The national teacher does not practice

Chapter 75 Battle 1 God Capital

Chapter 75 Battle in a God City (for further reading)

Mu Yaoyao jumped up and greeted her with a smile, using flattery to cover up her complacency just now.

The rest of the Muyuan disciples and the two Si Li also respectfully said:


At the same time, I was surprised, I didn't want to give Ji Pingan such a high evaluation.

The above comments are the praises of General Chen Xuanwu by the national teacher in the past, and they have been passed down to the world.

However, they didn't know that this "famous quote" was stolen by the national teacher, and that shameless literary thief was sitting beside him with a smile on his face.

"You don't need to be too polite." Xu Xiurong was in a good mood, sat down with a smile, and said:
"I already know the news from the prison. After this incident, those doubts have died down. As for the gift from your senior brother, just take it."

As she spoke, the actress added in her mind:

Who made him so rich, a big dog, and he would not eat for nothing.

Among the people present, she was the only one who knew that with Ji Ping'an's family background, she probably didn't think much of this reward.

Only then did Huang He and the others agree, and they were overjoyed, so there was no need to mention it.

After chatting for a few more words, Xu Xiurong changed the subject and looked at Ji Pingan and Mu Yaoyao:
"This experience is over, and for the next period of time, you will study in the special training class, but according to the usual practice, it will not take up too much time, and you will still focus on your own cultivation.

"Early summer is approaching, and the major sects, as well as people from other places who come to watch the grand prize, will arrive one after another. The next gods may not be safe."

Huang He said: "Jianhou, are you referring to the 'martial arts' of all parties?"

Hearing this, a group of star officials around the table all pricked up their ears, and they looked much more serious.

"Yanwu" originally meant practicing martial arts.

But here, it has another meaning.

"Historically, on the eve of the opening of the Grand Prix of the Divine City, the period when the major sects arrived at the Divine Capital is the period of 'martial arts'. It can also be understood as a kind of rehearsal of the Grand Prix. In the beginning, when the country was founded, every Grand Prix, The sects of various state capitals gathered together, and some people set up the ring to accept the challenges of all parties to demonstrate the sectarian heritage. It was named 'Yanwu'."

"In the follow-up, the Divine Capital Awards became more and more formal, and only a few major sects were eligible to participate in the competition. This custom of 'exercising martial arts' has also been passed down, and has deviated from the original meaning. Up to now, it is more like the major sects. Before the grand prize is opened, it is a public challenge to show itself."

Xu Xiurong was worried that Ji Pingan didn't understand, so he patiently explained the reason:

"Of course. After all, it is a well-known sect that pays attention to demeanor, and also considers keeping the hole cards for the grand prize. Therefore, 'Yuanwu' generally does not focus on fighting, but on other things. There are only occasional exceptions."

Ji Pingan pretended to be curious: "Others?"

Mu Yaoyao raised her hand and rushed to answer:
"I know. Take Mo Lin as an example. He majors in the two mundane skills of 'painting' and 'sound', which are extraordinary and refined. At the same time, he is supplemented by 'chess'. Therefore, on the eve of the grand prize, he will use these three masters The ability to challenge the entire God City, to be precise, is to challenge the imperial court."

The relationship between the Great Zhou court and the sects in the territory is quite delicate.

On the one hand, these sects are located in the territory of Dazhou.

And the disciple's household registration is also in the government.

In terms of law, the Zongmen belongs to the people of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

On the other hand, practitioners are extraordinary and refined, and several major schools have been passed down for thousands of years with profound foundations.

Have great autonomy.

As a result, he and the imperial court were in harmony on the surface, but secretly wrestled with each other.

Every time there is a big reward, the actions of the major sects to challenge the gods are essentially a continuation of the struggle.

However, Qin Tianjian and the state religion Taoist sect belong to the imperial court camp and must deal with this challenge.

Has become a practice.

This is also the reason why many Jianghu people came to join in the fun:
Before observing the grand event, you can also watch several major sects take turns to challenge the imperial court, which is absolutely wonderful.

"Indeed," Xu Xiurong nodded, and broke out:

"The Ministry of Rites has sent a message that Mo Lin will arrive at the Divine Capital in these two days. Next, the two sects of Yushouzong and Huaiyuan, as well as many small forces in the world will also arrive."

Daomen, Molin, Huaiyuan, Yushouzong, and Qintianjian... are the five major practice inheritances within the territory of Dazhou, excluding the royal family.

Among them, the inheritance of Taoism is the oldest.

The rest of them also have thousands of years of history, and Qin Tianjian was established the latest and has the weakest background.

No way, the star official system has only been created for 500 years.

Qin Tianjian officially existed as a practice school when the national teacher was in his later years.

This is also why, although the five supervisors are the masters of the state, they only have the cultivation level of "sitting in the well" and they are so young.

It's too late when accepting disciples...

When the national teacher was alive, although the strength of Qin Tianjian was severely faulted, the national teacher alone was enough to make this newborn inheritance one of the great schools of the world.

After the death of the national teacher, Qin Tianjian, who was in the realm of "watching the sky", faded out of sight again, and it is no surprise that the overall strength of "Qin Tianjian" is now at the bottom.

Ji Pingan sat on the side, listening to the discussion, feeling a little less interested.

Mu Yaoyao suddenly looked at him and said:
"Aren't you good at painting? If Mo Lin comes to show off his prestige, we can try to beat them in the painting."

The others smiled, Huang He said:

"My lord is a good painter, but that's Mo Lin. He majored in painting. How could he lose?"

The middle-aged secretary's calendar also seconded:
"We have the greatest chance of winning in chess, and we also have victories in piano. After all, we don't use spiritual essence in the 'Yanwu' competition, but only in terms of skills. There are also masters of piano in Shendu... But Huadao, Mo Lin has never lost in all these years. "

Xu Xiurong nodded, indicating that this is the reason.

Mu Yaoyao was a little unconvinced, thinking that Gao Mingjing would agree with everything.

But let me tell you, she is not so confident anymore.

Although she had witnessed Ji Ping'an and Gao Mingjing's discussion, she didn't understand it at all, and she couldn't understand the gap between them. She instinctively believed in authority.

Ji Pingan listened with a smile and did not refute.

He won't tell them that if he simply compares his skills, he not only knows how to paint, but he is also proficient in playing the piano and Go.

After all... living for 1000 years, even to relieve boredom, is enough to practice these things to the peak.



South of the city of God.

On the wide Lancang Grand Canal, the hot wind in early summer blows the sails, and a large ship gallops through the waves.

On the ship, hang a strange flag.

It was the Merlin fleet.

On the wide deck of the ship, a handsome young man stands, wearing a slightly loose robe, with ink pens hanging from his waist, and three painting scrolls are inserted obliquely in the cloth bag on his back.

Mo Lin's painter's standard dress.

At this moment, looking at the dock in the distance and the scene of thousands of sails racing, he praised:

"The Divine Capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty is worthy of being the largest city in the world, with a majestic atmosphere and a myriad of magnificence."

Behind him, a young woman walked in style, with a beautiful appearance, wearing a simple and elegant long skirt, full of bookishness, and said with a smile:
"I'm even more curious about the skills of the court musicians. The ancient rhyme of the Great Zhou Dynasty is very different from the style of Jiangnan music."

In the distance, the middle-aged female musician who led the team smiled and said:
"Why doesn't Chu Chen splash ink? Would Mr. Tong play a song?"

Eyes full of pride:

Qu Chuchen and Zhong Tongjun are the most outstanding two of Mo Lin's young disciples in this generation.

They belong to the pathways of "painter" and "musician".

In the field of practice, there is also the theory of big and small years.

Mo Lin has been dormant for many years, and the last time the Gods rewarded him, his results were mediocre.

This year is coming again, but it is ambitious.

Confidence... It originated from the young Tianjiao headed by the two. The contemporary owner of Molin once commented: Qu and Zhong, the talents and talents are enough to be famous in the history of Molin.

Wat Chuchen shook his head with a smile:

"Master Gao must have been waiting at the pier, how good Meng Lang is."

Mr. Zhong Tong also agreed with a smile, his nose fluttered suddenly, and he turned his head to look at the cabin.

The kitchen curtain was lifted, and a chubby man rolled up his sleeves, holding a crock pot of fish soup, smiling:
"Senior Brother Qu, Senior Sister Zhong, how about a taste of my fish soup?"

The handsome and handsome Wat Chuchen smiled:

"Junior Brother Ke, the gods are watching, you still have the mind to delve into delicious food, it seems that you are not worried about the master of the gods."

Xiaopangdun's nickname is "Keqiao" and his nickname is "Chess King". Although he is not as good as the two in terms of practice, he is proficient in miscellaneous learning.

His chess strength is extremely high, and he is a chess genius born in the world.

This time, it was one of Mo Lin's trump cards in "martial arts".

Ke Qiao smiled, but didn't answer.

The pride that inadvertently appeared in his eyes was hard to hide.

While talking and laughing, the boat docked, and a white dress floated there.

All the disciples hurriedly cupped their hands: "I have seen the high master."

Gao Mingjing said "En", and laughed loudly: "The journey has been hard, and the posthouse has already been prepared. I will clean up the dust for you."

"It all depends on the master."

Mo Lin and his group of monks were mighty, and immediately stepped into the city of God under the awe-inspiring eyes of the boatmen at the pier.



That night.

The news of Mo Lin's arrival spread in the Qin Tianjian, and replaced the just-concluded "experience" as the top topic.

In the next few days, more frequent news came:
For example, Mo Lin's disciples arrived the next day and went to the palace to have an audience. The God Emperor tried his best to reward Yun Yun.

However, in the eyes of those who are interested, from the moment the first big faction enters the city, the capital of God is about to come, and it is no longer peaceful.

For a moment, everyone was paying attention, looking forward to Mo Lin's "performance".

Unfortunately, Ji Ping'an was not among these people.

He seemed to be ignorant of the wind and rain in the city, and he still practiced according to his own lazy rhythm.

As long as there is nothing to do, he lies on the wicker chair and takes a nap.


early morning.

When Ji Pingan walked and arrived at the "Yangyi Hall", he noticed that the atmosphere was a bit strange, and the members of the special training gathered together, discussing something enthusiastically.

"Did something new happen?" Ji Pingan asked curiously.

Mu Yaoyao, who pouted her buttocks and listened to gossip among the crowd, moved away and waved to him:

"Yeah, let me just say, you who don't hear things outside the window, definitely don't know."

Ji Pingan smiled and sat down: "Tell me?"

After experience, his ability has been recognized, and Wang Xian will take the initiative to share information:
"Mo Lin's martial arts performance has begun. Just this morning, three teams walked out of the posthouse, set up a ring in the capital of God, and challenged God with three skills of 'painting', 'sound', and 'chess'. All.

"Anyone can take part in the challenge. The news spread, and the entire god has been shocked. Right now, I don't know how many people are rushing to join in the fun."

Lin Qin's beautiful face showed worry:

"In previous years, there was not such a big battle. It can be seen that Mo Lin came prepared. If there is no one in the entire God City, I am afraid that it will become a laughing stock."

Qin Tianjian and the imperial court shared weal and woe, if someone really blocked the door of his house and beat him helplessly, it would also be a heavy blow to the morale of Shendu Dashang.


ps: I don’t know what’s going on, maybe I’ve caught a cold, my arms are extra heavy, and I’m so tired from typing. .

 Thank you Lee Separk Baeksang for your support! !
(End of this chapter)

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