The national teacher does not practice

Chapter 321 The Wulin Alliance surrenders to Jiang Chunqiu and recognizes each other

Chapter 321 The Wulin Alliance surrenders to Jiang Chunqiu and recognizes each other ([-] words, please subscribe)

It was winter, and the mountains and rivers in the Jiangnan area with Yuhang City as the core were sparse. In the summer, there were only a few ships left on the canal where thousands of sails competed.

In the Jianghu of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Jiang Huai, the leader of the martial arts alliance, was wearing a fox fur winter coat, riding a tall horse, holding the reins in his hand, holding the whip, looking at the city gate in front of him, slightly lost in thought.

Behind him were several warriors on horseback, all of whom were elders of the Jiang family.

The group of people were tired of traveling and came from Sanhuang County.

"Leader, come into the city." A warrior said.

Leader Jiang, who had a handsome appearance and sharp eyebrows, softly said "yes" and lightly pressed his boots against the horse's belly.

The group of people entered the city, only to see that the city was covered with light snow, and the streets and alleys had returned to normal order.

Only the partially collapsed buildings that have not yet been rebuilt, and the unwashed blood stains in the cracks of the bricks on the floor, silently tell the story of the tragic disaster more than a month ago.

"Da da..." Amidst the sound of horse hooves, a group of warriors walked along the main road for a long time and turned into the direction of Hongfu Lane.

And finally stopped in the middle of this old alley.

Leaving everyone to take care of the horses, Jiang Huai dismounted and went straight into the wall while there was no one around.

The air squirmed like water waves, and then, the "Black Gold Pawn Shop" hidden in the street with a formation was revealed.

The plaque hangs alone, and the red lantern is like an iron pendant that cannot be blown by the wind.

The door was half open, and a brazier with red hot coals could be seen through the crack in the door.

"Squeak." Jiang Huai raised his hand and pushed the door open. The cold wind, accompanied by the fox fur, swept into the room, and the charcoal in the brazier suddenly became red-hot.

On the counter of the pawn shop, a stack of account books shook.

It also woke up the female shopkeeper who was lying on her side in a lounge chair, wearing a cheongsam and holding a long cigarette bag, reading a book to relieve her boredom.

Jiang Xiaotang raised his head and glanced at his brother. His eyebrows and temples were painted with no surprise on his face. He even slowly vomited a blue eye circle before saying calmly:
"Find a place to sit by yourself."

Jiang Huai frowned, looking at her thighs exposed under her cut cheongsam, and said with a fatherly tone:
"It's already winter, why are you still like this? It's just..."

"Is it insulting to the family tradition? Or is she acting like a prostitute?" Jiang Xiaotang mocked.

Jiang Huai sighed helplessly and said no more. The Jiang family brothers and sisters would still be a little scrupulous in front of outsiders.

But when there is no one in private, the way of getting along has always been rigid.

"Tell me, why did you suddenly send me a letter saying that you are coming here if you don't want to be the overlord in the world? I'm telling you, there are so many gods and goddesses in Yuhang City now. Don't cause any trouble for me."

Jiang Xiaotang said.

Jiang Huai pulled a chair over and sat down on his own, saying:

"Such a big thing happened here. After all, I am also the leader of the Jianghu in Lanzhou and Yuezhou. I should have come over long ago to take a look. However, the Four Holy Sect suddenly collapsed, and some of the Jianghu who were originally restrained by it suddenly became chaotic again. Come out, I have been dealing with it for the past few days, so I delayed it. How is the world doing here now? "

Jiang Xiaotang said lazily:
"What can I do? Basically, he was taken under the Qintian Prison. Nangong Wan from Tingxue Tower joined Ji Sichen, Jianghu Darknet also belongs to him, and the new owner of the Tianji Pavilion is now under the command of the Qintian Prison... The other forces , the world will be weak, and the mendicants will go to Qiantang to hide... As for me, I have basically been ignored. "

When talking about this, Jiang Xiaotang lost his momentum.

There was also some unconcealable sadness and helplessness in his eyes.

Even after so many days, when she recalled that day of the war, she still felt it was so magical.

Originally, she had always regarded herself as the "talker" in the Yuhang world, but it was then that she realized that she was a mascot.

After the war.

Buyi Shenxiang's identity as a "reborn person" was exposed, and he was faced with the problem of taking sides. He didn't know what his thoughts were, so he took refuge in the Qintian Prison.

Plus Tingxue Tower controlled by Xue Ji, and the darknet killers headed by Song Qinglian.

Although Ji Ping'an is missing, the world is united with him as a link.

Jiang Huai listened quietly, with no surprise in his expression.

"Are you not in a hurry?" Jiang Xiaotang looked at him in surprise, "Speaking of which, this can be regarded as the disintegration of the strength of the Wulin Alliance."

Jiang Huai smiled very freely:
"What's the use of being anxious? Besides, when the trend of the times comes, any country chicken or dog that tries to stop it will be ruthlessly crushed. Although I am only a martial artist, I have read many history books and understand this truth. The so-called shipwreck Turn around, but if you see all the boats turning around, then you must turn around no matter how difficult it is.”

These words were a bit difficult to understand, but Jiang Xiaotang understood them.

The female shopkeeper finally straightened up, pulled the blanket that had slipped from her shoulders, and frowned:
"What do you want to do? Wait, you must have another purpose in coming to Yuhang this time."

Jiang Huai nodded happily:

"I want to give up my position as leader. Or, I can do the next best thing and find a strong backer."

Jiang Xiaotang's expression changed. She thought for a while and said:

"Pei Wuju? Or Qi Nian?"

Although she was lazy, she was also smart and immediately understood what her brother meant.

Nowadays, the situation is dangerous and war is coming again. Although the Wulin Alliance is powerful in the eyes of mortals, it is still like an ant in the face of the real major sects.

Just like the owner of Qianjiao Island, what about the old well?Still, Xin Yaoguang's dharma body was easily wiped off the map.

Forces such as Tingxue Tower have become more keenly aware of the danger and have chosen to join the major sects.

Jiang Huai, the so-called prophet of spring water, had actually noticed it early, but firstly, the situation in Kyushu had not deteriorated to that point at that time, and secondly, he really could not find a suitable opportunity or goal.

Until now, Pei Wuju and Qi Nian have both advanced to Guantian, breaking the current upper limit of the martial arts path.

And martial arts have always respected strength. At this time, Jiang Huai, the leader of the alliance who only sat in the well, seemed embarrassed.

Jiang Huai smiled and said:

"I prefer Pei Wuju. After all, he is a real Zhou person, and he was also studying in Jianghu. Pei's heels are tougher and more 'worldly'. As for Qi Nian, after all, he is too 'worldly'. Of course, with the current situation, any nod from these two people will be more recognized by the warriors in the world than me."

Jiang Xiaotang pursed his lips and realized that this was indeed the only option.

If you want to protect yourself in troubled times, you have to either find a remote place to hide, or find a tall person to support you.

As for the position of the alliance leader... In fact, neither Pei Wuju nor Qi Nian, at this level, would really covet the power of a mere martial arts world.

It's just more about reputation. When the time comes, the specific management will most likely fall on the Jiang family.

For Jiang Huai, dedicating the title of "Leader of the Alliance" to a martial artist in the Observation of Heaven Realm will not damage his prestige. Instead, he will be respected by people in the world. It is a decisive and rational move.

"The only thing we have to worry about is whether the two seniors are willing." Jiang Huai smiled bitterly.

Jiang Xiaotang thought for a while and said:
"If it doesn't work, you can still get it right in one step and directly try to join Qin Tianjian."

She explained:

"As far as I know, the reason why Pei Wuju and Qi Nian were able to break through is inseparable from Ji Sichen, and behind him is the Great Zhou Imperial Master. If before, Qin Tianjian's strength was at the bottom among the major sects, Not a good choice.

But things are very different now, not to mention that the Qintian Prison has just arrived Xu Jianhou, a Star Officer of the Guantai Realm, and there is also Jian Zheng, who may not be able to break through one day.As long as the imperial master is still alive and does not even need to show up, it is enough for Pei Wuju and Qi Nian to stand in the Qin Tianjian camp. "

You don't know if you don't analyze it. When she said it at this moment, she shocked herself.

Jian Zheng, Xu Xiurong, Pei Wuju, Qi Nian... It seems that all of a sudden, Qintian Prison has four people who have reached the Heaven-Observing Realm, not counting the elusive Imperial Master.

Jiang Huai's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Jiang Xiaotang suddenly said again: "If my grandfather were alive, we should actually be considered to be of the same lineage as Qin Tianjian."

The grandfather of the Jiang family...Jiang Chunqiu...Jiang Huai's eyes were full of memories. The impression of his grandfather in his memory had long been blurred. He only remembered that he was a typical martial artist with messy hair and a heroic temperament.

Of course the Jiang family knew about their grandfather's relationship with the Imperial Master of Zhou Dynasty and the first generation of God Emperor.

Legend has it that more than [-] years ago, the Jiang family was just an ordinary small family in the Jianghu world. When the world was in chaos, young Jiang Chunqiu ran away from home and wanted to start a career. He happened to hear that a rebel army was nearby.

At that time, the God Emperor's team already had some reputation, but it was still just one of the many forces in Jiangnan.

One day, a young man who called himself "Jiang Chunqiu" broke into the camp and claimed to join the army. He showed considerable force, but was unwilling to be a pawn and wanted to become a general directly.

There was a commotion directly at the place where the troops were collected, and the movement alarmed the Imperial Master and the God Emperor.

After learning about this, the God Emperor asked him why he thought he could not be a soldier. Jiang Chunqiu frowned and said that he had great martial arts skills.

At that time, the Imperial Master standing next to him suddenly smiled and said:

"What a coincidence, our generals are very good at martial arts. How about I ask you to fight a general in our army? If you win, I will give you the position of a general. How about that?"

Jiang Chunqiu was young and energetic at the time and agreed immediately.

As a result, the Imperial Master turned around and called over Chen Xuanwu, who had been subdued not long ago...

The outcome of the competition can be imagined. Jiang Chunqiu was beaten until his eyes were black and the corners of his mouth were bloody. He begged for mercy, and Chen Xuanwu, who was paralyzed, stopped.

Jiang Chunqiu also had a bold character. After losing the battle, he turned around without saying a word and went to get the spear and cloth shirt. He really started as a big soldier.

After that, he started fighting, but every time he recovered from his injuries and felt that he was ready, he would go to Chen Xuanwu to make an appointment.

Then he rolled back with his eyes black and blue after being beaten.

Have fun.

And every time the two of them fight, the Imperial Master will pull the God Emperor to watch the show.

Jiang Chunqiu's talent is indeed terrifying. Although he is always outnumbered by Chen Xuanwu, he has a certain tenacity.

Although they are both martial artists, he and Chen Xuanwu have very different styles.

According to the God Emperor:
"Xuanwu has the air of a general, and is best at fighting on the battlefield. Every time he rides his horse and leads his troops into a formation, he is like a tiger and a tiger, and the most rare thing is that he has the talent to command troops.

"The Spring and Autumn martial arts talent is extremely high, but he has a chivalrous spirit. He is used to freedom and does not like to lead troops. Whenever he goes into battle, he only cares about fighting on his own and lacks an overall view. He is a brave general, but not a handsome man."

However, Jiang Chunqiu didn't care much. According to his idea, what he wanted in a fight was to have a good time.

Win with laughter, lose with death.

18 years later, another lazy guy.The strict rules and regulations when commanding troops are really uncomfortable.

It was only then that he realized:
In fact, he is not too keen on being a general or making achievements in the army. He just likes to fight wantonly.

He regarded defeating Chen Xuanwu as his life goal, but he never did so.

Until one time, he unexpectedly discovered that Chen Xuanwu would secretly meet with military advisors to study martial arts - at that time, he didn't know that he was actually studying star official techniques.

The young and energetic Jiang Chunqiu broke into the military tent with a look on his face that said, "I finally got caught." "No wonder I always lose. It turns out you are just trying to make a fool of yourself! It's not fair!"

The Imperial Master smiled and did not explain. He just called Jiang Chunqiu away alone and began to point out the problems and flaws in his martial arts, as well as their solutions.

It turns out that every time the Imperial Master watches the two fight, he is not just having fun, but also observing.

And for the first time, Jiang Chunqiu realized that his own strategist, who looked more like a scholar and was thin, had terrible attainments in martial arts.

Everything was going great until the army was about to leave the place and head towards Qingzhou.

Jiang Chunqiu originally wanted to follow him, but he received news that the Four Holy Sects were raging in the martial arts world. In order to protect his family, he finally chose to return home.

On the day when the army bid farewell, Jiang Chunqiu toasted the Imperial Master and the Divine Emperor in turn. Then Chen Xuanwu, who always had a straight face, walked over and said only one word:


That was the last time the two men fought. This time, Jiang Chunqiu won.



Yuezhou, cottage, inside the room with a burning stove.

Ji Ping'an cut off his memories, looked at his slow-moving old friend with messy hair, and said with a smile:

"Leader Jiang, it's been two hundred years since you and I parted ways."

The voice just fell.

Originally like a brown bear spending the winter, under the slovenly warrior's hair, his eyes suddenly became sharp!
Next to them, the woman warming herself by the fire and the cross-legged young man were also slightly surprised.

The former even smiled sweetly and said:

"Hey, you guys know each other. Unfortunately, it seems that you, little Taoist priest, are no longer of the same era as us."

From the time point of "200 years", she judged Ji Ping'an's era.

Ji Ping'an smiled and said nothing, saying in his heart that my waistcoat is not good, but "Liyang"'s waistcoat can always be of the same generation as yours...

Wei Qingqing had been prepared for a long time, but she was not surprised at this moment. She just looked at the two people who spoke indifferently:

"You come out first with me, I have something to tell you."

The woman warming herself by the fire and the cross-legged young man looked at each other and stood up somewhat sadly.

Follow Wei Qingqing out of the door and wait until the wooden door closes again.

There were only two people in the room. Jiang Chunqiu asked doubtfully across the stove:

"We knew each other back then?"

Ji Ping'an smiled and did not answer directly, but sighed:
"A few days ago, I met your grandson and granddaughter, but I didn't expect that you would also be in this world."

Jiang Chunqiu was stunned for a moment, his eyes suddenly brightened, and his voice sounded slightly urgent:

"May I ask how my family is doing now?"

The location of his rebirth was relatively remote. Although he joined the human world, he also found out some martial arts situations.

But it is ultimately one-sided.

Ji Ping'an smiled and immediately told him in a chatting tone that Jiang Xiaotang, who opened a shop in Yuhang city, liked to smoke, wear smoky makeup, and wear fancy clothes to show off her long legs, but she was still a good girl...

Speaking of Jiang Huai in Qixia Town...

Jiang Chunqiu listened with dazzling excitement, his eyes couldn't help but have nostalgia in his eyes, and finally he cupped his fists and handed over his hands:

"Thank you for letting me know."

"It should be." Ji Ping'an asked:

"It seems that Alliance Leader Jiang misses his family very much, so why don't you go back? Is it possible that you have entered this world and cannot leave it?"

At this moment, the man in front of him, aged 50 or [-], wearing a felt coat and a messy beard, was silent for a moment before saying:
"Your Excellency knows my details. You should also know that when I ruled the martial arts world, I also made many enemies, including some big-sect monks. Although many years have passed, the Jiang family is still standing, but if I go back rashly, I am afraid that I will bring trouble to my juniors. It will bring trouble...Besides, the Jianghu sect's cultivation resources are not rich, so it is better to wait for the cultivation level to recover before returning..."

After a pause, the all-powerful martial artist said in a complicated tone:
"Besides... I stay in this world to find someone."

Just like Wei Qingqing, many reborn people join the human world just for the convenience of finding old friends.

But unlike Wei Qingqing, what Jiang Chunqiu wanted to find was the reincarnated God Emperor and Imperial Master, as well as Chen Xuanwu and other old brothers.

As a former martial arts master, he had many acquaintances but few friends.

"Let's not talk about this anymore," Jiang Chunqiu laughed at himself and earnestly cupped his hands and fists:

"I don't know your name yet, can you tell me?"

Ji Pingan smiled and said lightly:
"Do you still remember the "Breaking Evil Technique" that you disrupted and hid in the world's martial arts classics?"

Jiang Chunqiu was stunned at first, and then stared at the person in front of him, as if he had been struck by lightning!



"What? Are you going to rebel? Deal with the Crown Prince?!"

In the cottage, in the open space.

When Wei Qingqing, who walked out of the room, told her next plan, the expressions of the two monks who followed him changed.

The woman who was roasted by the fire lost her charm and looked ugly:
"Are you crazy? Is it just you? Or did you bring back that pretty boy?"

The cross-legged young man also said coldly:

"Wei Qingqing, what did the Taoist priest say to you? Or did you reach an agreement?"

Although the human world is an organization of reborn people, there are still divisions within it.

Not to mention, there may have been enmity between the two reborn people of the same era back then.

Even the group of reborn people will be divided into camps according to "era".

For example, Wei Qingqing and Jiang Chunqiu were probably from the generation when the Great Qian Dynasty ended. They belong to the same generation, so they are inherently closer to each other.

And in the earlier period, when the two races of demons and humans were competing, the people were in the same camp.

Among the small team, these two people were not very convinced by Wei Qingqing, and the reason was simple. They were still caused by the idea of ​​advocating the past and devaluing the present.

The two of them live in an era earlier than Wei Qingqing, so how can they, as "seniors", be willing to be led by a "junior"?
Wei Qingqing seemed to have anticipated the two people's reactions, and said calmly:
"This is not an inquiry, but a notification. We have a certain chance of winning. As for you, if you are willing to join us, you can act together."

The cross-legged young man interrupted coldly: "What if we don't want to?"

Wei Qingqing, who was dressed in plain clothes, looked at the two people who had distanced themselves from her with cold eyes, and the silk hanging from her head shook slightly.

Behind him, red lanterns rose.

"If you don't want to, then you will become your enemy."

Upon seeing this, the two people's expressions changed drastically, and they swept back almost at the same time, and cast spells to activate their magic power.

But it was already too late, the surroundings had already been immersed in ghosts, and illusory "spirits" came out one after another, surrounding the two.

Around the stronghold, the patrolling bandits also turned into ghosts and gathered together.

These gangsters who committed all kinds of crimes, including killing and selling goods, had long been killed by Wei Qingqing, leaving only their "spirits".

"Sit in the also stepped into it..." The two people screamed.

Not long after, two human heads floated up like lanterns, the vision disappeared, the village returned to calm, and there was no one in the huge village.

Only Wei Qingqing was left standing in the courtyard, overlooking the two fallen corpses.

In fact, at the foot of the mountain, Ji Ping'an asked about the reputation of these two people. After learning that they killed indiscriminately, he realized that they were difficult to win over and could not be trusted. It was already agreed at that time to deal with them.

At this time, the closed door was pushed open.

Ji Ping'an walked out slowly, looked at the corpse on the ground, and said calmly:

"I thought you would need my help."

Wei Qingqing raised her chin, glanced behind him at the martial artist with tears on his face and a smile on his lips, and said:

"It seems that you have already reminisced about the past."

Jiang Chunqiu was in a very good mood at the moment, with resolute eyes, and he took a step forward:
"When are you leaving?"

Ji Ping'an had already told him about the news that Chen Xuanwu's soul had been taken away and was suspected to be in the hands of Banshan Taoist.

At this moment, Jiang Chunqiu swept away his fatigue and dejection, and stood tall in the mountains, full of fighting spirit.

Wei Qingqing was about to speak when suddenly a token flashed in her sleeve. She picked it up and looked at it, and the corners of her mouth curled up.


Thanks to my book friend: Oudi’s dad for his support!

(End of this chapter)

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