Ome Quartet of Snow Country

Chapter 81 Night Tour

Chapter 81 Night Tour
Coming out of a roasted meat restaurant in the depths of Hanami Koji, there was already a long line outside the door, with no end in sight.

After walking a few steps, Naruse turned back and waited for the two companions who were walking slower, "Fortunately, we came early enough."

"That's right..." Takigawa Hikaru followed and leaned on his shoulder, "My stomach is full."

The starfish on the other side couldn't make intimate movements like her, but her steps were slow, as if she had eaten a lot.

"There are so many people in line."

Hikaru Takikawa looked at the people waiting outside the grilled meat shop, "You can eat so much meat for a few thousand yen, no one can refuse it."

"And the beef in this store is also very fresh."

Turning his head to write down the name of the store, Naruse shrugged his shoulders and signaled Hikaru Takikawa to stand by himself, "Let's go."

She lay still on her stomach, "Going back to the hotel?"

"It's still early." Naruse thought for a while, "Let's go for a stroll."


Hikaru Takikawa patted him on the shoulder, and then let go.

Walking out of the Hanami alley, the three of them walked towards the Sijo Bridge.

"Do you want to go shopping in Kawaramachi? There are many shopping malls over there." Haixing suggested.

"Don't you want to go to Xinjingji tomorrow afternoon? It will take more than two hours, and I will definitely go there."

After Naruse finished speaking, he found that Hai Xing was still looking at him, the expression on his face seemed to be asking so what.

He suddenly realized that the concept of shopping in the eyes of the two is completely different—at least when it comes to repeated shopping, their attitudes are completely different.

"...Then let's go for a stroll."

Leaving Gion, crossing the Shijo Bridge, and going straight all the way to Kawaramachi, Naruse and Takikawa Hikari followed Starfish and started shopping in the mall.

And she seemed to have a clear destination, and soon brought the two of them to a drug store.

"I saw a good contact lens solution in this store online... I want to buy it and try it."

Haixing appeared in front of him wearing contact lenses most of the time, and Naruse almost forgot that she was actually more short-sighted than Morimi.

She went to look for the eye drops, and he and Takigawa Hikari walked around casually.

There are many customers in the store, most of them are women.The two walked together, very conspicuous, and Takikawa Hikari smiled back at every gaze, so more and more gazes were cast in this direction.

She enjoyed the feeling of attracting bees and attracting butterflies, while Naruse next to her couldn't bear it, and temporarily separated from her on the pretext of visiting a certain shelf.

Although there are still many eyes following, they are much more restrained than before.

Walking between the shelves, there are a dazzling array of medicines, cosmetics and skin care products on both sides, and the variety is dizzying.

Naruse's understanding of such things is basically zero, so he glanced at it and didn't feel anything.

Until he saw a lip balm.

Winter is coming soon, the air is cold and dry, and in the winters of the past few years, he has heard Shangzi talk about dry and cracked lips more than once.

Naruse stopped, picked up the lip balm and looked at it for a while.

"—If you want to buy lip balm, this one from Shiseido is better."

Starfish, who was looking for eye drops, came here at some point, staring at him and the lip balm on his hand, and pointed to the other one in front of him.


Naruse walked over, picked up the lip balm she recommended, and looked at it.It's just that he doesn't have much experience, and he can't see much useful information from the outer packaging.

"Have you ever used starfish?"

"No, this lip balm can only be bought here, Tokyo, and Osaka... But I have read online reviews, and many people recommend this lip balm." Haixing said.

"I see." Naruse nodded, looked at her, and subconsciously focused on her lips.

Pink and bright, his eyes lingered for a little longer.


Hai Xing quickly noticed it, and was stunned for a moment, her face turned red quickly, she pursed her lips and looked away, pretending to be looking at other items on the shelf.

Naruse was also taken aback for a moment, opened his mouth, and then fell into silence as well.

Other sounds around became muffled, and the air seemed to freeze.

Before this unspeakable emotional tumbling produced more results, Naruse picked up the lip balm recommended by Haixing and walked to the other side.

"Thanks. It was a great help."


Looking away from the lotion that he hadn't remembered for a long time, Hai Xing looked at his back and bit his lip.

When Naruse found Takigawa Hikaru again, she was holding a girl of college age on each arm, and she seemed to be helping them choose cosmetics.

What kind of efficiency is this...

Instead of bothering, he went to the counter to pay for the lip balm in his hand.

Walking out of the drugstore, after waiting for a while, Takikawa Hikari came out with Haixing.

"Did Chunhai buy something, too? What is it?"

"The lipstick I bought for Shangzi."


Takigawa Hikaru responded, and after walking far away, he suddenly remembered: "Why didn't you remind me, I also want to bring something to Shangzi."

Naruse glanced at her, "I'll be here tomorrow afternoon."

"Remember to remind me to come here."


Hai Xing held the bag in his hand and didn't say a word, but he would quickly look away when he caught sight of him.

With Takikawa Hikari beside him, Naruse could only pretend not to notice, "Is there any store you particularly want to visit?"

"No." Hikaru Takikawa shook his head, "Where's the starfish?"

"I do not have either……"

"Then let's go for a stroll."

So in the following time, the three of them went shopping in several shopping malls in Kawaramachi for a long time, stopping occasionally, but basically did not buy anything.

It was already nine o'clock at night when we left Kawaramachi.

Walking to the Shijo Bridge, Hikaru Takikawa looked down and stopped: "At this time, there are still people walking here."

The wind was blowing from the river, and she tightened her coat tightly.

"It's a little bit cold...but it's still much warmer than the northeast side."

Looking into the distance along the path by the river, Naruse was really tired from walking just now, otherwise he wanted to go down for a while.

"Go down and walk."

Hikaru Takikawa suddenly suggested, and then smiled at Naruse who was looking over, "Just walk for a while, cross the river at the bridge below, and go back from there."

Between the four bridges and the five bridges, there are two small bridges, and the nearest one is only 200 meters away.

"Then go down."

The three of them got off the bridge from the steps next to the four bridges at the head of the bridge, and walked in the direction of five.

Passing through the dark bridge hole, some people sat sparsely on the slope by the river.Some of them had young faces and appeared to be college students.

The river was rushing, and the lights of the restaurant on the other side were connected, very bright.

"In summer, it seems that there will be a cool bed over there."


Hikaru Takikawa imagined the excitement of another season, "Sure enough, we should come here in summer."

Naruse said nothing.

It's just that he didn't say anything, and he wouldn't dispel the thought that came to her mind, "Let's do it again next summer."

"Well, let's talk about it."

She glanced at him and smiled at his perfunctory.

"Spring Sea~"


"Record what you just said."

"……Stop it."

The three walked, and in a blink of an eye they reached the bottom of the next bridge.

Hai Xing slowed down, but found that the two of them had no intention of going up here, so he had to speed up his pace to keep up.

They didn't go up until they reached the Songyuan Bridge below.After crossing the bridge, go down to the embankment from the other side and walk towards the four bridges.

After so many circles, when the three of them returned to the hotel, it was already more than half an hour later.

Takikawa Hikaru and Haixing did not go back to the room directly, but got into Naruse's room under the leadership of the former.

"Do you want to get up early tomorrow?"

"The hotel's breakfast is only served until 08:30." Naruse said, "I should get up."

"Then I'll get up early, too."

Hikaru Takikawa nodded, "Yue and the others set off for Kiyomizu Temple at [-]:[-], before that, just stay at the hotel over there."

After playing for a day, both of them were a little tired, and they had to go back to the room after sitting for a while.Naruse sent it to the door, closed the door and went back inside, only to find that Starfish's bag had fallen on the table.

It was full of things she bought at night, such as the bottle of eye drops for contact lenses.

Naruse was about to send it to her when there was a knock on the door.

When he opened the door, Haixing came by himself.

"My stuff..."

She lowered her head, trying to take the bag from him, but she couldn't grab it.

Raising his gaze, Naruse was looking at her, hesitating to speak.


Hai Xing subconsciously took a step back.

He pursed his lower lip, and handed her the bag that had been taken back just now by accident.

"Feel sorry."

After taking the bag, Hai Xing left in a hurry.

After closing the door, Naruse stood there for a while, frowning.

(End of this chapter)

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