Ome Quartet of Snow Country

Chapter 359 Jealousy

Chapter 359 Jealousy
The lecture in the gymnasium lasted for more than two hours, and when it ended, it was almost the time when school was over.

The students of the second grade classes left one after another, but Naruse was left behind.

Morimi and the university professor who gave a speech on the podium just now were left with him.

While helping to pack the equipment in front of the podium, Morimi suddenly bumped into Naruse with his arm.


"Look over there."

Naruse looked over, the university professor was talking to their principal, and his eyes were looking this way frequently.

Or rather, look at him.

"Guess it?" Mori asked.

Naruse didn't speak.

She continued, "You are only in the second grade, and they are already planning to recommend you to their school. The success rate of inviting you by the university professor is much higher than applying for recommendation yourself."

"Are you envious?" Naruse said casually.

"Well, I'm pretty jealous as hell."


He turned his head, and she looked straight at him, not seeming to be joking at all.

"It's not recommended by Beijing University."

"If it's not recommended by Peking University, shouldn't you be jealous? That's Hitotsubashi University!"

Mori sees envy both bluntly and seriously.

He just asked some questions about today's lecture, and he got the university professor to treat him differently. After talking for a while, the other party looked more and more appreciative.

After the lecture was over, the professor suddenly asked him to stay for a while, and she guessed the other party's plan almost immediately.

——Recommendation for admission.

There is no need to take the general entrance examination, and you can enroll after being recommended by university professors or high school principals, and passing the selection and interview in the school.

Although he is only in the second grade now, he will only become better in a year. As long as he accepts the invitation, it is a certainty that he will be admitted to Hitotsubashi University.

Although if he takes the exam by himself, there is no possibility that he will fail the exam...

Sen Jian took a deep breath, still feeling a little hard to calm down.

"I still want to beat you up."


Naruse dodged to the side, "I didn't say I would agree."

"Just the fact that you were invited and I was ignored is worth punching you."

"You're not interested in Yiqiao either."

"It's not a question of whether you're interested...Why didn't you agree to what you said?" She suddenly noticed the meaning of what he said just now.

"I'm not interested in Hitotsubashi either," Naruse said.

Senjian looked at him: "The way you showed just now doesn't seem like you're not interested. The professor looked at you, his eyes almost glowing."

"It's the same for me as a professor from another university."

"Do you want to say that no matter what field you are good at, no matter which university professors come here, they will not be able to restrain their love for talents and invite you? Wow, that's amazing."


Naruse watched her for a while.

"What's going on, Sen Jian's classmate seems to have a serious prejudice against me."

"It's plain jealousy, Naruse-san."

"Then you'd better go back to the classroom, otherwise, after seeing my refusal later, the university professor is still begging me to apply for their school, and he won't be able to sleep at night again."


Sen saw his teeth almost gnawed.

Naruse sighed again, "What is Hitotsubashi University's most famous major?"


"That's it, don't you think I'm interested in business?"

"I've said it all, I'm just jealous, and it has nothing to do with whether you accept it or not."


Totally unreasonable!

Naruse didn't bother to talk to her, he put the laptop in his bag and packed up other equipment, and then handed them to the university professor who was waiting in the audience chatting with the principal.

"Professor Shichijo, your computer."

"Thank you, Naruse-san."

Mori saw that he stayed there on his own initiative, and after helping to pack things, he came down from the other side without approaching, watching him from a distance standing between the principal and the professor, talking and laughing happily with two old men who were several times his age .

In all fairness, facing these two "superior people" who may change the trajectory of her life at any time, she can only make herself less nervous, and she can't be as calm as him at all.

Always look at ease...

She was a little proud for no reason, and also kind of unspeakably lost.

And after a short chat, he bowed slightly to the two of them and came over from there.

"Let's go."

"How about it?"

"What is it."

She looked at him without speaking.

Naruse didn't continue to pretend to be stupid, "I said my goal is Tokyo University, so the professor didn't say anything."


Senjian opened his mouth, and suddenly felt very sorry.

"The opportunity to go to Yiqiao is just wasted by you... If he knows that your real goal is Tianjin University, he will probably be pissed off."

"It's not that exaggerated." Naruse laughed.

She just shook her head.

She didn't speak again until she returned to the classroom.

And from the end of the lecture to the present, less than 10 minutes have passed, and the evening class has just begun.

While complaining that the other came back too quickly, the two hurried back to their seats and listened to the teacher's nagging.

After more than ten minutes, the corridor was full of noise. Shangzi had already greeted Naruse at the back door and went to the club first. The evening class meeting of Class A was finally over.

Mori saw lying on the table, and did not move after class.

Naruse got up, packed his schoolbag, "Aren't you going to study at the juku today?"

"Well, I suddenly feel a little boring, so I won't go."

"It's not because of me."

She didn't move, "Yeah."

"I thought you'd pretty much figured it out."


She rolled her eyes and closed them again.

The situation is such a situation, but when it comes out of his mouth, it always makes people feel a little... want to do it.

"Sooner or later, I will really beat you up."

There was only a laugh behind him.

She turned around, and he looked at her and asked, "Should we not go today, or in the future?"

"Just today."

Sen Jian lay down on the table again, feeling powerless, "Anyway, three days a week is enough."

"Yeah." He just responded.

"What about you?"

"Go to the handicraft club to see."

"The handicraft club... I heard that the handicraft club is already preparing for the Tsuga Festival next month."


"Obviously the school hasn't started yet..."

The annual Tsugao Festival is a major event that all students in the school will participate in, and the time to start preparations is usually after the final exams in early July.

At that time, there will be no pressure of exams, and students will be more relaxed and engaged.The preparation time is ten days. Each class has to choose the theme by itself, make lanterns for the parade, and finally hold a three-day celebration.

The end of the Tsuga Festival also means that the first semester is almost over.

And it's only halfway through June.

"Isn't this year the 150th anniversary of the Tsuga Festival? The student union intends to make it even bigger, so we invited the handicraft club to add a few groups of lanterns with the theme of '150th anniversary' on the basis of the original parade. I heard from Shangzi that the request of the student council president is 'beautiful, exquisite, unforgettable, and the bigger the better'.

In addition, during the three days of the Tsuga Festival, there were activities at the school and at the Budokan.The meaning of the student union is that the tasks of setting up the scene and making props are also handed over to the handicraft club, striving for perfection. "

Sen Jian was silent for a long while before he said, "The student union is really grand."

"I heard that the school has also allocated a lot of budget for this year's 150th anniversary Tsuga Festival. It is probably the school's intention to make it bigger." Naruse continued.

She looked at him again, "Then you are going to help now?"

"No, just to see what I can do to help."

"It's nothing anyway..." Sen Jian stretched his waist, got up and packed his things, "I'll go and have a look too."

"up to you."

Naruse waited for her for a while.

Leaving the classroom, when the two were about to go downstairs, they happened to see Hikaru Takikawa coming down the stairs.

"Ah, Chunhai, Yiye."


She had to go to the basketball team to train today, so she went downstairs with the two of them, and went to the gym alone.

Sen Jian turned his head to look at her back, and then at him, but he still couldn't hold back and said, "Light seems to have changed a bit recently."


"Well, after 'eloping' with you, it became different."

The two of them rode to Shisan Lake together and stayed there for two nights. It was half a month ago, and Naruse was too lazy to correct her statement.

"I just told her not to get too anxious about the status quo."

Mori was silent for a few seconds, "Is it just a change in this aspect?"

"if not."

"Don't you think Guang is deliberately avoiding something recently?"

"I didn't notice."

"……All right."

Passing through the atrium and walking to the ancillary building, the two came to the handicraft club on the second floor, which was bustling with activity.

The members of the handicraft club were divided into several groups, and they gathered together, and some even sat on the ground in a circle, drawing something on the blueprint in the middle.

Morimi looked around and spoke for a long time.

"It's so lively..."

"It's still in the design stage. It will be more lively when it comes to the production stage." Naruse said, waving at Shangzi who was looking over.

Passing through the busy department, she stopped in front of the two of them, "Chunhai, Yiye."

"I'll take a look," Naruse said.

"It's really busy." Sen Jian looked at the nearest group, "Do you need to start preparing half a month in advance?"


Shangzi led the two of them around the department room, "Because the workload is very heavy, and after the school preparations start, everyone has to go to help in their respective classes, so it is even more busy, so we should try our best to prepare as early as possible. gone."

"And because I'm a member of the handicraft club, I'm guessing I'll be asked to work harder in the class." Morimi said.

Shangzi smiled, "Yes."

"It's hard work."

"But everyone is very positive."

"It's a bigger stage."


The three of them walked slowly around the department room of the handicraft club, watching as they walked, and from time to time someone would stop Shangzi and ask for advice.

"Minister, do you think the style of this part needs to be adjusted?"

"I think it can be softer, shorten the length, and bend a little."

"Shangzi, what is the best material to use for this piece? Everyone can't decide."

"I'll take a look..."

Shangzi leaned over, and Morimi lightly bumped Naruse's shoulder, and said in a low voice: "There is no other person who can reach Shangzi's current reputation among the past ministers of the handicraft society."


He doesn't know much about the history of the handicraft society, but Shangzi's reputation in the society is indeed flourishing.

After deciding on the selection of materials for a passing group, Shangzi returned to the two of them and led them around.

"When I met Yoshioka-senpai recently, she kept saying that she was too busy."

"Everything is handed over to the handicraft club, what else is the student union too busy for?" Naruse said, "Don't take over the affairs of the student union as soon as you hear her say that, and let them go about their own work."

"I know."

Shangzi smiled, "But the production is entrusted to us, and there are also overall planning and accounting and financial matters. Moreover, Yoshioka-senpai is still actively contacting social organizations, and there are also graduates from Jin Gao. Alumni."


"There seems to be no pressure on the budget. The main thing is to expand the influence of this Tsuga Festival."

"The Tsuga Festival has a great influence in the surrounding areas, right?"

Mori came over and said, "People in Tsu pre-Tsutaka Matsuri are regarded as the most important celebration before Nebuta Matsuri."

Shangzi nodded, and continued:

"Probably because I hope to go to another level. When my sister came to me yesterday, she said that the next step is to get the mayor's signature."

"The mayor's signature?"

"Well, during the Tsuga Festival, the pamphlets introducing the festival will be distributed to the citizens, and some well-known local entrepreneurs or politicians are usually invited to sign and leave comments on it, which is a win-win situation... This time, Miss Yoshioka The target is the former mayor of Tsu."

"The ambition is really great... When the time comes, Yoshioka-senpai's resume will be able to write 'he has hosted large-scale celebrations with the participation of many organizations and the government, and the influence is huge'." Morimi said with emotion.

Naruse glanced at her, "Are you jealous again?"

"Yeah, I'm so jealous." She said blankly.

Shangzi looked at the two of them, and what he saw and heard in the gymnasium suddenly appeared in his mind, and he put his hand around Naruse's arm.

"Speaking of which, in the lecture in the afternoon, Chunhai was amazing, and that professor kept praising Chunhai."

"It just happened to be more speculative."

"He left Chunhai, did he say anything else?"

"It's nothing. I just chatted about the topics that I didn't finish before. I helped him pack his things and came back."

Senjian glanced at him and didn't say much.

She felt it was a pity to miss Hitotsubashi University's admission recommendation, and Shangzi must have thought the same way, and he simply didn't say anything.

The three of them walked around the room, and both of them could see that Shangzi was very busy at the moment, so they didn't stay here to continue to disturb her.

Squeezing her hand, Naruse took a last glance at the department room, "I'm going upstairs."


But Shangzi suddenly remembered something, turned around and searched on a certain shelf, and brought a pottery doll.

"This is the broken pottery doll that I brought over a few days ago. It has been repaired. Let Chunhai take it."

Naruse took it, and looked back, forth, left, and right, unavoidably a little surprised.

"It can still be repaired to this extent... The key is that there are no traces of repair at all."

"Here." Shangzi leaned over and pointed to the repair marks that were so small that they were almost invisible.

"Fortunately, it wasn't too broken. We spliced ​​them together piece by piece, fixed them with glue, and dealt with them again."

Naruse nodded, "Then I'll go up first."


Mori Jian also left, and Shangzi sent the two of them to the door of the department room, and did not turn back inside until they were out of sight.

"Minister, come and see this."

"Come on."

Arriving at the department room of the Restoration Department on the fourth floor, Naruse opened the door, Morimi bent down, and picked up several letters of commission that had been slipped under the door.

"Is there any serious one?"

She flipped through it, "No."

Naruse shook his head, put the only recently commissioned restoration on the shelf, picked up the notebook specially used for recording in the club, and found the contact information of the consignor half a week ago.

"A third-year senior... I don't know if I've gone back."

He took a photo, and sent a message to the other party that things had been repaired using the mailbox dedicated to the club. As soon as Naruse put away his phone, the senior sister sent a reply, saying that he would come within 10 minutes.

"Isn't it more convenient to stay in the handicraft club, so that people don't have to climb two more floors." Mori Jian said.

"It was entrusted to the Restoration Department, so naturally I have to take it back from the Restoration Department."

"Does it make sense? Now everyone knows that the Restoration Department is a subsidiary of the Handicraft Club."

"Of course it makes sense. Otherwise, very soon no one will know about the Restoration Department."

Senjian didn't say anything, and lay down on the table.

After a while, the third-grade senior came to pick up things.

Taking over the restored doll from Naruse, her reaction was as expected.

"Oh my god... can it be repaired to such an extent? It's almost exactly the same as the original one."

Mori turned his head, looked at Naruse with a smile on his face and said:

"Fortunately, the senior sister found all the pieces after it was broken, otherwise we wouldn't be able to repair it to this extent."

"Thank you! I really don't know how to thank you... This is the last work left by my grandfather..."

The senior sister babbled a lot, but she didn't listen to it. I guess he was the same, because he only nodded and answered vaguely throughout the whole process.

"...All in all, fortunately there is your repair department."

Finally, I expressed my thanks, and the senior sister left contentedly.

Sending off senior sister, Naruse organized the photos he took before into a separate folder, which was regarded as a record of club activities in the Restoration Department.

After the start of the second semester, there will be a cultural festival, and he still has no clear idea of ​​what the Restoration Department can do at the cultural festival. He is already considering whether to simply show the before and after photos of the restoration.

Senjian was lying on the table, turning around from time to time, looking uncomfortable no matter how lying on his stomach.

After looking at him for a while, she suddenly picked up the entrustment letters that she picked up just now, and read them again.

Naruse glanced at her, "What are you doing?"

"I'm wondering if I should contact them and find something for you to do."

"……Stop it."

 big chapter

  Go out on a date today, ask for leave tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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