Wander!blue star

Chapter 403 Rose Du

"Have you not found out which civilization the other party is?" Dukao frowned, and his words vaguely revealed the decisiveness of a war madman. "Although they have not attacked the earth now, there is no guarantee that they will not attack the earth in the future. We must do something So well prepared.”

Dukao was once the marshal of the Deno star of the Deno civilization and the initiator of the civil war in the Deno civilization. After the destruction of the Deno galaxy, he fled to Earth with several of his cronies and settled here.

He also spread the gene seeds of the Deno civilization and the Super Seminary on the earth to prevent trouble in the bud.

Once the earth encounters a disaster, he will activate these gene seeds and transform them into powerful genetic engines, quickly giving birth to a group of gods.

This is how the protagonist Ge Xiaolun of "Super Seminary" came to be.

"The other party has no willingness to communicate. The appearance of their battleships is different from those civilizations we know. Maybe they are a newly born civilization that has just mastered the transition technology and came to the solar system by chance." Yuqin hesitated for two seconds and replied.

Yuqin is a busty woman. She is a confidant of Dukao brought to the earth from the Deno civilization. Her genetic engine has the ability of super telemedicine and she has been doing non-combat work beside Dukao.

Dukao disagreed. He looked serious and did not feel even the slightest bit relaxed because of Yuqin's words.

"There are hundreds of billions of stars in the Milky Way, why did the other party come to the solar system?"

"The earth is our last hope. We must not pin our future on uncertain words like 'maybe'!"

Dukao's voice was as heavy as his heart, and it was as cold and hard as the stone at the bottom of the pond.

Yuqin lowered her head and said slightly worriedly: "I didn't think carefully. I will continue to contact them. Once I get in touch, I will notify you immediately."

Dukao narrowed his eyes slightly.

If this was not the earth, but the Deno galaxy back then, the moment he discovered the foreign warship, as Marshal of the Nox star, he would have been able to get a detailed piece of dark plane intelligence, including which planet the screws on the warship were made from. You can see the minerals.

But here is the earth.

Thinking of this, Dukao sighed secretly in his heart.

In order not to be labeled as "interfering in the development of lower civilizations" by the angel civilization, he has hardly interfered with the technological process of earth civilization in recent years.

After all, the earth belongs to earthlings. As an alien refugee, he is not qualified to interfere with the development of the earth, otherwise the angels will be the first to not spare him.

He himself also feels that too advanced technology may not necessarily be a good thing.

Technology can bring world-changing happiness to a civilization, but it can also bring devastating disasters to a civilization. The Deno Galaxy is a lesson learned from the past.

Due to these two considerations, he did not interfere with the development of earth civilization.

Earth's civilization has only slowly entered the space era. It doesn't even know what the dark plane is, let alone deploying dark plane detectors in outer space.

So faced with the coalition government fleet that suddenly broke into the solar system, he had nothing to do.

"General, they're leaving!" Yuqin said suddenly.


Dukao was slightly startled.

The earth has many genetic engines, which are what civilizations that have just entered the interstellar era crave most. How could the other party just leave after saying so?
"They opened an insect bridge and got in collectively. Now they have disappeared from the solar system." Yuqin excitedly waved her chubby little fist, showing the joy of the crisis being resolved.

Dukao took a deep breath: "The light of the sun will activate the genetic engine immediately after it comes to the earth. The times are about to change, and the earth needs the power to protect itself."

Although the mysterious fleet left the solar system, Dukao was still heartbroken.

"I'm back!" A red-haired girl walked into the room. She held her chin high and exuded confidence and sassiness in her movements.

Du Qiangwei, Dukao's daughter.

She was entrusted by Dukao with the last god-making project of Nuoxing. She has a space-time sequence gene engine and can use micro-wormhole technology to carry all analyzable matter.

Nuoxing originally defined this engine as a war terminal. The holder must dispatch soldiers and equipment for the entire civilization like a machine, and cannot have rich personal emotions.

But Dukao erased this definition, giving Du Qiangwei the opportunity to become a warrior with strong self-will.

"What happened?"

Du Qiangwei stood on tiptoes, sat down on the table, and asked the question directly.

As Dukao's daughter, Du Qiangwei was very rebellious for a while. It was at that time that she learned to dye her hair, smoked and drank well, and even wanted to get a tattoo at one point.

However, as time went by and she learned more and more, Du Qiangwei also became mature. She stubbornly wanted to share Dukao's worries in all aspects, and was often too busy to touch the ground.

She asked what was going on, actually asking what she could do.

"Not long ago, an unidentified fleet entered the solar system, but it only stayed for a few hours and then left." Dukao frowned and said slightly worriedly, "We don't know their origins, and we don't know who they are. Why they came to the solar system, and I don’t know why they left.”

Du Qiangwei raised her eyebrows: "So I can't help you?"

Ducao nodded.

"Then I'm leaving." Du Qiangwei said nothing more. She stood up from the table and left the room resolutely.

The door was slammed shut.

"this child"

Dukao looked at the direction Du Qiangwei left and sighed softly.

He could see his daughter's efforts, but he could also feel that there was an invisible and inexplicable barrier between them.

"Qiangwei is already fine." Yuqin smiled sweetly and recalled, "It's a bit hard to believe that the little girl who used to be against you everywhere now wants to help you in everything you do."

Dukao nodded and said with emotion: "The child has grown up."

He changed the topic: "Although the fleet has left, the Styx Legion of Death God Karl is getting closer and closer to the earth. It is estimated that it will only be a year or two."

After hearing these words, Yuqin's face suddenly became solemn.

Compared with the Styx Expeditionary Force, which was keen on war and killing, the mysterious fleet that unexpectedly appeared in the solar system seemed insignificant.

"Perhaps, that fleet is the advance team of the Styx Expeditionary Force, but it left temporarily for some unknown reason." Dukao was worried, and he said almost to himself, "I must convince the people of Earth as soon as possible and let them Authorize me to contact Lieyang Civilization on their behalf.”

"We need the sun's light to come to Earth as soon as possible to power our genetic engines."

"Only in this way can we save the planet."

"We have already lost one home, we cannot lose another one." (End of Chapter)

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