Chapter 203 Influence on Weibo (4K)

The entire September was a black September for American, all flights were suspended, and a large number of gathering activities pressed the pause button.

Flamingo Games announced that all proceeds from this year's Genting Game of Thrones championship package will be donated to the families of the victims of the incident.

The World Trade Center Twin Towers is a landmark building in New York. A large number of investment companies have their headquarters in the World Trade Center Twin Towers. Its destruction led to the loss of property, employees and data of these investment companies.

It is also since then that financial institutions have realized the importance of data security.At the opening of the next day, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 14.26% in a single day, giving investors (leeks) entering the new century a blow.

American, which had gradually stepped out of the financial crisis at the turn of the century, fell into panic again, and this event once again deepened the depression of the global economy.

"Newman, you are welcome to the White House. The past month has been a painful month for the Americans." Bush was serious on the surface, as if he hadn't gotten over what happened a month ago.

That's good for Bush, it's what happened in 2001, and if it had happened in the 2004 election year, his position would be in jeopardy.

It happened in 2001, and he still had plenty of time to make amends.

Zhou Xin hadn't chatted with the big shots in the White House before. Half a month after the incident, the White House invited him to visit the White House and invite him to have a one-on-one dinner.

Zhou Xin has many friends in Washington. Because NewPay needs a lot of high-frequency communication with regulatory authorities, Zhou Xin has more relationships with financial regulatory authorities in Washington.

And in American, government and business are not separated. The revolving door of politics and business has led to many Washington bigwigs working in New York before going to Washington.

Therefore, Zhou Xin received an invitation from Washington, and then someone revealed to him: "Weibo has been too prominent in public opinion in the past month, and Bush invited you to talk about this news.

In the past you have been donating money to both parties at the same time. If your influence is only in money, then it is feasible to do so.

Neither the Donkey Party nor the Elephant Party wants to offend their benefactors.

But after you have Weibo, your influence has expanded to more aspects, then you will get more attention from the donkey and elephant parties, and they will be more eager to pull you to their side.

Bush is an Elephant Party, and he will tend to win you over to the Elephant Party, but California has not changed its color in the ten years since it became the territory of the Donkey Party in 92.Even last year, Gore still led Bush by a full ten points in the California vote.

Your base is still in California, so it's best not to get too close to Bush. "

This was the information that Goldman Sachs disclosed to Zhou Xin, and Zhou Xin had a rough inference in his mind.

The feeling of opening the eyes of the sky is good. From 00 to 08, the president belonged to the Elephant Party, from 09 to 16 belonged to the Donkey Party, from 16 to 20 belonged to the Elephant Party, and the atypical Xiang Party also belonged to the Elephant Party.

Before Zhou Xin went, he was thinking that if he had to choose from donkeys and elephants, he would fall to the elephant party.

Why?Because from the perspective of future trends and current status, almost all large technology giants are on the side of the donkey party, such as FB, Apple, Google, and Amazon.

The only one who tends to be like the party is Musk. After acquiring Twitter, Musk exposed a lot of himself and exposed Twitter’s internal documents. The most notable thing in it is that the connection between Twitter and the federal government is ubiquitous and continuous.

The federal government can ask Twitter to take action against a specific account. This action is a combination of technology and manpower. The relevant federal agency sees inappropriate comments or accounts will send an email directly to Twitter, implying that the account violates Twitter’s rules. Terms of Service, please act as appropriate.

And during the general election, the content of this email is closely related to the election.

After Musk exposed such incidents after taking over Twitter, because the media is also in the hands of donkeys, and even Twitter itself, Musk can't control it, and almost no one has seen the exposed news.

It is precisely because the Donkey Party has such a strong control over public opinion and technology giants that Zhou Xin wants to side with the Xiang Party.

Because of time, Bush was in power for the first eight years, and during these eight years, he was able to accumulate strength and fully develop.

When the Donkey Party came to power, the importance of large technology giants was fully demonstrated. As the only technology giant on the side of the Xiangdang, it would be best for the Xiangdang to keep him, and if it failed to keep it, it could further arouse the contradictions between the two parties.

On the one hand, it is out of long-term considerations, and on the other hand, it is because Zhou Xin really cannot approve of the specific practices of the donkey party.

He stayed in Berkeley for five years in later generations. California, where Berkeley is located, is a diehard donkey party. He couldn't understand many policies of the donkey party. He felt that the donkey party was somewhat bewildered.

It can be said that on the eve of Zhou Xin's departure from California in 2018, Huaguo was the only consensus of Donkey and Elephant.

"I am equally saddened and outraged by this and my prayers go out to those who were hurt by this incident."

From a humanitarian point of view, the Americans should not pay for this, but from the heart, it is really difficult for Zhou Xin to feel sad.

He couldn't do it, and the Chinese people of this era couldn't do it either.

The incident in 99 has not gone away, and the incident in April 21 is just around the corner. Therefore, when the Twin Towers in American were crashed, some Huaguo students even held a celebration parade on campus.

The simple sentiments of the Chinese people are not towards the people of American, but towards the whole of American. In view of the previous experience, the American government and the American people are regarded as a whole. Hostility shifted to the Americans.

The same is true for Zhou Xin, who is saddened by the experience of individuals and grateful for the rare opportunity for strategic development that Huaguo as a whole has ushered in.

Of course, you still have to show an extremely sad look in front of Bush.

Around the collision of the Twin Towers, Bush and Zhou Xin talked a lot, from Zhou Xin's companies or his personal donations, to what work the White House has carried out during this period, and so on.

Not only did Flamingo Games donate the proceeds from the championship package to the families of the victims of the incident, Zhou Xin also donated $500 million in his own name to the charitable fund established by New York City for the incident.

(This amount is based on the fact that Schwarzenegger donated $100 million, and Bill Gates donated $2020 million to Jiangcheng in 500)

"The Mphone is a great product, and we were all working in the White House bunker during the first few days after the Twin Towers attack.

The White House chief of staff sent a lot of news and valuable confidence to the outside world through Weibo.

I posted on Weibo and bought an Mphone. I also registered an account on Weibo and did real-name authentication.

In the process of using Weibo, I realized that the real-time nature of content interaction has been improved again through Weibo.Even live TV is far inferior to Weibo in terms of real-time performance.Even the news of the portal website and the comment function under the news cannot be compared with Weibo.

When I was chatting with Edwin, I found that more and more journalists like to register Weibo accounts in their own names and post some news on Weibo.

Edwin is also of Chinese descent. He is a reporter for Bloomberg in the White House and the chairman of the White House Correspondents Association. I have a very good relationship with him.

He speaks highly of Weibo and has a deep understanding of the new media you mentioned. "

Zhou Xin didn't speak, and listened to Bush quietly. He knew that this was the main meal, and the previous content belonged to the pre-dinner side dishes.

Edwin's full name is Edwin Chen, a legend in the field of journalists. He has been working as a reporter since he graduated from the Journalism Department of the University of South Carolina. He has worked in the Los Angeles Times for 26 years. He has been a congressional reporter since 94 and witnessed The Elephant Party revolution in 94 (the Elephant Party took back the Congress that had been controlled by the Donkey Party for 40 years from the Donkey Party).

His grandfather, Chen Bosheng, was an important figure who introduced Marxism to China around the May Fourth Movement, and he was also the first special correspondent in Europe in the history of Chinese newspapers.

The status of the White House reporter is very high. It can be said that it is the pinnacle of the entire political reporter and the pinnacle of the journalism profession, let alone the chairman of the White House Correspondents Association.Edwin Chen is the first and only Chinese to hold the seat.

Bush continued: "Weibo has always had a high influence. Many American people use Weibo. Many friends around me think that it is the best Internet product after using Weibo.

Compared with Weibo, Quora has become less attractive. After I experienced it, I found that it is true, but there is a small problem, that is, I see too much news about the White House on Weibo.

I know that many White House staff use Mphones. They are used to taking pictures in the White House, and then post Weibo to talk about some things in the White House, some of which are irrelevant and some are a little sensitive.

Even if I ask them not to post the affairs of the White House on Weibo and not allow them to bring Mphones to the White House to work, I cannot prevent them from using mobile phones with camera functions to work, and I cannot prevent them from posting anonymously on Weibo, after all I couldn't locate which Weibo account was registered by which staff member.

And even if I knew who posted it, there's nothing I can do about it.

So, Newman, I need your help, I think Weibo needs to have a small limit on content.Not everything is suitable for posting in online forums, such as the content of the White House.

If my predecessor had Mphone and Weibo when he was in the White House, it would probably have been exposed long ago. "In the end, Bush made a joke. Although Zhou Xin couldn't find a joke, he saw Bush laughing happily.

Zhou Xin said: "I generally understand your concerns, we have restrictions on this situation in the terms of service, and we will also deal with inappropriate speech.

For example, after the Twin Towers were hit this time, we dealt with all inappropriate expressions on Weibo by depositing evidence and banning them.

For the content that you think is inappropriate, you can draw up a clause and submit it to Weibo. Weibo will review the content of the clause. We will try our best to respect your wishes and add the clause to the new service agreement.

Delete inappropriate content and deal with the publishers of inappropriate content. "

This is an operation on the bright side, and Bush obviously does not want it to be an operation on the bright side.

After the twin towers were hit, both Weibo and Mphone itself showed great power. In just one month in September, Weibo sold 9 units in the United States, and the annual sales volume is expected to exceed 50 million. This is an astonishing number.

And in September, Weibo launched a web version, and announced that it will support other mobile phones. If there are mobile phone manufacturers who want to cooperate, they can come to discuss cooperation.

That is to say, the potential number of people that Weibo may affect is far more than 300 million people.

Bush sees the great potential of Weibo, and what he hopes is vague operations, not hard-coded operations.

Because it is obviously impossible to write rules for operations involving elections, let alone post them on Weibo in the name of the White House.

What power needs is a middle ground, and what it needs are vague rules. Only vague rules have room for manipulation. Overly clear rules are good for the controlled, but not so good for the controller.

American also understands this truth. It is precisely because the rules in cyberspace are not clear enough that Bush can find loopholes. He only needs to negotiate with Zhou Xin to obtain this power.

Bush said: "Newman, do you understand that some behaviors are difficult to have clear rules to regulate, it may have no problem in terms of rules, but in fact it will cause huge harm.

Speech is difficult to completely restrict through rules.

For example, an account only needs to put photos of black people and photos of plantations together, even if there is no language, its meaning is expressed in place.

There will be so many such situations that it is difficult for us to have a rule that can cover them all. "

When Bush talked about black people and plantations, Zhou Xin did not collapse. He didn't laugh when Bush used his predecessor as an example.

Zhou Xin thought to himself, he deserves to be an elephant party.

Zhou Xin said: "Then we can adopt a framework rule, such as such speeches, after they are made public, such speeches will be banned.

This is also the case law customarily used by the American legal profession, with both rules and cases to explain the rules.

This way you can avoid the situation you mentioned. "

Seeing Zhou Xin's reluctance, Bush knew that this was only the first meeting between the two, and there was still a lot of time to meet in the future, so he was not in a hurry to achieve his goal.

Case law is case law, and case law also has room for manipulation.

"This is a good idea, we can try to do this first, and we can adjust it according to the actual effect of the implementation.

Time to moderate other web forums too.

We have had a series of laws on the Internet for a long time, such as the "Computer Security Law", "Electronic Communications Privacy Law", etc., but there have been no relevant laws to restrict online speech.

What can and cannot be said on internet forums.

Newman, this exchange with you has given me a lot of good ideas, and we can carry out a series of meaningful work in this area in the future. "

(End of this chapter)

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