Chapter 461
The Emperor turned against him faster than Malcador had ever seen in his life, but he was not surprised by the Emperor's reaction, because this was how he thought the Emperor should react.

The Emperor was merciful and tolerated the mistakes of his Primarchs.

During the two hundred years of the Great Crusade, many Primarchs made terrible mistakes, but the Emperor tolerated them all equally and supported them as always.

It was the Emperor's sincere hope that every Primarch who briefly strayed from his path would eventually return to the right path of his own accord.

He was willing to give the Primarchs time to repent.

If he had not committed a principled error, the Emperor would not even issue a clear rebuke.

His heart is as broad as the ocean.

Only such a man can shoulder the heavy responsibility of saving mankind and revitalize the human empire from the disintegration at its lowest point to now once again bringing the entire galaxy under its control.

But the Emperor was also a ruthless man.

His love is for the human race as a whole, not for any individual in the whole. Even the original body created with his genes is just a relatively high-value chess piece in his eyes.

If a chess piece threatens to cause more harm to the Imperium of Man than the value it would create, the Emperor will remove it from his chessboard without a second thought.

This has happened more than once.

Some Primarchs were forgotten from the Imperial records without even being named. As time went by, when the last person who remembered them forgot about them, it would be as if they had never appeared. Like in this world.

Magnus was very close to that.

The Webway was the Emperor's life's work and the only hope for the Imperium of Man, at least until the interstellar navigation technology of pure-blood humans was obtained.

Magnus could crash through the webway!
The Emperor simply couldn't imagine how angry he would be in that timeline, and he might even have the heart to eat Magnus alive!
He repeatedly reminded Magnus to be wary of the subspace, but Magnus did not take his words seriously at all and fell directly into the pocket of Tzeentch, the most insidious evil god of subspace.

It's hopeless - this is his truest thought.

Magnus fell into Tzeentch's trap, and if he had been told at the beginning, there would have been room for redemption.

Now Magnus has disappeared from the world, and it is unknown where he was taken by Tzeentch.

save?Save the shit!
Magnus was in too deep, and there was no way he could pull Magnus out of the warp, and Magnus couldn't get rid of Tzeentch on his own.

He had lost Magnus as a pawn.

Based on his understanding of Tzeentch, if nothing unexpected happens, this chess piece will be controlled by Tzeentch himself, and Tzeentch will consecrate the whole life before using it.

"Let Mortarion and Lion go as well." The Emperor paused, "If they see Magnus, take control of Magnus first and don't give Magnus a chance to escape."

Although Magnus is a fool, he will not be corrupted by Tzeentch in a very short period of time.

It is very likely that Tzeentch released Magnus when Guilliman executed the extermination order on Magnus's home planet of Prospero, allowing Magnus to witness the destruction of his home planet with his own eyes, thus destroying Magnus. Genus' psychological defense.

This is a job that Tzeentch can do. It is cruel to Magnus, but it is also his only chance to take back Magnus' chess piece.

He saw a vague future.

If things go as he envisions, this will be the final turning point before Magnus falls completely into darkness.

If he misses it, Magnus will fall into the arms of Tzeentch and become a lackey of the evil god of the warp.

Guilliman's psychic talent is so poor that it cannot be said to be none at all, but it can also be said to be better than nothing.Guilliman was no match for Magnus. When Magnus wanted to run away, Guilliman couldn't stop him, so he had to give Guilliman two more helpers.

Mortarion, nicknamed the Lord of Death.

He is the Primarch of the Death Guard of the No. 14 Legion. Due to the environment in which he grew up, he is not only good at fighting psykers, but also has a deep hatred for psykers.

He was the one who hated Magnus the most among all the Primarchs. In his mind, the best place for a "wizard" was to be burned to ashes.

Sent him to capture Magnus, who had just been tortured by Tzeentch, the Emperor only had to worry about whether Mortarion would intentionally beat Magnus to death.

Ryan, whose full name is Ryan Jonson, is nicknamed the Lion King.

He is the Primarch of the Dark Angels of the First Legion. He is loyal to the Emperor, good at fighting, and upright. He has a "glorious" record of scolding Horus in public.

Send him and Mortarion to deal with Magnus. At the critical moment, he should be able to stop Mortarion above and bring Magnus back.

"The technology of pure-blood humans has an incredible restraining effect on the subspace. Let's borrow their spaceship from the pure-blood human who stayed on Terra and do our best to capture Magnus alive."

The Emperor added.

The Emperor has noticed the pure space device carried on the United Government spacecraft. This is "the No. 2 technology the Emperor wants most", and the No. 1 is interstellar navigation technology.

The principle of pure space is similar to blowing bubbles underwater.

First create a gap in the subspace, and then blow air into the gap. The bubbles will begin to expand outward, and eventually repel the surrounding subspace far away, forming a pure space.

Magnus is a psyker, and all offensive and defensive methods rely on the response of the warp.

As long as he is surrounded by the bubbles blown by the pure space, he will become a super soldier and can be slaughtered by Llane and Mortarion. At the same time, Tzeentch cannot directly intervene.

The latter is the most important.

Isolating the subspace is equivalent to cutting off Tzeentch's claws. Even if Tzeentch notices something is wrong, he cannot take Magnus away.

Malcador nodded in agreement.

The subspace isolation technology of pure-blood humans is indeed very good, but the empire has to pay a large sum of money to pure-blood humans for this.

He agreed with the Emperor's desire to capture Magnus alive.

Magnus is a rare psionic primarch who can be used to great effect.

The Warp God can use Magnus to hit the Webway, and the Emperor can also use Magnus to hit something else.

But before using it next time, Magnus needs to be brainwashed.

"After he is captured, he will be imprisoned in the Terra dungeon and let him await my trial." The Emperor snorted coldly, "What a fool!"

Macado remained silent.

In his opinion, the Dungeons of Terra are Magnus's only way to survive.

Although there is no freedom, at least he is alive.

(End of this chapter)

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