bound books are placed.

"Where is the thing?" Fang Shijie's eyes widened. He has no cultivation base, so his night vision ability is the worst.

Unable to see the situation inside the house clearly with the help of the lights under the eaves, the rest of the people are better, but they can only see the general situation.

Ji Pingan flicked his fingers, and a ray of flame ignited, like a steel bean, blowing through the lampshade on the table with the wind, the oil lamp lit up, and the warm yellow halo spread:

"Don't be dazed, look around."

The rest woke up like a dream, gearing up to cross the border like bandits.

Not long after, Yu Yu opened the drawer and said happily:
"I found a bunch of pill bottles!"

Huang He groped around the bookshelf and pulled out a heavy wooden box: "I have something here too!"

Mu Yaoyao turned her head to look around, her eyes lit up, she stepped on a stool and dragged a bulging cloth bag from the top of the bookcase:
"I found out too!"

Fang Shijie suddenly roared, his short and fat body rolled out from under the table, panting, he pulled out a huge sealed clay jar, sat down on his buttocks, and cursed:

"National teacher...what did you think back then, can't you put things together?!"

What do you know, this is a sense of ritual... Playing a dungeon without going through the cutscenes of looting and opening boxes, the dungeon will be meaningless!

Ji Pingan ignored his insinuations, smiled and threw a pile of valuable stationery treasures on the desk to the ground, and immediately piled up the things collected by everyone, saying:
"Open it and see."

"Wait." Huang He suddenly said, struggling:
"Young master, do you think that when the national teacher picked up these things back then, did he anticipate today's changes and leave them for the old man? Let's open it rashly, is it..."

Yu Yu rolled his eyes:
"What kind of moral saint are you pretending to be? Why didn't you say it before you came? You still worry about this when you have everything you have."

Fang Shijie said lightly:

"Since the national teacher has counted until today, he should know the situation of the general, so it is obvious that this thing is reserved for the general."

"..." Everyone was stunned by his shamelessness.

Ji Pingan said speechlessly:

"Don't guess blindly. The national teacher told me the secret here, and he has already expressed his attitude. Let's open it."

No more objections.

Everyone turned their attention to the things on the table in unison.

Mu Yaoyao clutched the huge cloth bag she found, and said:

"I'll come first!"

Immediately, the girl stood up on tiptoe, stepped on a stool, pinched the largest bag among the harvest of everyone present, and shook it vigorously!

At this moment, as the knot of the cloth bag was torn off, there was the sound of clanging metal.

Immediately, everyone saw that pieces of magical instruments of different shapes were dumped on the table like tatters in the market.

There are dozens of them!
You know, on the mainland of Kyushu, even the lowest quality magic weapon is expensive, let alone the one left by the national teacher.

Everyone's eyesight is not bad, and with just a glance, they can be seen that almost all of them are top-grade magic weapons in the "Broken Nine" realm.

"This is... the Aoki Seal?"

Huang He dumbfoundedly picked up a large seal. The position of the seal was the root of a knotted tree, and the bottom was engraved with four seal characters of "endless life":
"I've read about it in the Treasure Records. It was originally the root of the ancient Taoist priests. It was carved from a thousand-year-old tree. It is very suitable for practicing the five elements of the wood system and corresponding to the star officials. Human is an attack weapon of mysterious quality. But it was lost later, and its whereabouts are unknown."

Yu Yu grabbed a fan made of scarlet feathers with one hand, and said in surprise:

"The blazing fire fan is also an ancient magic weapon. It can be used after breaking through the nine realms. It can release the real fire of samadhi by waving it. It is very powerful. I, the elder of the alchemy department of the Daoist sect, always wanted to find this magic weapon in my dreams. It can be used to cooperate with alchemy. Offering high rewards, but returning in vain, I don't want to be in the hands of the national teacher."

"This is... the Seven Star Sword, right?"

The snack was also stunned. She grabbed a short sword about [-] centimeters in length, with seven gemstones of different colors inlaid on the blade:
"Master once said in class that the national teacher had forged a seven-star sword back then. With the star official path, he could use the five elements. The two gemstones, the sun and the moon, represent sharpness and firmness. But after the national teacher left, The prison lords searched the Qin Tianjian and couldn’t find it.”

"This is Huang Xinling...a magic weapon against the soul."

"And this one, Auto Chess... It is said that it is the name changed by the National Division, and it is a magic weapon for sending troops to form formations."

"A kidnapped horse, this one is tied to the foot, and it can travel a hundred miles."

"and this……"

Under the light, this pile of small mountain-like magic weapon "peaks" glistened.

Several people couldn't stop their Adam's apple from rolling, and they all had the surprise of winning a big prize.

You know, although most of these are magic weapons that break through the Nine Realms.

But each one is enough to be awarded as a prize in the God City Grand Prize.

Rao, with her status as a saint, only has two or three treasures of the same level on her body, and she usually gives her treasures very tightly, and rarely shows them to others.

As for Huang He and Mu Yaoyao, the best magical weapons on their bodies are no different from these.

But these treasures are now packed in a tattered cloth bag, piled up in front of them, and they can be used at will... This kind of strong impact is indescribable.

It's like breaking into a mansion after the apocalypse, and it's hard to have any item, but now, you can ask for anything.

"It's useless, it's useless..." Fang Shijie stood on the stool, his eyes were piercing, and his little hands flicked, dismissive of all kinds of magic weapons:
"It's useless to me, it's useless."

What he wants is to restore his cultivation!

"Open me this!"

As he said that, the Divine Emperor held the lid of the huge jar with both hands full of expectation, his little face turned red, and he "pulled" it fiercely!
Just listening to the sound of "Bo", the mouth of the clay altar opened, and gorgeous multicolored light burst out from the altar, illuminating the whole room.


Everyone was shocked, subconsciously stepped back and defended, and then realized what happened.

"It's the material!" As expected of a saint, Yu Yu was the first to realize that she was well-informed.

Grabbing it with a small hand, it turned out to be a piece of shining silver-white metal:

"Mithril, an important material for repairing magical instruments, just a little bit, is worth far more than gold of the same weight!"

She grabbed another handful, this time it was a bag of vermilion fine sand, each grain shimmering like breathing:
"Yintu cinnabar! The best material for carving talismans. Using this thing to write talismans, the quality is at least [-]% higher than normal. Our Daoist sect doesn't have much reserves! All I know is one box! The one that was treasured by the grand elder of the talisman is the same as anything. "

"Zhenjin! The legendary perfect spirit conduction material is also the best formation material!"

The saintess took everything out, and every time she took out one, she introduced it like a few treasures.

Ji Ping'an was a little surprised, he didn't expect that this playful girl was an "expert" in this area, but thinking of her major in spells, which was "arrangement", she understood.

In the Daoist system, both refining weapons and forming formations have extremely high requirements on "materials".

"It's useless, these are useless, and I don't want to be like King Zhennan, refining myself into military expenses, and I can't eat these materials..." Everyone was shocked, only the emperor was dissatisfied.

He turned his head and stared at the box in front of Huang He again.

Dr. Huang understood, fiddled with it for a while, and only heard a "click", and the box popped open. He was stunned for a while, but didn't react for a while:
"This is……"

I saw that there was a set of clothes in the box.

To be precise, it was a robe and a pair of boots.

The former is neatly folded, and the black and white fabric is dotted with golden stars.

At a glance, the stars on the robe are actually moving, flickering on and off, as if someone cut out the starry sky and sewed it into a robe.

"Xingyun robe," Ji Pingan said, picked up the robe naturally, shook it lightly, and spread it out:

"This is a magic robe that the national teacher sewed by himself in his later years. It has blessings for all kinds of spells of star officials, and its defense is good, but it can barely be activated when it breaks at least six, and it can be fully exerted when it breaks seven. The Well Realm Star Official is also a treasure."

While speaking, he put the robe over his body.

Immediately, the Xingyun magic weapon squirmed and cut itself, fitting his body perfectly.

Ji Pingan put on his boots again and fixed them with the "National Teacher's Belt".

Then, under the astonished eyes of everyone, Ji Pingan's aura suddenly changed when he put on a new suit. He was still the same person, but his demeanor suddenly became more mysterious.

It was as if just standing there was going to melt into the night.

"Is there such a magic weapon?" Huang He was puzzled.

Ji Pingan nodded, not bothering to explain that this robe was made by himself for his next reincarnation.

If there is a ranking of the items in the Qianyuan Treasure, then this set of Nebula Robes and Nebula Boots is undisputedly number one.

It's just that the realm was not enough before, and I couldn't put it on even if I took it out, but now I can barely wear it.

"So... where is the stuff of the general? Where is it?" Fang Shijie was in a hurry, as if he was the only one who found nothing.

Ji Pingan smiled and pointed to the bottles and jars brought by the saint:
"Should be here."


Yes, the elixir!
Fang Shijie slapped his head and realized that he was "caring for chaos":
"You mean, there is a pill here that can help me build a sea of ​​Qi?"

But after speaking, doubts arose in his heart.

Without it, it is only because there is no similar elixir in the knowledge system of the emperor.

The reason is also very simple: no demand!
Most of the existing elixirs in Kyushu have a wide range of applications, which can support the cost of "research and development". Only a few elixirs are developed for specific situations.

But to help children open up the sea of ​​Qi... Really nothing.

After all, the child's body development is not stable, and the sea of ​​​​qi is forced to open. Even if he can practice a few years in advance, the weak meridians cannot support the infusion of too much spiritual essence, which is meaningless.

Instead, it will damage the foundation.

But the Emperor didn't know that when Ji Pingan was in his old age, he might encounter various situations considering his reincarnation in his next life.

Therefore, a lot of effort was spent to "develop" a batch of elixir according to different situations, with a small amount.

When I left customs more than ten years ago, when I traveled to Kyushu, I took apart this kind of elixir, and hid at least one pill in each state.Even the territory of the monster race and the barbarian race was not spared.

The purpose is that if one's fetal luck is too bad, he can also find a pill nearby to force open Qihai.

And one of the pills, although not prepared for children, does have similar effects.

But after he became "Ji Ping'an", he didn't use this kind of thing.

This body is indeed very poor, so that he spent ten years to recuperate, but there is no problem of occlusion of the sea of ​​​​qi.

"There is indeed one that may be effective."

Ji Pingan picked through the bottles and jars. The names of the pills were written on these bottles, and they were all top-quality pills of good quality.

Because of the name, Yu Yu and others were shocked at the earliest time.

But there are also some names that are lonely and few people know.

"This should work." He took out a bottle and uncorked it, only to see curls of green smoke rising up, condensing into a childlike Dan Ling bouncing in the air.

In the space, there are faint laughter of children.

The Divine Emperor's eyes lit up, he grabbed it, impatiently poured out a pill, glanced at the "National Master", and swallowed it with his heart bent.

Fang Shijie felt as if he had swallowed a ball of fire when the pill entered his stomach, his whole body was hot, his skin was flushed, and his stomach was cramping!
He fell back from the stool with an ahh, and rolled on the floor of the study, scaring Huang He and the others into shock, and shouted:

"God General Ah Dou..."

Ji Pingan raised his hand to stop them, saying:
"He can carry it."

Sure enough, the severe pain washed away like a tide, but Fang Shijie, who looked like a child, bit his lip until he was dripping with blood, his face was pale, his eyes were red, and he didn't let out another scream.

As the first generation of God Emperor, although he is joking and joking on the outside and has a somewhat "knight-errant" temperament, he often seems not serious, immature, and even a bit naive.

But how could the first emperor who created the Great Zhou Dynasty have only this side?
Ji Ping'an still clearly remembers the emperor's informality in small matters, and his ruthless determination in major matters.

The words "mind like steel" refer to the first generation of god emperors.

Finally, as Fang Shijie's belly made a sound like cracking gold and cracking stones, his belly suddenly glowed white.

After the brilliance dissipated, Fang Shijie was like a fish out of water, lying on the ground gasping for breath, cursing:
"Your... elixir... has expired... right..."

Ji Pingan ignored his trash talk and said:
"Check, is Qihai open?"

Fang Shijie felt deeply, and immediately a smile bloomed on his face:

"Hahaha, it's on, it's really on... Okay, it's good... Woooooo."

Not long after he laughed, his mouth shrunk, and sadness came from it.

The three of Huang He were amazed and said:

"The god general is crying with joy?"

Fang Shijie got up cursing, with a mournful face:
"Congratulations, mother! The sea of ​​qi is open, but this practice speed is too slow. I tried it, and at this speed, I can't break nine in ten years. What's the use?"

He felt cheated, which was totally different from what he had imagined.

Ji Pingan said lightly:

"Although the sea of ​​qi is open, your meridians are thin. What can you do? Unless you use the treasures in the treasury to strengthen your meridians as soon as possible. As for before..."

As he spoke, he pulled out the Taoist scripture and shook it lightly.

With a "snap", a puppet was thrown on the ground:
"You can use this first."

The puppet was damaged after fighting with the Great Rider of the Buddha last time. In the past few days, Ji Pingan arranged a magic circle to speed up the repair.

Although the big hole in the puppet's chest has not completely healed, it can be barely used.

At the beginning, he was still in the third and fourth stages of breaking, and he was not strong enough to protect himself, so he took back the ancient puppet from Pei Wuju and used it.

But now, his main body has broken six, and he has put on the "Xingyun Magic Robe", which has greatly improved his defense. With the "Dharma Body" body protection left by Xin Yaoguang, this puppet is a little weak.

On the contrary, it is perfect for the emperor to use.

It just so happens that the Emperor of God is also following the "martial arts" system, manipulating puppets can bring out the characteristics of kung fu.

Of course, the premise of manipulating the puppet is that the emperor needs to become a practitioner, so that he can imprint the aura of spiritual essence, which is barely compliant now.

"Organ puppet?" Fang Shijie was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood.

Overjoyed, when Ji Ping'an erased his brand, he impatiently manipulated the puppet to stand up.

When the mechanical puppet's eyes lit up, it slowly got up and moved its limbs, the iron lump suddenly raised its right arm, and slammed hard at the window.

Immediately, an illusory golden dragon faintly appeared behind him, and then twirled around his arm, and smashed out with a bang.

"Taizu Rising Dragon Fist?"

Huang He is dazzled:

"This is the martial arts method created by the first emperor of the imperial family?"

Yu Yu and Mu Yaoyao were also amazed, and became more and more sure of their identity as "Adou God General".

Fang Shijie opened his eyes, looked at his masterpiece, and finally smiled on his face. With one hand on the puppet's thigh, he said triumphantly:

"Although it is still troublesome, it is still usable for the time being."

After several months of rebirth, the first God Emperor finally stood up. Thinking of the tragic memory of the past period of time, Fang Shijie had tears in his eyes and a sore heart.

But at this moment, the mansion suddenly vibrated, everyone was startled, and they clearly heard the rumbling sound coming from outside, as well as the faint shouts of killing.

"What's going on?" Fang Shijie swooped onto the puppet, hugging it tightly like an octopus, ready to run away at any time.

Ji Pingan listened to the faint cries of apes in the distance, and smiled:
"It should be that group of kung fu warriors who were attacked. Alright, I've got the things, and you can take the elixir after you go back. You should take a few magical weapons to defend yourself first."

Fang Shijie manipulated the puppet and picked up a broad sword—Ji Ping'an's old sword, which was still in the Taoist scriptures.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Yu Yu quickly scooped up a few materials for the formation, and picked up a Eight Diagrams Command Flag.

Huang He and Mu Yaoyao muttered a few words, and exchanged the magical weapons in each other's hands. Dr. Huang, as the low-profile version of Ji Pingan, can also master the five star official paths, and is suitable for using the "Seven Star Sword".

Mu Yaoyao specialized in the "Wood System Star Official" path, picked up the Great Seal of Green Wood, and the two of them each took a piece of armor.

The rest of the artifacts, materials, elixir and other items were collected by Ji Pingan into the Dao Jing.

Immediately leading a group of people out of the mansion, he picked up the wooden stick and stroked lightly on the ground.

Yu Yu asked curiously:

"Are we going to ignore those Jianghu people? Just leave? Go back to Yuhang?"

Ji Pingan shook his head and said:
"The matter is not over yet. I'm afraid the real enemy is already ready to attack, and we can't just stand by and watch."

real enemy?
Several people looked at each other and realized that Ji Pingan was scheming again.

But before they asked, the circle Ji Pingan drew on the ground lit up, and he spoke softly:


The surrounding scenery instantly rippled like water waves.



Yuhang Southern Mountains, southwest of "Qianyuan Treasure House".

On a mountain road shrouded in clouds and mist, three figures were walking quickly.

The leader of the "Mountain Taoist" fluttered his gray robe, and the gold needle on the upside-down plate in his hand was firmly pointing forward.

Huoju, who was carrying a long knife, and Bingpo, who was carrying an iron bow, followed closely behind. The three of them passed through the thicker and thicker clouds and fog, and finally reached the top of a certain low mountain.

Turning his head and looking back, the mountain where the Qianyuan Treasure House is located soars into the sky, which is already quite far away.

At this time, there was a faint tremor.

"Tsk, it seems that the cannon fodder has entered the depths of the tomb."

Huoju let out a hey, folded his arms across his chest, and looked indifferently and contemptuously:
"A group of miscellaneous fish, I don't know how many will come out alive in the end."

Bing Po looked indifferent:

"The attention of the imperial court and the people of the three major sects should have been attracted there too. It's a pity that this place is still a bit close to the treasure house."

Taoist Qianshan smiled and pointed to Jiang Shandao:
"Looking at the trend of the mountains and rivers, why is Yuhang the largest city in the south? Looking down from the sky, the southern mountains are like a sleeping dragon, blocking the Southern Tang Dynasty. One end stretches from the west, and the other ends here. The place where the Qianyuan treasure house is located is a bead in front of the dragon's mouth.

"The Qi practitioners under King Zhennan in the past obviously knew this well, so they built the treasure house here. The power that supports the treasure house to hide in the world comes from the dragon veins below.

"Although the dragon veins are different from the fate of the country, they are also somewhat related. The Great Zhou Guoshi did have some means to lock the fate of the country near Yuhang with several martial arts temples, but the mountains and rivers cannot be locked. I just want to extract the dragon veins by manpower. It is too difficult to plunder luck, and it is impossible for the great monk of Shenzang to do it.

"However, the tomb of the king of Zhennan is the only gap and flaw. Just by looking at it, the poor eyes can see that the fortune of the Qianyuan treasure house has been lost. The bones of the king of Zhennan may have been stolen long ago. , It’s ridiculous that a group of mediocre people are at a loss.

"I don't even know that Pindao's real purpose is to take advantage of the moment when the Qianyuan Treasury is in the world, and steal a piece of luck from the gap in the dragon's veins."

Huoju and Bingpo also smiled.

The "human world" agitates people in the rivers and lakes for the purpose of being an oriole. This is the first level.

The imperial court and the three major sects speculated that the "human world" was to plunder the treasure house, which is the second level.

And they arranged this game to lock everyone's attention in the Qianyuan Treasure House. The real purpose is to "clearly repair the plank road and secretly store Chen Cang" and rob the dragon's veins.

This is the third layer.

Taoist Qianshan stood in the midst of the wind and clouds, grasping the palm of his hand, as if the universe was under his control, he said proudly:

"The impoverished way makes a small plan, and plays with the current people in the palm of his hand."

Just after he said these words.

Suddenly, a gentle and quiet voice came over:

"Really? Then you may have miscalculated."


Correct the typo first and then change
(End of this chapter)

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