Football: start copying peak Messi attributes

Chapter 381 Battle of the Peak, Manchester City VS Bayern

Chapter 381 Battle of the Peak, Manchester City VS Bayern
On the day of the game, the Etihad Stadium was packed, and most of the stands in the stadium were filled by Manchester City fans wearing sky blue jerseys.

There are actually quite a few Bayern fans accompanying the team, but the Etihad Stadium is much smaller than the Allianz Arena and has fewer seats, so tickets are not easy to grab.

The fans of the away team were only allocated 3000 tickets for the away team, and the rest of the fans couldn't get tickets at all, so they could only watch the game outside the stadium.

In addition to the fans of the two teams who came to watch the game, the game also attracted hundreds of millions of fans to watch the live broadcast in Europe and around the world.

Seeing the soaring ratings in the background, UEFA's official mouth was crooked.

This season's Champions League broadcast ratings are so high, which means that their income from broadcast rights next season will also increase.

Higher income means that the game prize money will also be more generous. At that time, the teams in the major leagues will definitely do their best in the Champions League in order to compete for the prize money, and the appeal of the Champions League will become stronger.

UEFA is very ambitious. They have always been unwilling to be suppressed by FIFA. They want to use their strong financial resources and influence to get rid of FIFA's control and sit on an equal footing with each other.

To accomplish this goal, it is necessary to further increase the influence of UEFA and let more people know their existence.

"Hehe, it seems that everyone is looking forward to these two teams joining forces to present a wonderful performance for everyone!"

"Yes, both Manchester City and Bayern are good at attacking. The collision between these two teams will definitely be very exciting. Just thinking about it makes people look forward to it!"

In CCTV's live broadcast room, seeing so many viewers coming to the scene, the mood of the two commentators also became excited.

They quickly introduced the starting rosters of both sides, and then chatted before the game started.

"Guardiola has used side midfielder tactics in the league before. This tactic has shown terrifying offensive strength. However, in the Champions League, it is rare for him to use it. I don't know this game. Guardiola Will this tactic be used!?"

"It's hard to say. The outside world has analyzed that this tactic will weaken the defensive ability of the wing, and Bayern just has two top wingers. Flying on both wings is Bayern's specialty. If Guardiola really uses this tactic. If you deal with Bayern, you may fall into Bayern's arms."

"Yes, what you said is very reasonable. If Bayern scored too many away goals in this game, it would definitely not be a good thing for Manchester City. After all, Bayern's combat effectiveness at the Allianz Arena is obvious to all!"


Since the result of this game is likely to determine who will advance to the final, the two teams from the other half of the area also sent people to the scene to watch the game.

Real Madrid sent the famous French star Zidane, who is now an assistant coach of Real Madrid.

Zidane has studied with Ancelotti for a year, and this year he has begun to take charge of the Real Madrid B team.

He is the key training object of the Real Madrid club, and he is a candidate who intends to take over the Real Madrid coach after Ancelotti leaves in the future.

For Zidane, who urgently needs to improve his coaching knowledge and experience, such an important game as the Champions League semi-final is a learning opportunity not to be missed.

"Heynckes' tactics are open and close. When attacking, he advances extremely fast. When defending, he intercepts layers and retreats.

Coupled with Bayern's full-court press and active running under the blessing of abnormal physical strength, as well as the extremely fast offensive and defensive transition after a successful interception, once the opponent can't keep up with their rhythm, it is easy for them to score a very exaggerated score and be massacred. Just like Porto, which was 8:1 before. "

Zidane summed up the characteristics of the Bayern team under Heynckes, and he couldn't help being in awe of Mr. Hai.

"As for Guardiola, his team has implemented tactics to the extreme, the position of each player on the field, how to stand when attacking, how to pass the ball, how to run, how to intercept when defending, how to help defend, how to Protection, etc., are arranged meticulously.

The entire team was built by Guardiola into a sophisticated machine, running at a high speed and stably according to his intentions.

The coaching styles and characteristics of these two men are very different, but each has its own uniqueness and advantages. I can learn useful things from them to improve my own tactical play. "

While Zida was thinking about these things in his heart, the referee sounded the whistle to start the game.

As soon as the game started, Bayern's players began to rush towards Manchester City's half.

They came to prepare for the game three days in advance. The players were very physically fit, and they pressed Manchester City up front as soon as they came up.

Bayern's pressing is not the individual behavior of a certain player, but the collective behavior of the entire team.

After the Manchester City players receive the ball, as long as they delay for a while, they will immediately be surrounded by several Bayern players.

These people have a clear division of labor, some cut off the passing route of the Manchester City players, some go forward to press, and some cooperate with double-teaming, and they are ready to counterattack immediately once the press is successful.

The frontcourt pressing and quick offensive and defensive transitions are the forte of the Bayern team under Heynckes.

Guardiola originally planned to control the rhythm of the game at the beginning of the game, use a few attacks to test the opponent's reality, and find the opponent's defensive weakness.

But he didn't expect the opponent to be so active in the away game, which caught Manchester City a little caught off guard.

In the first 10 minutes of the game, Manchester City played very passively. The players were not used to Bayern's oppressive style of play, and there were several mistakes when passing the ball.

Fortunately, Guardiola made key arrangements for defense before the game. Manchester City's players immediately fought back on the spot after losing the ball, and fouled immediately if they couldn't grab it.

After 10 minutes, Manchester City's players gradually adapted to the opponent's rhythm, and they began to speed up the passing, receiving and running speed.

Seeing that the opponent speeded up the pass, Heynckes immediately cheered up and stared at the court like lightning.

Manchester City speeded up the pace of the game, which he expected, because Bayern's tactic was originally forcing the opponent to speed up.

And once the opponent speeds up, the turnover rate will inevitably increase greatly. At that time, Bayern will be able to seize the opportunity of the opponent's mistakes to launch a fierce attack, and then create opportunities to score goals.

Bayern has played a lot of this kind of fast-paced game, and the players are very comfortable with it.

Two years ago, they used this tactic to defeat the Cosmos team Barcelona, ​​and also scored a shocking 7:0 score!

Barcelona is the pinnacle of pass-and-control football, and even they were defeated by Bayern. Heynckes does not believe that Guardiola's Manchester City can persist. After all, Guardiola has not been in Manchester City for a long time.

His transformation of Manchester City has not been completely completed. Manchester City at this time may not be better than Barcelona two years ago.

On the side of Manchester City's coaching bench, Guardiola couldn't help standing up after seeing the sudden acceleration of the game rhythm.

He has coached Bayern, of course he knows how powerful Bayern's style of play is.

Therefore, it is actually his arrangement to let the players speed up the pace of the game.

Most of the teams slaughtered by Bayern were defeated because they couldn't keep up with the opponent's game rhythm, especially the extreme offensive and defensive transition rhythm.

But as long as the opponent can keep up with Bayern's rhythm, the power of Bayern's tactics will naturally be greatly reduced.

And there are not no teams that can withstand Bayern's offensive. Dortmund once did it.

The Dortmund team a few years ago, under the leadership of Klopp, played a youthful storm. Their game rhythm was also very fast, and the players also ran all over the field and ran with all their strength.

Therefore, Bayern's move will not work against Dortmund. The two sides will fight quickly, depending on who can stab the other first.

The younger and more impactful Dortmund has taken advantage of it more often.

The average age of Manchester City's lineup is about 25.5 years old. Although it is not as young as that of Dortmund, it is definitely not old.

Moreover, their players are all top players in various positions, both in terms of personal strength and game experience, they are much more than ordinary players.

Therefore, they may not be unable to keep up with Bayern's rhythm.

Guardiola's judgment was correct. After Manchester City took the initiative to speed up, although the turnover rate of the players increased a lot, they were not dragged down.

After adapting to the speed-up game rhythm, Manchester City's turnover rate dropped immediately.

"Sure enough, there are two brushes. It seems that it is impossible to easily defeat Manchester City by this method!"

Seeing that the opponent kept up with his rhythm, Heynckes' eyes were full of approval.

If Manchester City is too weak to be defeated by his Bayern so easily, it may not be a good thing for Bayern.

Both Barcelona and Real Madrid are the top teams in football, and the winner between them is definitely not so easy to deal with.

If Bayern won the semi-finals too easily and did not improve their state to the best, they may not be able to win when they meet the winner between the two teams in the final.

But if they have gone through a hard battle with Manchester City, the players have found their best form in the game, and they have also found the weak link of their team through the sharpening stone of Manchester City.

Then in the final, Bayern will undoubtedly become stronger!

This is the same as raising momentum, rising from the trough little by little, and when it reaches the peak, it is to meet the final decisive battle.

Simply speeding up the pace of the game is ineffective, so how about adding this trick?

Heynckes stood up from the coach's bench, walked to the sidelines, and made tactical gestures to the Bayern players on the pitch.

Bayern is about to start using the ultimate move!

After seeing Heynckes' gesture, the Bayern players immediately began to make adjustments.

In the next game, it can be clearly seen that Bayern's offense is more concentrated on the two sides.

These two wings of Bayern are undoubtedly the most threatening wings in Europe, and their two wingers are extremely strong in personal strength.

And full-backs like Alaba and Lahm are very good at lap assists.

The whole of Europe knows that Bayern's wing attack is very powerful, but it's useless to just know it, because it can't be defended at all!

In the 33rd minute, Franck Ribery dribbled the ball and then passed the ball to Lahm who was on the edge. Lahm attracted Manchester City's full-backs to defend and then sent a cross.

The quality of the pass was extremely high. Under Kompany's confrontation, Lewandowski was able to stretch out his long legs and complete a kick.

Fortunately, Manchester City's goalkeeper Keylor Navas focused and saved his shot to resolve a crisis.

The Bayern fans who came to watch the game couldn't help but let out a sigh, and then applauded Lahm who passed the ball and Lewandowski who shot.

On the other hand, Manchester City fans breathed a sigh of relief.

The opponent's striker is a bit strong. This body, this running position, and this foot technique all look good.

I don't know what's going on with Dortmund. How can such a player let him join Bayern for free?

Why not renew the contract earlier?
Even if the other party doesn't want to renew the contract, it's okay to sell it in advance?
If a striker of this strength is sold, there must be a guarantee of 3000 million euros, right?

And selling to teams in other leagues is better than keeping him disgusted by his rivals in the league, right?
The coaches of the two teams are applauding, and Heynckes is applauding the team's attack.

Although no goal was scored, the effect of this attack was played out.

With this extremely threatening attack, Manchester City's right wing will inevitably be more afraid of their attack in the next period of time, and dare not press too far forward.

Guardiola's applause obviously praised the players for completing this defense. Although the defense has not been perfect, it can be considered a success if it can prevent the opponent from scoring.

There are two top wingers in the Bayern team. After Ribery completed an attack, Robben also staged a wonderful individual performance on the other side.

In the 41st minute of the game, Robben broke through and cut inside.

This guy is more independent and doesn't like passing the ball very much. After he gets to this position in front of the penalty area, he usually likes to shoot by himself.

So Manchester City's full-backs and central defenders were defending Robben, ready to interfere with his shot.

However, unexpectedly, the Lone Ranger Robben did not shoot, but passed the ball to his teammates.

Bayern's full-back Alaba didn't know when he had rushed over from the midfield. Before Kolarov rushed to defend, he quickly knocked the ball back to the center.

However, the ball was not passed to Robben. Robben was just a cover. The real killer was the shadow forward Thomas Muller who followed Robben!

After receiving the ball, Müller rushed into the penalty area and passed the ball to Lewandowski before Van Dijk rushed up.

Lewandowski started quickly. After throwing off the defender, he took the lead in receiving the ball in the crowd and aimed at the far corner of the goal to complete a shot.

Navas quickly fell to the ground to save, but the angle of the ball was very tricky, and he did not touch the ball.

Just when Keylor Navas and the Manchester City fans were about to despair, a collision sounded like a fairy sound.

The football slammed into the uprights and bounced off the baseline.

Manchester City escaped a catastrophe!
Lewandowski couldn't help scratching his head when he saw that the goal was missed.

But the fans of Manchester City patted their chests one after another and breathed a sigh of relief.

However, anyone could see that Manchester City was suppressed by Bayern on the scene!

(End of this chapter)

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