Wander!blue star

Chapter 451 Humans help humans!

Chapter 451 Humans help humans!

"Primarch, we haven't surveyed the situation clearly on the ground yet. It may be dangerous." The loyal Ultramarines stood up and said solemnly, "Please allow us to be the vanguard and take the first step for you."

Guilliman tapped his fingers on the back of his chair.

He was already amazed by the current level of technology displayed by pure-blood humans. This place was far away from the Milky Way. If he encountered any danger, not even the Emperor could save him.

He can only rely on himself.

"No need, I believe them." Guilliman stood up from the tall chair and walked along the red carpet towards the outside of the hall.

He is not prepared to let the Ultramarines explore the path for him, which shows that he has doubts about pure-blood humans and is not conducive to friendly exchanges.

While he did have misgivings, he couldn't show it so obviously.

"We are already on their territory. If they want to do anything to us, they can do it the moment we land."

Guilliman explained the reason to the Ultramarines.

"Now that we are still standing here, it shows that they have no intention of harming us."

If it was only a few thousand light years away, then Guilliman might be worried about the danger on the ground and move the banquet to his flagship through diplomatic channels.

But they span 200 million light years!
If there is an arrangement for them here, it must be a dragnet. Whether on the battleship or on the ground, they cannot guarantee their own safety.

Belonging is the same no matter where you are.

In this case, there is no need to arrange for people to explore the ground.

If we act together, if there is any danger, we can at least die together.

However, it is easier to fight a protracted war on the ground than on a battleship. If something unexpected happens and they all get to the ground, they can concentrate their efforts on the ground to deal with pure-blooded humans, waiting for hopeless support.

"All set off, follow me to the surface."

"Remember, this is not a war, but stay vigilant!"

Guilliman's voice rang in the ears of every Ultramarine.

The rich voice from the Primarch made these battle-hardened veterans excited. They shouted neat slogans and rushed into the landing module, flying towards the blue planet not far away.

The Coalition Government detected the massive landing, but did nothing to stop Guilliman.

One hundred thousand ultramarines could easily seize control of any planet on any planet, but this is a war fortress carefully prepared by the coalition government, and the air is filled with nanobots.

If Guilliman were to take military action against the Alliance Government, these nanobots would give Guilliman a head-on blow without even mobilizing the fleets lurking in space.

By then, the coalition government will have more reason to ask for the STC module Emperor from the Human Empire. You don't want Guilliman to be tried by our laws, and even interstellar navigation technology that has nothing to do with subspace will be ruined, right?
"What is so special about pure-blood humans, and why does the Emperor value them?"

In the landing cabin, the Ultramarines were communicating quietly.

Although they are cold killing machines, they also have abundant emotions, especially their loyalty to the Emperor and the Primarch. They always like to put themselves in the position of the Emperor and the Primarch to calculate gains and losses, while ignoring themselves. personal sacrifice.

"The psychic characteristics of pure-blood humans are not obvious, which can reduce the influence from the subspace. If the genes of pure-blood humans are popularized in the empire, the damage of the subspace to the empire will be reduced a lot, and mortals will not be corrupted at every turn."

"As for other places, if I have to say, maybe they are more sacred, right?"

"Shut up and don't speculate on the Emperor's intentions!"


Guilliman was also sitting in the landing pod. Compared to other Ultramarines, his landing pod was more eye-catching.

This is the duty of the Primarch - to let everyone know when the Primarch comes to the battlefield, so as to stimulate the fighting spirit of the Astartes, encourage them to fight for their genetic Primarch, and become more powerful in the battle. the power of.

Of course, the Primarch will also take more risks as a result.

But the powerful Primarchs are demigods on the battlefield. They never fall. If the enemy devotes more energy to them, it will only make their defeat come faster.

After the landing module experienced a brief deceleration phase, it hit the ground heavily.

Guilliman and his bodyguards walked out of the landing module. They were all in high spirits and looked like they were fine.

The reason why the Human Empire can compete with the Four Gods of the Warp and many alien races in the galaxy is because the Astartes warriors have an unshakable will and a strong body like steel.

Even if you jump directly out of the atmosphere, as long as you are not unlucky, nothing may happen. It's just that you can't control the landing location.

Guilliman held his sword in both hands and waited.

He didn't wait long.

Because his landing module was very eye-catching, the coalition government captured his burly figure immediately and sent a team of nano warriors to greet him.

The gorgeous welcome spaceship landed slowly.

This ship was made on the fly, and its appearance refers to the aesthetics of the "Warhammer 40" universe. The outer shell is full of gorgeous decorations and intricate portraits, mixed with some golden age mythology.

When this spaceship appeared in the sight of Guilliman and others, they all felt a sense of surprise, and at the same time they were more certain in their hearts that the coalition government was a "golden age refugee".

"Dear Guilliman, please come with us." The nano-warriors flew out of the cabin and issued a warm invitation to Guilliman.

Guilliman looked them over in confusion.

No psychic fluctuations?

How did you fly?

But he didn't take the liberty to ask at this time. He swallowed the question in his stomach, picked up the sword embedded in the stone, and walked into the welcome spacecraft at the lead.

The interior of the welcome ship once again shocked Guilliman and his bodyguards.

This is a spaceship?

Isn't this a palace floating in the sky?
The sun is shining, the flowers are in bloom, and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.
They couldn't even see the alloy structure that the spacecraft should have, and even the physical shell of the spacecraft couldn't be seen from the inside. The shell seemed to have disappeared, and their eyes could reach the clear sky.

"Your technology is very advanced." Guilliman admired sincerely.

Guilliman's admiration was not only because of the advanced technology of the coalition government, but also because the coalition government "does not forget its roots". The interior of the spacecraft is filled with things that reflect human history.There are some little things, if he is not familiar with the allusions in this area, he will not be able to understand the deep meaning.

This ship is so loyal!
Although it is not loyal to the Emperor, but loyal to the history of mankind, it is already valuable for a human civilization that did not know the existence of the Emperor before.

If MOSS could hear Guilliman's voice, he would definitely be happy that his efforts were recognized.

"Thank you for your compliment." The receptionist said with a smile, "Let me briefly introduce to you the arrangements for the past few days."

The receptionist led Guilliman and others to the resting place.

This was specially designed by the Coalition Government to accommodate the huge size of the Astartes, which prevented Guilliman and others from hunkering down like they did in other mortal battleships.

On the way here, the receptionist told Guilliman about the itinerary for these days: the welcome ceremony, the meeting, the scientific research inspection, and the military parade.
That's right, a military parade.

Guilliman has shown no inclination to use force against the Coalition Government, but the Coalition Government is not prepared to let the 30 warships in space sit idle.

Once the capital is built, it can't be left to rust, right?
Let Guilliman see that spreading the news about the strength of the coalition government to the Human Empire can dispel the unrealistic plots of many careerists and reduce the troubles of the coalition government.

Although the coalition government does not have internal news channels within the Human Empire, the coalition government can also predict how much turmoil will occur within the Human Empire when the "remnants of the Golden Age" are discovered.

First of all, the Adeptus Mechanicus will definitely be interested in them.

The Cult of Mechanicus is a religious organization on Mars. They believe in the God of All Machines and have a transcendent status.

They have an almost pathological fanaticism and admiration for knowledge, especially for the human technology of the golden age, and they have a madness that even demons look at.

They will even have intracranial orgasms over the freshly unearthed STC modules.

When the Mechanicum learns that the Human Empire has discovered the remnants of the Golden Age, and that these remnants still possess some of the technologies of the Golden Age, they will definitely get close to the coalition government at all costs, and are very likely to do some dangerous things. .

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, it is important for the Mechanicus to understand that the coalition government has a strong military presence.

After this, a Mechanicum that desires knowledge more than money but is helpless to the coalition government will become the coalition government's most solid ally within the Human Empire.

Guilliman showed little interest in the welcome ceremony and the meeting, but as an outstanding politician, Guilliman still performed well in these two events. His charisma made the members of the coalition government present enthusiastic. of admiration.

"Guilliman's height has not been a barrier between us. We have a great conversation, I think I have to say."

"Haha, I like Guilliman."

"Guilliman actually knows how to tell jokes. I thought he would be serious."

Members of the coalition government unanimously praised Guilliman.

Since the original agent on the mission was Guilliman, who had a normal brain circuit, the first contact between the Human Empire and the Coalition Government was very pleasant.

Soon we reached the scientific research and inspection phase that Guilliman was more interested in.

The coalition government showed Guilliman mature stargate technology at this stage. Compared with space movement technology, stargate technology is more cumbersome. Users can only travel between two places where stargates have been built. .

But for the Imperium of Man, it was still a technology that would have delighted the Emperor.

If the emperor had already sat on the golden toilet at this time, he might have the idea of ​​dragging the golden toilet to find the coalition government.

After the scientific research expedition, Guilliman participated in the coalition government's military parade.

When he was floating in space on an observation ship and watching 30 warships passing by him in an orderly manner, he felt deeply shocked.

It is not that the empire does not have a large fleet, but most of these 30 battleships are equivalent to the size of the empire's flagship battleship!
Some are even bigger!

It has to be said that the coalition government has gained too much in the "Transformers" universe.

The Creator's civilization has accumulated profound information over hundreds of millions of years, and it has almost everything the coalition government wants. It is a super treasure house so huge that just counting it would take hundreds of thousands of years.

Megastructure is a very mature technology in the technology of the Creator civilization. As early as hundreds of millions of years ago, they created planet-sized Transformers-Yuanshi Tianzun and Unicron.

The body structure of Transformers is countless times more complex than that of a battleship that cannot transform.

The warships currently created by the coalition government, the largest of which are less than one percent of the size of Yuanshi Tianzun and Unicron, there is still huge room for improvement that can be imagined.

But this was shocking enough for Guilliman.

After artificial intelligence is banned in the "Warhammer 40K" universe, each large battleship requires a large number of mortal auxiliary troops to assist in operations, which objectively limits the fleet size of the "Warhammer 40K" universe.

Guilliman couldn't imagine when the Human Empire would have such a super fleet!

He is indeed a remnant of the golden age!
"If I had contacted you 200 years ago, the Great Crusade would have ended long ago." Guilliman sighed sincerely after the military parade.

The coalition government has efficient and safe interstellar navigation technology, as well as a huge number of warships. Maybe it will take only ten years to wipe out the world and restore the glory of mankind to the galaxy.

Guilliman completely extinguished the idea of ​​using force against the Coalition Government.

The Human Empire seems to be great again, but the real enemies lurking in the subspace are still spying on them, and there are many internal conflicts caused by 200 years of continuous war.

Amid internal and external troubles, the human empire must not provoke another powerful enemy.

Moreover, this is a regime composed of pure-blood humans. It is the brother of the Human Empire in the Triangulum Galaxy and the largest potential ally of the Human Empire.

Humans Help Humans!

"I will truthfully tell the Emperor what I saw and heard here. I hope that the bridge of friendship can span the cold and darkness of 200 million light years and reconnect the humans who are separated in the two places!"

Guilliman bid farewell to the officials of the Coalition Government.

The officials of the coalition government operated the mecha and held Guilliman's hand, and said sincerely: "Terra is the origin of mankind. I hope that one day we can return to our homeland and let the glory of mankind shine once again in the cold universe!"

The battleship of the Ultramarines Legion sailed into the rotating maelstrom. They returned to the "Warhammer 40" universe and reported their experiences to Terra, which immediately caused an uproar.

"The Emperor's blessing! Humanity will surely regain the glory of the Golden Age!"

"Which is better, Stargate or Webway?"

"Praise the God of All Opportunities! This sage is willing to be the first to visit pure-blood humans on behalf of the divine religion!"

(End of this chapter)

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