Wow!The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 172 Two Abilities...

Chapter 172 Two Abilities...

Aryan stood at the gate of the base, watching the two started off-road vehicles slowly leave, gradually sinking into the branches and vines of the jungle, the steel gate was slowly closed, and the delicate little face in the gradually shrinking vertical slit turned around silently.

The light strip inside the base has a gentle white light and flickers gently.

For the first time, this steel base, which has been silent for hundreds of years, shows the flash of technology.

Strange handwriting flowed on the central control screen of the unattended mainframe, and then went completely silent——


"Its daybreak?"


Coming and going is the same journey, and Baier, who has already demonstrated his ability, is in charge of leading the No. 1 car ahead.

In the rearview mirror, the silver-gray outer wall of the base gradually disappeared from the field of vision.

"Plans always fail..." Doyle Kevin's words flashed through his mind.

But isn't our trip a success?Bai Er pursed his lips and stepped on the accelerator.

When driving out of the animalized jungle, many obvious potholes appeared on the brown hills far away.

The experienced veteran patted his chest with some relief, "Damn it! I didn't expect us to be so close to those green skins! Fortunately, we didn't meet..."

There are also warriors who have never encountered orcs so far, looking at the potholes in the distance with some novelty, one by one... There is no plan, some are stuck together, and some are about ten meters apart, protruding out of any kind.

"Is that the pit planted by those orcs?"

"Yeah... Whatever you want?" The experienced veteran also sighed a little, "Growing an orc out of the ground is less important than growing a vegetable..."

"Fortunately, I didn't meet..."

"Yeah... Fortunately, I didn't come across it."

Although those green-skinned boys are not as crazy aggressive as bugs, this more chaotic creature is sometimes more difficult to deal with than bugs.

This kind of creature with only "fight" in its mind is either fighting or on the way to fighting.

They don't care what happens after the fight is over, it's either you fuck me or I fuck you.

They dare to face a large-scale human army, and it is their pleasure to meet a small-scale human battle group.

Primitive and savage, but the vitality of this kind of stuff grown from the ground is outrageous than bugs...

Avoiding them as much as possible is the biggest strategic policy of human beings against orcs. Anyway, as long as they don't meet face-to-face, the orcs will be separated from each other and themselves.

People can also have fun...

This is a lunatic who runs around and picks things up for fun!

In a sense... it seems to be quite similar to a player.

Bai E pursed his lips, and suddenly discovered that the two had a lot in common.

In the future, there will be no large-scale players joining the green leather camp to have fun, right?

This thought flashed in his mind, but Bai E didn't think deeply about it, he just stepped on the accelerator and accelerated forward, leaving the jungle far behind.

Always look ahead...

The veil of the world is gradually being lifted before his eyes, and some players have all kinds of natural disasters and even spiritual powers.

Reality and fiction, individuality and society... The impact of opposites and the mysteries of the world all come one after another. Facing the impact of bugs and electronic demons in the golden age hundreds of years ago, human beings inevitably declined into what they are today. An inconspicuous member of the wave of the times, the only thing he can do is to strengthen his personal ability as much as possible——

Strength and influence need to be pursued.

Sitting on the rickety seat of the off-road vehicle, Baie was able to calm down and take stock of the biggest gain of his trip——

As strong as "the strongest warrior in ancient times", the certification on the explosion rate panel is only worth 2500 combat experience points, perhaps because there are no weapons, or because there are many enemies with fewer, but this in itself can be regarded as a comprehensive combat strategy. power assessment.

Judging from experience alone, in the eyes of the system, the evaluation of the combat effectiveness of the strongest warrior in ancient times is not even as good as that semi-weak praying mantis that led some low-level bugs to attack the barracks in the recruit trial.

But the fact is that even without the digital domain, the ancient warriors manipulated by electronic demons might be able to defeat the blood god, the pinnacle of ordinary soldiers, in a 1V1 hand-to-hand close-to-hand combat.

What is displayed on the explosion rate panel is by no means all of his abilities, just like the character ability extraction card I got from Yueying before and the bow and arrow skills she taught me were not displayed on her explosion rate panel at the beginning .

The explosion rate panel of "The Strongest Warrior in Ancient Times" is obviously not his full strength, but even so, the limited two abilities that were lucky enough to explode - Specialty: Weapon Master, Trait: Resist Death, are unimaginable to me powerful.

[Specialty--Weapon Master: The combat experience of ancient warriors makes you familiar with all understandable types of weapons, and the "weapon" specialization ability mastered by any of you has +1 specialization level expressiveness when actually used (actual expressiveness cannot over level 10). (Currently available bonus specializations: dexterous weapon specialization, heavy weapon specialization, ranged weapon specialization, light firearm specialization.]

[Trait - Resisting Death: The biochemically modified body is filled with inexhaustible blood and isolation substances that can deceive death.In the event of fatal injury, your main body can be kept alive until help comes.When receiving damage that exceeds the upper limit of blood volume, it can maintain 1 point of blood volume and guarantee a certain ability to move until "healing out of danger"; or "the surviving subject suffers a crushing blow"; or "a certain period of time (depending on survival) depending on the state of the subject). 】

After killing the opponent and obtaining the dropped items, Baie could feel his body begin to change invisibly, and it wasn't until after 24 hours of transformation that he could truly discover the exact changes in his body.

The rushing blood seems to have an unimaginably hot temperature, and somewhere in the body seems to have grown an extremely tiny organ at some time, which secretes and stores some hormone substances that are usually undetectable. Baie thinks that the probability is that it is The so-called "isolated substances", only when they suffer fatal injuries, they will appear to cheat death...

Two abilities, one for fighting and one for saving lives.

Resisting death allowed the strongest warrior in ancient times to crawl out with his remaining half right hand dragging his body even if he was shot randomly. It's hard to die.

An indescribable sense of security wrapped Baie's heart, this was the first time that he felt the biggest capital for him to survive in this world.

Not to mention the ownership of the highest authority of the global network base...

It turns out that exploring the "relics" has so many benefits, no wonder it was released by the official game website at that time as one of the three major development routes of the game content.

And since exploring the "remains" brought him enough surprises, then... what about the other two?

One-third of the main task has been completed, and the other genetic optimization fluid and faction prestige levels have not been completed yet.

Carlos, the sniper god, should not have much need to make a big deal for himself. His words are likely to be credible, so according to his performance in this mission, he should have enough military achievements after returning this time.

The process of applying for the gene optimization solution should be officially implemented. If there is no accident, a gene optimization solution will not run away.

The only thing that is still hopeless is the power prestige level.

Could it be that he, the leader, needs to do things himself to become famous?
Where are the players?What are you doing?Work hard!
[Reminder: Your faction organization (Dawn) has just wiped out a small black street force, and its prestige has improved slightly. 】



(End of this chapter)

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