Football: start copying peak Messi attributes

Chapter 313 An 18-year-old World Cup Champion?why not!

Chapter 313 An 18-year-old World Cup Champion?why not!
The moment the final whistle sounded, the Spanish players hugged together excitedly. The players on the bench and even some coaches rushed out emotionally.

Ran into the stadium and celebrated wildly with the players on the field!
After four years, they once again broke into the World Cup finals.

The Spaniard has a good chance to once again win the Hercules Cup, which symbolizes the highest glory of football.

How can this not make people feel excited, not make people feel crazy?
Bosque was extremely excited, but in order to maintain the image of a famous coach, he tried his best to restrain his excitement, pretending to be calm and calm, and stood up from the coach's bench.

After tidying up his attire specially, he took the initiative to walk to the Argentine team's coaching bench.

"Your team was great, it was a great game!"

Bosque took the initiative to shake hands with Argentina's head coach Savilla, and by the way, said something polite.

"Thank you, I wish you good luck in the next game!"

As a loser, Savilla's mood is far from that of Bosque.

He was just a polite sentence, and he didn't mean to talk to Bosco.

After the loss, Savilla's coaching position was basically gone.

Even if the Argentine Football Association and fans do not hold him accountable, he will resign voluntarily and will not continue to coach Argentina.

Although this World Cup is not held in Argentina, Brazil is right next to Argentina. After Brazil was eliminated, this can be regarded as half of their home court.

In addition, Argentina's paper strength in this World Cup is very strong, not only sitting on a superstar like Messi, but also a large number of players playing for the top five league teams.

But even so, they still failed to complete their mission and fell to the knockout round again.

Such a result may disappoint countless Argentine fans.

After this World Cup, Savilla also has a full understanding of his own strength.

He is really incapable of coaching a star-studded, star-studded team like Argentina.

So he decided to resign voluntarily and jump out of this pit of fire.

Bosque has some sympathy for the other party. Compared with Savilla, his own handsome position can be said to be very stable.

Since he took office, Spain has won a World Cup, a European Cup and a Confederations Cup.

If he can successfully defend the World Cup this time, he will undoubtedly become the most successful head coach in the history of the Spanish team.

With these brilliant team leadership achievements, his position in the national team is very stable. Unless he voluntarily resigns, no one can drive him out of the coaching position.

As for letting Bosque resign on his own initiative, it is of course impossible.

The old coach is very satisfied with his current job, although after this World Cup, many older players will gradually fade out of the national team's lineup.

But with Lin Quan here, there are still so many excellent seedlings in the La Liga team.

Bosque is confident that he can lead Spain to continue its current glory!
Compared with the excited Spanish players, the Argentine players were generally depressed.

When the referee blew the whistle for the end of the game, the Argentine players were all dejected.

Some players knelt down on the lawn as if all their strength had been taken out of their bodies, shrugging their shoulders and sobbing.

As the soul of the Argentine team, Messi did not shed tears.

With his hands on his hips, he looked down at the lawn, standing on the field like a statue, not moving for a long time.

This lonely back made countless Messi fans feel full of distress.

Even some neutral fans couldn't bear to see this scene.

"Well, speaking of it, this is Messi's third trip to the World Cup, right?"

"Yeah, from the 2006 World Cup in Germany to now, Messi has participated in three World Cups."

"Eight years ago, he was only 19 years old, and he appeared on the field as a rookie. Now, he is already the absolute core of Argentina, but the result of the game seems to have been frozen, and there has not been much change. Argentina Our World Cup journey is over again."

In the previous two World Cups, Argentina met the German team in the quarter-finals and then fell at the opponent's feet.

This time, they did not meet the German team, so they successfully reached the semi-finals.

But in the semi-finals, they met the more powerful Spanish team.

Argentina ultimately failed to break into the final and fell to the semi-finals.

Although compared with four years ago, their ranking has improved a bit.

But for the Argentine team, which is aiming to win the championship, there is no difference between falling in the quarter-finals and falling in the semi-finals, both are failures.

This result made Messi feel very disappointed, and the taste of failure made him feel extremely painful.

Born in 1987, he is 27 years old this year.

He will be 31 at the next World Cup.

There is not much time left for Messi.

If he failed to win the World Cup in his peak period, he has no confidence to lead the team to achieve this goal in four or even eight years.

Moreover, his opponent, Spain's Lin Quan, is really too young.

Four years later, the other party was just 22 years old, and eight years later, the other party was 26 years old.

In the foreseeable future, as long as there are no huge injuries, the strength of the opponent will only become stronger and stronger.

As he gets older, Messi's state will gradually decline.

Facing the fledgling Lin Quan this time, he failed to lead the team to defeat the opponent. After four years, the opponent has become stronger, can he still defeat him?
Messi doesn't have much confidence.

If he can't win the next World Cup, he may really miss the Hercules Cup.


At the post-match press conference, Argentine coach Savilla took the initiative to take responsibility for the failure when he was interviewed by reporters, and publicly announced his resignation as national team coach.

Someone is always responsible for failure, either the coach or the player.

Messi scored two goals in this game, and he is already carrying his life.

Although many fans still criticized him as a superstar, he failed to save the team.

But such voices are only a minority after all. Compared with Messi's performance, the outside world believes that Argentina was completely defeated by Spain at the tactical level.

Bosque's substitutions were fast, accurate and ruthless, and he dared to risk his life. After the substitution, he achieved immediate results.

On the other hand, Savilla's tactics were not decisive enough, and the on-the-spot adjustments were slow everywhere, and the adjustment effect was also very poor. He was almost blown away by Bosque next door.

Such an intuitive gap is here, even if Savilla does not take the initiative to resign, there is a high probability that he will be fired.

That being the case, why not make yourself decent?

The sorrows and joys of human beings are not interlinked. Compared with the frustrated Savilla, Bosque, who came out with a red face, seemed to be in a good mood.

Brazil is really a treasure land of geomantic omen in Spain!

At this time last year, they successfully won the Confederations Cup here.

And this year, they have the opportunity to hit the second Hercules Cup in team history.

In a good mood, Bosque directly issued a declaration on the championship trophy:

"We came here to defend our title!"

"The German team is very strong, but we are stronger. I believe that the final victory must belong to us!"

Bosque's championship declaration won the strong support of countless Spanish fans, but it also succeeded in angering the German players.

Gotze said on social media:

"The Spaniards were too smooth before, and they became ignorant of the heights of the sky and the earth. When it comes to the finals, we will not hesitate to invite them to taste the feeling of being run over by a German chariot!"

Boateng also tweeted:

"Hehe, the Brazilian was kicked 7:1 by us. I'm afraid the Spaniard also wants to taste the taste of being bloodbathed!"

The German players are all off the field to participate in the battle, and it is naturally impossible for the Spanish players to sit idly by.

Pique, who likes to be in the limelight, was the first to speak out:

"The Germans seem to have forgotten who was the one who eliminated the German team four years ago, and they have forgotten the fear of being dominated by our football!"

Ramos got worse and said:

"Hehe, I don't think they have forgotten, otherwise Bayern and the German team wouldn't have specially learned our pass and control football!"

Xiaofa said mercilessly:
"They shamelessly came here to steal lessons from us in Spain, and dare to say that we, teachers, are afraid of their students. It's ridiculous!"

The Spanish players seized on the German team's use of pass-and-control football, and even played a few games without a striker to make a fuss, mocking the opponent's imitation.

Faced with such accusations, the German players were very angry, but they couldn't refute it.

After all, the German team is indeed learning pass-and-control football, and pass-and-control football was pioneered by the Spaniards.

So they made a fuss about the German team's bloodbath of the Brazilian team, proving that the German team is better than the Spanish team.

Both the German team and the Spanish team have defeated the host Brazil team, so the Brazilian team has tragically become a reference for fans of both sides to measure the combat effectiveness of the two teams.

From the score point of view, the German team scored 3 more goals than Spain, it seems that their strength is stronger.

But the Brazilian lineups faced by the two teams are very different!

The Brazil team that Spain encountered in the Confederations Cup final was a complete Brazil team, while the Brazil team that the German team encountered was not complete.

"The German team will also bully the Brazilian team, which is short of major generals. If the two main players of the Brazilian team are not injured, it is not certain who will win the semifinals!"

"I'm a Brazilian fan. This time I stand in Spain. We are convinced when we lose to Spain. We are not convinced at all when we lose to Germany. We have the ability to wait for Neymar to return from injury and Thiago Silva to come back after lifting the ban. Let's play a game, do the Germans dare?"

Naturally, the German fans would not pick up on this problem. They comforted themselves, who would have nothing to eat and eat to entangle with the defeated opponent endlessly!
As a member of the Spanish team, Lin Quan also expressed his position on social media:
"World Cup champion? Why not? I can't wait to win the Hercules Cup on the final stage!"

No one can refuse the Hercules Cup, especially when she is only one game away!
And if Lin Quan can really win the cup, then he will become the youngest champion in the history of the Spanish team - the world champion!
After Lin Quan made his statement, although several players from the German team came forward one after another.

But their status is a little lower, and the sensational effect caused is far less than that caused by Lin Quan's declaration.

Therefore, in the war of words before the game, the Germans did not take much advantage.

But the battle between the two sides is obviously not limited to the Internet.

A reporter who had a good thing took Bosque's words to interview the German coach Joachim Loew and asked him his opinion.

"I am also full of confidence in my team. We are not here to be someone's stepping stone, we are also here to win the championship!"

It's all at the final juncture of the championship, and it is naturally impossible for Love to admit defeat.

Not only did he not admit it, he even pointed out that the Spanish lineup lacked hardness and weakness, and vowed that the German team would rely on its strong body and tenacious style to brutally kill the Spanish team, leaving the Spaniards with an unforgettable memory. Painful memories!

The players of the German team give the impression that they are tall and good at fighting and confrontation.

German teams generally have a strong impact. When playing against them, you must not let them go smoothly. Once they go smoothly, the goals cannot be blocked at all, and you can create a game if you are not careful. massacre!
Loew's words came back to Bosque's ears, making him feel a little confused.

Didn't it mean that the German team has changed to a technical route?
What does Loew mean by these words, will the German team go back to the old way?
To be honest, teams that play technical football are really afraid of teams with that kind of physical style.

In the previous German team, not only the players were physically strong, but also had a tenacious fighting spirit and dared to fight. It was a difficult team.

Although their skills are not as gorgeous as the Spanish players, they are not rough, and the effect of some simple cooperation is very good.

Bosque attached great importance to this, and immediately worked with the members of the coaching staff to study and summarize the past technical and tactical play of the German team, and analyze the possibility that they should play traditional German football.

The traditional advantage of the German team is simple and clear. They have been playing like that for many years.

The German team is very good at attacking from the wing, which can be seen by looking at their league leaders Bayern.

However, the side attack of the German team is a bit different from the popular side attack.

After their wide players attack from the side, they will avoid the dense defensive areas in the center. Unlike Spain's frontless formation, they will cut in from the side to complete cooperation or shoot. Instead, they will pass from the bottom to the goal. High center forwards and other high points in the team threaten the opponent's goal with headers.

This trick is very old-fashioned, but it is very effective. The strikers of the German team are very good at heading the ball, especially Klose. Although he is not very tall, his heading ability is really too strong. The football flew to him. In front of him, he can always be sent to the goal in various reasonable ways.

In addition to wing attacks, the German team is also very good at long shots and set kicks.

In the past, the German midfielders represented by Ballack generally had good long-range shots, and their feet were very hard. Once their long-range shots hit the goal frame, it was difficult for the goalkeeper to save.

In defense, the German team will take advantage of their own physical fitness and use zone pressing to limit the opponent's attack.

The players of the German team are physically fit, active in running, and extremely strong in tactical execution.

This makes it easy for the stars on the offensive side to fall into their double-teams, receive their key care throughout the game, and then perform abnormally.

When facing Argentina several times, the German team used this tactic to successfully limit Messi, so that Messi did not get a good chance.

It is foreseeable that in the final, the Germans will use this trick to deal with Lin Quan.

Bosque was a little worried about this.

If Lin Quan is frozen by the opponent, then Spain's offensive machine may be about to fail.

In addition, the German team's long pass transfer also needs attention.

They will choose to transfer the ball to places where the defense is weak in a wide range according to the opponent's defensive position, and then change the rhythm of the game, and make up for the simple tactical coordination of their own side, and they cannot play the gorgeous kicking and passing coordination of Spain. disadvantage.

This advantage, combined with their defensive counterattack tactics, can often achieve very good results.

Therefore, when facing the German team, don't make mistakes when attacking.

Once one's mistake is caught by the opponent, it is very likely that the opponent will launch a very threatening counterattack.

German players play calmly and have a good view of the overall situation. Kroos is this kind of player who is good at observing the situation on the field and has a precise long pass.

In the previous few games of the German team, Kroos performed very well, which made Bosque have to be vigilant against him.

Because of the high points in the penalty area and the heavy gunners in the middle outside the penalty area, when defending the German team's attack, it is necessary to have a multi-level three-dimensional defense.

However, can the current German team still play such a traditional tactic?

Bosque expressed his doubts!
Because the German team he sees now is very different from the traditional German team.

The German team, which adopts technical schools and pass-and-control tactics, is becoming more and more like the Spanish team, but not quite like the previous German team.

This can be seen from Loew's selection.

In the starting lineup of the German team, there are fewer players with strong bodies and tenacious style, and there are many more players with average physical resistance but excellent skills at their feet.

For example, Gotze, Ozil and Kroos and others.

The playing style of these people is very different from their predecessors, and it is completely the way of the technical school.

Moreover, these people are entrusted with important tasks by Loew, and it is impossible for him to overthrow and reset the tactics of the German team, especially on such an important stage as the World Cup final.

If he dared to work hard and finally kicked out the World Cup champion, then when he returned to Germany, he would definitely be overwhelmed by the saliva of the German fans!
Without overthrowing and resetting his own tactical system, how could Loew overwhelm Spain with the excellent physical fitness of the German team?

It can't be done at all!

Therefore, Bosque is sure that the other party is setting off smoke bombs!

Deliberately confuse yourself!
That being the case, Bosque will also come to the whole job.

"Diego Costa's injury is recovering well, so we plan to arrange him and Lin Quan to play together in the final, implementing a double striker tactic!"

Bosque took the initiative to announce his possible tactics in the final, which immediately attracted the attention of countless fans and reporters.

Diego Costa was injured in the group stage against the Netherlands, but he has returned from injury in Spain's game against Costa Rica.

However, when facing Argentina, Bosque chose to hide him.

Not only was he not arranged to enter the starting list, he was not even given a chance to come off the bench.

This makes the outside world feel very confused. Is Diego Costa the mascot in Bosque's mind?
Specially called him in, but did not send him to play, or, in Bosque's mind, Torres is a more suitable choice than Diego Costa?

Because of Bosque's misrepresentation of Diego Costa, there have been many conspiracy theories in the outside world.

Many fans believe that the reason why Bosque does not use Diego Costa is because his injury has not healed.

But Bosque and the Spanish team chose to conceal his injury and not announce it to the public. The purpose is to confuse the opponent and make the German team make a mistake in judgment.

This kind of conspiracy theory has been spread with nose and eyes, and has been recognized by many fans.

Some German fans even ran outside the training base of the German national team after seeing these rumors and shouted to their teams not to be fooled.

Now, Bosque has publicly stated that he will arrange for Diego Costa to come back in the final, and let him play double forward tactics with Lin Quan.

This makes the fans generally feel very suspicious. The previous game has proved that it is not suitable to put Lin Quan in the forward position.

He is more suitable to play as a free agent in the frontcourt, and letting him stand in front will not be able to exert his power.

So, the news released by Bosque is probably a smoke bomb?

Ordinary fans can think so, but the coach of the German team Loew dare not make a conclusion so easily.

What if this is not a smoke bomb, but real?
Diego Costa and Lin Quan had only cooperated once before, and he only played one first half of that game before being injured and retired.

Therefore, it is difficult for the outside world to assess what kind of chemical reaction he and Lin Quan will have when they appear on the court at the same time.

If the chemical reaction between these two people is very good, and if they cooperate with each other to achieve the effect of one plus one greater than two, then the German team will be in trouble!

Considering that these two are super shooters with extremely high scoring efficiency, if Diego Costa is not injured, Bosque will most likely use him.

Therefore, Loew would rather believe in what is there than in what is not.

He chose to believe Bosque's smoke bomb!

(End of this chapter)

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