Wander!blue star

Chapter 409 Matching Degree 999

The white wings cut through the dark night, and Angel Yan fell vertically from the clouds above Liu Kaiyuan's head like thunder, causing a terrifying sound and a dazzling arc of light.

Yan's mood is not very beautiful.

Her coming to Earth was a secret operation, but when Liu Kaiyuan shouted, everyone knew she was coming to Earth.

She is the sacred left wing of Queen Kesha, and every move represents Queen Kesha's will. Therefore, her appearance will cause many people to speculate, and will also quietly change many things.

For example, the gluttonous army that is about to attack the earth will definitely feel very uneasy when they search for her name in the dark plane of the earth. Also, for example, some evil forces that are enemies of angelic civilization will feel very uneasy when they learn of her whereabouts. , he might secretly carry out some conspiracy elsewhere while she can't get away.
As the holy left wing of Queen Kesha, Yan is fearless of everything, but she is not willing to cause more troubles for no reason.

She looked Liu Kaiyuan up and down, and raised the corner of her mouth with a slightly mocking smile: "Little guy, how do you know your sister is here?"

The coalition government fabricated a piece of dark plane information for Liu Kaiyuan.

Since the "Super Seminary" universe does not have Liu Kaiyuan's dark plane information, this fabricated information became the original record.

This information had several layers of disguise deliberately made by the coalition government. In the end, it became "encrypted real information" in Yan's eyes, and it also gave Yan a misunderstanding of "nothing more than that."

However, even in the fabricated information, Liu Kaiyuan is only a few hundred years old, which is indeed a little guy to Yan, who is [-] years old.

"I come from the Ersh civilization. We want to have a technical exchange with the angel civilization and jointly open up the boundaries of science." Liu Kaiyuan said calmly. He started his genetic engine as he spoke.

Time passed, and before Yan even realized what happened, they appeared in the distant space.

The dim red light illuminated Yan's side face.

Yan glanced at his surroundings and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Hey, you are quite capable!"

This guy didn't know what means he used, but he took me to a red dwarf star six light-years away in an instant, and I didn't notice it at all.
Yan reached into the void beside him and pulled out a long sword engraved with blazing red runes.

The flaming sword, the standard weapon of the angelic civilization.

"Just communicating here?" Yan's eyes were locked on Liu Kaiyuan, "Speaking of which, where is the Ersh civilization? Why have I never heard of it?"

Welsh civilization
He has traveled around for the angelic civilization and the order of justice in the past 7000 years. He has been to many places in the universe and is well-informed. The same goes for her sisters, but she did not find anything about the Ersh civilization in the database. any records.

Yan put away his contempt for Liu Kaiyuan.

She reported this matter to Kesha in the angel communication network: "Queen Kesha, I met a super warrior on Earth who claimed to be from the Ersh civilization. He took me away from the Earth without my noticing. Six light-years away in space.”

She couldn't figure out how Liu Kaiyuan did this.

It seems to be a wormhole transport technology, but the wormhole transport technology needs to solve the target's body in advance and calculate all the microscopic particles and energy movements in the target's body.

Angels' technology is the strongest, and their bodies have the highest level of encryption in the universe.

As of now, she has not heard of any civilization that can decipher their bodies without permission, so she believes that Liu Kaiyuan brought her here using another technology that she does not understand.

Queen Keisha must be interested in a territory unknown even to angels.

"Oh?" A slightly lazy voice sounded from the communication network, "Let me take a look."

A noble gaze connected to Yan's visual system.Liu Kaiyuan raised his eyebrows. In his perception, a strange flow of information entered Yan's dark plane, and continuously transported data to a distant place.

"Interesting, he discovered me." Kesha's voice rang in Yan's mind, "The Ersh civilization, well - I've never heard of it, it's either a pseudonym, or it comes from outside the known universe."

"The situation is tense. What's going on? Are you going to start a war with him before you understand the situation?"

Yan was startled.


Isn't the situation just that he transferred me to space and wanted to exchange technology with me?

"He's not hostile. Put your sword away."

Keisha can read Yan's thoughts.

"Communicating technology means communicating technology. I think he is quite sincere. He first showed a kind of knowledge that we don't have. You can have an in-depth exchange with him and try to trick him out."

"Yes, Queen Kesha!" Yan responded in his heart, then turned over his hand and put away the flaming sword.

"See if he has a family, whether he accepts someone older than you, and how he feels about you." Queen Kesa's words were shocking, and she was immediately stunned.

Yan was confused and embarrassed: "Queen?!"

"Don't make such a fuss. You're not young anymore. It's time to find a male god who won't rot into the soil." Queen Kesha said leisurely, "I haven't seen his genetic model, but he matches yours. The accuracy reached 99.9%.”

Angel's mate selection has nothing to do with eye compatibility, it only depends on the match of genetic data.

“It’s such a strange thing.

"Based on the statistical results, if the matching degree reaches 70%, two people can live together, if the matching degree reaches 80%, they will be in love and love each other, and if the matching degree reaches 90%, they will be a match made in heaven."

"You actually reached 99.9%, haha, interesting."

"Looks like I have to switch to the left wing. Oh, it gives me a headache. The older generation of angels have all retired, and the new generation of angels haven't grown up yet. Those of your generation are either not qualified enough or not capable enough."

Yan's eyes became complicated when she saw Liu Kaiyuan, and she said with full of anxiety: "Queen Kesha, I don't need a male god, I am a warrior, and I will shed my blood on the battlefield!"

"Your fate is not something you and I can decide." Queen Kesha disapproved, she said lightly, "That's it, you should get in touch with him first and find out who your future male god is."

At this moment, Yan felt extremely numb.

She could almost imagine what Kesha looked like at this moment: sitting on the throne, with her legs crossed and her chin propped up, with a playful look on her face, waiting to see the love story of her left-wing escort with a 99.9% matching rate.

"Yes, Queen Kesha." Yan replied with difficulty.

She took a deep breath and focused her attention on Liu Kaiyuan in front of her.

She selectively put the words "future male god" behind her mind and just wanted to find out Liu Kaiyuan's identity, but she was so confused that she was speechless for a while. (End of chapter)

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