i can transcend space

Chapter 274 The True Protoss Are Coming?

Chapter 274 The True Protoss Are Coming?

After successfully forming the golden core, Zhuang Hong thought for a while and took out the sword box that he had forgotten for a long time.

The sixteen flying swords in the sword box are still sharp and shiny, but these sixteen flying swords are no longer necessary for him, because what drives the flying swords is mainly his 'manipulation' ability, and their power at close range is not bad. But if the distance is too far, the power is very limited, it is not as convenient as a golden light bullet.

However, after Zhuang Hong formed a golden elixir and obtained his divine sense, he had a new idea: refining sixteen flying swords into an elf magic weapon.

After engraving a special manipulative talisman on the magic weapon, and then attaching mana, using the interconnection between the mana, it can be manipulated freely within the range of spiritual perception, like commanding with an arm.

So, what would happen if an elf was attached to the flying sword?

Worth a try.

So Zhuang Hong first refined sixteen flying swords into magic weapons, then separated out sixteen elves and attached them to them, and then changed the rune array for the elves.

They are 'King Kong Defense', 'Inverted Cone Penetration', and 'Lightning Thunder' respectively.

King Kong defense can ensure that the flying sword will not be destroyed, the inverted cone penetration technique can provide a strong penetration effect for the flying sword, and the lightning lightning technique can release a large amount of electric current after penetrating the target, paralyzing the target.

In this way, the sixteen flying swords became the magic weapon 'Sixteen Thunder Blades'.

Zhuang Hong tried it, and the effect was much better than expected.

Within a range of [-] meters, the maneuverability is extremely strong, and the power of the three talismans is also very powerful, and it can even be used to deal with true spirits.

Zhuang Hong exclaimed: "The effect of magic weapon combined with elf and talisman is far beyond my expectation! If Xiaoqi can control it, it can transform into a 'smart flying sword'... amazing!"

Originally, he thought that the magic weapon was dispensable to him, but he didn't expect that once combined with other abilities, he would complete a transformation.

After the test, Zhuang Hong had a lot of ideas for 'new instruments'.

When he was about to go back for a try, he ran into Chi Zongling who came to see him specially.

Chi Zongling: "Zhuang Hong, I... have a little question I want to ask you."

Zhuang Hong: "What's the problem?"

Chi Zongling said with a sad face: "I have tried various methods to cultivate immortals, but I found that the aura cultivated by monks is too low-level. I just absorbed some aura and transformed it into mana. In a blink of an eye, that mana was absorbed by the true spirit in my body." The source power has dissipated..."

Zhuang Hong was surprised: "That is to say, you haven't even finished Qi training in the past six months?"

Chi Zongling: "Yes..."

She asked curiously: "Zhuang Hong, how did you complete Qi training in the first place? Although your origin power is only the origin power of ascending spirit, but with the amount of origin power in your body, you must also encounter the same problem as me, right?"

Zhuang Hong nodded and said: "I did encounter the same problem, but I solved it with the elf."

Chi Zongling heard a new vocabulary, and her desire to explore soared: "Little elf, what is that?"

Zhuang Hong casually released a purple elf, flying freely around him.

"This is the elf, you have seen."

Chi Zongling's complexion changed, and she remembered the scene when she was surrounded by elves as dense as dark clouds when she was fighting Zhuang Hong.

Each purple elf can release a golden light that is powerful enough to smash her defenses.

Thinking about it now, she could still feel an inexplicable sense of despair and fear, which made her feel more powerless than facing the true gods.

Zhuang Hongdao: "I temporarily replaced my body with an elf to complete Qi training, and then built the foundation. But it doesn't matter if you don't have an elf, you can use other things instead. I found that green crystals can also carry mana. Use green crystals to accumulate After you have enough mana, you can use this mana to complete the foundation building. After the foundation is built, the mana will go deep into the cells. Although the phenomenon of source force repelling mana will still exist, it will be much weaker and can be barely maintained."

After hearing this, Chi Zongling suddenly realized: "So it can still be like this."

She couldn't help but exclaimed: "Zhuang Hong, you are so smart, you are indeed a genius!"

Zhuang Hong: "As long as you are willing to use your brain to think, you can always think of some solutions. If you encounter any difficulties in your practice in the future, you should use your brains more, otherwise you will waste a lot of precious time. For example, this time, half a year was wasted. !"

Chi Zongling: "I was thinking about it...but unexpectedly, my brain is like a pot of burnt paste..."

She sighed and said: "I think if I encounter any problems in practice in the future, I should stop thinking about it and ask you directly. This is the most time-saving way."

Zhuang Hong: "Anything is fine."

After thanking Chi Zongling, she turned and left, dissatisfied as she walked, she beat her head with her hands, looking sullen.

When Zhuang Hong returned to Doulong Peak, he happened to see Cong Jiansheng sitting cross-legged in the pavilion and meditating quietly.

Cong Jiansheng sensed Zhuang Hong's return, and immediately got up to salute: "Senior Zhuang!"

Zhuang Hong nodded, looked at Cong Jiansheng for a moment, and then said: "Now that I have formed a golden core, I have just spared some time. This will help you complete the transformation of a traveler!"

After more than half a year of observation, Zhuang Hong had some superficial understanding of Cong Jiansheng's character and character.

Generally speaking, it is not bad. Although he is the Demon Lord of the Demon Sect, he is different from other Demon Sect monks who act unscrupulously. He has his own set of rules of conduct.

The most important thing is that Cong Jiansheng is a person who can do practical things, and he can always feel at ease when things are entrusted to him.

When Cong Jiansheng heard that Zhuang Hong was going to help him ascend, he trembled with excitement, and immediately knelt down to kowtow to Zhuang Hong, but Zhuang Hong stopped him casually.

Zhuang Hong: "I don't like kneeling and worshiping here. If you are grateful, you can just speak up."

Cong Jiansheng: "Yes, Senior Zhuang."

Zhuang Hong immediately informed Cong Jiansheng of the basic situation of Longting Miscellaneous Domain, and then asked solemnly: "First, once you become a traveler, you must abide by the rules of the traveler, otherwise I will personally kill you; second, After becoming a traveler, you will face great risks as enemies of the void spirit, and there will be more and more terrifying enemies in the future; third, after you become a traveler, the first task is to study a set of rules for travelers The 'Self-Limiting Oath' is used to restrain the behavior of travelers. Have you thought about it clearly?"

Cong Jiansheng: "It's all clear, Cong Jiansheng is under the arrangement of Senior Zhuang."

Zhuang Hong flipped through it casually, and took out a jug of original wine: "Drink it."

Without any hesitation, Cong Jiansheng lifted the lid and suffocated.

After waiting for a few minutes, Zhuang Hong took out a space bag, put Cong Jiansheng in it, and then left the world of cultivating immortals to go to the nearest living world.

Three days later, Cong Jiansheng successfully transformed into a space traveler.

Feeling the different body in amazement, he tried to travel between the two spaces, and murmured: "So that's it, this is the space traveler, and the road above the God Transformation is here!"

Zhuang Hong sensed the abnormal movement of the psychic fluid in his body, and looked into the distance along the direction of the abnormal movement. After a long time, he turned his head and said to Cong Jiansheng: "You learn the art of hiding the spirit first, and after you learn the technique of hiding the spirit, I will give you three years. You can wander among the chaotic domains of Longting, looking for you and me, adapt to the identity of a traveler as soon as possible, return to the world of cultivating immortals to find me in three years, and then start to study the traveler's self-limiting oath technique."

"Yes, Senior Zhuang! I will return on time after three years."

Zhuang Hong: "Let's go, I'll take you back to the world of cultivating immortals."

After Zhuang Hong brought Cong Jiansheng back to the world of cultivating immortals, he took him directly to find Chi Zongling: "Fairy Chi, Cong Jiansheng has successfully transformed into a space traveler, and then I will trouble you to teach him the art of concealing spirits and some commonly used strange things." Insect magic, and then let him find him and me. I still have some things to do, and I will leave for about a month."

Chi Zongling stared blankly at Cong Jiansheng: "It really transformed into a zerg..."

She reacted: "Where are you going?"

Zhuang Hong: "After I left the world of cultivating immortals, I found that the spiritual liquid on my body had changed, and I planned to find out."

Chi Zongling hesitated and said: "Zhuang Hong, I have been a little restless recently, and I always feel that something will happen next. This feeling is similar to the feeling when I was locked and chased by the real gods. After the real protoss on the side completed the cleansing, they noticed my position and came after me."

Zhuang Hong was taken aback: "What? The true protoss are chasing you?"

Chi Zongling shook her head and said, "I can't be sure, it's just a vague feeling, which I've never had before."

Zhuang Hong frowned. Now he is not ready to fight the true gods.

Chi Zongling sighed helplessly: "If the true protoss really come after me, I can only continue to run away, escape from the miscellaneous area of ​​Longting, and flee to other areas."

Zhuang Hong asked: "What will happen if the true gods come to Longting and find a large group of insects?"

Chi Zongling thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "I don't know..."

Zhuang Hong: "Otherwise, you should leave Longting Miscellaneous Region now."

Chi Zongling: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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