Wow!The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 195 Training Expertise

Chapter 195 Training Expertise
Evening, Black Forest.

The moonlight was dim, and the wilderness was silent.

The current Baier is not the same as when he first came to this world... Whether it is strength or mentality.

Facing the wilderness that he had never dared to set foot at night before, he dared to come alone.

A saber and two pistols were all the equipment he carried.

The saber is used to kill the enemy, the pistol is used for self-defense, and there is no problem in using gun fighting skills to escape at critical moments.

As for the goal... always let Kuang Xin and the others kill wolves, how can they do it if they don't try it themselves?

I haven't killed this thing myself, and there is no experience decay. It should be good to use it to gain experience.

Baie still remembered his unfinished "Blind Fight" unlocking method——

It is required to gain 100 points of combat experience by killing enemies in a dark environment, which is just right for this mission that may require a dark environment.

The night wind of the Black Forest carried an earthy dampness.

Baier deliberately made noises while walking to attract those possible dark carnivores.


The broken branches and fallen leaves shattered under his feet, and Bai Er strode inward with great strides.

Until no one knew when, some dark green eyes were floating in the darkness like will-o'-the-wisps.

"噗~" Bai'e pulled out the saber from the sheath, and casually swung it around.

The specially treated dumb black blade is almost completely unobtrusive at night. It is not known whether it will attract the attention of wolves, but they probably don't care.

The terrifying upright ape broke away from his group and entered their territory alone. Isn't this a meal worthy of the friendship of the other party who sent meat from thousands of miles away?

Surround, approach.

The beast's eyes were fixed on the surrounded prey, waiting for the moment when he would reveal his flaws.

The most taboo thing to live in the wild is getting injured. Even if the target is already in a mortal situation, you have to be careful about his last resistance.

One, two, three, four, five, go into the forest to fight wolves... six in total.

Stand still and let them gnaw... That's a bit exaggerated, but considering my current physical fitness, there shouldn't be any danger from just six wild wolves.

Baie took out an opaque black cloth belt from his arms, and wrapped it around his eyes quickly and simply.

Another knot was tied.

The activation requirement for the specialty is a "dark environment". I don't know if the glimmer of light provided by the moon is considered "darkness".

Since it is a blind fight, you must first become a blind person.

The moment the black cloth wrapped his eyes, darkness completely descended on Baie's world.

There was a pitch-black nothingness all around, as if he had lost his connection to the world in an instant.

The moment the image disappeared, everything around him also completely moved away.

It was different from the feeling of entering the depths of the sewer that day. One was an instant cutoff, the other was a slow adaptation; the opponent of one was a mouse, and the opponent of the other was a wolf.

Even though his current strength is far beyond human comparison, the primitive fear brought by the darkness still makes Baie feel flustered.

Although it was suppressed by "self-inhibition" in an instant.

Taking a deep breath, Baie gradually tried to adapt to this environment.

By ear, by breath, by touch...

The wind caressing the skin, the stench wafting in the wind, the rustling of the blades of grass between actions.

【You are using insight to observe the environment...】


The movement was made almost simultaneously.

No matter how smart a beast is, it is just a beast. Seeing that the terrifying upright ape had sealed its organ, which is the largest channel for observing the outside world, with its own hands, it thought it was the greatest opportunity.

Baie sighed secretly.

[coming! ]
[left! ]
Bai E held the handle of the saber backwards, estimated the speed, distance and direction, and slashed towards the left!

The firm touch let Baie know that he had hit the target, and the feedback from his hand was a little hard so that the force of the shock was not small, and the howl of the wild wolf also rang in his ears.

Having no time to think about which part he hit, Baie turned around and swept his legs in another direction.

The six wild wolves launched at the same time, but the actual attack arrived step by step, and Baie had a certain space to maneuver in it.


The metal heel slammed into the skull and made a dull impact sound, and the sweeping leg, which was not weakened, just changed the direction slightly and still kicked the second wolf that rushed.

Without a chance to catch his breath, Baie turned around and slashed behind him again.

But he never thought that his empty left hand would suddenly be wrapped around a warm body. Baie could feel the sound and touch of sharp claws slicing across the combat uniform made of unknown fabric, and the beast's fangs knocked. He wanted to bite off a piece of meat fiercely on his arm.

However, the toughness of the muscles and the fabric of the combat uniform made it difficult for the beast to accomplish its purpose, and only the not-so-serious pain was sensed by Baie along with the conduction of the nerves.

A simple biting attack is nothing, the wolf's weight, which is half the size of a human body, is the biggest trouble holding him back.

Turning the blade backhand, Baie slashed at the wild wolf that wrapped its forelegs and fangs around his left arm.

The sharp blade of the saber scraped across the beast's strong fur, but it was difficult to cause too much damage to it. At least Baie didn't feel that the blade penetrated into the flesh.

The damage is not high?The blade instantly turned the direction of attack, and stabbed down hard in the direction where the stomach might be.

During the pain, the wild wolf let go of its minions in an instant and jumped back.

However, when the wolves were hunting, their cooperation with each other was unimaginable, and before Baier had any time to recollect, the right forearm holding the knife was slammed by a wolf's mouth.

They knew that the knife held by Baie's right hand was a weapon made by the terrifying upright ape, and it was the most threatening to them.

Once the claw holding the knife is controlled, the aggressiveness of the terrifying upright ape will drop by more than half.

Pressing down on the wolf's head, Baie kicked its soft belly, activating the level 4 fighting specialization with various special attributes, allowing Baie to use any part of his body to strike even if there is not much room for him to use his strength. The attack can also have a certain attack power.

The painful wolf subconsciously loosened its teeth with an "owwow".

In the complicated battle, there are sounds everywhere, far more difficult to perceive all the information than the environment in the sewer that day.

The strength of wild wolves is not strong, and the number of six is ​​not too many, but it is also a moderate challenge for Bai Er, who cannot use his eyes to obtain information.

Arms, thighs... The pack of wolves launched attacks from all directions without interruption, trying to control Baie's mobility, but they were also resolved one by one by Baie.

Faced with the protection of the combat uniform, the sharp claws could hardly cause substantial damage, and occasionally the fangs bitten desperately pierced through the back of the combat uniform, and it was difficult for Baie, who had the "tough skin" trait, to taste the blood.

Pain is essential.

But just like the pain he felt in the black boxing arena, the pain could not make Baier lose his mind, but would instead plunge him into a state of cold anger.

Grabbing the wild wolf fur again, Baie suddenly lifted its body and threw it to the other side.

The saber had already been slipped back into his waist casually, and it was not at all convenient.

The rather heavy saber is classified as a light weapon, unlike when using a dagger, it can directly inherit the strength from the fighting specialization level.

Only the proficient experience of 99/100 experience reported by the players, and even the level 1 specialization level has not been unlocked. It is really hindering to use it as the main force to kill the enemy, and it is not even as good as empty handed.

Baier also didn't intend to vigorously develop this specialization. Generally speaking, light weapons can only be used to deal with small beasts and compatriots who are also humans. They are undoubtedly of no use against those bugs or omnics and orcs that have not yet been contacted. big.

Natural training can improve it, but it can't be done if you want to add some experience to it.

Right now, it is also a good choice to maim the wolves with fists first, and then make up with sabers.

Baie, who didn't use a saber, was even more dexterous. After grabbing a wild wolf and hitting another wolf that was pounced heavily, he let go of his fingers and held down the head of the pounced wolf again.

The violent force succumbed to the struggling wild wolf, and Baie knelt down half-kneeling to punch its spine with all his strength.


The whole body of the wolf was smashed into the ground, a knife was inserted, the blade twisted into the body, and the internal organs flowed across the ground along with the blood.

[Successfully use melee attack to incapacitate the target, +5 combat proficiency experience. ] (superimposed)
[Successfully hit the target's vitals, light weapon proficiency experience +3. 】

[Have learned "Level 1 Light Weapons Specialization", and simultaneously obtained sublimation points*1. 】

[Light Weapon Specialization (Level 1): Attack Speed ​​+3%, Armor Break +1%. 】

[Current light weapon proficiency experience is 2/300, and you can master "Level 300 Light Weapon Specialization" when you reach 2 points. 】

[Hit the target's vitals, causing 27 points of puncture damage to the target! 】

Pulling out the sharp blade casually, Baie threw his hand and smashed it.

After getting used to fighting in the "dark environment", the ability to improve is not only in the collection of information, but more importantly, the confidence brought about by the habit of darkness.


The wild wolf who was hit by the sharp knife let out a painful howl.



[Successfully hit the target's vitals, light weapon proficiency experience +12. ] (superimposed)
[Hit the target's vital point, causing 33 points of fatal damage to the target! 】

[Target's breathing disappears, and he has lost his basic vital signs. 】

[You have killed the target, the battle is over, and you have gained 85 combat experience points. ] (superimposed)
[You are trying to get familiar with fighting in the "dark environment". Under this condition, you can successfully obtain "100 combat experience points" through "combat" and you can train the specialty - blind fighting.Current progress 98/100. 】

Unsurprisingly, a large amount of blind fight progress has been increased.

It's a pity that it's still two points away...the experience decay is a bit too much.

It seems that the rate of decay is faster than when killing mice before. Although the experience of a wild wolf at the initial 20 points is quite a lot, the rate of decay is too fast because of...the problem with my current strength?

With his blood-stained left hand, Baie lifted the black cloth that covered his eyes. His gaze swept across the lying corpse and the wounds on the corpse, only to realize how outrageously crooked his attack was... …

Still poor.



[...Progress 107/100, you have successfully unlocked the specialty - Blind Fighting. 】

[Blind Fighting (Level 1): +1 insight performance (hearing) in "dark environment". 】

[You are trying to get familiar with fighting in the "dark environment". Under this condition, you can successfully obtain "300 combat experience points" through "combat" to increase the level of "Specialty - Blind Fighting".Current progress 7/300. 】

A leveled feat?This is the first time I see you.

Bai'er was happy, and his eyes, which were sealed under the cloth belt, were even more radiant with excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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