Wow!The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 254 "Imagery"

Chapter 254 "Imagery"

Baie opened his eyes, and a faint luster flashed through them.

Facing those bright eyes head-on, even someone as strong as Moon Shadow still unconsciously trembled.

For a moment, a vast, smoky aura pressed from "behind" Baie, suffocating like a tsunami.



The sea of ​​spiritual energy, high-dimensional space!
Only that all-encompassing existence that ignores time and space, seems to be the real side of the universe and seems to be completely illusory, can give her such a terrifying sense of oppression.

Just now, at an undetectable moment that was so small that it could no longer be divided, Baie's will successfully connected to the legendary ocean.

From a human artificial man who was rejected by psychic powers to becoming a real psychic now... This human warrior only took two short nights.

Boundless shock quietly rose from Yue Ying's heart. Even in her clan, it was not easy for a talent who had no talent or was even resisted by psychic power to awaken psychic power.

Not to mention the method of cultivating an elf with a human body.

Among them, I don't know how much he changed, which contributed to this last miracle!

The fresh impact brought by an unprecedented miracle hit her body wave after wave, and her unusually sensitive body was covered with a light pink halo at this so-called "heartbeat" moment.

A faint fiery heat rises from every corner of the body, even if the subconscious self-restraint is running to the extreme, it is difficult to control the body instincts that are now activated by the sea of ​​psionic energy and unprecedented terrifying facts.

The overly sensitive body and mind have created the extraordinary talent of elves, the main race of the race, for psionic energy, but in a sense, they are always on the verge of being corrupted by the extreme emotions that escape from the high-dimensional space.

Moon Shadow caressed her legs uncontrollably, and the grainy friction brought by the clothes clearly touched her fair and tender skin.

The instinct that had been suppressed for many years was particularly hot when it was ready to move. The amazing refreshing feeling brought by the friction alone spread throughout the whole body almost instantly, causing her body to tremble like lightning, and the soft moan in her throat was almost unstoppable.

"You... have psychic powers?" After all, he couldn't hold back anymore, so he could only rely on words to forcefully divert his attention.

However, Yueying himself couldn't detect how much Slaanesh's heat was carried in his slightly trembling voice.

The will of a powerful psyker can easily infect others, polluting the thoughts of others like the emotions escaping from the high-dimensional space.

Baie raised his head slightly, glanced at Moon Shadow hidden under the darkness of the hood, and felt that her tone of voice was a little weird.

like running...

"Yes." He replied calmly.

Not counting last night, just tonight, 6300 experience points were spent, and if you can't learn to kill yourself with a lot of experience, forget it.

The display on the panel clearly shows the ability that Baier already possesses now——

【Psychic Power】: 1/1
The volume is still very small, just getting started.

But starting from scratch is undoubtedly a huge leap for me.

As long as you have the method of practice, in every minute and every second in the future, you will continue to grow invisibly.

But for some reason, there is no "attribute" display.

Baie stepped into the field of psychic energy initially, so he could only rely on his previous knowledge to speculate on everything.

Previously on the explosion rate panel, Moon Shadow and Pan Sen, the psychic who recovered the server ruins together, both had their own psychic attributes.

Moon Shadow is "Sharp Cut", and Pan Sen is "Sky Eye".

Although I don't know what it means, maybe it's like a special attribute bonus on the specialization ability?
Psionic abilities with different "attributes" have different ability tendencies.

Bai'e's tone was hoarse, and he wanted to ask, but he didn't know how to ask.

He couldn't explain how he knew psionic powers had their own properties.

"What... did you see when you woke up?" Yueying said with difficulty.

She knew that her current state was not right, and she needed to get out of the current situation as soon as possible and be alone to calm down.

But he was uncontrollably more curious about the newly awakened Baie.

At the moment of awakening psionic power, everyone has only one chance in a lifetime.

This unique opportunity is crucial!

The inspiration at that moment, the "image" that he saw vaguely at that moment, will determine the direction of his life on the path of psionic energy.

Humans may not pay much attention to this. After all, they often only select those clansmen who are born with spiritual talents to practice spiritual power, and these people are often eating, sleeping, and Being in a daze, playing...and completing this kind of awakening-like moment in an inadvertent moment.

It is difficult to trace back, and the huge base of human beings also makes them completely indifferent to personal development routes.

Only their elves will be extremely concerned about this moment.

For Bai Er, who had newly awakened his psionic powers, Yue Ying was completely unable to convince herself to leave because of her strong curiosity.

"What did I see..." Bai'e muttered to himself, his eyes were empty, as if lost in memory, "I saw light... starlight..."

The origin of all things?

Long time?

has happened.

is happening.

about to be planned.

Bai Er, who wandered in the seemingly short "time" without knowing the passage of time, saw too much.

The many "images" feel so dense that they can't even be clearly expressed in words for a while.

As a means of exchanging information, too scarce.

Out of an instinctive concealment, he didn't want to tell the whole story of what he saw.

"Is it a star?" Yueying repeated lightly, her concentrated thinking suppressing some strange feelings in her body to a certain extent.

Regarding the images seen by the psykers at the moment of awakening, some elves of their elves have specially studied this.

The mysteries of psionic power are ever-changing and elusive, but elves need to immerse themselves in this difficult-to-study field.

Passed down from generation to generation, they already have a way of analyzing the "images" they observe at the moment of awakening that is unique to them.

And the stars...

"How many... have you seen? Yan... how bright is the color?" Yueying's breath was still a bit heavy, and the breath that she exhaled seemed to have a pink sweet taste.

Stars, in the "image analysis" of elves, are representatives with relatively high potential.

Every star you see may represent a different development route.

Color represents inclination, brightness represents intensity, quantity... represents choice.

The development of psychic power requires the guidance of personal will to a certain extent.

"How many?" Bai Er hesitated.

He wanted to ask the more experienced elf lady about the development of psionic power, but what she said and what he saw...the gap was too great.

This made him afraid to tell the truth.

hesitate a little.

Moon Shadow did not urge either.

Not every awakened psyker can clearly remember and describe the "images" he sees.

Perhaps in that brief moment, the awakened person only vaguely saw a few warm light clusters with fuzzy edges like dandelions, and thought they were stars.

It is also possible to see a point of light that is distorted like a five-pointed star...

"Images" are diverse and ever-changing. What the awakened person sees may not be clear, what is clear may not be accurate, what is accurate may not be recalled, and what is recalled may not be able to be described.

Of course... the most important thing is to believe.

Even if what you see is just a group of firefly-like light spots, as long as you firmly believe that they are stars, you may be able to obtain the power of the blessings of the stars.

In the field of psionic energy, belief itself is power.

After a moment's hesitation, Baie decided to ask back, "Normally, how many do most people see?"

"It doesn't have to be... one, two, three..." Yueying struggled to enunciate each word, "'s all possible."

While speaking, she needs to use her rational efforts to restrain her body, so as to suppress the short-term urge to pursue more exciting pleasure.

"How much more?"

Helping recall through normal situations is not uncommon among awakened elves. Moon Shadow tried her best to help Bai Er, "It rarely one has so many choices."


Baie pursed his lips, "It seems to be two... one red and one white. The brightness may be about the same as the moon tonight."

actually brighter...

Of course, in fact, what Baie saw was more than one.

He felt that he even saw the real galaxy in the sky.

...and the more illusory river of time and space.

'It's about the same as the moon? '

The moon is very bright tonight.

The images of this level seemed to collide in Yueying's mind like a stream of heat rushing from below to the top of the head, and the bodies passing by along the way were instantly hot and unbearable.

As a result, her breath became even more chaotic, and the breath she exhaled was intermittent, "Very are very good."

White tends to mean redemption, red...could be love, it could be killing, or something else.

It depends on the difference in color.

It may be difficult for him himself to recall or describe that subtlety.

"You insist on practicing yourself, pay attention... pay attention to always examine your heart."

The first step in awakening psionic power often means taking a step closer to the abyss.

From now on, the huge sea of ​​psionic energy in the high-dimensional space will affect this newly entered soul all the time.

"I'm leaving first...we'll talk about the details when we meet tomorrow!"

The moment she got the answer, Yueying felt a huge sense of fulfillment.

Curiosity is the most insurmountable desire of intelligent beings.

Fortunately... this kind of desire rarely appears.

Looking at the back of Yueying leaving in a hurry, Bai E felt a little strange.

Ever since she woke up, this elf lady has been acting very strangely.

The speech was sticky, and the front and back syllables were connected to each other, as if glued together by some unknown mucus.

But there are also one or two sentences that seem to be difficult to pronounce, and they jump out word by word, which is quite different from the usual impression of cold and decisive.

Of course, what is more important is what I saw...

Even in the knowledge of people like Yue Ying, there seems to be no precedent for the scenes he saw...

Is it good or bad?

 Happy weekend~ A little extra chapter

(End of this chapter)

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