I really don't want to be a magical girl anymore

Chapter 177 Scheduled releases sent in the wrong order

Chapter 177 【】Scheduled Release, The Order Is Wrong

In the mysterious space under the dilapidated church, the staff of the countermeasure department are worrying about dealing with Pandora's box.

Suddenly, someone discovered that Tan Dou had disappeared mysteriously. Just as everyone was about to look for it, Tan Dou walked out of the darkness touching his head and said with a smile, "Sorry, sorry. I just went around for a while."

The others didn't pay much attention to where Tan Dou went during the ten minutes of disappearance.

The focus of their attention is still on how to seal Pandora's Box.

Only Jasmine was vaguely aware of the abnormality. As a magic colossus, she was very sensitive to changes in magic power fluctuations.

At this moment, Jasmine already felt that she couldn't see through Tan Dou, and there seemed to be an indescribable layer of chaos in between, like watching flowers in the fog, Jasmine had only seen that hazy feeling on one person so far.


Tan Dou walked up to Jasmine, and when he passed her, he lowered his voice and said something to the maid.

"It's not a good thing to be too observant, my jasmine sauce."

Biting cold hits the brain.

Jasmine, who is a magical colossus, has already sensed that the magic circuit in her body is becoming abnormal at this moment.

This is a warning and a threat.

As long as this Tan Dou thinks, his magic power circuit will conflict and explode at any time, and Jasmine will become Jasmine sauce.

This is definitely not something that an ordinary human magician can do.

"Sure enough... you are... forget it..."

Jasmine was very knowledgeable, as a maid she should never ask, she had some guesses in her heart, so she respectfully stepped back.

"Next, let me take back this big trouble."

Under the eyes of everyone, Knap shook his head, stretched his muscles and bones, and stretched out his right hand to the Pandora's box fixed on the stage.

"Stark is no longer useful, and the taboo knowledge in it should be permanently sealed."

Pandora's Box is a prop that Knip gave Stark to study the abyss.

Now that Stark took the initiative to rebel, there was no need for Knap to expose this thing to the world.

In the past, Knap found this mysterious box from the abyss-occupied area. When it was discovered, it was unknown how long it had been soaked in the abyss.

However, it still maintains structural integrity, unlike other objects that have been distorted to the point where they cannot be seen.

Although this knowledge is useless to Knap, it is a kind of poison that cannot be desired for low-level and middle-level civilizations, sweet and full of danger.

However, just as Knip was about to take back the Pandora's Box, the strange crimson cube in front of him suddenly deformed, and a certain force began to interfere with Knip's process of compressing the box.

in the blink of an eye.

The cube is completely out of control.

The strange abyss spread out.

For a time, countless onlookers were killed or injured.

Before Knap could seal off the space, some kind of existence quickly extended its tentacles and pulled Pandora's Box into the space crack.

Seeing that Pandora's Box was missing, Knap's expression became more gloomy. Of course, he could feel the existence similar to his own power, but it was very vague. He couldn't tell whether it was Sasi who did these things, or...


If the latter, what does Juss want Pandora's Box to do?
"It looks like someone doesn't want me to continue playing role-playing games."

Leaving aside such a sentence, Knip's human body disappeared and turned into a slender monster with a tall and straight strip of flesh on its head. The middle of the strip of flesh was cracked and sharp teeth and sticky tentacles could be seen. This is the myth of Knapp after using his body power form.

Such a terrifying appearance shocked everyone.

The indescribable chaos hit people's retinas.

People's legs are weak, their eyeballs are bulging, and they can't move.

"Nep" turned his head sideways, with the strips of meat around half a circle, looked at the silent maid aside, and said in a frivolous tone: "Do you know how to report to your Majesty the Holy King later?"

"We were caught by a trap set up by Stark, and the countermeasures department was wiped out, so I had no choice but to run for my life."

Jasmine didn't dare to raise her head to look at each other, she whispered respectfully, "What do you think, Lord Knap."

"Ha, there is nothing wrong with asking you to perform this task. My jasmine sauce."

"It is my honor to be appreciated by you."

Jasmine turned around and stopped looking at the tragic scene that followed. The miserable screams of humans in her ears made Jasmine wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and she whispered sorry.

Because, regardless of whether the Pandora's Box was recovered or not, the existence of the Pandora's Box should not be known to others. This was the most top-secret event. Knap was the master over Jasmine's head, and she could not resist.

on the other side.

The infighting among several magical girls in the desire contest gradually reached its climax.

I don't know why the magical girl who should be able to sit down and have a good talk has become more and more irritable and irritable, and the influence of unknown forces is getting bigger and bigger.

in fact.

Mu Jiu has been thinking about a problem, a problem that has always troubled her.

What is the meaning underlying the various acts?
Although this is very similar to the topic of various swindlers on the Internet to argue with others, or it is the kind of truth that the boring wandering monk wants to find.

There isn't that much meaning in the world.

Because many things are meaningless things.

If you have to stick to this, I'm afraid it will only be regarded as a neuropathy with a brain hole and a severe secondary disease that moans without illness.

It turns out that Mu Jiu can be regarded as half an optimist, and he never deliberately pays attention to all kinds of things around him.

If you follow the routine in the traditional hot-blooded series, the protagonist will often undergo a transformation after experiencing various difficulties in the story, from an inferior and weak ordinary person to a reliable, brave, and positive character.

But Mu Jiu didn't change that much.

Timid and afraid of getting into trouble, not brave enough, and not firm in belief.

It was so in the beginning, and it still is.

Mu Jiu always thought, this is good, this is not bad, she has excellent adaptability, and she doesn't want to make breakthroughs.

No dreams, no obsessions.

Little wishes are nothing more than wanting to protect family and friends, but friends are no longer friends, and family is no longer family.

Mu Jiu no longer knew what the meaning of his fight was.

And what does its own existence mean.

The meaning of the protagonist in traditional stories is to save the world and save all living beings.

The same should be true of the companions who surround the protagonist.

This is not the case.

As Lancer said, she never cared about the safety of the world, nor the life and death of other people, because when they were suffering, who would save them, so all they wanted was happiness and personal happiness at the moment.

abyss?World destruction?none of my business.

Not everyone is a selfless Madonna, on the contrary, how many people want others to be a Madonna.

And I just need to take care of my little life.

Greater ability does not mean greater responsibility.

Could it be that as a rich and powerful person, he should unconditionally distribute his wealth to help the poor?
Give me a break.

Not belittling or oppressing the poor is already the biggest concession.

This is the most normal and ordinary thought.

The reason why a strong person is a strong person is not only based on how much power he possesses, but whether his heart is in line with his strength.

There are too few such people.


The light will shine brightly.

Only the sun will shine.

So, Mu Jiu knows that she is not the sun, how can she stop the fight as an ordinary person?

When she thought about it carefully, there seemed to be only one way—beating.

Pleased, beaten.

Displeased, beaten.

If you win, you will be beaten, and if you lose, you will be beaten.

Beat anyone who is upset, and beat yourself when you are upset.

Beat the normal into the abnormal, beat the abnormal into the normal.

There is no problem in the world that beatings cannot solve, it is nothing more than how long the beatings last.

Violence may not solve all problems.

Abandoning violence is the real solution to the problem.

When both sides hold beliefs against each other, then it is really only a fight that can decide who is right and who is wrong.

Mu Jiu knew that outside the game field, Red Sea City was being eroded by the abyss, and some people who participated in the rescue at close range had become the minions of the abyss, and time was extremely short. The battle here must be resolved quickly, and he went to support Senior Cang Yan.

Therefore, Mu Jiu secretly made up his mind not to hold back any more.

She knew that if she kept complaining about herself like this, she would really have done something wrong.

Mu Jiu also knew why Lancer and Saber were fighting and what they were pursuing, so she took the initiative to stand in the middle of the two, with her head raised, her eyes determined.

The dragon chant sounded from Mu Jiu's body.

The dazzling red light in the eyes burned like a flame.

"There is nothing wrong with pursuing personal happiness. Everyone should not give up their own rights, and I also envy you who have dreams. No matter whether it is correct or not, you are always pursuing what you yearn for in your heart."

Mu Jiu gradually strengthened her will, and said to Lan: "I don't have any dreams, but I want to protect your dreams. If you want to pursue the wishing machine, then I will become the existence that fulfills your wishes."

"No! What do you want to do?!"

Saber was a little shocked, her face full of worry, she had heard something from Mu Jiu.

Lancer, who was standing not far away, also vaguely felt the danger, but she didn't make a move, she just smiled and said, "Rider, what nonsense are you talking about, how can human beings become wishing machines."

"No, I'm not lying."

Mu Jiu spoke very seriously.

Lancer felt that this newcomer magical girl seemed to be about to do something big.

"Krystal has always resisted the fusion with my body. She is unwilling to obliterate my existence. I was really afraid of death before, but today I understand the meaning of my existence. People are always going to die, as long as my own death can It makes sense, so why be afraid of death."

Mu Jiu picked up the red and black K of Heart card from her card box, which symbolizes the power of the star god Christo. She raised her head, her eyes showed determination, which is the power of faith.

"Please look at it, this is my transformation."

Red and black light joined Mu Jiu's body, and she closed her eyes, looking forward to Christo's awakening.

Huge energy surged out, and the spread of magic power shook everyone around.

The power gradually shrank and condensed into a solid body, Mu Jiu's body became illusory, and the shadow in the light grew taller, with a body length of more than 20 meters.

The wings are fully extended, creating a hurricane.

The dragon raised its head and roared loudly, the sound of the dragon's roar was deafening.

Mu Jiu opened his eyes, his vision became exaggerated, and everything in front of him seemed to shrink a circle.

The combined heights of several magical girls seemed to be unable to reach her calves. Mu Jiu moved her body briefly, and the ground shook. She raised her right hand and found that it had become a body covered with red dragon scales. giant claws.

With the dragon wings folded behind her back, Mu Jiu stood up.

With the power of Heart K, Mu Jiu turned into a giant dragon, and Christo regained the ability to act as a dragon in reality.

Mu Jiuxu held the dragon claws, surging power flowed in his body, and his magic power was also raised to SSS level, but it was a little strange, why he couldn't hear Christo's voice.

"Good... so big..."

Lancer, who was about to attack, froze in place after seeing this situation. The spear in her hand was no different from a toothpick to the dragon. Even if she attacked hard, she could only hit a few on the red crystal scales. spark.

"It's really unreasonable."

Lancer gave a rare smack, expressing his current depressed mood.

"As I said, you don't have to rely on Knip anymore."

The giant dragon lowered its head, looked at Lancer who was retreating a bit and said, "You can make a wish to me for what you want in your heart, and please trust me."

"Oh, it seems that I don't need to take action."

Caster, who was watching the play, tilted his head and muttered.

As soon as Lancer reached out to summon Gungnir back, relying on the flexibility of space magic, she could freely decide whether to go or stay.

Now that the situation is against him, Lancer is ready to retreat.

"I'll take my leave for now..."

Lancer's words were still floating in the air, and the figure of the silver-haired spearman gradually dissipated, only the crimson crystal dragon said something.

"No, you can't go."

Silver light flashed.

Rider disappeared in place in an instant.

When she reappeared a hundred meters away, she raised her front paws, forcibly tore apart the space, grabbed the spearmen hiding in it, and prevented the space warp with extremely violent means.


This is the first time Lancer has encountered this kind of dimensionality reduction blow, and it is also the first time that Lancer knows that his space magic can be interrupted by others.

"Don't forget, I'm the incarnation of Star Creator Christo."

The dragon's voice rang in his ears, Lancer raised his head and saw the handsome dragon eyes staring at him, and her whole body was grabbed by the dragon's right claw, leaving only her head exposed.

"So what about this move?"

Gungnir radiated light, and time went back half a second. Before Lancer was caught, Lan jumped out of the space crack first, preventing himself from falling into a situation where he could not get out.

However, right after, Lan suddenly found himself back in the same place.

Time went backwards for the second time.

The huge dragon claws tore through the space, stretched into the depths of time and space, and forcibly grabbed Lancer out.

And now Lancer has encountered the backlash of cause and effect because of the reversal of time and space, bloodshot ears are pouring out, and he is unable to cast time spells at all. Lancer also believes that no matter how many seconds he goes back, the scarlet dragon will definitely keep up with him again .

"I said, you can't go."

There was an unquestionable majesty in the voice, as if the person talking to Lancer was not the timid newcomer magical girl at all.

Since you can't escape, you can only fight!

Lancer forcibly broke free from the dragon's claws, and raised Gungnir to attack the dragon.

However, the gap in strength is too large, and Mu Jiuhua's body after becoming a giant dragon is surprisingly flexible, elusive, and the dragon's claws clenched his fists, disappearing and reappearing suddenly, so fast that it is dazzling.

Lancer was a little slow to react, and was punched flying. The power of the dragon was exaggerated, far beyond everyone's imagination. She only felt that she had hit the speeding high-speed rail head-on, and her limbs were broken, and blood was vomited from the mouth.

The silver-white girl fell from the sky, but the giant dragon still refused to let her go. Before the girl got up, he raised his hind legs and stepped on it like a falling meteorite.

Until a shocking explosion occurred in the game field, the ground trembled three times, the destroyed road was filled with smoke, dust and stones were flying.

The onlookers couldn't help being terrified, this attack was too serious.

Fortunately, I did not participate in such a messy incident.

When the dust cleared, several people saw the state in the explosion crater. Lancer had already released his transformation, covered in blood, lying flat in the crater, and Mu Jiu also turned into a human form and was stepping on Lan's chest with one foot, bowing his head. "Calm down a little bit for me."

"Cough cough..."

Lancer coughed up two mouthfuls of gore with broken internal organs, and said weakly, "Anyway, it's up to you to kill or cut you."

"Hmph, don't make me look like a villain. I just want to tell you that I will investigate the cause and effect of the fire accident five years ago, and why the old dean died, so you don't have to ask for Knip's help anymore. .”

Mu Jiu spoke from the bottom of his heart.

It's hard to make people want to believe it.

"have a finger in the pie……"

Lan clicked his tongue lightly, but seeing Mu Jiu suddenly getting stronger, she also knew that she should behave better.

"Okay, okay, I see. Can you take the foot away first, and then add blood to me, I feel like I can't stand it anymore."

A weak voice sounded from Mu Jiu's feet.

Mu Jiu quickly helped Lan up, and Caster, who was a nanny, stepped forward and cast a few healing spells on Lancer.

Caster was still talking about something: "You're too heavy handed."

"I just feel that I have to show my attitude, we must have a backbone, you say yes, Saber."

The words were not finished.

Mu Jiu suddenly sensed that something was not quite right.

She saw the game field suddenly shattered.

Space is torn apart.

Unstable crimson cubes sprawl out of it.

Mu Jiu seemed to have seen this thing before, it had appeared in Crystal's memory.

It's called Pandora's Box, and it contains forbidden knowledge, and the technology for making the magic warship Holy King's Cradle also comes from it.

The question is, why did this thing suddenly appear?

Just as everyone turned their heads to watch, the abyss spread rapidly, and some abysses had already eroded into Saber's body.

When the game field was completely shattered, Saber's most piercing screams came from all around.

Then, a passage made of pitch-black energy appeared in the real world, and a twisted claw made of demonic sword and flesh rested on the edge of the passage. It was the flaming demon sword Levadin that changed its appearance.

A red light flashed in the explosion of the abyss. It was a crimson crystal card——Heart Q Devil.

A shrill and sharp voice came from it.

"Follow the will of the abyss."

The abyss hidden in Saber's body exploded completely.

 I'll try to contact the editor to see if I can change the order

(End of this chapter)

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