Wander!blue star

Chapter 359 Coalition Government!Big move!

The nano-warriors have connected to the capital star's broadcast network with the help of the MOSS sub-body, and now everyone in the capital star can see what is happening here through video media.


“We are from the coalition government!”

The nano warrior standing in front of the camera pointed at Helen who was kneeling on the ground.

"This is Helen!"

"She is a Bene Gesserit, known to you as the Mother Sisters!"

Helen is kneeling in the camera with blood on her head. She is naked. Combined with the introduction of the nano warriors to her, the impact of the picture rises to an incredible level.

Exploding missiles and small spacecraft flying from all directions can also be seen in the picture.

The ground defense forces of the Colino family still did not give up the attack on the nano warriors. Although they did not dare to use weapons of mass destruction near the palace, they did not hesitate to use various small weapons.

They also sent out a team of well-trained swordsmen in an attempt to defeat the nano warriors in close combat.

At this moment, hundreds of millions of people are watching this execution.

The big screen in the mall was switched to the execution scene. People walking on the street stopped and everyone's attention was focused on the execution.

"What's going on? A movie?"

"What is he saying?"

"The Virgin of the Sisterhood? The director of this movie really dared to make it, and he wasn't afraid that the sisters would kill him!"

People don't believe that the woman in the shot is Our Lady Helen. They don't even believe in the authenticity of the shot, thinking that the picture on the screen is from a certain film and television work.

But someone will soon come forward to clarify.

"This may be true. I live near the palace. The palace is already in chaos. Missiles are flying in the sky and there are explosions everywhere!"

"I also live near the palace, I bear witness!"

"This is true. People near the palace can use telescopes to look at the top of the palace, and those people are doing live broadcasts there!"


There are some voices on the Internet.

These voices powerfully vindicate the scenes in the camera, telling others that this is not a film or television work at all, but what is really happening at this moment.

However, the nano warriors don't care whether these people believe this is a real picture.

Because as time goes by, it will be easier to tell whether things are true or false.

"Mother Helen, she planned a terrorist attack against the Atreides family in Arrakis. She arranged for assassins from the sisterhood to sneak into the Atreides residence and attempt to assassinate important members of the Atreides family. This affected one of our important people. diplomat!"

"In line with the principle that those who offend me will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

"We traveled thousands of miles from Arrakis to drag this holy mother from the emperor's bed and make her pay the price she deserves!"

The nano warrior raised his knife and dropped it.


Helen's head rolled off her neck.

Clean and neat!

The nano warriors did not prepare long and stinky speeches. Their mission was to come to the capital star to behead Helen and then return to Arrakis. It was good to be able to say so much in an impromptu speech. "Any force can compete with the Atreides family in a frontal battlefield for victory, but assassination is a terrorist act that is strictly prohibited."

Theoretically, all methods are used during war, and assassination is actually a common method. However, the United Government is much more powerful than the Galactic Empire and can forcefully stipulate which methods cannot be used in war.

"Biological and chemical weapons, virus weapons, radioactive nuclear weapons and other weapons that violate humanitarian principles cannot be used. If anyone dares to offend, Helen will serve as a warning to you!"

The latter part was said by the Atreides family when they asked the coalition government to execute Helen.

The war is about to burn across the galaxy. The Atreides family, which has a winning chance, has regarded the galaxy as its own territory and the people in the galaxy as its own subjects. Therefore, it hopes to reduce the harm of war to humans and the environment.

After that, the nano warriors shut down the live broadcast.

They flew out of the atmosphere in a hail of bullets, entered the spaceship, and embarked on their return to Arrakis, leaving Emperor Padishah and the major families in the galaxy endlessly shocked.

There is no doubt that they will take the nano warriors' words to heart.

The nano-warriors were able to rush into the palace today and drag Virgin Helen down from the emperor's bed to execute her, and in the end escaped unharmed. The same thing could happen to other people in the future.

At the same time, the four words "coalition government" also attracted everyone's attention.

Coalition government, what is it?
As time went by, the fact that a planet appeared out of thin air outside Arrakis gradually became known to all major forces.

Zhang Weilai sat at his desk with a sullen face, dealing with mountains of documents.

This month China is on duty.

Craven last month and Vladimir last month piled up a lot of paperwork without completing it, and it all fell into the hands of Hao Xiaoxi.

Hao Xiaoxi wanted to hone the newcomers, so he handed over these tasks to Zhang Weilai.

Zhang Weilai was in pain and happy.

He understood that Hao Xiaoxi made him work intensively to train him and intended for him to take over.

This means that the prince who has been here for decades is finally going to get rid of the old emperor.

But he was not familiar with quite a few of these urgent tasks. He needed to ask Hao Xiaoxi specifically about some terms, but Hao Xiaoxi asked him to call the relevant departments, which made him confused.

Boom boom boom!
"Please come in!" Zhang Weilai said without raising his head.

The visitor asked: "Assistant Zhang, the Astronautical Guild of the Galaxy Empire has sent a representative and wants to establish diplomatic relations with the coalition government. How should we respond?"

Zhang Weilai raised his eyebrows and stopped what he was doing.

"The Astronautical Guild."

He knew what kind of force the Astronautical Guild was. The core members of the Astronautical Guild were monsters who were addicted to spices and were physically deformed by inhaling spices.

They are the most thirsty for spices in the entire Galactic Empire. They are probably aware that Arrakis has changed hands and the supply of spices may be cut off, so they rush here in a hurry to establish a good relationship with the coalition government.

Make sure that even if the situation in the Galactic Empire changes dramatically, they will still have spices available.

It stands to reason that the coalition government does not need to pay attention to the Aerospace Guild. After all, the Aerospace Guild and the coalition government are completely unequal in terms of strength and status.

The Aeronautical Guild is only worthy of contacting the Atreides.

As for spices - this is a special resource. Except for the part provided to the Atreides family in the agreement, the coalition government will not sell it to outsiders.

"The Aeronautical Guild is looking for spices from us. Let's hang them first. They may be useful to us." Zhang Weilai said slowly after thinking for a few seconds.

The coalition government has made big moves recently, and the Aerospace Guild may be able to come in handy. (End of chapter)

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