i can transcend space

Chapter 240 Show Your Invincible Strength

Chapter 240 Show Your Invincible Strength
Bantai Village is located on the bank of a large river, and it is a large village with a population of nearly [-].

The Ban family is the largest family in Bantai Village, and 80.00% of the land in Bantai Village belongs to the Ban family.

Most of these nearly a thousand farmers are farmers working for the Ban family, which makes the Ban family extremely powerful and financially powerful.

Coupled with the fact that there are many spirit masters, and there are many intricate relationships in the county, the status of the Ban family is unbreakable.

And Ban Xingfeng, as the daughter of the Ban family, even though she is only one of the many children of Master Ban, is extremely honorable.

Du Zide and Du Biao dared to secretly take Ban Xingfeng away from home, and went deep into the mountains to find wild beasts to hatch elves. Such a thing was considered treasonous.

So when the three of Du Zide returned to the village, what greeted them was not the amazement of the villagers, but a group of farmers holding sticks and forks, and the Ban's nursing home dressed as servants.

"Bastards! You two bastards dared to steal the master's treasures, and even took the young lady out of Bantai Village privately. It is simply unforgivable."

As he said that, he was about to go forward with a rope to tie Du Zide and Du Biao up, and escort them to the Daoban family mansion to wait for Master Ban to send him off.

Ban Xingfeng immediately stopped in front of Du Zide and the two of them, trying to explain to them.

But who listens to her speech?
The butler directly ordered people to take Ban Xingfeng away, and then continued to take down Du Zide and the other two.


At this moment, Du Zide released his own bear-shaped elf, stopped in front of him and roared at the villagers, forcing the surrounding villagers to retreat.

"I'm a spirit master now, who dares to do it? I'll kill whoever dares to do it!"

Seeing this, Du Biao also released his leopard elf to fight side by side with Du Zide.

A group of guards were immediately intimidated by the aura of the two elves and did not dare to step forward.

The butler's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it: "Well, you two are such villains. If you really stole the master's soul crystal and secretly hatched the elves, I said earlier that I would not let the young lady be with these two people." , Now you have caused a catastrophe. This is a capital crime! I advise you to kneel down in front of the master and apologize obediently, so as not to implicate your parents and relatives."

Du Zide and others tried their best to defend themselves, but who believed their words?

Even Ban Xingfeng who once threatened to protect the two teenagers, no one is willing to listen to her words.

Everyone has their own judgment.

The scene became chaotic for a while.

Such a scene completely dumbfounded the two teenagers who were waiting for the flowers and applause.

They couldn't figure out why everyone's attitude towards them was still so bad even though they had clearly become an incomparably noble spirit master.

As if they were not born to be spirit masters, nor should they be different.

They lost their size and subconsciously looked at Zhuang Hong,
Du Zide asked for help: "Brother Zhuang, what should we do?"

So, Zhuang Hong stretched out his hand and pointed to a mountain in the distance.

'Golden Light Bomb'!
A golden light as thick as an arm burst out from his hand, shooting into the mountain in an instant.

The next moment, a huge ball of light rose up, and the golden light illuminated the entire world, turning everyone's faces golden.


A hum overwhelmed all the noise, making everyone almost lose their hearing at this moment.

My feet trembled.


There was a loud bang, and everyone's souls seemed to be shattered at this moment, and their eyes, ears, and minds were all blank.

I don't know how long it has passed, it seems very long, and it seems very short.

When they came back to their senses, they were greeted with gravel and mud falling from the sky.

The surrounding scene is so quiet and chaotic, which seems very strange.

Countless questions echoed in everyone's mind: "What happened?"

When they regained some thoughts, they turned their heads and looked at the smoky hills in the distance.

A gust of wind blew past, gradually blowing away the smoke and dust.

Then they all found that the original small hill was missing a big hole at this time, as if being kicked hard by an indomitable god passing by.

Everyone is stupid.

The originally chaotic scene became very quiet, and he stared blankly at the distant hill.

They grew up here since they were young, and they knew exactly which hills and terrains around them. Most of the hills they were familiar with were missing, which made them all unbelievable.

At this time, Zhuang Hongcai slowly withdrew his hand pointing to the distant mountain, turned his head and said to Du Zide who was dumbfounded: "It's very simple, when the time is right, just show your invincible power. After showing your power, everyone Will listen to you seriously.

Of course, if you don't have invincible power yet, then practice hard until you have invincible power. Before that, run away if you encounter danger.Waiting for someone to beat you stupidly like you did just now is very undesirable. "

Du Zide looked at his palm and murmured, "Invincible power?"

Then he turned his head to look at the incomplete mountain in the distance, and asked, "Can I also reach this level?"

Zhuang Hong: "Accordingly, no."

Du Zide was stunned, and then his eyes dimmed.

The people around gradually regained their senses, and all their eyes were on Zhuang Hong.

They just saw with their own eyes a golden light shoot out from Zhuang Hong's hand, and it caused such a devastating explosion on the top of the hill.

In other words, it was the young man standing between them who caused all this.

"Who is he?"

Everyone looked at Zhuang Hong, full of fear.

Even the butler, who was full of power just now, remained silent and quietly hid behind others.

Zhuang Hong chuckled, turned to the housekeeper and said, "Who is that, where is your master Ban? Take me to see you."

The butler didn't dare to refuse, but he didn't dare to just take Zhuang Hong to see Master Ban, so he asked, "Who are you, what can you do with Master Ban?"

Zhuang Hong pointed to Du Zide and said, "I'm their friend. I passed by here and I'm about to visit Master Ban and ask him something. If you don't know where it is, I can find it myself."

As he spoke, he stretched out his fingers and swayed in the crowd, scaring everyone to death.

At this time, Ban Xingfeng used the strength of the elves to break free from the shackles of the two guards, squeezed out of the crowd and said, "Brother Zhuang, I will take you to find my father. I know where he is."

Zhuang Hong smiled and said, "Okay."

The butler looked ugly, but he didn't dare to say a word.

But soon the butler stopped struggling, because after walking for a while, he ran into Master Ban who heard the movement and came over to check.

Master Ban is a middle-aged man with a big belly and a very fair face, full of majesty and doubts.

Behind him were four big guards, each holding a blade, majestic and majestic.

Zhuang Hong felt a breath of spirit energy from this master class. Obviously, this middle-aged man who looked very ordinary was also a spirit master.

Seeing Master Ban, Ban Xingfeng yelled excitedly, and rushed towards Master Ban: "Father!"

After Master Ban saw Ban Xingfeng, his face darkened on the spot, he shook Ban Xingfeng's hand violently, and said with a cold snort: "From now on, you are not allowed to go out for half a step, and I will reflect on myself at home. "

Ban Xingfeng was stunned, as if betrayed by the closest person in the world, and staggered back. It was Du Zide and Du Biao who stepped forward to support him in time, so he didn't fall down.

At this time, the butler came to Master Ban and told all the details of what happened just now, and finally pointed to Zhuang Hong and the incomplete mountain in the distance.

After Master Ban heard this, his complexion changed suddenly, and he looked at Zhuang Hong in disbelief.

He also saw the shocking explosion just now. At first he thought it was some kind of natural disaster, but he didn't expect it to be man-made.

Can a human really produce such a destructive effect?
Even the most powerful spirit master in the world can't do one-thousandth of it!
Master Ban's attitude changed immediately, a gentle smile appeared on his majestic face, and he bowed to Zhuang Hong: "This gentleman is coming to Bantai Village, and Ban Yong, the head of the village, is not welcome. Don't be surprised."

Master Ban's low profile stunned everyone around him.

Du Zide murmured: "Only by showing invincible power can everyone respect me from the bottom of their hearts..."

(End of this chapter)

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