Wander!blue star

Chapter 472 Betrayal

Amon looked at the blue envelope on the big screen and couldn't help but frowned.

His powerful psychic talent gave him a keen perception that surpassed that of others. This envelope gave him a very bad premonition. His body trembled involuntarily, as if he was about to face a catastrophe.

What was written in the letter?
Amon clenched his fists and opened the letter with anxiety and vague hope.

"Arrogant! Stupid and incompetent! Unrepentant! These three words are the most accurate description of Magnus."

The first sentence at the beginning caused the expressions of the Astartes in the room to change drastically.

This sentence was full of malice towards the Primarch Magnus, so naked that it was undisguised.

The father humiliates the son and dies!

In an instant, the hormonal index in their bodies soared, and they wanted to rush out and fight to the death with the person who wrote this letter.

"Damn bastard!"

Amon gritted his teeth and cursed, but did not do any other extreme actions.

The only person who can criticize one Primarch is another, and the person who wrote this letter was most likely Mortarion, who had a long-standing feud with Magnus.

Although he is the second in command of the Thousand Sons Legion, he is not qualified enough to offend Mortarion.

He continued to look down patiently.

But the rest of the letter was far more exciting than the first sentence. After reading it, he stayed where he was, as if he had lost his soul.

"Magnus made a huge mistake in the process of exploring the subspace, causing Prospero to be contaminated by the subspace. Now he is terminally ill and it is too late to regret."

"We have come to the Prospero system on the orders of the Emperor to purify Prospero and ensure that no more innocent beings are harmed by the warp because of Magnus."

"In the name of the Emperor!"

"Death to Prospero!"

"Execute immediately!"

"The Thousand Sons Legion failed to play an auxiliary role in supporting the original body. It is an unpardonable crime. The Thousand Sons Legion is now ordered to lay down all weapons, go to the surface of Prospero to repent and reflect, and burn with Prospero!"

The letter was not long, and at the end was an extermination order issued by the empire, stamped with Malcador's seal.

The Astartes finished reading quickly.

They all froze.

Extermination order?To Prospero?

Are you kidding me?

"How could the Emperor issue an order of extermination to Prospero? This is the home planet of the original body. There is no subspace pollution here at all. Who is harming us?!"

Suddenly, an Astartes roared in anger.

"There is no pollution here!"

"What do we have to repent of?"

"It's just ridiculous!"

He roared loudly, and his rich voice echoed in the command hall, causing other Astartes to feel excited.

yes!What do we have to repent of?
Is Prospero tainted?
fart!Someone must be setting us up!

We were born in Prospero and live in Prospero. Can we not know whether Prospero is polluted?
Someone must have taken advantage of the Primarch's absence to slander the Emperor!

Oh shit!Framing Zhongliang!
The Astartes were furious.

Their primarch disappeared. Instead of helping, the Empire issued an extermination order to Prospero, asking them to repent and burn with Prospero.
This is simply a joke of the world!

"Amon! What do you think we should do?"

"What should we do! Amon?"

"Subspace pollution? Groundless charges!"

"We were wronged!"

"Someone must be harming us!"

Amon was surrounded by the agitated Astartes. He said with gloomy eyes: "We are warriors of the Empire, and we must obey the Emperor's orders." Amon was highly respected in the Thousand Sons Legion, and his words suddenly made people laugh. The angry Astartes withered.

They are warriors of the Imperium who swore fealty to the Emperor before becoming Astartes.

Since the Emperor ordered them to die, they should die to prove their loyalty to the Emperor.

"Following the Emperor's orders?"

At this moment, an Astartes erupted with strong psychic energy fluctuations, a red light flashed out of his eyes, and he roared loudly, "Are you going to let everyone wait here to die?"

His words betrayed dissatisfaction with the Emperor, and there was no doubt that his loyalty to the Emperor had wavered before the command to die.

According to the principle of absolute disloyalty, he is already a traitor.

But no one blamed him.

Not every Astartes is willing to die for the Emperor. The Thousand Sons Legion has gone through many large-scale wars. Most of the veterans who were brought out of Terra by the Emperor have died, and most of the remaining ones are new recruits.

These recruits had never met the Emperor at all. They only knew that the Emperor was the father of the Primarch, and their loyalty to the Emperor was far less than their loyalty to Magnus.

"Shut up! Listen to me!" Amon suddenly burst into flames, and the spiritual energy fluctuations emanating from his body were more terrifying than the rampaging Astartes, and he suddenly suppressed the spiritual energy released by the Astartes back to himself. in the body.

"Poof!" The Astartes spit out a mouthful of blood, but his eyes when looking at Amon were full of hope.

Amon looked at the letter on the big screen and took a deep breath: "Get ready for war. We will never let the original body's planet be destroyed. We must defend Prospero for the original body!"

Guarding Prospero for the original body, this sentence suddenly became the psychological support of the Astartes who did not want to die.

"Amon! You can't do this!" the Terran veteran shouted, "This is a betrayal of the emperor!"

The Astartes dispersed with a crash, revealing three Terran veterans standing in the corner.

The three Terran veterans held their heads high and their eyes were a little complicated, but it was certain that there was no fear in them.

"Anshur, I did not betray the emperor." Amon did not get angry at the three Terran veterans. He said calmly, "The emperor listened to the slander and issued wrong orders. I just want to confirm again whether the emperor Really determined to let us die.”

The crowd held their breaths.

"Betrayal is betrayal!" said the Terran veteran known as Anshur. "The Emperor never makes mistakes. We should obey the Emperor's orders and burn with the fallen Prospero!"

The other two Terran veterans did not speak. They stood firmly on both sides of Anshur and expressed their attitudes with their actions.

Time was running out, and Amon did not talk to Anshur again.

He ordered the Astartes next to him: "Send them to the ground of Prospero and wait for the original body to come back to deal with it. If we fail to stop the enemy, then let them realize their wish and fight with Prospero." Perot burned together.”

The Astartes swarmed up, removed the weapons of Anshur and others, and escorted them to the landing craft heading for Prospero.

Amon was calm and composed.

The Thousand Sons Legion does not have no chance of winning.

He had previously communicated with the commanders of the 30 battleships surrounding Prospero. He knew that the coalition government would not directly attack the Thousand Sons Legion. Their real opponents were only the Ultramarines, Dark Angels, and Death Guard.

Even if you can't win, can't you still escape?

He turned on the Legion radio channel.

First, he showed the received letter, and then his voice rang out in every battleship: "Brothers, today we are facing an enemy several times our own, and our chances of winning are slim!"

The Astartes listened to Amon's words in confusion.

"But here is Prospero!"

"This is the home planet of the Primarch and the home planet of many of our brothers!"

"We have nowhere to retreat!"

As the Astartes read the letter, they were all in disbelief, and their minds were filled with thoughts.

The Emperor issued an order for extermination?
Asking us to burn with Prospero?

What should we do now?
At this moment, Amon's voice sounded in their ears.

"Only a battle!"

The Astartes were stunned for a moment. They were silent, but their eyes gradually became firm. (End of chapter)

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