i can transcend space

Chapter 218 Crack!

Chapter 218 Crack!
The Hundred-handed King Kong is a talisman improved from the "God's Body", and the God's Body was researched by the rune guardian Tu Yang for most of his life. It can be said to be the pinnacle of talisman. There is no one talisman that can match it.

The Hundred Hands King Kong is a super talisman created by Zhuang Hong on the basis of the body of God, combined with his own knowledge and wisdom.

Its power is many times stronger than the body of God.

And Baishou King Kong is currently Zhuang Hong's strongest form.

Its power and defense are still much better than the 'meat shield form'.

Not only is the defense extremely strong, but the attack is also very violent, and the attack speed of the arm is also extremely fast, with almost no shortcomings.

Just standing like this and letting Guan Long and Shouxin clones attack, neither of them may be able to break through the defense of Baishou King Kong.


"Boom boom-"

Heart-piercing swords shot out from Shouxin's avatar one after another, and hit the 70-meter-high giant with loud bangs.

But apart from hearing a sound, it didn't do much damage to the giant at all.

And Zhuang Hong controlled the Hundred-handed Vajra to chase after Shouxin's avatar, like swatting a mosquito, clasping his hands together and clapping them one at a time.

"Clap clap clap!"

Shouxin's avatar backed away again and again in horror, and fled in all directions.

However, Zhuang Hong's Baishou King Kong was 70 meters tall, but his running speed was not slow. With one big foot, he was only a few hundred meters away. He easily caught up with Shouxin's clone and slapped him to death.

It's like an agile kid chasing a group of clumsy beetles.

"Clap clap clap!"

Now every crisp clap of applause can make Shouxin terrified.

Just as Zhuang Hong was running around chasing Shouxin's avatar, there was a loud shout from behind him.

"Eat me with the 'Abyss Opening Ax'!"

Guan Long jumped up, and with the posture of smashing Huashan with all his strength, he struck the giant's back fiercely with an axe.


With a loud noise, Beiguanlong split a huge gap behind the giant.


The sound of crystal shattering came from the gap and spread to the surroundings.

Guan Long was overjoyed: "Have you broken through the defense of the Hundred Hands King Kong?"

However, in the next second, the joy on his face froze.

Because the sound of the crystal shattering disappeared, and he saw that the gap behind the giant was being repaired quickly, and it was back to normal in a blink of an eye.

That is to say, when he went down with the ax just now, he only split a layer of the giant's flesh.

"How to fight this?"

Zhuang Hong controlled Baishou King Kong for a moment, then turned to look at Guan Long: "I was working so hard that I almost forgot about you!"

So Zhuang Hong temporarily abandoned Shouxin's avatar, and shifted his target to Daoguanlong.

With a thought, a pair of big hands clasped left and right and patted Guan Long.

If Guan Long felt it, his face changed wildly, and he kicked on the giant and jumped back.


The moment he jumped away, a pair of big hands closed together, and there was a shocking and crisp sound.

If he gets caught, maybe even Xiang will be squeezed out.

Seeing that Zhuang Hong had changed his target, Shouxin surrounded him and bombarded Zhuang Hong indiscriminately, but Zhuang Hong ignored him for the time being.

After Guan Long was tidied up, it would not be too late to slowly kill all his clones and find the main body.

Guan Long was lucky enough to escape the first clap of palms, but before he had time to be happy, a second pair of palms came towards him, covering Guan Long's escape route.

Guan Long's complexion changed again, and he immediately threw out the huge ax in his hand, and his body accelerated to retreat.


There was another shock, and he escaped the second clasping of hands.

"Clap clap clap!"

One palm after another, he followed closely behind Guan Long. Guan Long resorted to various means to avoid the clasping of palms time and time again, either generating ice crystals to step on acceleration, or feinting to dodge, all the way on the run. , holding back so much that a red light appeared on his green face.

When another palm came together, he couldn't dodge it anymore.


He roared, and a large number of ice crystals immediately appeared around his body, freezing him in the huge ice crystal, and he was like an amber in a blink of an eye.


Put your palms together and slap the ice crystal hard.

In an instant, the ice crystals shattered and debris flew around.

The giant palms continued to close together, sandwiching Guan Long in the middle.

However, with the buffer of the ice crystal defense, the clasped palms did not explode Guan Long. They could only clasp their palms together on Guan Long's origin force flame coat, temporarily restricting Guan Long's movements.

Guan Long Guan Long has a huge body, 11 meters tall, and his giant hand is only about five or six meters. Therefore, Guan Long is clamped like an ordinary person clamping a small milk dog.


Guan Long roared angrily, and the flame coat actually grew a little more. He stretched the two giant hands apart abruptly, and then punched the giant's arm with his strength.

'Broken Gang Fist'!


The giant's wrist was broken by Guan Long's punch, and the big light blue transparent hand collapsed immediately.

Guan Long also got out of trouble and regained his freedom.

However, before he quickly pushed away.


He clasped his palms together again, and slapped him in the middle, deforming Yuanli's flame coat.

Guan Long also howled in pain, but nothing seemed to happen on the surface.

When Guan Long wanted to repeat the same trick and smashed the giant hand with the 'Banbai Gangquan' to escape, the giant hand let go automatically.

Just as Guan Long was about to start his fist, he was slightly taken aback when he saw this: "Huh?"

The next moment, another pair of giant hands clasped together again.



Guan Long howled miserably again, and even the flames of Yuanli outside his body became flickering.

At this time, he no longer thought about escaping, but gave priority to defense, so he began to use the source force to generate a large number of ice crystals around his body, freezing himself into a large amber again.


Another pair of big hands closed together, crushing the ice crystals.

However, just as the ice crystals shattered, Guan Long continued to generate more ice crystals to protect himself.

"Oh? Is it better than your defense or my attack?" Seeing this, Zhuang Hong became interested, turned to face the amber formed by Guan Long, and patted it down one by one with big hands. Splash down.

"Bang bang bang~"

The sound of bombardment came continuously, accompanied by Guan Long's crazy roar and pain.

When Guan Long was photographed by Zhuang Hong from mid-air to the ground, he couldn't bear it anymore, and roared angrily at Chao Shouxin's avatar: "Shouxin, what are you doing? Why don't you attack now?"

What angered Guan Long the most was that when he was fighting Zhuang Hong to the death, hundreds of clones of Shouxin were paddling!
See what those avatars are doing?
Still using his 'heart-piercing sword' to shoot Zhuang Hong without pain, it was as if he was using water to nourish the enemy.

He never thought that Shou Xin would be such a cowardly, despicable, and weak person!
The critical moment is so unreliable!
Shouxin responded embarrassingly: "This is almost my strongest attack... But there is nothing I can do with his Hundred-Handed Vajra. Even if I break a hole or two occasionally, it will be repaired quickly by him. This is not blame me!"

"Clap clap clap!"

Guan Long was still being attacked by Zhuang Hong again and again, and he almost lost the power to parry. Hearing this, he was even more angry: "Why don't you blame me? You are too weak. From the beginning of the battle to now, look at you. What did you do? I cooperated with Zhengtian and broke his shoulder, how about you? You didn't even rub off a hair on him! It's a shame in the true spirit."

Shouxin also became angry: "You say I am weak? If you are strong, how can you be beaten like this now? If you are strong, the first time you see this ascending spirit worm, you should take it down directly. How to let him escape? It is no longer an opponent to let him grow up completely, but it is my fault..."

Ever since, at such a critical moment, Guan Long and Shou Xin actually sparred at each other.

However, their scolding had nothing to do with Zhuang Hong, he just wanted to kill Guan Long as soon as possible!
However, Guan Long's true spirit is too hard, and it won't be able to break him for a while.

Zhuang Hongxin's hair was ruthless, and hundreds of arms attacked repeatedly, pushing Guan Long to the ground and beating him violently.

Soon, Guan Long gradually became unable to scold, because he felt that the ice crystal defense could no longer keep up with Zhuang Hong's attack rhythm.

"Bang bang bang!"

Broken ice crystals splashed, and giant hands hit Guan Long's Yuanli flame coat repeatedly.

It quickly broke through the defense of the flame coat, and hit Guan Long firmly.



Guan Long's scale armor shattered, blood spattered, and a large piece of his huge body was dented suddenly.

Zhuang Hong didn't stop, just raised one giant hand, and before the defense was closed again, the other hand slammed up fiercely.

After a while, Guan Long's chest was smashed by Zhuang Hong, and the Yuanli coat and ice crystal defense could not keep up with Zhuang Hong's rhythm no matter what.

Zhuang Hong controlled the attack of Baishou and did not give Guan Long a chance to breathe. At the same time, he raised his right hand and pointed a finger at Guan Long's wide-open chest.

Immediately afterwards, on the path of Zhuang Hong's finger, the phantoms of the Hundred-handed King Kong lined up one after another, forming a passage.

'Golden Light Bomb'!
A golden light shot out from the fingertips and shot into Guan Long's broken chest.

In an instant, a golden light expanded and formed a sun.


Guan Long's upper body flew high.

The Yuanli flame that had been surrounding the body slowly extinguished.

Guan Long: "Am I... free from King Kong's attack?"

(End of this chapter)

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