Chapter 82 Detecting Antimatter Strikes in Transit
In the conference room of the coalition government, the atmosphere was extremely dull.

The five directors were silent.

Each of their faces became uglier than the other.

Even Hao Xiaoxi, who had always behaved decently, was covered with a layer of frost at this moment. The veins on the back of her hands that were slightly dry due to lack of care were bulging, and a dangerous look flashed in her dark eyes.

"Look at the answer they gave us!"

Kraven was furious.


"Willing to compensate!"

"Haha!" Kraven laughed back angrily, "Everyone pays [-] million!"

"Still use their money!"




Kraven's laughter echoed in the conference room, and he almost burst into tears.

But there was no joy in his laughter, only coldness, the temperature of the entire conference room dropped a little because of his laughter.

The diplomats assigned by the coalition government to Avatar Earth each shoulder the important task of maintaining the peace of the two major civilizations. They are not only elites selected from the best, but also valuable talents with diplomatic experience in foreign civilizations.

As a result, six people died in the civilian riots inexplicably.

Because the riots took place at the junction of the two major countries, the two major countries blamed each other.

They both insisted that the diplomats of the coalition government died in the other country's borders, so that neither side would find the murderer for the coalition government, but had to rely on the UN special envoy.

The procedure took more than a day before the UN special commissioner arrived there.

The murderer was probably already in hiding.

Those two big countries are countries that Kleven is relatively familiar with.

Based on his understanding of these two countries, in order to quell the anger of the coalition government as soon as possible, they will most likely push a few terminally ill or desperate for money to take the blame.

Hao Xiaoxi suppressed his anger and said: "We have been too gentle with them all the time. We can tighten the policy appropriately and cut off their supply of Tukun brain enzymes and superconducting ore."

Vladimir squinted and said, "Is it just a confession?"

"Didn't we just conquer the shield generator? They are no match for us in conventional warfare. We can bleed them on the battlefield."

"Make them sober!"

Although the shield generator currently in possession of the coalition government is only a low-end version, it can withstand the bombardment of small-yield nuclear bombs, and can also weaken part of the power in the face of medium-high-yield nuclear bombs.

Moreover, the coalition government still has seventeen intact shield generators.

These genuine shield generators can withstand the bombardment of large-yield nuclear bombs, and can resist several times in a row.

As long as the Avatar Earth doesn’t use anti-matter weapons to engage in an annihilating attack.

On the conventional battlefield, the coalition government is invincible.

Hao Xiaoxi was silent for a few seconds, and she said, "Public opinion on Avatar Earth is raging. Those politicians who are full of votes, especially those extremists lurking in them, may make the war go out of control."

"Although we have been sheltered by the consciousness of the earth, we are not afraid of their attacks."

"But they could destroy Pandora and cause us to lose access to superconducting ore, and as of now, we don't have any material that can replace superconducting ore."


Hao Xiaoxi showed a worried expression.

Sun Tzu's Art of War has a saying: "The Lord can't be angry and start an army, and the general can't be angry and attack."

The other directors were silent.

They can understand Hao Xiaoxi's worries. In fact, the think tank behind them also pointed out this risk.

Once the war is out of control due to extremists, the opponent will inevitably use antimatter bombs to destroy the stars of the Pandora galaxy, thus causing Pandora to be annihilated in the stellar flames.

At that time, shield generators, quantum communicators, and other advanced technologies that are brewing will all become short-lived illusions.

Although they can destroy the Avatar Earth, it also means losing Pandora.

Is it worth it?
The British representative Mibach said: "It is not cost-effective to go to war."

"Their society is very torn, so it is better to use this wave of pressure to cultivate puppets within them and divide them."

Mibach said: "This matter can be done by us, but we need everyone's support."

The other representatives looked at Mibach, lost in thought.

At this time, Kraven also said: "In addition to splitting them, we can also support some small countries and fight proxy wars within their planets, so that the risk of war escalation is very low."

After a pause, he added: "We have actually contacted some people, and they are waiting for our assistance."

Vladimir snorted softly: "You guys are very experienced in this area."

The expressions of Kleven and Mibach were a little stiff.

"But it's still a way, let's use it first." Vladimir said in a deep voice, "If they are stubborn, don't blame us for being serious."

Not surprisingly, this turmoil will end like this.

The coalition government has lost six outstanding diplomats, and Avatar Earth will face internal divisions and proxy wars manipulated by the coalition government.

But accidents always come unexpectedly.

In the middle of the night, the staff responsible for guarding the anti-matter weapon monitoring station were eating supper.

They just maintained the site today, and after a busy day, they finally had a chance to have a good meal in the evening.

But even so, they dare not relax.

They stayed in front of the monitoring screen to eat hot pot. From the corner of their eyes, they glanced at the key data on the screen from time to time to make sure that the data had not changed, and then they stretched out their chopsticks to pick up food from the tumbling soup.

The camera records their meticulous work attitude.

"Tell me! What is this called?"

"Our people die when they say they die, but they actually say they will lose money. Do we need their money?"

"That's right! The higher-ups must teach them a lesson!"

The staff complained.

They also know that diplomats died in the riots, and Avatar Earth's handling attitude is very perfunctory.

As part of a coalition government, it was natural for them to feel angry.

And feel very scared.

Because they are also one of the hostile members, if they are recognized on the street, they might end up in a terrible end, and they will be compensated with [-] million Avatar currency like waste paper.

Who wants gas planet money?

A billion Avatar currency is not as good as a breath of fresh air from the mother planet!

The staff cursed the humans of Avatar Earth loudly.

greedy, stupid, white-eyed wolf, insane
At this moment, a mutation occurred!
Scarlet triangles suddenly popped up on the big screen, and there was a striking yellow exclamation mark in the middle of each triangle.

"An in-transit antimatter strike detected!"

"An in-transit antimatter strike detected!"

"An in-transit antimatter strike detected!"



The staff looked dull, and they didn't even know that the chopsticks in their hands fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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