Chapter 103
Zhuang Hong has encountered many void spirits.

He found that the personality differences between the different races of the void spirits are huge.

Exclude Xiaobai, a chaotic animal species without intelligence. For example, the human orcs who are closest to humans in appearance are the most rational and agile, and are also more cunning and cunning; for example, the half-orcs with human heads and beast bodies are more stubborn and violent. , but also very smart, will judge the situation...

These races Zhuang Hong can more or less understand, but there is only one race, and that is the Warcraft clan with the head of a beast and a human body.

Basically, every Void Spirit of the Warcraft family has extremely strong racial talent, and their combat effectiveness is not weak, but they are arrogant for no reason, and seem to have no brains.

For example, the locust beast that was trampled by Zhuang Hong had both feet broken by Zhuang Hong, and someone gestured with a knife on its neck, so it couldn't calm down.

It's also unique enough.

If Zhuang Hong hadn't asked him something, he wouldn't have bothered to talk nonsense to him, and just swallowed it up.

Just as Zhuang Hong was thinking about how to make the locust monster quiet and obedient, Xiao Bai reminded that there was another void spirit coming.

Not long after, I saw a thin middle-aged man approaching cautiously, hunched over like a burglar.

That middle-aged man is quite strong, and he seems to be stronger than Zhuang Hong in the second stage of Ascension to Spirit.Wearing a simple armor, holding a scimitar, with many flying chain hooks stuck in his waist, his eyebrows are very long, and his two small mung bean-like eyes look very energetic.

When the middle-aged man with long eyebrows saw Zhuang Hong, his eyes lit up, but he still cautiously did not approach, and looked towards Zhuang Hong from a distance.

Zhuang Hong suddenly showed a smile: "Since there is a more suitable candidate, then I don't have to think so much. It might be better to communicate with an orc."

The locust monster was still struggling to get up, roaring in its mouth: "Unforgivable, you will regret it..."

Zhuang Hong didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, so he raised his knife and cut off his head directly.


He bent down to suck up his nutrition, and walked towards the middle-aged man with long eyebrows.

Unexpectedly, the long-browed middle-aged man was obviously stronger than Zhuang Hong. Seeing Zhuang Hong walking towards him, he was startled immediately, turned his head and ran away.

Zhuang Hong immediately chased after him, and couldn't help shouting: "Hey, your source power is stronger than mine, why are you running?"

The middle-aged man with long eyebrows ran faster when he heard the words. He glanced back at Zhuang Hong and saw that Zhuang Hong had chased after him in a blink of an eye. cigarette.

Zhuang Hong approached quickly, turned the long knife into the back of the knife and slashed out.

The middle-aged body with long eyebrows curled up immediately, and unexpectedly avoided Zhuang Hong's knife, but the speed of the curled up body was greatly reduced, and it approached Zhuang Hong's waist.

The next moment, a section of the knife protruded abruptly from his curled up body, stabbing at Zhuang Hong's waist.

Zhuang Hong stomped his feet and narrowly escaped.

The tip of the knife changed from stabbing to sweeping.


A knife flashed, and Zhuang Hong's waist armor was cut open with a long cut.

Zhuang Hong stepped back quickly, opened the distance, looked down at his waist, and murmured: "I have already avoided it, I didn't expect to be so flexible?"

The cut on the waist looked serious, but in fact it didn't even break through the armor, and the body didn't suffer the slightest injury.

But this still reminded Zhuang Hong.

"After defeating Zhishi's avatar, I became a little swollen, and the lion fought the rabbit with all my strength. What's more, I am not a lion, and the enemy is not a rabbit. If you dare to take it lightly, you will inevitably plant a hidden danger of failure in the future."

Zhuang Hong took a deep breath, repaired the cut on his waist, and took the battle seriously.

The middle-aged man with long eyebrows backed away again and again, and after a certain distance, he immediately said: "This... friend, I have never met you, and I have no hatred. Why did you attack me? How about leaving it alone? I don't want to do it without meaning fight."

Zhuang Hong: "I am a Zerg, and you are a Void Spirit. We are born enemies. When we meet, we naturally have to live and die."

"No, no, no! I'm not interested in any Zerg, especially a Zerg like you who is ascending to the spirit level. I just want to be an enemy with you because I have nothing to do to seek death."

"Even if you're telling the truth, I won't let you go."

"Why? You and I are about the same strength, and the outcome is [-]-[-]. Why do you have to do this kind of indifferent fight? Even if you win by fluke once, who can be sure of winning every time? You must know that there is a sky beyond the sky, and no one is invincible."

Zhuang Hong: "Because I am a Zerg, I will do my best to kill all the void spirits who have seen me. If you meet me, you can only blame your bad luck. And..."

"And what?"

"Who told you it was fifty-five?"

As soon as the words fell, Zhuang Hong stomped on his feet.


Dirt splashed up.

Zhuang Hong's figure disappeared instantly.


The next moment, a middle-aged man with long eyebrows appeared sideways, slashing diagonally with his knife.


The complexion of the middle-aged man with long eyebrows changed drastically, and his eyebrows flew up. He only had time to turn around and block his body with a knife. At the same time, a small transparent energy shield emerged from his body.


After a crisp sound, the scimitar in Changmei's hand was thrown away, and he was slapped on the chest by the blade of Zhuang Hong's long knife, instantly smashing the small energy shield in front of his chest, and the whole person flew out.


The middle-aged man with long eyebrows sprayed blood all the way, fell hard to the ground, and rolled a few times before stopping.


Before the middle-aged man with long eyebrows got up, a section of the knife tip was already on his neck.

"Surrender, or..."

The image of Zhuang Hong killing the locust monster and sucking the locust monster up just now flashed through the mind of the middle-aged man with long eyebrows. His body reflexively raised his hands: "I surrender, the hero spares my life!"

Zhuang Hong shot a large number of filaments to remove all the weapons on the middle-aged man with long eyebrows, and wrapped him into a cocoon before putting away the blade.

At the same time, I had a little understanding in my heart: "Yes, I don't need to communicate with those who cannot communicate. This universe is very big, not everyone cannot communicate. I can change to someone who can communicate. There is no need to embarrass myself. There is no need to embarrass others."

Thinking of this, Zhuang Hong's gaze at the middle-aged man with long eyebrows became gentle.

Zhuang Hong asked, "Are you literate?"

The middle-aged man with long eyebrows was scared out of his wits. It seemed that this time he would die out of ten, and his whole body was tightly entangled with filaments, but it still couldn't stop him from trembling.

Hearing Zhuang Hong's question, he immediately stumbled and said: "Knowledge... who can read, not only can read and write, but also can do arithmetic."

"That's not bad, can you recognize various materials?"

"I can recognize it. After so many years of traveling, I can recognize common materials."

Zhuang Hong then took a few materials from the three-bone pill to test him, and found that he could answer them all, and then brought him the materials he searched from Zhishi's lair, and he could also identify them one by one.

Zhuang Hong praised: "You are quite knowledgeable. Then let me ask you again, I need your help with some things, will you help me sincerely?"

"Yes, as long as I know, I will help you sincerely! I will never be petty. As long as... as long as..."

"Just what?"

The middle-aged man with long eyebrows really wanted to say 'as long as you promise not to kill me', but he didn't say it, because according to his experience, those who said this sentence would basically die.

"'s nothing! As long as you need me, just tell me."

Zhuang Hong said: "Okay, since this is the case, I will choose you. Don't worry, if you do well, I will not kill you, and of course, I will not let you go."

"What do you want me to do?"

"It's very simple. Teach me to recognize some characters and some common materials. In short, I will ask you to answer. The ugly words are up front. If you dare to lie to me, don't blame me for chopping you up."

The middle-aged man with long eyebrows immediately agreed.

Zhuang Hong asked: "You can call me Zhuang Hong, what's your name?"

Ask for a name?
The long-browed middle-aged man was overjoyed, which meant that there was indeed a glimmer of hope, because no one would care about the name of a dying person.

"Lord Zhuang, the younger one is named Yinguan."

Zhuang Hong: "Yin Guan, then, just in case, before I ask you a question, I will imprint you with a beast steel seal."

"What steel seal?"

"You don't need to know, you just know that you can't die, and don't think of resisting later."

As he spoke, Zhuang Hong reached out and pressed Yin Guan's head, applying the 'brain dormancy technique'.

Yin Guan did not dare to resist, and lost consciousness after a while, and his brain fell into a deep sleep state.

(End of this chapter)

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