Wander!blue star

Chapter 399 The New Universe

After E0551 uploads the data, MOSS immediately separates a thread to handle issues related to it and retrieves entertainment works that may match this universe.

In an instant, a vast number of possible items emerged from the database.

Each of them has a small chance, and the highest one is less than [-]%.

It may seem strange, but it is actually quite normal, because the 21st century is an era of explosive entertainment works, and there are countless entertainment works created with the 21st century as the background.

Unless iconic buildings, original characters, and special events can be discovered, the origin of the new universe cannot be determined immediately.

There was a universe before, and it took the coalition government half a year to determine that its origin was an unknown comedy TV series.

In fact, most Earths set in the 21st century have little value.

Although the earth of "Pacific Rim" is also set in the 21st century, "Pacific Rim" has monsters and mechas; "Godzilla vs. Kong" is also set in the 21st century, but has giant beasts and the inner earth world.

If the earth were in a completely normal 21st century setting, then the earth would almost say goodbye to the word value.

But MOSS did not underestimate the earth discovered by E0551, because it did not have such emotions.

It put the data submitted by E0551 into the database and compared it carefully, trying its best to find the thread that could unravel the confusion.

[Discovered highly sensitive words: Juxia City]

This time it didn't take half a year. In just half an hour, MOSS found valuable clues.

Grand Canyon City—this name does not exist on the real earth, but it happens to be the name of a place in a certain popular Chinese comic.

[Discovering a highly sensitive person: Dukao]

[The probability of the universe in "Super Seminary" increases]

[Now use "Super Seminary" as the target for reverse search]

[Discovering Highly Sensitive Persons: Du Qiangwei]

[Discovering Highly Sensitive Persons: Ge Xiaolun]

[Discovering Highly Sensitive Persons: Liu Chuang]

[Discovering a highly sensitive person: Qilin]



[The probability of the universe in "Super Seminary" increases to 99.9%]

[Comprehensive assessment: dangers and opportunities coexist]

[Current time: August 2013]

[The iconic event "Chrysanthemum in the Sky" will occur next month, please prepare as soon as possible]

Conclusions are sent to the coalition government.

When Zhang Weilai finished the inauguration ceremony and returned to the office, Hao Xiaoxi was gone. Before he could feel the loss, his assistant handed him a document.

There are four big words written on the document - Super Seminary!
"Discovered a valuable universe?" Zhang Weilai understood what this meant, because he often handed Hao Xiaoxi this type of documents in the past.

"Yes." Cheng Xin replied.

On the occasion of the change of the coalition government, Cheng Xin, with the idea of ​​​​proving himself, passed five levels and defeated six generals. After many selections, he finally became a member of Zhang Weilai's office.

For a long time, Cheng Xin has been burdened with the psychological burden of the Holy Mother of the Three-Body Problem.

Although no one around her criticized her, she just couldn't get over the hurdle in her heart. She always felt that she was several heads shorter than others, so she worked hard to stand out and prove that she was a person who could make outstanding contributions to society.Finally, she got her wish.

Five directors, each with three assistants, a total of fifteen places, and millions of competitors.

Relying on her impeccable resume, recommendation from her boss, high praise from her colleagues, good looks, hard work of staying up all night to read, God's blessing, etc., she fought hard for more than half a year and defeated millions of competitors.

She became one of the incredible fifteen people, and was the assistant to the Chinese director she most hoped for.

She cleared away the haze and felt like she was completely reborn.

Although she is only the director's assistant and has no real power, in any case, she works in the director's office and has entered the core circle of the coalition government.

Although she is not like Zhang Weilai and Hao Xiaoxi, or Hao Xiaoxi and Zhou Zhezhi, the former is the heir of the latter.

But she has had enough.

She knew that she had character flaws, which were determined by the environment in which she grew up as a child and were difficult to change.

If one day she had the chance to be a director, she would refuse without hesitation.

"Have you seen Teacher Hao?" Zhang Weilai sat down on his seat, flipping through the documents in his hand, and asked about Hao Xiaoxi's whereabouts.

"Director Hao said that she has booked a flight and has to catch the flight, so she won't wait for you to come back to say goodbye in person." Cheng Xin paused, then added, "Director Hao also said that parting is the most hurtful thing."

Zhang Weilai sighed quietly.

He understood that catching the plane was a lie, but not wanting to say goodbye was real.

Teacher Hao knows the process and time of the inauguration ceremony best. He can buy a ticket that does not conflict. Anyway, the planes are very fast nowadays, so leaving a little later will not affect anything.

Zhang Weilai sighed secretly again.

I hope I can be free soon and find time to have a meal with Teacher Hao.

He quickly scanned the contents on the page, and as his understanding gradually deepened, his face became more and more serious.

"Super Seminary." He murmured.

"Super Seminary" is a popular Chinese comic that has garnered 12 billion views in four years since its launch. It tells the story of super soldiers with different genetic engines who defend the earth from the threat of alien civilization.

The genetic engine is a technological body modification.

Only extremely powerful interstellar civilizations can develop practical and powerful genetic engines, and creatures with these genetic engines are called gods.

Some special models of genetic engines can detonate stars and even customize the laws of physics.

The document in Zhang Weilai's hand contains the development history of "Super Seminary".

3 years ago, the Kamigawa civilization that first developed the gene engine technology was wiped out by an unknown enemy named Ultimate Terror. The God of Time of the Kamigawa civilization roamed the universe with the celestial computer "Big Clock".

From 2 years ago to 5000 years ago, the God of Time established super seminaries in the Deno Civilization and the Angel Civilization to spread ideas and technology and help the two major civilizations develop.

7000 years ago, the Angel Queen Kesha came to the throne. She had an ideological conflict with her sister Liang Bing and shut down the Super Seminary of the Angel Civilization. At the same time, Liang Bing betrayed the Angel Civilization and used the knowledge of the Super Seminary to create a demonic civilization. .

4000 years ago, the first war broke out between angel civilization and demon civilization; 6000 years ago, the second war broke out between angel civilization and demon civilization; 4000 years ago, the third war broke out between angel civilization and demon civilization; 2000 years ago , the fourth war broke out between angel civilization and demon civilization, and the demons were defeated miserably.

During the Fourth World War, Karl, known as the God of Death, left the Super Seminary to establish a dark civilization; at the same time, the Deno civilization was civil war, the Deno galaxy was destroyed, and the participating Blazing Sun civilization was also severely weakened.

In 2014 Earth time, Karl helped Liang Bing escape to Earth.

The story of "Super Seminary" begins here. (End of chapter)

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