Wander!blue star

Chapter 243 If you don't want to let me go, just say so!

Chapter 243 If you don't want to let me go, just say so!

On the other side of the glass, Qian Feiyan looked at Kuntasha calmly. He has no psychological burden. Although he may not be the best diplomat of the coalition government, he will definitely complete the diplomacy entrusted to him by the coalition government meticulously. Task.

Through Quintessa's performance, he silently assessed the difficulty of this task.

not easy.

It seems that the requirements put forward by the coalition government this time are indeed somewhat harsh. Of course, it is not ruled out that Quintasha is performing and striving to obtain favorable conditions in the negotiations.

But what about acting?
Kuntasha must at least agree to the conditions above the bottom line of the coalition government before she can leave this space prison.

The coalition government is in a bit of a hurry, but not more than Quintasha.

Although the creator civilization is powerful, they are definitely not nearby, because if they are nearby, Quintasha doesn't need to negotiate with the coalition government, just wait for them to come to rescue her.

The near thirst cannot be quenched, and the coalition government will take the initiative in the negotiations anyway.

"I heard that you have lived for tens of thousands of years?" Qian Feiyan's tone was slow, he was not disturbed by Kuntasha's angry eyes at all, but said calmly, "As a long-lived longevity species, your performance is better than I didn't imagine well."

Kuntasha snorted coldly.

Tens of thousands of years?
I have lived for millions of years!

But Kuntasha didn't argue with Qian Feiyan about her age. She took a deep breath, and slowly put the stack of greedy paper on the table.


"I can't give you so much."

Quintasha bluntly refused.

Just kidding, do you want to see what you have written on paper, artificial black hole, two-way foil, space-time jump, artificial microcosm, neutron war star project, causal rate strike
You let me make this wish?
What kind of black technology is on the list, why don't you just ask me to give you a button that can destroy the entire universe?
If you don't want to let me go, just say so!

Don't come here!
"In this case, there is nothing to talk about." Qian Feiyan closed the notebook he had just opened, stood up with a sigh, and walked out the door with other diplomats.

"Wait!" Kuntasha was a little annoyed, she slapped the table hard, "I have never heard of the technologies you want!"

She wondered how the coalition government thought of these technologies, some of which were never thought of by the Creator civilization, so that when she saw the names of certain technologies, she even had a feeling of enlightenment.

Human beings today are indeed unfathomable.

Qian Feiyan turned to look at her: "Isn't everything unheard of?"

Although Qian Feiyan is not a scientist, he knows that at least half of the technical names on the list are provided by Yu Natural Enemy, and Quintasa must have this part of the technology.

He said slowly: "We can talk about this part, I hope you won't let us down."

"Okay, let's talk about this part!" Kuntasha stared straight at Qian Feiyan, but Qian Feiyan kept standing there, and had no intention of sitting down to continue the negotiation except turning to face her.

"What's wrong with you?" Kuntasha frowned.

Qian Feiyan took a deep breath: "Before the negotiations officially start, you must at least let us see your sincerity."

Kuntasha understood that this was asking her for a "deposit".

Her complexion changed.

Hateful humans, greedy humans, sinister humans, short-sighted humans, damned humans
Quintasha scolded the coalition government in a different way in her heart.

"No sincerity?" Qian Feiyan shook his head, "Ms. Kuntasha, we are still standing here waiting for you."

Quintasha gritted her teeth hard to vent her inner dissatisfaction, then picked up the stack of greedy papers of the coalition government from the table, quickly browsed and sift through them.

She is looking for a few technologies that are not very technical, as a "deposit" to the coalition government.

The seed technology used to make deformed metal, the computer algorithm that makes machines generate intelligence, the space gate technology used by the creator civilization, and the star energy extraction technology mastered by the creator civilization.
Quintasha picked out four relatively basic technologies from the coalition government's stack of papers, then took a silver-gray scale off her body, and stuffed it into the exchange box under the glass.

"There is something you want on this scale, let Transformers interpret it for you." She said reluctantly.

Although she was ready to hand over the technology to the coalition government before the negotiations, she still felt very uncomfortable when it actually happened.

This is the technology that the creator civilization has worked so hard to research, but now because of her, the coalition government can take away these technologies with just a few words.

Qian Feiyan returned to the table and sat down.

He took out Quintasha's scales from the exchange box and handed them to the bright-eyed scientist beside him.

"Check this scale, and let me know if there is any news." Qian Feiyan seriously urged, his voice was not low, and he did not shy away from Kuntasha at all, "After confirming that there is what we want on it, the negotiation will continue."

Quintasha's face was ugly, and the scientists of the coalition government happily took away her scales.

"Ms. Kuntasha, the negotiations will be suspended for a while. We need to make sure that you are sincere and not fooling us." With a generous smile on his face, Qian Feiyan smiled at Kuntasha, "Before that , we can talk about something else, anything."

Kuntasha said with dark eyes, "I have nothing to talk to you about."

"Ms. Kuntasha, may I ask why you attacked us?" Qian Feiyan asked suspiciously, "According to our records, you don't seem to have much fighting power."

Quintasha's fighting ability is very average, but she is very confident.

It is precisely because of this self-confidence that the coalition government has the opportunity to arrest her, and has the opportunity to sit here and discuss with her how to use technology to redeem herself.

"Hmph!" Kuntasha snorted heavily, "We created Transformers. In my heart, Transformers are my children. If you enslave my children, I will take revenge on you."

"But this matter is over, I don't care about Transformers now, you can enslave them as you want."

Kuntasha has already looked away at this moment.

In this boundless and ever-changing universe, only knowledge and compatriots are real, and Transformers cannot bring her real happiness, only some false pleasure.

This false pleasure led her to become a human prisoner, so she never wanted to have anything to do with Transformers.

"alright, I got it."

(End of this chapter)

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