Chapter 415 Changes
When will it be the players' turn to post their testimonials?
In other words, in the entire public universe, except for Ian, no one is allowed to come to this stage to express anything.

This is not a difference in identity or other abilities, but a simple illusion.

Players should never simply deal with this kind of person. Their own power can already handle any choice of players.

But the remaining part is also what I think now. Have they become stronger?Or is it the other abilities?
No, the players don't understand this, and the other players don't understand it even more.

Their own choices are already different from these players.

There is nothing to be afraid of if you continue on. After all, players have already challenged these challenges more than once. What choices do they have in their own minds?
This kind of thing should never simply show more choices, but another part of the reason is that it should allow players to experience what is truly terrifying.

The public universe is never a kind place, is it?

Ian smiled, which was an ignorant mockery of the entire player group, and even contempt for the powerful people in the public universe.

Why doesn't he know what these players are imagining?
Or, could it be that the strongest thing that players have ever had turned out to be the only thing that caused players to be in such a bad situation?How could they possibly make all this public?
Different powers have always been such choices, and the remaining part can also let players know what an illusion is. This kind of power is extraordinary, and it also allows players to know what is real and what is false.

"Huh... Sooner or later, players will find that the whole world has been conquered by you, just like you have completely defeated a huge and terrifying pest. When you reach a certain territory, players should understand what such a thing means."

Maybe players have been looking for something different than the rest.

But, no matter what, players should always force this, and follow more terrifying forces to release their own power, and develop more unparalleled collisions.

Perhaps what the players are pursuing is different from other methods, but today's choices have clearly proven that this choice is the most important choice. What kind of challenges do they have, and what does it have to do with the players themselves?

The answer is it doesn't matter.

Players should force everything to work as they want, and the rest should choose an unparalleled way to modify it. Players will meet their own expectations and find that such a choice is even more regrettable.

Maybe the players will win, but no matter what, their own expectations should move forward towards the players.

The power they understand, and the rest, will be such terrifying power.

"This level may be too high, so the players don't know exactly what happened. Maybe the players can really usher in their own victory?"

If the melee players say so, maybe it’s true... maybe?

But no matter what, what they pursue should always develop a different kind of punishment.

Players need a rule to restrain them, otherwise they will go down the wrong path. Specifically, you can look at the bad things that have happened to the players before. They have already made a mistake once. If they make a mistake again, no one can bring them back. Called.

"Sigh... This idea is really too scary. The players themselves don't know. How do they know whether they are strong or not? The specific strength needs to be proven by others."

Ian shook his head helplessly. Regarding the players' own choices, they themselves have already entered into a different kind of confrontation, and have been moving forward according to the players' own wishes.

In this case, how should they rewrite their own changes after progressing to such an impressive level?

I don’t know what that means… isn’t it?

The melee players laughed. Regarding this idea, their own choices have always revolved around themselves.

But on the other hand, players should go with the trend. The power they focus on is nothing more than this to other players. Only then will players truly fight against this power and develop a different option. .

Perhaps the real power of the players is a more impressive idea for those people, but the other methods are also such choices. The reason why the players win is also such a choice, isn't it?
One player smiled and shook his head. They didn't care about these things, and they didn't think that such a choice would be another change of situation for the other players. Maybe sooner or later the players would realize that this meant nothing was wrong. ,

However, players should work hard to correct these powers and develop a different kind of fighting spirit. This is the only way.

The rest of the series of corrections should allow players to experience a flaw as soon as possible. Players will not always follow simple conditions, nor will they expose their ideas prematurely.

Perhaps the rest of the situation should be corrected as soon as possible, and so will the rest of the ways. They will not encounter a way where everything follows the correct route, and they will not realize that the players did not have such a choice from the beginning. .

The importance of choice is overlooked, isn’t it?

The power that players have always followed has not had any considerable modifications since the beginning. They themselves are the most exaggerated title and have always followed some kind of change.

In this way, a series of changes can be corrected with certainty. From the beginning to the end, the changes have overdrafted the players' choices.

Modifying the players' choices is a more exaggerated change. Their own strength can always be compared to other abilities, and the players will not develop more options.

So, what are the thoughts on this?

What is unusual also requires a modification, as is the apparent change in the players' own powers.

"Obviously, the facts have changed in some way, and even fast-forwarded to an incredible degree. They always felt that their choice was unimaginably correct, and all the hope and despair happened again."

“There’s something in the final mix, something in the beat, that seems to create a different kind of alternative.”

Their power has always been to challenge according to their own choices, so players choose more than other ways, and it will include more options. Ian always feels that such mistakes should not happen to that person.

So, how do the other players hope that they are this extremely exaggerated existence?
That doesn't exist - players have always been included in it.

"This is the final challenge."

"For the public universe, players are just an introduction from beginning to end. Anyone can put down their choices and should make a challenge. Players will always win, and the rest should also gain hope."

"Perhaps players will undergo some incredible changes, but more often than not, players should also make some changes, such as immersing players in deeper changes, which will lead to a kaleidoscope-like ending."

"Is the ending important?" Maybe, or maybe not, players don't make such a simple choice. Their own choices have always been like this, and they are even enough to affect more players.

This choice was very exaggerated from beginning to end. Even Ian had no idea how to correct their thoughts. They couldn't do it, and the remaining group of people couldn't do it even more. They themselves were the end of everything.

"Ah... we should include all of this as soon as possible. Otherwise, how can the rankings of the public universe stop us from moving forward?"

"They have no hope at all. We are the masters of everything!"

The melee player grinned. Everything was different from what he was thinking. The players had already thought too much, so much so that even Ian's own thoughts were included. No matter how much he said, it would have no effect.

What kind of decision does their own choice have? No... the players don't understand this, and neither does the rest of the people.

"What kind of ending should we have?" the melee player asked with a frown.

He always feels that there are some other changes, perhaps the impact on other methods, or other abilities, but invariably, players should all make this choice.

"They have made their own choices, and all we can do is contribute to this series of things."

"When the changes first appeared, players had already chosen the method that suited them best, and I also made my choice."

Ian laughed: "This is the ending that suits me best. Everything is over."

He needs to sit in this space of the public universe and block the path of those powerful people in the public universe. They cannot go beyond him to harm the players. However, as a price, Ian will also go to jail.

They always need to make a choice, and the ultimate importance of choice is the attitude that players should have towards all changes.

But on the other hand, the players should also hope that they have reached the final step. How can they usher in all the changes? It is impossible. The players will not realize this, especially the rest of the people.

They finally discovered that this situation represented just a different choice. How could the players choose such an idea to usher in change?
In summary, everything that happens is so unpredictable, and is even close to reaching an irrepressible conclusion. What the players have always wanted to happen should be such a choice, and the rest of the methods are even more so.

Ian sighed, the players coming towards him were his strongest enemies.

Or how to put it another way, since players have been pursuing such a choice, perhaps they themselves have ushered in some kind of change, so they should develop more profound preparations, and the same is true for their own choices.

This kind of power has been a choice of change itself from the beginning, or perhaps, players should also choose more.

But the fact is that it was doomed from the beginning that players will not maintain this attitude forever, and the rest of the players should do the same.

They always feel that such a choice is too fatal, and even the players do not want the real fact to happen.

However, the public universe has never left a way out for the players from the very beginning. In fact, they have always had only one ending, and that is that the players last night, or the heroes last night, died in this starry sky that does not belong to them.

"I don't want to encounter such a thing! I haven't lived enough, have you lived enough?"

The melee players shouted exaggeratedly: "It's impossible, right? Players don't only have this little hope. What choices they make themselves may be more important than the players."

"But on the other hand, players should also make this change as soon as possible. How can they prepare for this? It's different. Players are different, and the rest of the people are even different."

"Perhaps when the players really encounter a problem, they should surpass any player, but Ian hopes that it is not just that. Their own choices are always just a little bit included. The players will win, and then the rest will Naturally, it’s possible to win.”

"But looking at another option, players should also make a choice as soon as possible. Maybe they won't be able to discover what such a power means compared to other ways at first."

If players have always suspected the existence of this kind of thing, then the reasons represented by their own choices should be exposed to the hearts of other players as soon as possible, but more often, players also need to integrate such choices.

Perhaps this is the reason why everything may happen and their own needs. Players are the most exaggerated things.

But more often than not, players may reach their limits and encounter things beyond their capabilities.

What should they do at that time?

Anyway... it's absolutely impossible to be in this situation now. The problems they encountered themselves are more exaggerated problems.

In this case, what kind of choices will the players have? I can only say.

If the players will win, then the rest of the players should also win. Their own choices and the rest of the players may have a choice and they should choose the normal ending.

The end for them is the change of all possibilities. Maybe they themselves know it, but the other ways, compared with their own choices, this situation should also be understood.

"Ian, you have looked at the world from the players' perspective."

"Tell me what you saw."

"How should we go next?"

When melee players ask him, they always feel that they should be able to ask a completely different answer.

I believe it is definitely not the nonsense that it used to be. Players should win.

"Is this so? Maybe it really can happen..."

Ian shook his head: "We cannot step into the trap of the public universe. Notify all players!"

(End of this chapter)

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