Wander!blue star

Chapter 428 Entering into the Lieyang Marriage?

The earth has what is considered to be the top god-making project in the known universe, especially the power of the galaxy and the god of war. When they grow up, these two people can become the main gods of a top interstellar civilization.

It's a good thing that there are tall people willing to hold up when the sky falls. These god-making projects can develop stably, and the people on earth don't have to suffer the devastation of war.

Everyone can see this clearly, including Du Qiangwei.

Only Dukao was a little confused.

Dukao is a survivor of the Deno civilization. After coming to the earth, he regarded the earth as his second home and developed a special possessive desire for the earth.

On the one hand, he respects the opinions of the people on Earth, but on the other hand, he wants to make decisions for the people on Earth, especially when dealing with interstellar matters.

Liu Kaiyuan bypassed him and discussed directly with the people on Earth. The people on Earth also reached a cooperation with Liu Kaiyuan behind his back and only informed him at the last moment, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

Subjective emotions clouded his reason.

"Old Du, this is the earth, not the Deno galaxy." Du Qiangwei vaguely realized what Dukao's problem was, and she said softly, "You are now the commander of the Earth's heroic company. You must obey the arrangements of your superiors, young master. have a bee in one's bonnet."

The Xiongbing Company is an establishment of members of the Super Seminary in the army.

Dukao sighed: "Okay then."

It was really time for him to wake up.

Maybe it was because of the establishment of the Super Theological Seminary that he regained the feeling of glory he once had, and his mentality became a little drifting.

After all, the earth is the earth for earthlings, and it is the earth for all earthlings, not just the earth of Super Seminary, nor just the earth of Capital North Star.

"I have to meet the gods of the Ersh civilization again to see what they plan to do. If something goes wrong, the Xiongbing Company will still have to step in."

Dukao's mentality became correct.

He showed a thoughtful expression: "I have never heard of the Ersh civilization, but if the Ersh civilization is strong enough to control the scale of the war, we might as well use the Taotie Legion to give the Xiongbing Company some training and let them experience the real interstellar world. war."

That afternoon, Liu Kaiyuan came to the Juxia again.

Liu Kaiyuan left his contact information with the leaders of various countries, and Dukao contacted him and asked him to meet on the Grand Canyon.

The Juxia is the temporary base camp of the Super Seminary. There are many arrangements here, but these arrangements pose little threat to Liu Kaiyuan, so Liu Kaiyuan stepped onto the deck of the Juxia without any worries.

Dukao and others met him on the deck.

From this point of view, Dukao was more polite than Kesha, and at least knew how to set up a formation to greet him. Although the formation was limited by the venue, the formation was not large.

The weak often understand etiquette better than the strong, because this is their way of survival.

"Hello, I am Dukao, from the Super Seminary." Dukao walked up to Liu Kaiyuan and introduced himself to Liu Kaiyuan.

Liu Kaiyuan smiled and shook his head: "General Dukao, I know you, there is no need to say these words."

Dukao was startled.

He subconsciously thought that Liu Kaiyuan had read his dark plane information, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Dark plane information contains everything about a person, even images of bathing and going to the toilet. It contains a lot of private content, so no one wants to be scanned in the dark plane.

However, although everyone will encrypt their dark plane information, this encryption can only cope with civilizations of the same level as themselves.

When encountering more advanced civilizations, these dark plane information will be as if they have not been encrypted.

However, ordinary advanced civilizations will not read other people's dark plane information as soon as they meet. This is a very offensive behavior. Only angels who claim to be the highest civilization in the known universe will do this, because angels are not afraid of offending others.

Liu Kaiyuan caught Dukao's micro-expression and immediately realized that Dukao had misunderstood. He added: "I did not scan your dark plane, I just did a background check on you before coming."

Just a background check?Dukao's expression suddenly relaxed a little.

A background check was necessary. After all, it was a contact between gods. He also investigated Liu Kaiyuan. He watched the surveillance video of Liu Kaiyuan initially rescuing Qilin on Airport Road in Feiliu District dozens of times, and even used Collected some relationships left over from the Deno galaxy.

But because Liu Kaiyuan had just arrived in the "Super Seminary" universe not long ago, he didn't find out anything.

"I'm here to contact you about specific cooperation matters. I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation." Liu Kaiyuan took the initiative to shake hands with Dukao, effectively relaxing the atmosphere.

Dukao actually felt a little embarrassed.

Yesterday, he vowed that people on earth do not need help from aliens. Today, he will discuss cooperation matters with Liu Kaiyuan on behalf of the earth.

Life is really impermanent, the large intestine wraps the small intestine.

"Let's go in and chat." Dukao forced out a bright smile, "Let me first thank you for your help on behalf of the Earth Super Seminary."

Liu Kaiyuan borrowed the words of Yan in the original plot and replied: "The universe was born 130 billion years ago, and kind-hearted civilizations have already been linked by fate."

Dukao was shocked.

It’s so structured!
His view of Liu Kaiyuan suddenly changed a lot, and he said politely: "Please!"

Everyone walked into the command room.

Qilin hid in the crowd and kept peeking at Liu Kaiyuan, like a timid kitten.

"Didn't you say that we don't talk about personal feelings?" Reina noticed Qilin's strangeness, and quietly poked Qilin's small waist, "You have a crush on this person? Have you been peeking at her?"

Qilin was startled. She blushed and murmured, "Don't talk nonsense. He saved my life. I haven't thanked him properly yet."

"Oh -" Reina drawled, her eyes full of teasing, "In this case, I won't be polite to the goddess. I will chase him later."

Qilin was confused: "Huh?"

Reina deliberately teased Qilin. She raised her chin and said seriously: "Goddess, I am also looking for a male god. I think he is good. He is decent-looking and has strength. He can barely marry Lieyang. Get a concubine in my harem, the goddess!"

"You are shameless, he will not enter your harem!" Qilin was so angry, and she didn't know what she thought of. Her face suddenly turned red to the roots of her ears, and her head was steaming.

"Why not?" Reina said with a smile, "Goddess, I am the main god of Lieyang Civilization. Our Lieyang Civilization is the top civilization. If he marries me, he can enjoy the honor for a lifetime."

Liu Kaiyuan's mouth twitched as he just sat down.

He was a little helpless.

Rena may have been used to being free-spirited, and she didn't mean to avoid others when speaking. All the super soldiers in the room could hear their discussion.

He could already read the embarrassment on Dukao's face. If he didn't stop him, his majesty would be gone.

He took a deep breath and looked in Rena's direction.

Lena disappeared out of thin air.

The next second, she appeared on the table between Liu Kaiyuan and Dukao with a playful expression.

Everyone is looking at her, all eyes are on her!

". Wealth and wealth!"

"Uh!" Reina's expression froze, and her arrogant voice stopped abruptly. (End of chapter)

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