
Chapter 157 Lively Wedding

Chapter 157 Lively Wedding

It is said that Zhao Ye entered the wedding banquet hall and found the table where Lu Tao and the others were. As soon as he sat down, Huazi next to him leaned his head over and asked with a malicious smile: "How is it, how much did Yang Xiaoyun's mother beat you?" ?”

Zhao Ye smiled without saying a word, and stretched out five fingers to compare.

"Five hundred... no, five thousand?"

Seeing Zhao Ye nodding, Huazi looked envious: "I want to get married right away. Sigh, people are more angry than others. Knowing big local tyrants like you and Mi Lai is really great for poor people like us. torture."

Hearing the word Mi Lai, Zhao Ye was startled suddenly, and shouted, "It's bad, I forgot to accompany Mi Lai."

As he said that, he was about to get up and leave. Charlene, who didn't want to sit on the side, interrupted abruptly: "I advise you not to bother about it. Wouldn't it be better to just give the money to Yang Xiaoyun later, lest it all fall into her mother's pocket in the end."

These words were indeed reasonable, but what Zhao Ye couldn't understand was what was going on with Charlene. Logically speaking, this bitch was not serious, so there was no reason to talk to him.

Charlene turned a blind eye to the abnormality on Zhao Ye's face. After he sat down again, she still asked enthusiastically, "Is Mi Lai all right in America?"

"not bad."

"That's good, and I can feel at ease." As if afraid that Zhao Ye would not believe it, after saying this, Charlene added:
"Anyway, Mi Lai is also my best friend. I don't want everyone to be strangers to each other because of the little misunderstanding before. Don't you think so, Lu Tao?"

"Yes." Lu Tao nodded affirmatively, looked at Charlene with a nympho, and almost wrote on his face, my girlfriend is awesome, both beautiful and reasonable.

Zhao Ye knew Xia Lin's character well, so he naturally wouldn't believe such foolish words. After thinking about it for a while, he vaguely guessed.

Especially when Charlene revealed what she said inside and outside, after testing and blessing the relationship between him and Mi Lai, Zhao Ye became more aware of why Charlene let go of the past.

It's very simple, she's aiming to kill two birds with one stone.

First, you can show your generous personality to the outside world, and make up for the bad influence caused by robbing your girlfriends and boyfriends with your friends.

Secondly, if Zhao Ye really chased Mi Lai, then no one would compete with her, Charlene, for Lu Tao?

After trying to understand the twists and turns inside, Zhao Ye showed a meaningful smile to Xia Lin, and replied: "Then thank you for your good words, and I also wish you and Lu Tao a happy marriage for a hundred years!"

Charlene also heard the implication of Zhao Ye's words, and also responded with a smile: "Okay, then wish each other well!"

Seeing the sudden reconciliation of previous suspicions in front of him, Lu Tao was full of confusion. Taking advantage of Huazi's time to introduce Zhutou to Zhao Ye, he hurriedly asked Xia Lin in a low voice: "What's the matter with you, you forgot Zhao Ye's previous troubles so quickly. gone?"

Charlene immediately put on a bright and upright face, and taught Lu Tao a lesson: "You can't say it like this. It is true that we were wrong about Mi Lai. Zhao Ye would do that to fight for Mi Lai's injustice, and let it go.

After all, as the old saying goes, it is better to resolve enemies than to end them.If you think about it this way, if he and Mi Lai are really together in the future, then we can feel less guilty, right? "

To put it bluntly, Lu Tao is just a scumbag, and Xia Lin manipulated him to death. The more people treat him like this, the happier he will be.

Sure enough, after hearing these righteous words, Lu Tao didn't think about it at all, and said movedly: "Charlene, you are so understanding, I love you even more."


Not to mention how nasty the two of them are, Zhao Ye and the others here are laughing out loud at the pig's snarky jokes.

This guy is like performing a stand-up comedy, speaking fluent Beijing movies, showing off his business experience to the people around him:
"...Let me tell you, you have to go in and out once you do business. Like when I go to the temple, I give thousands of dollars. If you don't lose, how can you get back? Do good deeds and accumulate virtue. Chaosheng, learn a little bit!"

Huazi didn't want to see Zhutou get too proud, so he immediately brought out Zhao Ye to attack him: "Don't brag, you see, my buddy is a good businessman, he has graduated from university for less than a year, and he is worth at least seven number!"

When Zhu Tou heard that there was a rich man sitting beside him, he hurriedly passed Hua Zi, shook hands with Zhao Ye, and gave him a business card: "Oh, it's because you don't know Mount Tai, you don't know that the real Buddha is right in front of you, I'm sorry I'm sorry, if you have a chance to make a fortune in the future, please take care of me brother!"

"That's all easy to say, but don't listen to Huazi bragging for me, I'm lucky." Zhao Ye said a few words of self-effacing casually, picked up the business card and saw that it was printed on it: Mustang Freight Company.

"Your company name is quite unique!"

"Hey, I'm not thinking about it. There is a word called wild horse galloping. I just thought of such a name, hoping to get a good start."

It was interesting for Zhao Ye to listen to what he said, so he started talking nonsense with him, and Hua Zi also interjected from time to time, and for a while, the three of them chatted quite speculatively.

Although in the original drama, Zhu Tou did things a bit unethically and ended up prying Hua Zi's wall, but Zhao Ye unexpectedly didn't hate him.

why?Because from the point of view of a bystander, Lulu's responsibility is greater, and Hua Zi's responsibility is also not small. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a straight man of steel.

Let's talk about Yang Xiaoyun first. According to Hua Zi's own account, he met Yang Xiaoyun as early as his sophomore year, and it was love at first sight.But he was lucky, he didn't dare to confess his love until he graduated from university, and in the end, Xiang Nan got cheap for nothing.

Besides Lulu, Ren Laihao also followed Huazi for three or four years, but Huazi never realized that he was only used as a springboard to gain a foothold in Beijing, and his feelings were not pure.

Since Lulu was mentioned, it was a coincidence that this woman was sitting at Zhao Ye's table now, and Hua Zi was still face to face, and today would be the beginning of their meeting.

Just when Zhao Ye was thinking wildly, as the master of ceremonies read the opening remarks, the ceremony officially began. Xiang Nan and Yang Xiaoyun, accompanied by the best man and bridesmaid, slowly appeared from the stairs on the second floor during the wedding march.

There is no need to talk about the wedding process, but it is worth mentioning that Xiang Nantu is cheap, which wedding company hired a cheating master of ceremonies, even if his Mandarin is not standard, and he makes common sense mistakes from time to time.

For example, when presiding over the wearing of the ring, the master of ceremonies made a big joke, saying, "Please ask the groom to put the ring on the bride's thumb". As soon as this remark came out, the guests in the audience burst into laughter. Three points of joy.

Then, Yang Xiaoyun's grandmother was not to be outdone, and sent blessings to her granddaughter. She performed a live performance of eating a yam stuck in her throat, which frightened Yang Xiaoyun's face, and immediately ordered Xiang Nan, who was promoted to be her husband, to carry her on her back and send her to the hotel entrance. .

Seeing that the trouble was really outrageous, Zhao Ye finally couldn't hold back, thinking about Xiang Nan's good relationship with his predecessor, and stepped forward to help him.

He first stopped Xiangnan and asked him to put Yang Xiaoyun's grandmother Wu Hehua on the ground, and then demonstrated the Heimlich first aid method, successfully helping the old man to force out the foreign object stuck in his throat.

After finishing the work, after receiving a bunch of thank-you words from Yang Xiang's family, Zhao Ye looked at the surprised and amazed eyes around him, clapped his hands calmly, and continued to return to the table to eat and drink.

Little did he know that his bland operation, in the eyes of those who cared about him, seemed to be pretending to be a slap in the face, so Lu Tao said sourly: "Okay, Zhao Ye, why didn't you find out when you were in school before, what you know is still there!" Quite a lot."

"It's okay, I know a little about everything!"

Xia Lin, who was sandwiched between the two, was afraid that they would fight again regardless of the situation, so she had nothing to say, "Zhao Ye, what's the name of the move you used to save Grandma Xiaoyun?"

As soon as Zhao Ye was about to answer, Lulu, who had studied nursing on the opposite side, rushed to answer: "I know, this is called the Heimlich first aid method, and it is specially used to rescue the situation of foreign objects stuck in the throat."

Huazi replied, "Since you know, why didn't you go up just now?"

"It's not that I'm not good at learning, and I'm afraid of harming others and myself!"

"Let's talk but don't practice fake moves! Let me tell you..."

Seeing that Huazi was talking more and more vigorously, Zhao Ye shook his head speechlessly, and complained to everyone: "Hey, from now on, you all stop worrying about it and don't introduce girlfriends to Huazi. He, he is single. The reason!"

When Hua Zi heard this, he quit immediately, and asked with a pale face anxiously: "Why? Xiang Nan is married, and I am still single, so I just hope that someone will help me to get out of the single as soon as possible."

Xia Lin gave the answer for Zhao Ye: "I think you don't understand style! You said that you are a masculine man, why do you always care about girls, do you know what it means to be sympathetic and sympathetic?"


Seeing Huazi's dumbfounded look, everyone laughed again.

(End of this chapter)

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