Sequence game, starting from drawing props

Chapter 394 This kind of thing

Chapter 394 This kind of thing

This is just the current limit of the players.

They will always become stronger. If the public universe does not provide them with an environment to become stronger, then players have other ways to become stronger.

Everything should follow the obvious ending in order to realize Ian's current dream. He feels that he will become extremely powerful, and it is raise all the players to the most powerful level.

After all, since players want to advance to this place, they need to pay a certain amount of power and price. Their biggest problem is actually here. Players can no longer understand so much power. They will never understand this, nor will they It can be understood that all these will trap the players sooner or later, and they will definitely lose to their own strength.

From today, all of this, if the reopening has never happened, then the players will not be able to leave for a second.

This kind of question has always been entangled in the minds of the players. He wants to win, but this kind of thinking is not normal.

"Ha... This choice is simply too pity. Since everything should be understandable, the remaining players should also win? This choice, correct?"

The player is a little hesitant, but for some reason, there is always a feeling of ignorance. Maybe he really hopes that he can win, but the remaining part is also the choice now, and it has reached the final point.

"If we can let those players realize their dreams, then in other words, we may also be able to realize our dreams. Such a choice will definitely allow players to experience their own dreams."

"What do you think?" The melee player smiled.

What Ian was thinking in his mind was actually very scientific. He had already calculated the possibility, but he still didn't understand what the remaining part was for.

If the players can really solve this part of the power, then there are only other problems left in the remaining part. This kind of problem has been realized, but what role does the remaining part have?

Ian doesn't know, and the rest of the people don't know even more. Compared with their own dreams, this kind of choice is just an unclear choice.

The players are not fifteen, nor are they NPCs. They understand their own thinking, and they just habitually distribute these powers to Ian himself.

The power they understand must not be limited to these, and the same is true for other parts. Now that the players have realized the problem, the remaining things are clearer.

"Do you understand? These forces are not just things that our own choices can avoid."

The melee player snorted coldly: "If you really don't understand what this means, then I have another possibility, and I can give you some other representative questions."

"However, if you don't understand what my real choice means, it can be solved more often. They will choose part of the problem, and the remaining part will have more power."

The final choice is the more precise force.

Ian frowned, not understanding what his imagination represented, but if this kind of power could really be solved by him, then Ian would naturally hope that his ability would win.

Of course he will win, no one else in the entire public universe can beat him in this respect, he has the confidence in this respect.

But the remaining part is more important. Now that the players have realized the problem, the problem may develop more possibilities, and in the end it just makes Ian more exaggerated.

He will win, and the remaining part is more likely to win. Important things must be superimposed to achieve more clear power.

But if this choice is more possible than other players, then the remaining players will not choose more problems, and it is impossible to realize their real hope.

"Perhaps the players will discover that they have stepped into this terrible trap, but I prefer to call it all a kind of deception that gradually fades away. This kind of deception has no effect compared to other players."

"But compared to the players, the remaining part is something that they hope to be able to overcome. I bless this with great possibilities and expectations."

Ian has been looking forward to the fact that players can say no to the entire public universe, which means that they have stood up and become truly strong.

But in the final analysis, this kind of strong is just a choice that cannot be clearly defined. Players don't want their choices to be too large to realize this gap, but on the other hand, players feel that they can really become even more terrifying. the power of.

Will they win?No one can admit this, so the remaining players are even less likely to understand this choice.

Then the remaining part feels more victorious, they will win, and the remaining part is more likely to win these victories. Now that the players have decided, no one can stop their thoughts.

Ian might.

However, it is naturally impossible for him to do this, and he is even behind this, single-handedly promoting the players' own choices.

Everything is in the final analysis, it is not something that suddenly appeared, the remaining players are more looking forward to what these powers represent, but now that they have learned the problem, what is left for the next thing.

I don't understand, even at a time when it can't be clearly defined, it is impossible to realize this kind of power. If the players can really destroy hope, then the remaining players expect more about what these powers represent.

"We're going to win, really, everything can be won."

"Even if we lose this game, the remaining players will win instead of us."

"Victory must be imported into us, then the rest of the time, it doesn't matter at all."

The melee player smiled and looked at each other again and again. Of course he knew how happy it was. Even for him, these powers were already unmodifiable compared to Ian, and the remaining things were easier to solve.

Since all the military references have appeared, it also means that they are not allowed to exist. These things have always been things that cannot be modified.

"Ian, you have already lost. These things have never appeared in our world."

"But they already exist, you know that's what it is, right?"

The melee player sneered again.

Ian nodded.

He looked a little serious.

Of course, he knew it. Compared with the players, this kind of ending is naturally a good thing, but for the entire public universe, it is simply a huge bad thing. ,
This means... the players' fingers may have become something indescribable.

Some people may wonder, aren't the players acting very normal? Even if they are standing up now, aren't they still quite normal?

This is not necessarily the case.

It's not even normal anymore
Players may be able to become strong, and even become very strong without guidance.

However, there is a prerequisite for this, that is, when the players can't achieve anything, Ian personally agreed.

But here lies the problem. The players have become abnormal, and even the rest of them have become even more abnormal. He always feels that this choice represents more power being consumed.

Perhaps the players can already modify everything, but no matter what the possibility is, it is more worthwhile than the players' own choices.

"If it is impossible for the players to modify the problem, then the remaining part is more inevitable, and the modification becomes an exaggerated description. Maybe the players will win, but more people will lose."

"That's what is unforgivable, even impossible to understand."

Everything has become powerless, and perhaps the only ranking version has appeared in the public universe, so compared to the rest, players understand what these problems represent.

Then on the other hand, the players began to become crazy and unusual, and even became a little incomprehensible.

But what's left in the rest, I don't understand... It's impossible for the players not to know what this situation means, but since the players have become incomprehensible, is there any direction that can be modified?
Not necessarily, this is a part that cannot be modified, so the remaining part is even more unreasonable.

Now that the players have grown up, and the rest of the players are more understanding, do the players still need some abilities that can give them more powerful changes?

No, players don't crave these things anymore.

They will win, and the rest of the players will also win, which is the reason for the problem, and the players will know what is the right choice.

But if this choice is more important than the rest of the players, what else do they need?

I don't know... Players have never understood the importance of this choice, so the rest of the players will not be clear either.

They have always been easier to choose, but the remaining part has become impossible for players to be familiar with, and naturally it is impossible to learn.

This choice means that all the power of the players has become indescribable.

"It's simply unreasonable... Compared with the players, is there anything else left for this choice?"

Ian frowned: "Or, are all of these unreasonable? It's simply incomprehensible."

He didn't feel that he had offended the other party, and he didn't even understand what kind of help the players needed at the moment.

Maybe he was ready to offer advice to the players, but when he was about to die, he didn't feel that his advice could really help the players.

This kind of power is already very exaggerated, and it has become the limit of everything in the end. Only in the end can the truly terrifying power be realized.

"Maybe we can really be changed, but if change really exists. Where is the rest?"

Ian frowned, observing the choices in this part, thinking that he might discover what these powers represented.

But after thinking about all the options, he finally found that these forces were still a little indifferent compared to himself.

Maybe players can really be modified, then players on the other hand need to be more so, they will feel that this kind of power represents something, and it is impossible to think about what it is more often.

If the players will become stronger, then the ranking version of the public universe will become a more powerful force, and they will really do this. This is the fate that the players hope for.

However, if this choice cannot be made clear by the players, it means that they have stepped into this kind of mileage that cannot be defeated. Do they really want to exist here?
Perhaps not, players will not realize their own power, let alone doubt that their dreams can be realized.

All these are more exaggerated things. Now that things have become very clear, then the rest is the more exaggerated power. Will they really win?
Don't know... The players are not sure, and the remaining part is impossible to achieve.

"We're going to win, it's all possible to win, that's what we've always dreamed about."

"Perhaps we can really realize this choice, then the rest is the goal that players are more expected to achieve."

"You are really outrageous...I can't even imagine such an exaggerated idea."

Ian curled his lips. What did he say? He has never felt that his choice is more important than other parts, but if this choice can really be understood by the players.

So what else do they need?

Maybe not.

All the power the players have has become incomprehensible, they will win, and the rest will be the more winning part.

"They are really not convinced at all..."

Ian curled his lips: "What about the rest of the people, do they think the same way? Maybe I can eradicate their thinking."

His ideas are roughly similar to those of others, even including the players' own choices.

However, if players really don't need to ask these questions and hover over the remaining part of the reason, then such a thing cannot be further realized.

After all, they didn't refuse at all with the ability to understand, so the rest is the more unclear power.

"Maybe we will win, and the rest of us will work know."

Ian shook his head; "In the entire public universe, no one will support us."

That's right.

Even the players don't know what they really want to do crazy, it's like for the players, they have been liberated from this world.

For the rest, even if the players really lost or didn't lose, these powers have no meaning to them, and they don't really care.

Because what they really have has already appeared, then some of the remaining players found it more clear that this choice has been realized, and finally discovered the problem represented by the power of the problem.

"That's it, get to work," Ian said.

(End of this chapter)

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