The national teacher does not practice

Chapter 357 Lord Buddha asked me to bring you a sentence

After the snow stopped, the scenery around Liuhu became more ethereal.

When the bird-catching boy ran over, he found that Ji Ping'an was already sitting on the ice and starting to fish.

The sun shines down from the "Guituo Mountain" in the distance, making the entire Liuhu Lake shine with gold, making Ji Ping'an, who is lying on his back in a wicker chair and holding a fishing rod, otherworldly.

"Have you thought about it?" Ji Ping'an closed his eyes and asked without raising his eyelids as he listened to the approaching footsteps.

Of course Ji Yuan didn't know, but he just said something casually yesterday, and a huge group of cultivators were uprooted overnight, with heads rolling in.

The murderer was Ji Ping'an, who in the eyes of the villagers failed to pass the imperial examination.

The bird-catching boy took a deep breath and said:

"Brother, I've thought about it, I want to learn Taoism!"

Then his face, which was flushed with cold, was full of anxiety, and he carefully observed Ji Ping'an's face:
"is it okay?"

Ji Ping'an looked indifferent, smiled and opened his eyes: "Oh? Why?"

In fact, he was not surprised.

Sure enough, Ji Yuan said excitedly and yearningly:

"Flying swords, as all the storytellers in the town have said, those powerful Taoist immortal masters, with a thought and a flick of the eye, will have flying swords across thousands of mountains and rivers, cutting down the enemy. How powerful!"

Which boy doesn't have a dream to become a swordsman?
In particular, young people in mountain villages lack information channels and do not understand the differences between inheritances. They just think that those with greater reputation are always good.

"Okay, then I'll teach you how to control a sword." Ji Ping'an agreed with a smile and a lazy voice.

"Really?" Ji Yuan couldn't believe it, thinking it was too simple.

Ji Pingan's next operation made the bird-catching boy increasingly doubtful.

He seemed to have already guessed it, and he casually took out a straight branch from the fish basket, threw it to the young man, and said:

"If you want to cultivate the great path, you can't reach the sky in one step. Start with simple training first, and treat it as your flying sword."

"..." Ji Yuan held the straight branch and was a little disillusioned: "Wooden stick..."

"Study or not?"


Ji Ping'an smiled. Who can refuse a straight and smooth wooden stick?
He said: "Okay, then I will teach you a set of formulas, and you can recite them according to my rhythm."

The so-called formula for cultivating immortals can actually be understood as a song. The specific words and phrases are not that important.

The key lies in the pronunciation of these words and the sentence fragmentation, because this contains a unique breathing rhythm.

The rhythm of breathing corresponds to the frequency band in which the body's internal organs resonate with the heaven and earth.

When Ji Ping'an was still in Liyang, he was practicing in the Shoushan Sword Sect. Looking at the bunch of mysterious names on the entrance formula, he felt a headache and couldn't understand their meaning.

At that time, his senior brother, Master Xingzhi, secretly told him that in fact, there is no need to understand the words of the formula. The reason why it is written in a mysterious and mysterious way is mainly to show off and reflect the powerful style of the big sect...

Just remember the pronunciation and the rhythm of sentence fragmentation. This is also an "open secret" that many powerful people in the spiritual world know, but hide it tacitly. It is purely a bad idea.

Therefore, Ji Ping'an really only taught Ji Yuan one song, and he changed the lyrics of the song based on a certain version of the Tona method.

"The heart is beating because love is like fire... I am the one who is laughing crazy... Love like fire will warm the heart..."

When the bird-catching boy recited it carefully and memorized it, the whole child was stunned, and his big eyes were full of resistance and doubts about the knowledge entering his brain:
"Brother, is this really...the entry-level secret to cultivating immortality?"

Although the sentences of this mantra are incomprehensible and the melody is extremely weird, when I recite it, my whole body is inexplicably excited, and it is quite touching, and the fairy sound of the great avenue lingers in my mind...

But a simple child instinctively feels that something is wrong.

Ji Ping'an put on a serious face: "I am your brother, can I harm you?"

"That must be impossible!" Ji Yuan believed it.

Ji Pingan nodded happily:
"Okay, let's practice. When you can make the branches move with your thoughts, you will have started to master the art of sword control."

"It's a flying sword!"

Ji Yuan stressed, and then ran very far away with great interest, sat cross-legged and meditated seriously on the hillside, stuck branches in the snow in front of him, then closed his eyes and recited the immortal cultivation formula in a low voice.

Single cycle.

On the lake, Ji Pingan listened to the young man singing a cappella and fished leisurely.

Most people lack the spiritual roots to practice Taoism, and he doesn't expect Ji Yuan to really enter the realm of practice. For most people in the world, the so-called breathing and breathing is nothing more than strengthening the body.

But about half an hour later, Ji Pingan suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the young man singing in the distance with slight surprise.

In his field of vision, spiritual roots were growing on the young man's head, and the surrounding spiritual elements of heaven and earth were slowly gathering towards him.

In the following days, interesting scenes appeared on Liuhu Lake. Every day, Ji Ping'an fished as usual, and Ji Yuan continued to practice.

Most people will gradually lose interest in the slow progress of practice, but the simple boy in the mountains has a kind of straightforwardness and tenacity that is not found in the rich and powerful children of the divine capital city, and he actually perseveres without slacking off.

And because of his singing, from that day on, Ji Pingan was never able to catch a fish again.

"If I had known it earlier, I would have taught him a few more songs. He would have gotten tired of listening to them too many times."

Ji Ping'an sighed, and the next day, instead of fishing, he dug out ice cubes, held a dagger, and started making ice sculptures on the lake.

On the first day, he carved a Taoist statue with immortal style and Taoist bones.

The next day, he carved a Buddha with beautiful features.

On the third day, he carved an unruly and domineering demon ancestor.


In a few days, there were a bunch of lifelike statues next to the hut, just like what he had done in the small courtyard of the Qintian Prison in the divine capital in the spring.

"The carving is really beautiful. Brother, you can make carvings and sell them for money in the future."

Ji Yuan said with admiration that Ji Ping'an's trip was not in vain. Although he did not pass the exam as an immortal master, he came back with a skill in carving.

The New Year is getting closer and closer, and the salesmen in the town begin to frequently go to the countryside to sell New Year's goods, and the villages are gradually decorated with lights.

In this barren ravine, the villagers who have nothing to do in winter have smiles on their faces.

The only difference from previous years is that Ji Yuan, who was originally the king of children, suddenly changed his temper and stopped playing wildly with the village children. Instead, he ran to the lakeside cabin all day long.

Every time I come here, I bring new news:

"Brother, the old man and the other guys raised money and bought a pig. They plan to kill it and eat it during the Chinese New Year."

"Brother, Ergou is gossiping about you, saying that you play with ice sculptures all day long, what's the use of it, it will melt in the spring, I will beat him up."

"Brother, the fat aunt said that she is looking for a wife for him. Do you want a wife?"

Ji Ping'an always listened with a smile, but rarely responded. Finally, Ji Yuan couldn't help but ask: "Brother, who are these ice sculptures?"

"Which one are you asking?"

"Well, what about the one carrying the big sword?"

"Oh, he was a mentally ill and reckless man who lived in Yunhuai Academy hundreds of years ago. He was later beaten to death by the Imperial Master of Zhou Dynasty."

"What about this pretty girl?"

"She is this reckless man's wife."

"Where's the one carrying the piano?"

"Oh, this is amazing. It's a musician from Mo Lin. It has twelve fingers in total on both hands. Grand Master Zhou thought it was ugly, so he cut off two of them and it looked better."

"Hiss... the National Master is really cruel."


"Brother, what are you thinking about when you look north?"

Ji Ping'an squinted his eyes, looked at the distant mountains, and said:

"Missing those old friends."



In the center of Leizhou, there is a mountain with extremely beautiful scenery. This is where the gate of Yunhuai Academy is located.

There are many bamboos growing in the mountains. It is said that the dean of the generation who selected this place as the mountain gate had the best character. He often used bamboo as a metaphor for people. One day when he was traveling around the world and saw a large area of ​​lush bamboo growing here, he couldn't help but press his head and enjoy it. Yin and howl.

Then he said to the disciple beside him:
"This bamboo has such a proud character, and it is still strong after being struck by it, which is heartbreaking. Doesn't this symbolize me?"

Then he made a decision and set the mountain gate here.At this moment, in a certain school building in the academy, the window was half open.

Qin Leyou sat on the ground with his chin in his hands, his loose Confucian robe draped around him, his sword thrown aside casually, and objects piled up in a mess behind him. He looked at the scenery outside the window, which looked haggard, like a withered flower, lifeless.

Han Qingsong, who was a boy and a girl, pushed open the school door and saw this scene. He frowned:
"Why did you ruin a good school building like this! You can clean it up yourself during bedtime!"

Qin Leyou said "En" and remained motionless.

Han Qingsong couldn't help but said:
"Senior Brother Qin, ever since the summit ended and you followed the dean back, you have always looked so depressed. Why on earth?"

Qin Leyou finally turned his head, glanced at his handsome junior brother, shook his head and sighed:

"Junior brother, when you were studying, did you ever find that the word 'freedom' was written in a strict manner, but the word 'cage' was ventilated in all directions? But freedom always has two points to break out of, and the cage is difficult to break free even with the strength of a bull and a dragon."

The prodigal son raised his hand, pointed at the school building, and said with a depressed smile:

"This academy is like a cage to me. How can a free soul be willing to be trapped in a cage?"

Han Qingsong said expressionlessly: "Speak in human terms."

Qin Leyou sighed: "Senior brother misses the girls in Qinhuai River."

I knew that literary youths are all sluts, sultry sluts... Han Qingsong sneered and sneered:

"If the dean hears what you said, I will be careful to punish you in solitary confinement."

Qin Leyou suddenly showed a flattering smile:
"Junior brother, you don't know how to snitch, right? Hey, do you have something to say when you come here?"

Han Qingsong was too lazy to argue with this thief and said disdainfully:

"The Chinese New Year is coming, and there is an annual poetry conference every year. I'm here to ask if you are ready."

Qin Leyou was boring:
"Hasn't the beauty of poetry this year been taken away by Ji Ping'an in the spring? Come to think of it, Ji Ping'an doesn't know what he's been doing lately."

Han Qingsong said:

"Probably in seclusion. During the Chinese New Year, even the front lines between the Great Zhou Dynasty and the Demon Kingdom in the west will cease fighting. Everyone needs to recuperate and recuperate. Presumably no force will cause trouble during the Chinese New Year. People are in a bad mood."

"That's true... But speaking of it, has the agreement between the academy and Qin Tianjian been concluded? Didn't it say that it was ready to be changed? Why has there been no movement?" Qin Leyou was curious.

Last time Dean Chen visited Yin Yang Academy and brought out the unequal covenant, he was slapped in the face by Ji Ping'an and tore it up on the spot to renegotiate.

But then Li Yang appeared first, and then the black sun fell, and all parties returned urgently, so the matter was delayed.

Han Qingsong shook his head when he heard this and sighed:

"It is said that the new covenant was opposed by some seniors in the academy."

"...Could it be Uncle Xuanzhen again?"


Both of them were helpless when they mentioned "Uncle Xuanzhen". This man was a "reborn" who returned to the academy after the stars returned to their places.

According to seniority, he was Dean Chen's senior brother, and he was also a powerful contemporary of the Great Zhou Dynasty Master.

His swordsmanship is fierce and domineering, and he is like his sword. He is different from the elegance advocated by the academy, and his character is closer to that of a martial artist. In short, one word "reckless" can sum it up.

And in history, this reckless man Xuanzhen died in the hands of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Needless to say, there was hatred among them, and Xuan Zhen was also the leader of this group of people who had great hostility towards Qin Tianjian after his return.

Correspondingly, there is another force of reborns who are on good terms with the Imperial Master of the Great Zhou Dynasty and tend to form an alliance with Qin Tianjian.

The two forces refused to give in to each other on whether to form an alliance or not. Dean Chen was caught in the middle. Although he was the strongest in cultivation, his seniority was not high enough...

Faced with the reborn person's statement, the old dean could not ignore it or use force to suppress it. He could only stand by and watch with a moderate attitude.

As for why the academy is in such a state of being torn apart from each other, it can be traced back to an old incident that year.

In the past, at the end of the Daqian Dynasty, all the heroes in the world came together, and the spiritual traditions in all the major rivers and lakes also joined different camps.

It is hoped that by assisting a group of people to create a new dynasty, they can be promoted to the "state religion".

Among them, the family of Confucian monks inherited from the Daxing Dynasty, either due to different choices or multiple bets, split into two teams and selected different forces to assist them.

One of them, led by the previous dean, formed an alliance with the then God Emperor and the Imperial Master.

The other group joined the rebel forces that later became the Southern Tang Kingdom.

At first, both sides overthrew Dagan together.

But later on, the two teams began to fight each other, competing for the dominance of the Central Plains. It is conceivable that the Confucian monks belonging to the two teams could not become enemies.

The final result was that the Great Zhou Dynasty won and occupied the vast majority of the territory. This school of Confucianism became today's "Yunhuai Academy".

The Southern Tang Dynasty retreated to the southern corner and gained a firm foothold with the support of Buddhism.

The group of Confucian cultivators who took refuge at that time merged with a group of warriors, and eventually became the "Southern Tang Sword Field" today.

Yes, from a blood perspective, the sword field and the academy are actually the same thing.

Because of this relationship, the strong men of the two sects are actually related to each other.

Qin Leyou sighed:
"It is said that Uncle Xuanzhen originally stood in the Zhou camp, but when the Zhou and Tang Dynasty faced each other, the Imperial Master of the Zhou Dynasty stepped into the Shenzang and fought against the Southern Tang Dynasty. The two armies were naturally merciless when they fought.

Seeing that the Southern Tang Dynasty was about to suffer a disastrous defeat, Uncle Xuanzhen, thinking of his sect's friendship, secretly sent information to the Confucian cultivators in the southern branch, hoping that they would try to protect themselves.But he was discovered by the imperial master.

After this "collaboration with the enemy" was exposed, even though the previous dean came forward as a guarantee, the imperial master still used thunderous means to kill Uncle Xuanzhen, and the two formed a deadly feud. Now, Uncle Xuanzhen has been reborn. It is perfectly normal to be hostile to Qin Tianjian. "

As a disciple of the academy, it was difficult for him to clarify his attitude towards this historical dispute.

On the one hand, Xuan Zhen is a person of temperament as his fellow disciples are fighting against each other. Seeing the disastrous defeat of the Southern Tang Dynasty, it is reasonable to want to save his fellow disciples who are standing on the opposite side.

On the other hand, the two armies are at war, collaborating with the enemy and treason... The national preceptor kills according to the law to serve as a warning. There is nothing wrong with this anywhere.

In this regard, the two of them could only sigh.

Han Qingsong said:
"But I think an alliance will eventually be formed. After all, the summit has been held. The past grudges have finally passed. Aren't we all resurrected now?"

Han Qingsong shook his head and smiled bitterly:
"But Senior Uncle Xuanzhen doesn't think so. But I also agree with your guess that the dean is still inclined to form an alliance. Moreover, although Senior Uncle Xuanzhen is hostile to the Imperial Master, with Master Peiyu suppressing him, it will be delayed for a while at most. , cannot affect the final result.”

The "Master's wife" he refers to is a person of a higher generation, the "Master's wife" of Xuan Zhen and the contemporary Dean Chen.

She is also the wife of the previous dean, and the "senior" who formed an alliance with the national master with her husband.

Confucian monks attach great importance to the superiority of master and disciple. The so-called "the king of heaven and earth is the master" is what Confucianism advocates.

Therefore, no matter how reluctant Xuanzhen was, facing "Peiyu" who was one generation above him, he could only suppress his anger and did not dare to explode, for fear of being accused of "bullying his master and destroying his ancestors".

The two were gossiping here, and suddenly they were attracted by the movement outside the window.

I saw an academy disciple leading a man wrapped in cotton padded clothes, a cloak, and a bamboo hat as he came in from the mountain gate, crossed the road, and walked toward a courtyard in the distance where the "reborn ones" lived.

"Hey, who is that person?" The two watched the mysterious person go away, and then called a scholar to ask.

"Two senior brothers, ask that person," the Confucian scholar who was summoned said:
"I don't know the origin. It's just that the other party brought a token to ask to see Uncle Xuanzhen."

Keepsake?Want to see Xuanzhen?
Qin Leyou and Han Qingsong looked at each other, a little confused. Could it be that Uncle Xuanzhen's friends from back then sent someone to contact them?

On the other side, in a certain courtyard.

Confucianism cultivator Xuanzhen also welcomed this thickly wrapped mysterious man in the courtyard.

Xuanzhen, who is about fifty years old, has half-white hair tied back, thin lips, and sharp eyes staring at the other person, holding a jade pendant in his hand:
"who are you?"

Without hesitation, the other party took off his hat and hood, revealing a bald head with a ring scar on his head.

"Monk?!" Xuanzhen's face turned cold.

The monk smiled, first clasped his hands together, and then went straight to the point without any delay:
"Is the donor the senior Xuanzhen who was killed by the Great Zhou Imperial Master?"

Xuanzhen's hair and beard were all spread out, and he was glaring angrily. His scars were stabbed severely by outsiders. The swords on the weapon racks in the courtyard buzzed and trembled, as if they were about to cut off the monk's bald head in the next moment.

The monk was calm and said with a smile:

"It seems that we have found the wrong person. Lord Buddha asked the young monk to bring you a message."

Xuanzhen: "Say!"

The monk smiled and said:
"Lord Buddha knows where Master Zhou is now, and he said that the donor might be interested in this information."

Xuanzhen stood up suddenly, and the swords and swords in the courtyard screamed:
"Where is he?!"


The typos were corrected first and then corrected. In addition, although the writing in these two chapters is rough, this is the feeling I like... (End of this chapter)

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