Ome Quartet of Snow Country

Chapter 409 Chairman of the Committee

Chapter 409 Chairman of the Committee

When we arrived at the conference room on the second floor, there were still seven or eight minutes left before the meeting started. Executive members of each grade and class were arriving one after another, and several members of the Student Union Executive Department had already arrived first.


Fumiko Yoshioka stood up to greet the newly arrived executive member of Class A of the second year. Her eyes fell on Morimi behind him, and her eyes lit up again.

"Morimi-san, do you also want to join the executive committee?"

"Miss Yoshioka."

Morimi responded and nodded again.

"Among the second-year students, Morimi-san has always been one of the people I pay special attention to. Now that you and Naruse-san have joined the executive committee, I think there will be nothing for me to worry about here. "


Sen Jian was surprised and a little flattered.

Fumiko Yoshioka is not only the student council president, she is also an honors student who consistently ranks among the top three in her grade. She can occasionally climb to the top. Morimi has also paid much attention to her for a long time.

Just catching a glimpse of Naruse watching coldly, she suddenly calmed down again.

Yoshioka Fumiko's gaze shifted to him again and she said:

"Congratulations, Naruse-san, for ranking first in grade again in this final exam."

"Thank you."

"This year's Tsudaka Festival is extraordinary and very important. Naruse-san will have to work hard."

"Everyone is working hard."

"Naruse-san, please work harder."

Naruse pursed his lower lip, "Since I chose to become an executive member, this is my duty."

"Okay." Seeing that he agreed, the student council president smiled and asked them to find a place to sit first.

Naruse found a place nearby to sit down, and Morimi sat next to him.

"Are you going to be the chairman of the executive committee?"

She could tell that he wasn't surprised, "Yeah."

"You don't think I'm smart enough to understand everything with just an 'um' from you."

"Can't even the second grader guess it?"

Sen Jian looked at him and said nothing.

"I plan to do something at the cultural festival next semester."

Naruse explained directly without any twist, "In order to get the support of the student union, I need to first support the student union, which is overwhelmed."

"Is this what is called an 'exchange'?"


"What are you going to do at the cultural festival?" Morimi then asked.

"Flea market."

Her eyes widened a little, and she quickly said: "It's a good idea. But there are too many people involved, so it is really troublesome to implement it. Without the support of the student union, it will probably be very difficult."

Naruse exhaled, "So I'm sitting here now."

Morimi laughed, "Sure enough, there is no such thing as unreasonable positivity."

He turned to look at her: "Then what is the source of your enthusiasm in this matter?"

"Don't you understand?" Morimi asked.

It was nothing more than being able to work with him.

"I feel like the gain outweighs the gain."

"That's what you think."

"Time is spent here, learning what to do."

"The exams are over, and I am number one in grade."

"Aren't you afraid that the third grader will catch up?"


Morimi immediately changed his face.

"How many points did Shangzi get?"

"Less than you by less than ten points."

She took a deep breath and her face turned even darker.

"Do you think it's Shangzi who's progressing too fast, or I'm regressing?"


"I actually said they all have it..."

Someone walked by behind him and seemed to have stopped. Naruse lowered his voice slightly and said:

"For this exam, if it were you before, I think the score difference between the two of us should be within thirty points."


Several emotions suddenly emerged in his heart, and Morimi didn't even know which part to show on his face.

There was both the joy of being recognized by him and the shame of admitting that he had regressed... and the uneasiness of being caught up by her.

"Do you regret joining the executive committee? It's too late to quit now." He always liked to rub salt into her wounds.


Although it hurt, she could wake up quickly.

Taking a deep breath, Morimi said:
"Since it's too late, why regret it? Things have to be done one by one. I know when to learn."

Naruse glanced at her and said nothing.She suddenly felt that what he just said might just be to scare her away, but the actual situation was not that dangerous.

Just as he was about to say something more, a hand was placed on his shoulder.

"I didn't expect Yiye to come here."

Hearing this voice, Mori looked back in surprise.

"It's your appearance here that surprises me even more... Aren't you a person who doesn't work and enjoys it?"

Hikaru Takikawa smiled slightly, "Harukai invited me to join. It just so happened that no other girls in class E were willing to come and help, so I came here."

Morimi looked at Naruse again, and he said calmly: "Hikari's popularity will be very useful at times like this."

"It turned out to be to take advantage of her."

"It's really hard to say."

Takigawa Hikaru squeezed her shoulder, "But Harumi can use me as he pleases. No matter what grade she is, I can easily capture her."

Naruse looked at the fluorescent tubes overhead.

"Don't be deceived by him, go back and enjoy the relaxed and leisurely student life."

"I'll go back as soon as Kazuha goes back. The second grader is almost dead and still has to come over to accompany Harumi. Of course I can't leave him alone."


Sen's eyes widened, "How long have you been eavesdropping?"

"I'm not eavesdropping. I've been standing here openly for a long time."

Under her sidelong glance, Takigawa Hikaru sat down next to her, "It would be lively if Naoko or Haixing came over too."

"Naoko is very busy." Naruse shook his head, "I'm so busy with club affairs, how could I come to the executive committee? Don't even think about Haixing."


While several people were talking, the executive members of each grade and class also came to the conference room one after another. Hikaru Takigawa asked the other executive member of Class E to find a place to sit, but she sat motionless next to Morimi.

There are a total of sixty executive members in three grades, and fortunately the conference room is large enough.

Two minutes later, the bell rang. The student council president walked to the stage in the conference room. After briefly introducing himself, he announced the start of the first meeting of the Tsudaka Festival Executive Committee.

The student union secretary wearing glasses has already listed the main contents of today's meeting on the whiteboard beside her.

"First of all, we must select one person from everyone here to lead this work as the chairman of the executive committee."

The student president glanced at the faces in the conference room, occasionally pausing, and wherever he looked, he felt like she was looking at him.

"Does anyone want to recommend themselves?"

Naruse waited for a while and saw that no one wanted to be in the spotlight, so he could only stand up.

"I'm interested."

The student council president looked at him, as if he just remembered him.

"You are Naruse Harumi from Class A of the second year, right? You are the top student in the second year."

Amidst the chaotic gazes and whispers, Naruse nodded in response.

Fumiko Yoshioka gestured with her eyes to say a few more words.

Morimi also looked at him, but he just thought about it for a moment.

"Now that the executive committee has been established, we now face a common goal, which is to hold the 150th anniversary Tsudaka Festival well this year.

It takes time, and more importantly, the strength of the team, which can only be achieved by cooperating and supporting each other.

I am willing to take on leadership responsibilities so that everyone's strengths can be brought into play and we are all working in the same direction to achieve our common goals. "

Naruse paused and looked at the student council president.

Fumiko Yoshioka took the lead in applauding.

She is a little surprised now.

Being able to speak well does not mean that he is capable of doing things, and she had already seen his ability to act in the second grade.

"Anyone else interested?" she asked again.

There was another silence in the conference room. There were a few third-year students who were eager to try, but they also gave up their thoughts at this time.

Of course, they didn't feel that they were inferior to him, they just couldn't speak like him.

"Then the candidate for executive chairman will be Naruse-san."

The student president announced the decision and then moved the meeting to the next step.

The secretary distributed information about the various tasks that the executive committee needs to be responsible for, and then divided the various functional departments accordingly.

After receiving the information, Takigawa felt dizzy after just two glances.

"Whatever Kazuye wants to do, I'll go with you."

"Secretary to the Chairman."

"...Where can such a position come from?" Naruse said, "Find something else to do."

He paused and said, "Go to the accounting team. This kind of job that requires brains is just right for you, and I feel more at ease."

Morijian curled his lips and had no objection.

"What about me?" Takigawa Hikaru asked.

"External Coordination Group."

Naruse looked at her, "It's best for you to deal with people."

She saluted again.

"Obey the Chairman's order!"

 It’s September, are there any children who are about to start school?

(End of this chapter)

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