The national teacher does not practice

Chapter 237 Ji Ping'an: All things are impermanent, it is the law of birth and death.

Chapter 237 Ji Ping'an: All things are impermanent, it is the law of birth and death.
"Buddhist Proving Taoist Academy?"

On Shandao's horse, when he heard Ji Ping'an spit out this word, Yu Yu, who looked proud and disdainful, froze for a moment, then frowned:

"Why don't I know this information?"

Before coming to Yuhang, the saint carefully read her "travel brochure", in which there is also an introduction about "Yunlin Temple".

Remember, the abbot of this monastery is indeed called "Yihong", but because the monastery is far away from Yuhang and is relatively low-key in the field of practice, she doesn't pay much attention to it.

Ji Ping'an's expression was flat, and he didn't bother to explain that this was the information provided by Song Xuezheng.

Ye Hongling said "En", as if explaining, but also as if recalling:

"The main altar of Buddhism in the Southern Tang Dynasty is opposite to the Taoist Qingyun Palace. It is also divided into many departments, such as the Bodhidharma Academy, the Arhat Hall, and the Bodhi Academy...etc. It is said that the Daoist Academy is a place dedicated to teaching Buddhism.

The monks who practice hard in it are all geniuses with great wisdom roots. Although they can breathe out spiritual essence and have cultivation base, they don't put too much energy on practice, and they don't value martial power. Spread the Dharma.

Well, to make a metaphor, it is like the position of the Imperial Academy in the imperial court. If it is not very powerful, it is first-class and noble, with a very high status... It is like the palace of the White Pagoda Temple in the city of Shendu. The abbot, the famous 'Master Xueting', was also born in the 'Zhengdaoyuan'. "

Seeing the female warrior talking eloquently, Yu Yu snorted coquettishly:
"Why are you explaining this? Doesn't this saint know this?"

Ji Pingan ignored her and looked at the female warrior:
"go on."

Ye Hongling nodded and said:
"This Master Yihong has high qualifications in the Buddhist system of the Southern Tang Dynasty. His master is the dead 'Jingguang Bodhisattva'. In terms of status, he corresponds to the great cultivator of the sky-watching realm on our side. He can be said to be from a famous family. profound.

This is probably why the Buddhist sect sent him to guard the Yunlin Temple. It is convenient to spread the Dharma, and his status is high enough. At the same time, his cultivation level is not strong, so it will not cause the tension and vigilance of the court. "

Jingguang Bodhisattva...Yu Yu is a little more serious. As a saint, she also knows a lot about the name and taboo of the strong in Buddhism.

The simplest one is to judge the "personality" of a Buddhist disciple by "calling".

The highest level, corresponding to the head teacher of Taoism, is the "Buddha Lord".

Secondly, it is the "Bodhisattva" corresponding to the great elder of the Taoist sect.

Secondly, it is the "mage" or "arhat" at the level of elders, and the master of Yuhang Sanqing Temple corresponds to this stage.

Of course, ordinary people don't know these things, so they often use the names indiscriminately.

For example, when you see an ordinary monk, you are called a mage... It is similar to the common people who see a practitioner and call them "immortal master", which is an honorific title.

And "Jingguang Bodhisattva" is indeed a strong man, but it is not sure whether he is also "reborn".

Jingguang... When Ji Pingan heard this name, a little reminiscence appeared in his eyes.

In my mind, a little monk who bravely stood in front of me hundreds of years ago and bowed down to ask for advice...

Well, I don't know if Jing Guang broke through the questions left to him back then before he died.

Ji Pingan thought with great interest.

Ye Hongling continued:

"Over the years, Master Yihong has been stationed in the Buddhist monastery. He often prays for believers and cures diseases. He also tours villages and towns every year, giving holy water to cure diseases and save people. Therefore, he has a high reputation among the people, which is why there are an endless stream of pilgrims."

Yu Yu snorted and said:
"What kind of holy water is nothing more than some potions diluted with spells and cheap natural materials and earthly treasures. Buddhist bald donkeys have always been good at buying people's hearts with cheap things. My Taoist sect is stationed in one side, spreading clouds and rain, eliminating disasters and calming the people. What a big deal, the incense is not as good as this ruined temple."

Hey, little dramatist, you are very antagonistic... Ji Pingan looked sideways.

It is not surprising that Buddhism and Taoism have been competing for a long time, and it is normal for the two families to look down on each other.

He smiled and said:
"So in terms of gaining fame, Buddhism is indeed more advanced. Some things, it doesn't mean that if you do it secretly, people will read you well.

Just like diagnosing a disease, a truly skilled doctor often detects a person before he or she is sick and prescribes medicine in advance, but the impression given to people is not as good as that of a doctor who "prevents the disease" when the disease is terminally ill. "

Yu Yu pouted, her cheeks puffed up like a little hamster:

"Anyway, bald donkeys are slippery."

Ji Pingan laughed.



Not long after, the three followed the official road and arrived at Yunlin Temple.

When viewed from a distance, it is still an inconspicuous building. When you reach the foot of the mountain, you will be greeted by the grandeur of the ancient temple.

The Buddhist temple is built on the mountainside, and the long stone steps hang down to the foot of the mountain, and there are endless streams of people on it.

The three of them stored the horses in the pergola at the foot of the mountain and climbed up the steps. Because it was almost evening, most of the pilgrims went down the mountain.

"Although the temple building is large, it can't receive too many guests, so there are often only a few, and those with higher status can stay in the temple." Ye Hongling explained:
"Generally, those who are nearby, such as the people in Qiantang County, will leave before dawn and have time to go home at night. As for the believers from Yuhang, they will also go to Qiantang County to stay."

While talking, the three of them arrived at the main entrance of the Buddhist monastery and followed the crowd into the front hall.

I saw a big tripod standing, in which the baby's arms were thick and thin, the yellow fragrance was eye-catching, and the blue smoke curled up.

A big tree next door hangs ribbons and wish wooden signs.

There are monks selling joss sticks and drawing lots to release lots, everything is available.

In the middle of the front, there is a Buddhist temple architectural style hall. Behind the carved window lattice, the golden body of the Buddhist temple can be seen faintly.

As the flow of people gradually thinned out, the three people who were going upstream became very eye-catching.

A little novice walked towards him, clasped his hands together, his eyes fell on Ye Hongling's robe under the black cloak and the saber at his waist, and said lightly:

"Fomen is pure, this benefactor, please leave the sharp knife at the door."

Ye Hongling did not follow suit, but took out her badge and said:

"I am the head of the Yuhang Demon Slaying Division. I have come to see Master Yihong to discuss something."

The little novice was not surprised, and there was no fear on his face. Hearing this, he took the badge with both hands and said:
"Three, please wait a moment, the monk will report."

After speaking, he turned around and left.

Yu Yu whispered:
"You, the chief executive, don't look like you can do it, even a young monk can't be fooled."

Ye Hongling smiled wryly, and whispered:
"Your Majesty, Yunlin Temple is backed by Buddhism and has a temper after all. If we were just ordinary people, this group of monks might still be amiable, but we represent the imperial court, which is different. Officials have always kept their rhetoric, and there is nothing we can do about it.”

This may sound illogical.

According to common sense, Yunlin Chanyuan is in Lanzhou, alone and alone, it seems that it should bow its head and be weak.

But in reverse:
It is precisely because it represents Buddhism, it will appear particularly tough when facing the court of the Great Zhou Dynasty, because to a certain extent, the Zen Temple represents the Southern Tang Kingdom.

Yu Yu put his hands on his hips, raised his fair face, and said in a whisper:
"That's better than being a saint to reveal her identity."

Ji Pingan glanced at the foolish girl, and said calmly:

"I advise you not to, the treatment is even worse."

"..." Yu Yu snorted, turned his head away, and ignored him.

And then, they waited for a while, but no one came to receive them.This also seems to confirm Ye Hongling's words from the side, that the Buddhist monastery seems to be deliberately "neglecting" and giving off power.

Just as the three waited impatiently, the sky was getting dark and the pilgrims around had dispersed, several monks in gray robes arrived late.

The leading middle-aged man squeezed his waist card in his hand, and returned it expressionlessly:

"The poor monk is a well-known guest in the courtyard. The head of the Ye Division came here, and the humble courtyard is full of splendor. I don't know what to do."

With a stern face, he spoke politely, and the monk understood his attitude.

Ye Hongling was not surprised, and said:
"I am here to investigate a case, and I have to discuss the specific situation with Master Yihong face to face."

The Zhike monk heard this and shook his head:

"That's not a coincidence. The abbot has been studying Buddhism behind closed doors these days, and has not seen any visitors. If Chief Ye has anything to say, he can tell the poor monk, and he will tell the abbot after he leaves the seclusion."


Hearing this answer, Ye Hongling's expression turned ugly.

For orthodox practitioners, retreat is indeed not uncommon, but unless it is an extremely rare "death pass", it is not undisturbed.

Master Yihong, who was born in the "Zhengdao Temple", is not an orthodox "monk", so the so-called retreat is more like an excuse.

Ye Hongling said sincerely:

"This is a serious matter, please inform the sorcerer, Ye Hongling, the demon slayer, to see him."

The Zhike monk showed displeasure:
"What does the benefactor mean by this? Do you think the poor monk is not worthy of talking with you?"

Ye Hongling's chest heaved slightly, and finally she couldn't suppress her anger, but the Zhike monk's face was as still as water, and there was even a smirk at the corner of his mouth:
"Or, Chief Ye is planning to force his way in?"

Provocative means strong!

Ji Pingan watched coldly and shook his head slightly.

I thought to myself that what the female martial artist said just now was too "polite", and this was not just "false rhetoric", it was a deliberate attempt to make things difficult.

Unexpectedly, Ye Hongling, as a dignified warrior, could only suppress her anger.

Again, she can't bear the responsibility of triggering the conflict between the two countries, which is why the female warrior insisted on inviting Ji Pingan to come.

In Buddhism and the Southern Tang Dynasty, the words "Great Zhou Guoshi" are far more important than the imperial court.

At this time, a deep voice came from a distance: "What's the noise?"

Swipe - everyone followed the reputation.

From the side courtyard, a particularly burly monk came striding forward. He was wearing an apricot-yellow monk robe, revealing half of his arms. His bronze muscles were beautifully lined, as if cast in copper juice.

With a square face and thick eyebrows, he is not angry and pretentious.

As practitioners, the three of them keenly felt a slight threat from each other.

"Great nursing home." Several novice monks headed by Zhike monk hurriedly saluted and explained the whole story.

When they heard the name "Da Nuyuan", the three of them thought of the second person in Yunlin Temple, who was also the "responsible force" of the temple.

Because of Yi Hongfa's study of Buddhism, the strongest Buddhist temple on the surface is the Dahuyuan who was born in the "Arhat Hall".

Also considering that in order to avoid the fear of the imperial court, the Great Nursing Academy has only broken the Nine Consummation realm. In the Buddhist system, it is not the "law" system, but the "monk" system.

This time, after hearing what had happened, the Nursing Court frowned, looked at Ye Hongling, and said:

"Secretary Ye, if I remember correctly, according to the agreement between the Great Zhou court and the Southern Tang Dynasty, the Yunlin Temple is not under the jurisdiction of your country."

The female warrior was at a loss for words.

The Nursing Court turned its head again, and cast its eyes on the young men and women beside the female warrior. When they glanced over Yu Yu, they hardly stopped - one of them was ignored.

When he saw Ji Pingan, he hesitated and said, "This is..."

Ji Pingan glanced at the female martial artist asking for help, and knew that it was time for him to change his identity. Hearing this, he took out the Si Chen token from his arms:
"Sichen, Ji Pingan, Qintianjian Muyuan."

It's him! ?
Hearing this name, in the vestibule, a group of monks who had come to watch the scene because of the quarrel happened at the same time, showing surprised expressions, and immediately whispering.

Ji Ping An!
This time, even the Zhike monk who looked arrogant before, who looked like a "seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister's door", restrained his arrogance.

This change is so clear, it seems that this little "Si Chen" is more noble than the head of the demon slaying division and the strong in the well.

The burly, majestic, and extremely oppressive Nursing Academy also showed some seriousness, and a little respect appeared on that indifferent face:
"It turns out that it is rumored that Qin Tianjian's newly promoted genius star official is a closed disciple of the Great Zhou Guoshi. I'm sorry."

With the influence of Buddhism, although its tentacles are weak in the territory of Dazhou, it is still very timely to grasp some important information.

In the Divine Capital Awards, the star officials who rose to fame belonged to this list.

Unexpectedly... After living for thousands of years, he finally fell to the point where he "rubbed" his halo... Ji Pingan complained in his heart.

It is clear that the change in attitude of this group of monks is not due to his "genius" or his achievements as the leader in the Shendu Grand Prize.

It's the status of "disciple of the national teacher".

As ironic as it may sound, the truth is:

As of now, outside the territory of the Great Zhou, the name of the late "National Teacher" is still far greater than that of the Great Zhou court!

In the past when the empire was established, the national teacher who was at the peak of his combat power went south to the Tang country, north to the barbarians, west to the demon country, and east to the East China Sea.

With his own strength, he conquered all the major forces around him.

This historical event, in the eyes of the people of the Great Zhou, is just a proud deed.

But in the eyes of other countries, including Nantang, it left an awesome and huge "shadow".

This shadow is so firm that the Tang Kingdom, which was under pressure for 400 years, dared not move, covering the sky above the heads of generations of people.

And because people are born with a strong admiration, this kind of oppression has gradually become a kind of almost fanatical respect.

As a result, more than ten years after the death of the national teacher, his image still holds great weight among Buddhist disciples——

Even the "Master Xueting" of Shendu, when reminiscing with Master Zhang of Huaiyuan, still regretted that he could not see the respected face of the national master back then.

It can be seen!
In addition, they have relatively more respect for the power of Qin Tianjian.

On the contrary, in the territory of Dazhou, regardless of the imperial court or the other four sects, after the death of the national teacher, the awe of Qin Tianjian quickly diminished.

At this time, seeing the change in the attitude of the monks in the monastery, Yu Yu, who was standing beside him eating melons and watching the show, twitched his mouth, snorted, and stopped talking.

Ye Hongling showed envious eyes.

"Toutuo is polite." Ji Pingan smiled back.

In the Buddhist system, Pojiu monks who follow the "monk monk" can all be called "toutuo", which is a respectful title similar to "master".

Ji Pingan said:
"It stands to reason that the Demon Killing Division does not have the authority to govern the Buddhist monastery, but since a case involves the people of Yuhang, I hope it can be accommodated."

"This..." The nursing home showed hesitation, pondered for a moment, then he sighed:

"Since the distinguished guests of the Qintian Supervisor spoke, and the common people were involved, it stands to reason that my Buddhism is not unreasonable, but Master Yihong has indeed been practicing behind closed doors recently, and it is not an excuse."

Ji Pingan asked doubtfully, "Oh?"

The nursing home explained:

"Si Chen should know that Master Yihong inherited the 'Jingguang Bodhisattva'. In the past, the Bodhisattva passed on the second half of the Buddhist verse for future disciples to understand. Master Yihong has been practicing Zen for half his life. Intensive study of the Buddhadharma for enlightenment, and during this period, in order to prevent trivial matters from breaking the "Empty Bright Bodhisattva Realm", it is not an extremely important matter, and outsiders are not allowed to disturb it."

The Bodhisattva state of emptiness is an extremely deep meditation state that Buddhists enter when practicing Zen.

Similarly, it is also a technique for quickly recovering spirit essence and injuries.

Hearing this, Ye Hongling showed disappointment, if that was the case, then they might return from this trip without success.

If you can't see the abbot, even if you tell the case to the nursing home, it will have no control over it, and it will be even more difficult to cooperate.

Yu Yu also kept silent, knowing that if Ji Ping'an didn't give her face, the face of her sworn enemy in Buddhism was even more worthless.

"In this case, we are bothering you."

Ye Hongling squeezed out a smile, ready to leave with hands clasped together.

However, she was so disappointed that she didn't notice the weird look on Ji Ping'an's face after hearing the words of the nursing home.

"Just like that?" Ji Pingan asked suddenly.

Everyone was stunned.

Seeing that they were puzzled, Ji Pingan smiled and said:

"Master Yihong, just thinking hard because of that half-line of the Buddha's verse?"

The nursing home was a little displeased, but still patiently said:

"Si Chen Xiu Xingguan system, or I don't know much about my Buddhism. You must know that the Dharma is profound and boundless, and it directly points to the Dao. It is not as light as a half-sentence Buddhist verse, but behind it..."

"Do you have a pen and paper?" Ji Pingan interrupted him.

After speaking, he caught a glimpse of the desk where pilgrims wrote prayer sentences in the courtyard of the front hall, walked straight over, took out a piece of paper, and brushed a few words with it.

Immediately fold it up and hand it to the nursing home:
"Please submit this post to Venerable Yi Hong for a review, and he said that it can relieve his worries."


The monks were at a loss again, and wanted to refuse, but they couldn't stand the identity of the disciples of the national teacher. The nursing home hesitated for a long time, and seemed to feel that just handing over a piece of paper was not a serious disturbance, so they reluctantly said:
"Well, just this one time, if Si Chen didn't speak up, there would be no exception. However, Master Yihong will never go out during his retreat. This is an iron law that has been weathered for decades, so please don't expect it."

After speaking, he handed the note to the Zhike monk and ordered him to deliver it.

The Zhike monk hesitated to speak, but he really didn't want to.

It is ridiculous to think that a mere star official who knows nothing about Buddhism should say that he can relieve the master's sorrow.

If he wasn't born in Qin Tianjian, and rumored to be a disciple of the national teacher, how could he need such respect?
But after all, he couldn't help it, so he turned around sullenly, and walked towards the depths of the monastery.



In the back hall of the Zen courtyard, in a quiet Zen room.

Master Yihong wore a white monk robe and sat cross-legged on a bamboo mat.

There are Buddhist scriptures spread around the body, but they don't read them, they just concentrate on sitting in meditation.

A string of red sandalwood beads is coiled in the left hand, and the wooden fish is tapped lightly with the right hand, making a rhythmic sound of "dong dong dong".

Judging only by his appearance, he is about fifty years old, but his real age is older, a little thinner, quite handsome, and has the temperament of a "Confucian monk".

In front of him, there was a half sentence of verse hanging on the wall:

The impermanence of all actions is the law of birth and death.

"Boom boom boom... boom."

The wooden fish in Master Yihong's hand stopped, and the string of beads stopped turning.

He opened his eyes, escaped from the realm of Kongming Bodhisattva, and looked at the eight characters on the wall, with endless blankness in his eyes.

This eight-character gatha was passed on to the disciples of "Jingguang Bodhisattva" before he died. There is also an allusion in it, which is only known to a very few people.

That is: the eight characters were not created by Jingguang Bodhisattva, but by the master of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

In the past, the Great Zhou Guoshi rushed to the Southern Tang Dynasty when he was at his peak, and was a guest at the main altar of Buddhism, discussing the Dao with the Lord Buddha, and attracted the strong people of the entire Buddhism to watch.

At that time, Master Jingguang, who was still young and had not yet become a "Bodhisattva", also went there.

However, he was not qualified to enter the main hall to listen, and only waited outside the Buddhist temple with other monks.

The national teacher and the Buddha continued to discuss the Tao for seven days and seven nights. The monks guarding outside also dispersed and came again, but Jing Guang never left. He drank the stream when he was thirsty and ate raw cakes when he was hungry.

Finally, the discourse was over, the Grand Master of Zhou came out with his hands behind his back, undressed and sleeves, and the bells of the Buddhist temple rang.

Jing Guang woke up from his drowsiness, jumped out of the crowd, boldly stopped the national teacher, and asked him for the true meaning of Buddhism in his eyes.

"The true meaning of Buddhism? You come to ask me?"

The national teacher, with black and white mixed long hair hanging behind the star robe, looked at the young monk who was prostrating in surprise.

Jingguang replied:
"The juniors have heard that the seniors said that 'the authorities are obsessed, but the bystanders are clear'. The seniors are not from my Buddhist sect, but they can discuss the Dharma with the Buddha. Naturally, they are far better than me. Why can't you ask for advice?"

The national teacher was startled when he heard the words, and immediately laughed, thought for a while, and said with a smile:
"Forget it, I will give you a Buddhist gatha."

Jing Guang Zheng said: "All ears."

The national teacher said: "All things are impermanent, it is the law of birth and death."

Jing Guang's eyes were bright, and he vaguely caught Hui Guang:
"What about the next sentence, what about the next sentence?"

The national teacher smiled and flew away:

"Leave half a sentence, you think about it carefully, when you understand it thoroughly, you should enter the bodhisattva state."

Afterwards, Master Jingguang practiced enlightenment day by day, until he had an epiphany in the rainy night after a few years, wrote the second half of the verse, and stepped into the realm of Guantian Bodhisattva.

Someone asked him why he suddenly realized, but Jing Guang didn't answer. He burned the second half of the written verse, and only kept the first half, and passed it on to his disciples.

"All things are impermanent, it is the law of birth and death... it is the law of birth and death..."

In the Zen room, Master Yihong regained consciousness from his memory, and murmured with a wry smile: "I think the Dharma is profound, but after so many years of hard work, I still can't get the point. No matter, no matter."

In the voice of emotion, Master Yihong shook his head and sighed.

He vaguely understood in his heart that with his own understanding, he might not be able to complete this gatha in this life, let alone talking about "Bodhisattva".

Yihong is not surprised. Since the establishment of Buddhism, how many people can become "Bodhisattvas"?
It's just that, after all, I'm not reconciled, because I can't break through the epiphany, but at least... It would be nice if someone could tell me the remaining half of the Buddhist gatha.

It is also possible to fulfill a wish, but it is a pity that Jingguang is dead and the national teacher is dead, so I can only accept my fate... right?

Thinking of this, Master Yihong sighed, and reluctantly picked up the wooden fish to enter meditation again, but at this moment, he was interrupted by the sound of footsteps outside the meditation room.

"Abbot, the Great Nursing Academy ordered the disciples to deliver a letter to you, which was written by a star official." Zhike monk said through the door.

He felt that Ji Ping'an's last sentence, "it can relieve his worries", was really arrogant and absurd, so he didn't repeat it.

Star official?

The mage in white frowned and said:
"Pass it in, I'll look at it later, you go."

"Yes." The Zhike monk heaved a sigh of relief, and without opening the door, he carefully stuffed the note in from under the crack of the door, and then turned to leave.

Master Yihong glanced at it, but did not go to pick it up.

In his opinion, if something important happened, the nursing home would definitely come to him in person, instead of just ordering the Zhike monk to deliver a note.

Presumably there was a visit from a star official. Considering that the other party came from the Qin Tianjian, it was not easy to refuse abruptly, so he reluctantly handed over the letter. The implication of this action is to say:

Things don't matter.

After all, he is an old partner, Master Yihong understood in seconds.

Averting his gaze, he closed his eyes again, picked up the wooden fish and tapped it, trying to enter meditation, but for some reason, his eyelids kept twitching, making it impossible to meditate at all.


The mage opened his eyes. As a practitioner, he was extremely sensitive to the abnormality of his spiritual perception.

He thought for a while, put down the gavel, waved his hand, and the folded note fell into his palm.

Then, the mage in white unfolded the paper curiously, his eyes suddenly froze, and stared at the note bewilderedly.

I saw eight large characters written on it:

Birth and death have ceased, and extinction is joy.

It was as if a thunderbolt pierced through the deep darkness and pierced the sky and the earth. The soul of the eminent monk who was born in the "Sheng Dao Temple" seemed to be trembling at this moment.


"All things are impermanent, it is the law of birth and death, birth and death are already there, and peace and death are joy..."

"... Birth and death have passed away, and extinction is joy."


Outside the Zen room.

Stepping lightly, slowing down, and quietly leaving the Zen room and walking to the Chuhua Gate, Zhike monk was about to gently open the door, when suddenly he heard the sound of objects falling from the Zen room behind him, followed by Master Yihong crying and laughing loudly.

The Zhike monk was stunned, and turned his head to look, only to see that the closed door of the meditation room was suddenly pushed open.

Dressed in white clothes, the 50-year-old archmage was disheveled, with a mad face, staring at him with a sharp and sharp voice:
"Who? Who sent the Buddha's gatha? Which star official? Could it be that the prison is here in person?!"

What Buddhist gatha?
What the hell... The Zhike monk was stunned, and murmured:

"It's a young Si Chen named..."

Master Yihong suddenly ran out barefoot, and said in his mouth:
"I'm going to see him myself."

The Zhike monk turned pale with fright, realized that the abbot seemed to have been stimulated by some kind of stimulation, and obviously lost his composure, so he stretched out his arms suddenly, and hugged him tightly:

"Abbot, you can't do it! How can you go out like this, my Buddhist dignity is gone."

Master Yihong woke up suddenly, stopped in his tracks, and said in a deep voice:

"I'm going to take a shower and change clothes, please bring him here quickly!"

The Zhike monk hurriedly said:
"Alright, disciple, let's go now, let's go now."

After speaking, he walked away, but his heart was full of confusion. He couldn't figure out what Ji Sichen had written that could make the usually calm abbot lose his composure.

After Zhike monk left, there was only Master Yihong standing in the courtyard, holding the note in his hand, and sighed to the sky:
"All things are impermanent. It is the law of birth and death. The birth and death have already happened, and the joy of silence... It turns out that the complete Buddhist gatha is like this, and it is like this."



The front hall of Yunlin Temple.

The people are still "confronting each other" here, with the tall and burly guardian Tutuo standing in front of them like a mountain, and a group of monks behind them.

Ji Pingan led Ye Hongling and Yu Yu to wait quietly.

At this time, the rosy light descended from the sky, the red walls and yellow tiles of the temple, all the pilgrims dispersed, and the temple became quiet, except for the green pines and cypresses bathed in golden light.

Looking over the wall, you can see the tall "horse chestnut tree" deep in the Buddhist temple.

"Ji Sichen, it seems that the other party will not agree. I'm afraid that your invitation letter may not be delivered to Master Yihong."

Ye Hongling's voice transmission was secret, and her tone was apologetic:

"This time, I'm afraid you will have to accompany me for nothing."

Ji Ping'an looked relaxed, and asked with a smile: "The chief thinks I wrote a greeting card?"

Ye Hongling showed confusion: "Isn't it?"

In her mind, the opponent's rejection was obvious, and they couldn't really use force. The only card they could play was Ji Ping'an's identity.

The Great Protector was unwilling to be accommodating, so writing a greeting card directly to Master Yihong was the only possibility.

Ji Pingan smiled without saying a word.

Yu Yu, who was playing with his fingers boredly by the side, turned his head, stared at the two suspiciously, and inserted forcefully:
"What are you two muttering about secretly? You are still sending voices into secrets! I think these bald donkeys are determined not to let us in, or let me mention one thing, let's pretend to leave and sneak in after dark. Ji Pingan, don't you bring Taoist scriptures with you? Call Jiang Jiang out, her invisibility technique is quite powerful, and it is generally estimated that it will not work..."

The saint is also an unusual way.

Ye Hongling hesitated. As a military officer in the system with a "organization", she was inherently resistant to such wild ways.

The nursing home and the others were expressionless. They could only pretend not to see the three of them using "sound transmission into the secret" group chat in front of them.

Anyway, the face is also given, and if you refuse later, even Qin Tianjian has nothing to say.

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly, the Zhike monk trotted over from a distance, with an anxious face on his face. When he saw Ji Pingan was still there, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, with a warm smile on his face:
"Ji Sichen, Master Yihong has seen it."

Everyone glanced over, with different expressions, not understanding why the Zhike monk was "pretty arrogant and then respectful".

Ji Pingan said "En" and said, "How?"

Zhike monk smiled brightly:
"The abbot ordered me to ask you to wait in the reception room for a while, the mage went to take a bath and change clothes."

Ji Pingan nodded, not surprised: "Then let's go."

After finishing speaking, he took a straight step, followed the Zhike monk who led the way, and walked towards the depths of the monastery.

Only the others were left standing in the evening glow, standing dumbly like stone sculptures.

I suspect I heard wrong.

What... what?
Master Hongyi invited Ji Pingan into the reception room, and took a bath and changed clothes... Receive him personally?
Ye Hongling was dumbfounded.

The female warrior suspects that she has fallen into an illusion. Even though Ji Ping'an is really a closed disciple of the national teacher, Master Yihong's status is very high, and Buddhism has always been a serious attitude, can this be so?

Yu Yu suddenly raised his head, his rosy mouth stretched into an "O" shape, feeling a strong sense of unfairness.

She is obviously a Taoist saint, so much higher status than Ji Ping'an... In the end, one was received respectfully, and the other dared not even reveal her status.

The contrast is too strong!

The burly, brass-cast Da Nuyuan froze in place, completely unaware of what happened.

As for the group of monks, they also looked at each other in blank dismay. The setting sun slanted, and the Yunlin Temple fell into silence.


[-] words are here, it’s the end of the month, shamelessly begging for a few tickets

(End of this chapter)

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