Chapter 327

Generally speaking, when Zhuang Hong pulled them into the floating net dreamland, he would tell them in advance, and rarely pulled them in directly like now.

So Hao Liang is not sure about his current situation.

Sun Ye glanced at the square and said in a low voice, "I guess we came in by ourselves."

"Come in by yourself?"

Sun Ye: "I can clearly remember that I suddenly entered the floating net after I opened the group chat after sensing a change in the group chat."

Hao Liang and Ling also said that they were the same.

Sun Ye: "In other words, the action of opening the group chat just now allowed us to enter here. What we opened is not the group chat, but the floating net. And, haven't you noticed that as long as we want, we can leave Fukong at any time Net, this is different from when we were pulled into the floating net by the young master before."

Several people looked at each other, and immediately exited the floating net to try it out.

After a while, it appeared in the floating net again.

Hao Liang: "Sure enough, the group chat system has become a floating net..."

He turned his head to look at other people who still didn't understand the situation: "Then, could they be those group of friends?"

Sun Ye nodded: "It is very likely."

The corner of Zero's mouth twitched, and he lowered his voice and said: "Could it be that the young master did this? No matter how you look at it, it's all the young master's handwriting, right? I guessed that after the young master joined the group, he must do something. I didn't expect to move so fast. And it turned the group chat into a floating net."

Hao Liang: "If that's the case, wouldn't we be able to meet and chat anytime in the future?"

Zero: "Where is a group chat more interesting than a face-to-face chat?"

As he said that, he pouted to the others: "So many old friends in the group chat are still in a daze, you should go say hello to them."

Unexpectedly, as soon as Ling finished speaking, Hao Liang burst out laughing, attracting everyone's attention.

Hao Liang raised his right hand and said in a loud voice: "Everyone, you are the guardian of the Kingdom of God, and you are the first to report."

As soon as he finished speaking, the five large white characters 'Guardian of the Kingdom of God' immediately appeared above his head.

The whole square was suddenly silent. Everyone seemed to have a flash of lightning in their minds. They suddenly understood something, and all of them showed expressions of astonishment.

"This is... a group chat?"

Someone followed suit and said, "I am the Wind Chaser, and this is a group chat? How did the group chat become like this?"

"I'm a handsome boy chasing the wind. I don't know what happened. I came here as soon as I opened the group chat."

"I'm Feiyu, haha, I always thought that the handsome chasing boy was a handsome boy, but I didn't expect to be a wretched uncle."

More and more group chat members register their own numbers.

After only a moment, the crowd became hot and turned into a large netizen meeting.

Everyone's code names in the group are more prestigious than each other, but their looks belong to the category of ordinary people, and there are all kinds of looks.

And among so many people, only one person's complexion became extremely ugly.

This person is Gu Yue Layman.

Jushi Gu Yue is a middle-aged man with short hair, wearing a white casual shirt and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. He looks gentle, like a professor.

The sudden change in the group chat impacted him more than anyone else in the group chat.

Because after so many years, the group chat has always been under his control. He can modify the group chat information, adjust the group chat structure, and even unilaterally ban a certain group chat member.

And he has also obtained a large amount of information and technology from other worlds through group chats, and he has already regarded group chats as his private property.

The changes in the group chat today are completely beyond his understanding. He doesn't know why, and he doesn't know whether the changes are good or bad.

Most importantly, will the group chat be out of his control?

Layman Gu Yue narrowed his eyes slowly, walked quietly to the edge of the platform, observed the surrounding environment, and secretly analyzed: "This is an independent floating island, and I can't see the scene in the distance clearly. The group chat structure I set up before has completely disappeared. , but the personal points and the mall can still be viewed, which is the same as the original structure. The only difference is... I can no longer set and modify the group chat."

This was a huge blow to Layman Gu Yue.

Being unable to adjust the background means that if he wants to check the information in the mall in the future, he must redeem it with points, and he can no longer freely check the things uploaded by group chat members as before...

In short, the current group chat is out of his control.

Layman Gu Yue frowned, and murmured: "How could this be?"

At this moment, a voice sounded from beside him: "Are you the leader of the Moon God group?"

Layman Gu Yue came back to his senses, turned his head to look, and saw a handsome young man coming to his side, looking at him with a smile.

And on top of this person's head, there are four large characters of "one inch of time".

He remembered that 'One Inch Time' was the latest person to join the group chat, and he was very impressed.

Because this person is different from other people. After entering the group chat, he seldom speaks. It seems that he doesn't pay much attention to the group chat. He doesn't even upload any knowledge in exchange for points, just like he has no interest in the magical products in the mall.

This is the first time he has seen such a person.

Layman Gu Yue thought that Zhuang Hong came to ask him why the chat group changed, so he didn't pay too much attention, but said in a deep voice, "I am."

Zhuang Hong coughed shyly and said, "You should be very curious about the changes in the group chat. This was caused by my itchy hands. I made the group chat like this without your consent. I'm really sorry."

Say sorry to the group owner now, it should be too late...

As for whether the other party would accept it or not, Zhuang Hong had no choice. If not, he could give Layman Gu Yue some compensation.

Moreover, Zhuang Hong is very satisfied with his masterpiece. After connecting the group chat to the floating net, the effect shown is much better than that of the simple chat group.

It is absolutely impossible for him to change back.

Now it seems that there is only one large platform and nothing, but now it is just an initial framework, which can be changed. What functions you want to add in the future can basically be realized.

After all, it is a 'dreamland'!

Layman Gu Yue couldn't believe it: "You made the change in the group chat?"

This had a stronger impact on him than the changes in the group chat.

He never expected that the sudden change in the group chat was made by a newcomer who had just joined the group chat.

He has been researching group chat for nearly 50 years, but after so many years of research, he can barely make a simple group chat box, and he can't even upload some clear pictures.

He once thought about adding more functions to the group chat, but at his level, he couldn't do it at all.

Because this group chat system is different from some chat software he is familiar with, it cannot be solved by designing some codes.

The difficulty of making it is only clear to him.

But today, his cognition has been subverted.

Layman Gu Yue asked in a daze, "How did you do it?"

Zhuang Hong: "It's actually not difficult. First build the floating island with spiritual power, then design a special interface, connect it to the group chat system, and move the entire group chat system into the floating island. When you open the When chatting in groups, they will skip the simple chat box before and come to the floating net.

However, there is a lot of knowledge involved in this, and the mental strength required is also very large, which is impossible for ordinary people.It just so happens that the knowledge I possess just allows me to realize the floating net. "

Layman Gu Yue opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word, he let out a long sigh in his heart.

He understood that he had completely lost in front of Zhuang Hong, and he also understood that from now on, the group chat system would no longer be his private property.

All of this has been irreversible.

He prides himself on being knowledgeable, far beyond the crowd.

After accidentally discovering that I can communicate with other people at the same time, I used my own knowledge to study the magical chatting ability, and finally successfully designed the chatting framework to make chatting easier.

Since then, simple functions such as codename mall have been gradually added.

Not only that, in order to keep himself in the dominant position of the group chat, he also designed some permissions to block other people's ability to modify the group chat, and completely control the group chat.

Since then, he has been worried that a newcomer will take away the group chat authority from him, so after all these years, he has not dared to relax, constantly studying and researching, and constantly strengthening the group chat authority...

He thought that no one would be able to break through his blockade.

It's just that he didn't expect that his blocking methods would look so ridiculous in front of the real boss.

In just half a year, Yicunguang has accomplished what he could never do.

If you lose, you lose. He is not someone who can afford to lose.

Layman Gu Yue sighed and said, "An inch of time, you win, and the group chat will be yours from now on."

Zhuang Hong raised his brows: "This statement is not true. The group chat belongs to everyone. Our technology is not used to take the group chat as our own, but to make the group chat better for everyone to use. It’s also convenient for us to use. Isn’t it?”

Layman Gu Yue: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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