The national teacher does not practice

Chapter 248 Please Show Up!

Chapter 248 Please Show Up! ([-] characters please subscribe)
Slash Toutuo with a knife!

A ray of sunlight pierced straight from the west mountain, and on the wide platform at the entrance of Yunlin Temple, which had been quiet for many years, a battle broke out suddenly.

As Ye Hongling slashed out, the air sea in the center of the chest and abdomen roared, and a ray of air traced the warrior's thick meridian along the arm and poured into the handle of the knife, spewing out light on the sharp black blade.

"you dare!"

The crowd in the distance backed away, and the monks turned pale with shock, while the "Da Huyuan" standing in front of the gate yelled in a low voice, and the ripples under their feet became brighter and brighter.

The golden light around the body condenses to form a huge illusory golden bell.

Buddha Gate Golden Bell Shade!
Ye Hongling's blade slashed on the golden bell with a bang, and suddenly, the sky above the Zen courtyard resounded with the sound of piercing clouds and cracking rocks.

As if being hit by a locomotive, Tutuo, the nurse, retreated with his feet plowing the ground, and his boots were instantly cracked, exposing a pair of big feet dyed with gold lacquer.

The illusory golden bell is broken!

But Ye Hongling's knife was also blocked.

Ji Pingan stood with his arms folded, and was also slightly surprised by the female martial artist's decisive attack.

Although the three of them had "unified their minds" in Qiantang City, Ye Hongling obviously had more concerns than the saint who was backed by the state religion.

In other words, this is the price of being an official, and it is inevitable to look forward and backward and hesitate.

But at this moment, the female warrior showed amazing determination.

"Hey, this monk seems to be a hard-headed one. Didn't he just break the Nine Consummation? It doesn't seem like the gap is too big after a big realm." Yu Yu, who was provoking trouble next to him, was amazed and observed the situation.

Ji Pingan glanced at her and said:

"When you were in Qingyun Palace, didn't the instructor say that monks from Arhat Hall are the most fierce and domineering, and that the secret method of the golden bell cover is also the top among many inheritances in terms of defense.

Although due to the agreement between the Great Zhou Dynasty and the Southern Tang Dynasty, the Buddhist sect would not send a "Zuojing" level powerhouse to the Buddhist monastery, but Toutuo, the guardian of the courtyard, must also be a monk who is only one step away from sitting in the well, and the magic weapon in his hand is far from the background. Higher than Ye Hongling, if they fought for a long time, they would still lose, but if they only fought for a short time, they would be hard to distinguish. "

Yu Yu was a little unconvinced, but knowing that what Ji Pingan said was right, he didn't say anything.

As for participating in the war... Both of them tacitly did not join.

On the one hand, he thought that Ye Hongling's cultivation was enough to break through the mountain gate, and it was just a waste of time.

Of course, the more important reason is: identity!

As the head of the Demon Slayer Division, Ye Hongling was tasked with investigating the case, so she could do it legally, and there was room for maneuver when the incident escalated afterwards.

However, the two represent "Qin Tianjian" and "Daomen" respectively, lacking legal rationality, and once they join the war, they may be interpreted as a conflict between the three major sects.

In other words, the situation of Ye Hongling's action is still controllable, but if the two of them participate rashly, it will indeed be more troublesome.

Seeing this man and woman standing by, the rest of the Buddhist monks, represented by the Zhike monk, also breathed a sigh of relief, but they still held sticks full of vigilance and locked the two of them.

At the same time, he cast his sights on both sides of the war.


Dharma protector Tutuo was split and slid back a few feet. He held the Zen staff with his bulging arms, and suddenly slammed the ground in front of him.

The burly monk "King Kong glared", with a strange cry, said:
"This Nursing Academy will learn how to slay demons today!"

As he spoke, the ground trembled suddenly, and the gravel rolled.

Amidst the exclamation, a thumb-thick crack opened on the ground at the end of the Zen stick, "click click", spreading towards Ye Hongling in front of him.

The female martial artist raised her saber lightly and tiptoed to avoid it. At the same time, she heard the sound of "cracking" iron rings, and the courtyard guard Tutuo struggled to pull out the gold-plated Zen staff, stepped forward with the soles of her feet, and the green bricks under her feet shattered.

The nursing home ran step by step, its heavy body was like a running rhinoceros, trampling shallow pits on the ground.

In the blink of an eye, he had appeared in front of Ye Hongling, his waist twisted like a millstone, and the majestic force followed the muscle fibers on his arm, and transmitted it to the Zen stick like a wave, sweeping it across.


While sweeping across, the Zen staff actually began to expand, several times thicker.

Ye Hongling raised her sword eyebrows, her heart trembled. As a martial artist who is good at close combat, she felt a strong threat when faced with Toutuo's blow.

Not hard to resist!

No cultivator is willing to wrestle head-on with the runaway Buddhist monk.

Ye Hongling yelled lightly, and stepped her boots towards the air, and waves of air swept across her body. Like a leaf falling in the autumn wind, her body lost weight, and she fell backwards, her body almost parallel to the ground.

Even as the gold-plated Zen staff brushed past the front of his nose against the tip of his nose, his hair was curled up by the strong wind.

Then, he patted the palm of his left hand on the ground, moved his body in place, stood up again, and slashed with the black gold long knife for the second round!
Huyuan Toutuo had been on guard for a long time, and when his blow missed, he pulled his Zen stick forward!
In the next second, the blade was blocked by the back-to-defense Zen staff, sparks burst out amidst the roar, and neither of them gave an inch.

Immediately, spiritual flames rose from both of them, as if they were wrapped in a cloud of gaseous flames, opposing each other.


Ji Ping'an and Yu Yu stood not far away, feeling the sharp airflow coming from the front, their faces cut like knives.

The saint was amazed, she knew a lot about Buddhism, but most of it came from books and the dictation of Mr. Tuye.

This is the first time that I have witnessed monks fighting at such a close distance.

Ji Pingan took the opportunity to teach:

"Don't just watch the fun, pay attention to the characteristics of the Buddhist way. Although there is a powerful killing technique called flying sword in the Taoist school, it is not a melee combat after all. Even among the great Friday sects, there is only Yunhuai Academy , Those swordsman scholars who have a great aura in their chests are better at melee combat. But they are not as good as Buddhism."

Yu Yu raised an objection: "Doesn't martial arts count?"

Ji Pingan said:
"Wufu is a more general system. For example, Ye Hongling is good at swordsmanship, but not good at wrestling. Combat is more inclined to flexible body skills combined with sharp attacks. Longhushan Chen Qingsheng is good at boxing, which is better. It is more inclined to defeat the enemy head-on, and Ting Xuelou's hidden weapon is somewhat similar to the Taoist flying sword."

Yu Yu seemed to understand but nodded, and said unconvinced:
"So, when it comes to pure frontal melee combat, Buddhism is the strongest?"

Ji Pingan shook his head and said:

"Not really. The talented and powerful among the northern barbarians can fight with each other. As for some monsters who are good at strength, they are stronger by virtue of their racial talents. It can only be said that each has its own preference. But they are definitely stronger than Taoists of."

Yu Yu: (╥╯^╰╥)
The effort of two people talking.

The guardian Tutuo let out a roar, and the brass-like muscles of the legs under the monk's robe bulged high.

He took one step, then a second...

In contrast, Ye Hongling, who was even petite, was pushed back a little bit, and was forced to retreat away from the monastery.

Ye Hongling was short of breath, and realized that she couldn't go on like this, so she finally stopped holding back her hands, and the mouth of the phantom well appeared around her, spinning slowly.

At the same time, the female martial artist exhaled, clenched her fist with her left hand, pulled her elbow back sharply, like a taut bowstring, and then punched out.


Huyuan Toutuo's face changed drastically. At this moment, Rao was standing in Pojiuyuan, only one step away from Zuojing, but still clearly aware of the distance between them.

Without hesitation, he immediately dropped the Zen stick, took two steps back, and then sat cross-legged in meditation.

Put your palms together and chant the scriptures.

Immediately, a chanting echoed on the mountain, and a majestic and vast aura descended. The gold-plated Zen staff that had lost its owner shone brightly, and a phantom of a weapon appeared on the surface, and it began to rotate by itself.

Ye Hongling punched it, and the Zen staff was dented from the middle.


It was as if a Buddhist temple bell was ringing.

At the same time, a translucent fist mark appeared on Huyuan Toutuo's chest, a piece of his clothes exploded, and the golden lacquered chest was clearly branded with traces of the fist mark.

"Pfft——" The golden lacquer was broken all over, the face was flushed, and then a mouthful of blood spewed out from the corner of the mouth, with a shocked expression.

The corners of Ye Hongling's mouth curled up, and he swung the Zen staff flying with the knife, saying:

"Who said I can only use knives?"

When he said this, he glanced at Ji Pingan triumphantly, as if answering his comment just now.

"Ah—be careful."

In the distance, the Zhike monks scattered in a hurry, barely avoiding the swirling Zen staff, frightened and angry.

After all, there was a big gap between Hongling and Ye Hongling's attack with all his strength, and the golden body of the Pojiuyuan Great Nursing Academy couldn't stop it.

This is realm suppression!
At this time, the common people watching the battle from a distance also collectively lost their voices.

Seeing this, Ji Pingan sighed slightly, and said:
"It wasn't that we wanted to force our way in and deliberately conflict with the Buddhist sect. It's because this case is deeply involved. We must immediately see Master Yihong and question him face to face."

Huyuan Toutuo got up slowly, his face was ugly, he didn't say a word, he knew that he couldn't stop him, but the monk's pride still kept him from retreating a step.

Ji Pingan frowned slightly, not wanting to delay any longer, and prepared to force his way in.

However, at this moment, he suddenly moved his ears slightly, and heard the commotion of the crowd in the distance, accompanied by the sound of horseshoes coming from the foot of the mountain.

"The officers and soldiers are here!"

I don't know who it is, and exclaimed in the crowd.

A group of monks facing down the mountain also stared blankly, showing doubts on their faces.

The three of them, including Ji Ping'an, also turned around and looked back, and then found that a group of cavalry was coming down the mountain. It was not large, about a hundred people, but they were well-dressed and carried the banner of the Dadong Army Mansion.

Military mansion?

Ji Pingan frowned, surprised by the other party's appearance, but his eyes were attracted by the leader of the cavalry.

It was a middle-aged man with a square face, wearing armor and a white robe.

The horse sitting next to him was extraordinarily strong, twice the size of an ordinary steed, and a huge black spear hung obliquely on the saddle.

"Dadong God General!" Ye Hongling recognized the other party's identity at a glance, and said unexpectedly:
"Why is he here?"

Is this person the master of the Great East Army Mansion?
It was the first time Ji Pingan met her, but speaking of it, the relationship between the two parties had already been forged.

From the earliest Sun Xianzu arrested him and put him in prison, and later sent Tiefutu to surround and kill him in Sanhuang County.

Although this general was only a middleman, Qin Tianjian ran to the military mansion to show off his power for a while in order to vent his anger on him. Not only did he lose face, but he was also forced to kill Sun Xianzu himself and use it to make a difference.

It is unlikely that there is no resentment in his heart.

At this time, God Dadong reined in his horse, looked up at the people on the mountain, gave some orders, raised his hand, grabbed his weapon, and jumped up.

I saw a ray of dark green flames attacking against the trend, and in the blink of an eye, the white-robed god general with a big gun in his hand came in front of everyone.

Falcon-like eyes swept across the audience, and finally fell on the blood-stained Dahouyuan. He frowned and said:

"What happened?"

Listening to the meaning in the words, it seems that they didn't come here specially, but just in time for the meeting.

The Nursing Court's face was gloomy, and he didn't say a word, and he was also a little uncertain about the other party's intention.

But Zhike Monk's eyes lit up, and he said loudly:
"The general came at the right time. If it was later, I am afraid that the relationship between my Buddhism and your country will be ruined!"

Then, he quickly described what happened.

In the description, there are somewhat biased, focusing on the unreasonable troubles of Ji Pingan and others, which is unreasonable.

Seeing this, the rest of the monks complained likewise.

Although both the military mansion and the demon slaying division belonged to the Great Zhou court, things in the world are not that simple.

Just like in the temple, there are various factions, fighting each other to the death, the military government and the Yamen of the Demon Slayer are also not a "system".

Sometimes hostility is greater than any other power.

Sure enough, after hearing the story, Dadongshen turned his head with an ugly face, looked at Ye Hongling, and said in a deep voice:
"Senior Ye, is what the Buddhist monks said true? Are you really going to force your way into the monastery? And injured the guardian?"

There was an interrogation in the tone.

Ye Hongling was displeased, but in terms of rank of military officer, she was one level lower than a general, so she could only suppress her emotions, cupped her hands and said:

"It's a long story, and it involves a case that requires the cooperation of the Buddhist monastery..."

Dadongshen interrupted his words with a cold tone:
"That's not what I'm going to ask, you just answer, yes or no."

Yu Yu, who was standing beside Ji Ping'an, was not happy anymore. Although she often bickered with female warriors along the way, the saint is a protectionist. Hearing this tone, she immediately said displeasedly:

"According to the law of the Great Zhou, the military government has no jurisdiction over local cases, so your reach is too long."

Dadongshen General suddenly turned his head, stared at Yu Yu who had an expression of "uncomfortable to do it", suppressed his anger, and said lightly:

"This is an internal inquiry of our military, and the state religion is not qualified to intervene."

The last time Sanhuang County asked for help, Yu Yu went to the military mansion, so the god will know her face that is now disguised.

After finishing speaking, he took advantage of the situation to look at Ji Pingan again, with a look of scrutiny in his indifferent eyes:
"Are you Ji Pingan?"

Ji Pingan smiled:

"The god general should know my face now, why bother to ask?"

"Hmph." Dadong God General's expression remained unchanged, but he didn't say anything after all. Of course he knew the vest of "Li Anping", and he also knew Ji Ping'an's real appearance.

When Tie Futu was ordered to ambush, he had seen the portrait.

After all, Ye Hongling was a woman, and she was keenly aware that after seeing Ji Ping'an, the general's mood was obviously worse, so she couldn't help having a bad premonition, and asked:
"Speaking of which, what is the meaning of the general leading the troops into Yuhang? I have not received any news."

Datoshen will explain impatiently:

"You don't know? A few days ago, the Yuhang government office sent documents, saying that a caravan outside Yuhang city was killed by monks, and five of them were suspected to be soldiers from our military government. After checking, the general confirmed that they were dispatched by the military government to carry out missions." But the team died here for no reason, so they came here to bring back the body and track down the murderer, is there a problem?"

Uh... Ji Pingan and Yu Yu looked at each other with weird expressions.

Therefore, the root of this matter is still in the matter of robbing the emperor in the "human world".

However, the words of the god general are not quite true.

If it's just to collect the corpse, or to investigate, there's no need for him to come in person.

In the final analysis, I'm afraid it's for the "reborn".

However, after all, the news of the military government is lagging behind. I am afraid that they have not yet grasped the cause and effect of the Qianyuan treasure house, and may not even know the existence of the "human world".

However, the general who carried the order of Emperor Yuanqing realized through clues that there might be a "reborn organization" near Yuhang.

Only such a big temptation can drive the gods to lead the troops.

"As a result, as soon as the general arrived here, he sensed something strange in Qiantang City, and urgently changed his route to Qiantang. On the way, he also noticed movement in the Zen courtyard." The white-robed general said in a bad tone.

What a coincidence... Ye Hongling took a deep breath and said seriously:

"Not long ago, there was indeed a demon in Qiantang City, and it was precisely because of this that we wanted to see Master Yihong."

Nuyuan Toutuo snorted coldly:

"So, what do you mean is that the mage is related to the demon way? Director Ye, the poor monk wants to remind you that you must speak evidence, otherwise my Buddhist school has a good reputation, can you just say 'doubt' and slander it wantonly?"

Ye Hongling looked troubled.

evidence?Does the "flower-picking monk" who turned into ashes count?

Obviously, not counting, if she points to a pile of ashes that are beyond recognition, it is really hard to convince the public if she insists that it is exactly the same as Master Yihong.

Moreover, there are too many things involved in this case.It is also impossible to tell the gods in public.

Seeing this, Zhike Monk's eyes lit up and said:

"So there is no evidence? General, you have heard that Yunlin Temple is the territory of the Southern Tang Buddhist sect that was leased to me by the court of the Great Zhou Dynasty. However, Chief Ye has no evidence, but he has one case at a time, using the law of the Great Zhou as an excuse." , forcibly broke into the monastery, and even injured our nursing home.

Where in the world is there such a reason?Or is this just an excuse, aimed at my Buddhism?Southern Tang?Destroy the relationship between the two countries? "

Tsk... This skillful buttoning of the hat, I didn't see that you are still a talent... Ji Pingan glanced at Zhike Monk.

Hearing these words, General Dadong's expression became even more ugly, and he said:
"All eminent monks, please calm down. Ye Hongling alone cannot represent the imperial court, and I, Da Zhou, have absolutely no intention of destroying peace."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and stood on the ground with a big black gun in his hand, ignoring Ji Pingan and Yu Yu, staring at the female warrior, and sternly reprimanded:

"Ye Hongling! Do you know what you are doing? As an official of the imperial court, what is your intention to deliberately provoke friction? I will write a memorial for today's matter and submit it to the emperor, and I will retreat quickly!"

Ye Hongling's face turned cold when she heard the words:

"How about this officer, don't worry about your military government, the general should leave quickly, otherwise, this officer will also play a book and talk about the 'military government interfering with local law enforcement'."

Yu Yu chimed in and said:
"Yes, yes, those who understand know that you are a soldier, but those who don't understand think that you are the magistrate of Yuhang."

General Dadong laughed angrily and didn't answer. Instead, he stepped in front of the three of them, leaning on a big gun, and tore off half a tiger talisman from his waist with one hand.

Wisps of dark green flames gushed out from the tiger talisman, enveloping the whole body and weapons.

Vaguely, under the feet, there is an imaginary imprint of the mouth of the well, which represents the realm of sitting in the well.

A majestic majesty, much stronger than Ye Hongling's aura, pervaded and suppressed the audience!

The god general raised his spear and drew a line from left to right with the tip of the spear on the ground in front of him. Green flames flowed along the tip of the spear, forming a "line of fire" on the ground.

Immediately, he looked arrogantly, looked down at the female warrior, and said:

"Today's matter, the general will take care of it. Or you can also draw your sword and slash at the general to see if your Ye Hongling's demon-slaying knife is sharper, or the general's tiger talisman and big spear are sharper." !"

Ye Hongling held the handle of the knife, feeling the oppressive force from the tiger talisman, and said nothing.

He turned his gaze to Yu Yu again, and said indifferently:
"Saint of the National Church. Do you really think that you can do anything wrong with this status? Childish! You have to remember that you have never taken over the position for a day. The title of saint is just a good reputation. In the eyes of the god general , is just a Taoist disciple, and more than one of the Taoist saints and saints died young. Don't delay yourself because of some irrelevant things. It's still yours."

Yu Yu's face turned red, and he clenched his small fists tightly. He wanted to make a move, but he only saw behind the general, a majestic tiger formed from dark green flames.

Under this coercion, she was able to break the five monks and was unable to move!
Dadongshenjiang shifted his gaze to Ji Ping'an's face again, with sarcasm and faint hostility in his eyes:

"Ji Sichen has a good reputation. A genius in the city of God, now it seems that his reputation is hard to live up to. I really think that he has accomplished a few things, made several contributions, and has been appreciated by the supervisor. You can ignore the laws of the Great Zhou? If you provoke the Southern Tang Buddhism like this, if it leads to a catastrophe, how many heads do you have? Childish! Ridiculous!
You have no idea what you are doing!Why, do you dislike the general's ugly words?Then you can go back and complain to the supervisor, heh, the behavior of a child.If you don't like this general, and you have the ability to fight back on your own, here is what this general said, you can let him come here, it doesn't count that you attacked officials, killed or injured, and didn't cause you any you dare? "

Ji Pingan narrowed his eyes.

God Dadong scolded this, which made a group of monks feel refreshed and smiled.

Obviously, the various forces in the Great Zhou court were not monolithic, but full of contradictions.

And this Dadongshen will obviously be with the three people in front of him... To be precise, he has some old grievances with Ji Sichen, and he is retaliating.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see this.

In this matter, standing firm on the Buddhist position is a kind of "political correctness" for Dadong Shenjiang, as long as there is no evidence that there is a problem with the monastery.

No matter how Ye Hongling wrote the letter, Yu Yu sued the Taoist sect, or Ji Pingan asked the prison for correction, it would not be of any use.

The people in the distance, although they don't know the situation well, are pointing at this moment.

The setting sun was slanting, and Ji Pingan and the three were in a dilemma for a while, facing the general holding the tiger talisman, a group of monks, and more than a hundred cavalrymen down the mountain.

Ye Hongling didn't have the slightest confidence, so she couldn't help but sighed dejectedly, thinking of quitting, knowing that no matter how difficult this matter would be, it would come to fruition.

Yu Yu was so angry that he wanted to speak, but he was so suppressed that he couldn't move.

"Let's go." The female warrior said.

"Let's go down the mountain." The guard Toutuo looked indifferent and tried to drive him away.

"Those people should go." Someone in the distant crowd discussed.

Amidst the noise, a young man in a green shirt suddenly appeared, and the calm young man spoke softly:
"You said, let me let the horse come over."

Dadong Shenjiang was stunned, feeling a sudden sense of uneasiness in his heart.

In the sunset.

Ji Pingan smiled slightly, and at some point in time a thin Daoist scripture appeared in his hand. He tapped his finger on the golden lotus imprint on it, pointed like a sword, and pointed forward:
"The headmaster please show up."


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(End of this chapter)

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