Chapter 303 Melee Players
An electronic hacker would not be an electronic hacker if he could be rational.

After all, players have always been the type who believe in their abilities.

When the electronic hacker realized that his plan would definitely succeed, as long as the core of the natural disaster was killed, the players could leave.

He will naturally complete the task as a matter of course.

But who would have thought that this turned out to be a conspiracy by the natural disasters, and the natural disasters also possess such terrible conspiracy capabilities.

It turned out to bring players together and trick them in another way.

Thereby, achieve your purpose.

"Outlanders, what should we do? The number of remaining weapons is far from enough!"

"There is also a scorching sun outside the sky that threatens us. If we say that it is the same type of natural disaster, it is the type with reason."

"Our plan along the way, I'm afraid it will be announced that it will be completely ruined..."

The players sighed one by one, and they couldn't blame them. After all, from this moment on, no matter how many players have, they are powerless.

If there is any player who understands the shortcomings of Lieyangtian and the method of fighting against natural disasters, they have already used it.

Then, the facts are already in front of us.

Anything that they can catch is either a type of trap, or something that even Ian can't tell the difference between real and fake.

At this moment, the players are completely desperate.

"It's okay, although the difficulty has become a bit higher, but I have a way to deal with it."

said Ian.

It is impossible for him to give up everything he has and surrender in this divine realm.

Surrendering is useless, besides, when players really choose to surrender, they will inevitably be executed by Lieyangtian or natural disasters.

Those two things don't matter what the players think.

Players only need to reach the final mission as they think.

And what Ian needs to do is to ensure that this thing must be realized, otherwise the players will lose their abilities for no reason.

"Heh... Let's talk about the next thing later."

Ian said: "Now we focus on Lieyangtian, give priority to breaking through this barrier, and guide Lieyangtian's beams to shine through."

"When the divine radiation kills all the natural disaster monsters, it's time for us to dispatch."

After all-they don't have much reserves left in their hands.

It is no longer possible to attack Lie Yangtian with anything casually like before, which has become impossible.

Ian sighed, who would have thought that his plan would be hit by his teammates in the end.

The very reliable electronic hacker player in the team has now become a real drag.

This time, it was still an extremely frightening act of delaying the legs, abolishing half of the player's abilities in one breath.

Among those abilities, even players who are not very good at fighting can still play the role they want in the team.

But at this moment, they became the defeated generals of Lie Yangtian, and the natural disasters could easily kill them!
The power of natural disasters!

This terrible power will cut off the player's rebirth, bind their souls in the body, and then die with the decay of the body.

If the resurrection technique is similar to resurrection, then the power of the disaster is the permanent resurrection technique, but its ability is depleted after all.

That part of the loss, on the one hand, was gobbled up by natural disasters.

The other part is the part of the body and soul that was ignited by the flames of natural disasters during the resurrection process.

"We should know the ability of natural disasters?"

"I hope that in the future, everyone will not encounter things that embarrass themselves, which is good for all of us."

Ian rubbed his sore shoulders and said: "Everyone has worked so hard to get here, it must not be for death."

"That's right!"

The players scrambled to confirm what Ian said. They really managed to cover everyone with their power.

With the greatly enhanced auxiliary ability, each player can exert 150% of their strength, and at the same time make their sanity more clearly visible.

"Then... let's go!"

said Ian.

He looked at the place where the natural disaster monsters, under the [-]-meter-deep crypt, could always see some light.

The light is an evil bright red, like blood is running on the surface, so that the players can recognize what is terrible.

Afterwards, the players each showed their own abilities, and a player who was good at attacking waved his fist.

With a bang, his fist directly blasted a path for the natural disaster monsters in the battlefield.

The terrifying fluctuations spread for thousands of kilometers, and the natural disaster monsters couldn't even resist for a second, and they were completely smashed into powder that they couldn't imagine.

At the same time, a tunnel appeared underground, but it was blocked by the monsters that rushed over.

This is "endless disaster", as long as the players stop for even a second, it is impossible for them to rush through that field.

In the final analysis, this is entirely based on the tests of the players, so that all those who are powerless will feel what terror is.


"We must smash these things, so that we can really escape."

"We must return to the public universe and inform those people of the situation here, otherwise our plan will definitely fail!"

The players ignited their blood one after another, using all their abilities.

They know what they're supposed to do, and that's where the real scary power lies.

When players use their abilities to cover things that they can't understand, they will become lawless.

Just like these monsters of natural disasters, they stand in front of the players, so the players let the monsters experience what is called the same attack under different paths.

All were horrific acts of violence.

Any player who appears in the public universe is a pioneer with powerful power.

But now, this force has been condensed into a rope, and they have a common goal, which is to smash the natural disaster monsters in front of them!

Melee players are like entering and exiting no man's land.

Even the infinitely resurrected natural disaster monsters cannot resist his fist wind for half a second.

He bombed and bombed, his whole body seemed to be explosives that kept exploding, starting from the starting point and going hundreds of meters deep.

There were constant roars along the way, and the broken limbs and broken arms of the natural disaster monsters fell beside him, unable to attract his attention even for half a second.

"This is called real power!"

"Keep your head down for me and make way for us obediently, trash!"

The player roared and punched again, boom!
This punch was even more frightening, repeatedly a ray of light pierced several thousand meters directly!
(End of this chapter)

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