Chapter 55 You Are Wrong (Read More)
"Senior Sister Luo, that's a real genius."

When Huang He mentioned this name, he couldn't hide his admiration and longing:

"When she was admitted to Qin Tianjian, she showed extremely high dual-element talent, and then was personally taught by Qin Tianjian, oh, at that time, Jianzheng hadn't retreated yet.

"There are not many disciples in the main courtyard, and they are trying their best to cultivate them. Sister Luo's cultivation progresses very quickly. I heard that if it is not for the purpose of laying a solid foundation and deliberately suppressing the realm, the cultivation speed will be faster, but it is so. Now there are also broken three realms."

Ji Pingan was curious: "Is it just because of the dual-element talent?"

Huang He said: "Of course it's not only that, the most rare thing is that Senior Sister Luo has a pure heart of Taoism, amazing comprehension, and she also has the nickname of 'Taoist'."

Ji Ping'an was very pleased, thinking that the new generation of Qin Tianjian was not too useless after all.

Huang He continued: "My lord, if you want to see him, you probably have to wait until the special training class opens in a few days."


"Because Senior Sister Luo went to Zhenlong Pagoda to practice." Huang He replied, slapped his head suddenly, and took out the sapphire waist card:

"By the way, this is what the Marquis Jian asked me to bring back. It is the token of our first disciple of the Muyuan. It has higher authority. If you are too lazy to attend the lecture, my lord, you can also go to Zhenlong Pagoda to try it. Lying in the yard, it's not good to delay your actual combat ability..."

Huang He started nagging.

Zhenlong like the Xingluo Lake, a place for star officials to practice, and it is a magic weapon jointly created by the national teacher and the Taoist soldier casting master.

There are thirteen floors in total, and the difficulty increases step by step. Puppets with magical artifacts are set in the tower to accompany the star officials and exercise their ability to fight against the enemy.

Every time you break through a layer, you still have a chance to get rewards:

Star officials of all dynasties took back their weapons, magic weapons and other things to Qin Tianjian after death, and some of them would be put into Zhenlong Pagoda.

If the opportunity and strength are sufficient, it is far more cost-effective to obtain magical artifacts from the tower than to accumulate credits and exchange them in branches.

Therefore, the disciples flocked to it.

It is said that this reward mechanism was formulated by the national teacher himself, and he even left a puzzling sentence: "What's the point of killing monsters without exploding equipment?"

Ji Pingan played with his waist card, thinking that since he was going to participate in a special training class, it was indeed time to get a handy weapon.

The twelve flying swords can never be used publicly... and the space in the kit is limited, and there are not many things in it.

What kind of weapons are suitable for you in Zhenlong Pagoda?

This question requires no thought.



As the news of Gou Hanyi's awakening spread, the oppressive atmosphere in the prison was relieved. Although Hei Fengsha had not yet been brought to justice, no one doubted that the five prison lords could not do it.

People turned their attention to practice.

"Zhenlong Pagoda is too difficult. The puppets on the first floor are terrifyingly strong. I couldn't resist a single move, so I threw them out." A freshman complained in the dining hall.

Another person next to him said:
"Satisfied, at least you are not disfigured, unlike me who hit the ground face first... And if it is not difficult, what kind of 'death tower'? I heard from Si Li that those of us who have just stepped into Yangqi can clear the first floor within half a year , even if qualified.

"Although those puppets look powerful, they are actually regular. They can spend money to buy strategies, so they can be faster."

Shi Jilun, who had sparse eyebrows and was slightly chunky, said after finishing cooking:

"Don't try to take shortcuts. Sooner or later we will have to fight the real enemy. Right now, we are taking advantage of the loopholes and beating puppets to be complacent. As a result, our skills have not improved. What will we do when we fight people in the future? There are no rules for living people to find. And the higher you go, the higher the tower The smarter the puppets inside, there are no rules."

Si Chen in front said awkwardly: "Brother Shi, I'll just say it casually, isn't the key point to get rewards for clearing the level?"

After a pause, he said mysteriously:

"I found out that there are many good things in the tower. Although generally speaking, the higher the level, the better the rewards, but there are exceptions... I heard that the master of the state once threw a personal weapon into the tower in the past."

Shi Jilun sneered: "Is the weapon of the national division also something we can think of?"

"That's hard to say," Na Si Chen looked forward to, "The national teacher has clearly said that the weapon will flow randomly between layers, even if it is the first layer, there is a chance to explode, and there will be fakes?"

Shi Jilun said: "The national teacher said this to give us an idea and drive us to practice hard, but who has gotten it for so many years?"

Having said that, it is possible to be admitted to the Qin Tianjian and become Si Chen is one in a million. Which young man has never imagined that he is the son of destiny?
Even Shi Jilun refuted it, but it was also unavoidable to fantasize:

What if I was the lucky one.

Thinking of this, a group of people rushed towards Zhenlong Pagoda together after eating, preparing to continue to climb the pagoda.

As a result, as soon as he arrived, he saw a familiar figure stepping into the gate of the simple and majestic stone tower standing on the north side of Xingluo Lake.

When the figure passed through the light curtain of the formation, the sapphire waist card flickered, and the light curtain immediately engulfed him like a wave of water.

"Hey, look, the one who went in just now seems to be Ji Ping'an." A Si Chen said in surprise.

"It's indeed him, and he's still wearing Muyuan's robe. How long does it take for him to be thrown out by the puppets?" Another person was curious.

"Anyway, it's an innate wooden appearance, and the talent is much stronger than ours, so I should be able to hold on to a few more tricks."

"Talent only means high potential, but his cultivation time is later than us, so it has nothing to do with strength."

A group of people stopped and discussed curiously, some guessed ten breaths, some guessed twenty breaths...

As a result, everyone waited for quite a while, but none of them saw Ji Pingan come out.

Shi Jilun frowned, and said: "Don't look at it, the first floor is so big, and it's not a forced fight, maybe he's just watching others fight inside. Don't care about others, think about yourself more."

Everyone thought about it, stopped paying attention, and stepped into it together.


Zhenlong Pagoda.

When Ji Ping passed through the light curtain, endless white mist filled his eyes, and the sound of clanging battles could be heard from everywhere in the mist.

The so-called Zhenlong has heaven and earth inside.

From the outside it looks like an ancient pagoda of ordinary size, but in fact the interior space is huge, especially the first floor, where you can run for a long time without touching the edge.

The diffuse fog is also to allow the star officials to eliminate the interference of other people's eyes and focus on the battle without any scruples.

Everyone who comes in will be teleported to an empty location, and just wait for a while, and a puppet instructor will come.

Ji Pingan didn't wait, and didn't even stop in his footsteps. He walked through the fog and came to an armored puppet.

The puppet dropped his weapon, the hexagram matrix lit up under their feet, the teleportation formation was activated, and Ji Pingan disappeared on the first floor.

Flowing clouds and water.

Even the battle process has been omitted.

From the beginning to the end, he just glanced at the puppet.


Second floor.

The puppet that appeared was even bigger, two meters high, holding a huge axe, full of oppressive force.


the third floor.

A big snake of the puppet monster race appeared, with scarlet eyes and a terrifying momentum as it swam.


Fourth floor.

A translucent soul body appeared, capable of casting spells, unpredictable.


Fifth floor

Sixth floor

Seventh floor


Ji Pingan only stayed on each floor for less than three breaths, and from the beginning to the end, he didn't even raise the corner of his clothes once.

The puppet guards on each floor gave up their resistance the moment they sensed the slowly turning star map in Ji Ping'an's eyes, and bowed down respectfully, as if welcoming back the master who had been away for many years.

And the dense fog that filled the space became the best cover.

"Brother Jian, what are you looking at?"

In a certain floor, several Si Chen had just finished a joint attack when Jian Zhuang suddenly turned his head to look somewhere in the dense fog.

"It's nothing, there was some movement just now, it seems that a star official came up, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye, it's a bit strange." Jian Zhuang said.

Si Chen, who was also on the list, said with a smile:
"Did you read it wrong? After entering this floor, they are all forced to fight. If someone really comes up, there will definitely be the sound of fighting."

Jian Zhuang thought for a while and said, "That's true, maybe my nerves are too sensitive."

Another poked fun at himself:
"Who is not the same? The Gods' Grand Prize is approaching, and we should enter the special training class in a few days. After Luo Huaizhu came back, my pressure increased sharply, and my nerves became more and more sensitive. Heh, according to the wise words of Master Guoshi, That is: recalling the fear of being dominated by that person again."

Among all the geniuses, Luo Huaizhu is also like a great devil.

Jian Zhuang said: "Then work harder and strive to pass the customs today. I don't know what floor Luohuaizhu is on."

The former sighed: "Is it important? Anyway, no matter how many floors there are, she is the only one."


Ji Pingan didn't hear their discussion, or in other words, he didn't care if he heard it.

The higher the Zhenlong Pagoda goes, the smaller the space on each floor, the thinner the fog, and the fewer puppets.

When he stepped into the ninth floor, the teleportation point finally stopped avoiding other people.


Amidst a metallic roar, a young girl's figure was holding a Fang Tian painted halberd, and was struck flying by a black-armored giant.

The whole person stepped back, and the tip of Fang Tian's painting halberd hit the metal floor, drawing a string of brilliant sparks, leaving black scorched marks.

She sensed the aura of a stranger behind her, but she didn't turn her head back, and she was only distracted for a moment, before returning all her attention to the enemy in front of her.


Amidst the sound of the sea of ​​air turning, the girl's thin body erupted like an engine roar, and with an extremely fierce posture, she slammed into the black-armored giant.

The weapons of the two sides collided, and they fought dozens of rounds in the blink of an eye.

But no matter how fierce the girl is, the giant's defense is like a mountain, standing still.

Ji Pingan raised his eyebrows slightly, instead of continuing to look up, he stood aside and watched quietly.

After a long time, when the girl was once again struck by the giant's sword and panted violently while holding her knees, Ji Ping'an's voice sounded:

"You are wrong."

 Thanks to the book friends: 2022...0991, black tea, digital leader, my first time to change my name to Hundred Rewards for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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