Chapter 90 Bite the Moon

Half an hour after the live broadcast ended, the wandering earth appeared next to the earth again.

Chen Fan cut off the gravitational connection between himself and Avatar Earth, so the two planets did not collide.

Chen Fan hid behind the Avatar Earth.

If the sun suddenly explodes, Avatar Earth will take the first wave of damage and buy him time to jump and escape.


As instructions were issued from the command center, thousands of Pioneer space shuttles shuttled back and forth between the two Earths, transporting soldiers and smart devices to the Avatar Earth.

The air filtration technology of the coalition government is not much better than that of Avatar Earth, but it is willing to spend money on soldiers.

The combat uniforms of the soldiers are fully enclosed and do not come into contact with the outside air at all, so they can spend a long time outdoors.

However, after they landed, they still occupied large buildings as soon as possible to build temporary strongholds to facilitate subsequent material transportation.

Avatar Earth, the surname is now leaked.

Under the coercion and lure of Qian Feiyan and other diplomats, the officials of Avatar Earth surrendered unscrupulously, including the young man who first condemned Qian Feiyan, and accepted the coalition government's request with a face of humiliation.

Nobody wants to die.

Qian Feiyan promised that cooperating with the coalition government is a major meritorious service, and they can be punished lightly during the trial.

The officials thought about it for a while, and they felt that they were not really guilty of the heinous crime anyway, and the probability of being sentenced to death was very small, and there might be a day when the sentence was reduced or commuted.

There is no reason to fight the coalition government.

Moreover, they also discovered that the coalition government has the information technology to crush them.

If they resist, even if they are not caught by the coalition government for a while, they can only curl up in the sewer as rats for the rest of their lives, and they might as well go to prison.

The soldiers on Avatar Earth walked out of the barracks in confusion. They looked up at the Pioneer plane whizzing past in the sky, not knowing where to go in their lives.

They used to be ordinary people.

I can't afford to eat outside, live in a house, get married, or get medical treatment
He joined the army when he couldn't survive.

Although you can't make money in the army, at least you can take care of food and shelter.

How can they survive without the army now?

How will these aliens rule this planet, and will they really fulfill their beautiful promises?
The soldiers of Avatar Earth were deeply confused.


"Don't go! Come and register!"

"Register for retirement benefits!"

The soldiers of Avatar Earth heard someone calling them, turned their heads and looked, and it turned out to be some soldiers of the coalition government.

Coalition soldiers brought a table from nowhere.

There is a sign next to the table: Veterans, $3000 per person per month, ten years in a row, prohibiting any illegal activities.

In order to fight against the coalition government, Avatar Earth has recruited troops frantically in the past few years and has a huge reserve of soldiers.

These soldiers are all young adults.

But there are not so many jobs suitable for them in the market.

If they are not managed and they are allowed to wander in the society, the crime rate will inevitably soar in a short period of time, causing huge social unrest.

This is bound to bring great trouble to the coalition government's social transformation work.

Therefore, the soldiers of the coalition government seized the time to find the nearby military facilities as soon as they landed, and blocked the door to distribute the retirement compensation.

$3000 is not much, but a lot less.

Although the soldiers on Avatar Earth cannot live a particularly good life, it is more than enough for them to achieve food and clothing.

First use money bags to control the thoughts of these vagrants, wait for the start of major projects such as environmental improvement, and then invest these people in vigorous large-scale infrastructure projects, and the social crisis will disappear invisible.

The soldiers of Avatar Earth were stunned for a while.

Hesitantly, they walked up to coalition soldiers and left their personal information.

Coalition soldiers tapped their keyboards and the first month's money was credited to their accounts, proving what the sign said.

"Everyone go home!"

"Good days will come soon!"

"We are not invaders!"

"We are here to liberate you!"

These four sentences are all true.

After all, how can the matter between the earthlings and the earthlings be called an invasion?
The soldiers on Avatar Earth looked at the numbers that jumped on the account, thinking that they would have money to spend every month if they didn’t do anything, as long as they obeyed the law, they suddenly felt that it was not bad for the aliens to come.
Everyone can't live anymore, as long as life can get better, who cares who the new ruler is?

love whoever.

Furthermore, the aliens looked exactly like them, and they all spoke with an inconceivable local accent, which was naturally kind.

Much better than those bumbling officials.

Probably because the record of the coalition government is too horrible. It destroyed the space force built by Avatar Earth for more than 3 years in less than 100 minutes, and frightened the courage of Avatar Earth officials.

The officials of Avatar Earth did not make too many requests, except for the delusional amnesty of the president and other senior officials, the only crime is that the crime is not as good as the family.

These matters are handled by the Coalition Government.

At the same time, Chen Fan was thinking about a very important matter.

He was going to exchange "blood" for himself.

This time it was almost a face-to-face battle. At this distance, if his gravitational force were a little stronger, the missiles of the coalition government would not be needed at all.

It is necessary for him to "eat" something to make himself bigger.

In this way, if he encounters danger during the next plane jump, he can also play a greater role.

"I had to add mass to increase gravity in all directions."

he thought.

"Only in this way can the body be permanently compressed, the hardness can be increased, and the gravitational tentacles can be extended to farther places."

In the interstellar war just now, he felt that he was a short hand.

Big ball, short hands.

More than cute, not enough combat power.

He decided to add some heavier substances to himself to increase his density and quality.

In addition, some fuel must be added to the planetary engine.

Although the coalition government can use refusion technology to burn rocks, the energy obtained by burning rocks is not as much as burning hydrogen and helium, and the efficiency is much lower.

The Moon is rich in helium-3, an isotope of the element helium that is a good fuel for nuclear fusion.

The moon has no atmosphere and magnetic field protection, and the solar wind rich in helium-3 has been bombarding the moon for billions of years, and the helium-3 in the solar wind has been preserved by the moon.

"According to scientific research."

"The moon was originally a part of my body. It was a piece of me that was smashed off a long time ago. Now I eat it, which can be regarded as fulfilling its dream of returning to its homeland."

Invisible gravitational tentacles wrapped around the moon.

(End of this chapter)

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