Chapter 103 The Primarch's Plan

Lu Mingfei looked at the giant in front of him in shock. Although he didn't have any basis, he just knew,
That was his Primarch, his genetic father.

"Brother, have you really thought about it?"

A heavy voice sounded.

Lu Mingfei turned his head, and an equally tall giant walked by him.

This giant has a square face, and the long hair behind his head is braided with three cloth strips of different colors.

He was wearing a strange black armor, and countless odd-shaped characters were engraved on the armor, which did not belong to all the languages ​​that Lu Mingfei knew.

Hearing the call behind him, the primarch turned.

Lu Mingfei held his breath and looked up at the face of the gene father almost greedily.

Even if his allegiance is only to humans and the Emperor, what Space Marine does not care about his Primarch?

After guessing that he was a descendant of the Lost Legion, Lu Mingfei fantasized about the face of the Primarch many times, and now he finally got his wish.

Lu Mingfei was not disappointed, the Primarch had a handsome and serious face.

In features, he resembled the Emperor in the icon painting in the Norton Hall.

But his eyes, like Corax the Raven Lord, were pure black.

His skin is also white, but not as pale as the Primarch of the No.19 Legion, but slightly yellow like ivory.

The Gene-Father didn't wear armor like the other Primarch, just a simple black robe.

But his momentum is not inferior, like a mountain breaking through the atmosphere.

"Are you going to persuade me? My brother."

asked the Primarch.

"Yes, out of brotherhood and my sense of duty, I must try to persuade you again."

The other primarch nodded.

"You should know that this is meaningless, my will will never be changed for anyone, even you, my dearest brother."

The Primarch said with a sigh.

"Of course I understand that, you perfectly inherited our father's stubbornness."

The other primarch curled his lips.

"Father, he's just too tired. The fate of the entire human race weighs on him, and he always feels pressed for time."

The primarch defended the man.

"Then you, what did you put on your body?"

asked another primarch.

"It's our birthright, that's what we're made for, that's what He created us for."

The primarch shook his head.

"But now you're going against his arrangements."

The other primarch sneered.

"He just can't make up his mind. There is only one Emperor for mankind."

said the Primarch.

"And I have only one brother, you."

said another primarch.

"I have prepared the great sage, it may not be the worst ending."

The primarch comforted.

"Do you think the worst outcome is that you die? Fool. Did it ever occur to you that that thing was a lie in the first place."

another primarch said aloud.

"Impossible. Both the great sage and the father have confirmed that it is indeed the creation of the ancient sage, and there is no problem with the preset function."

The primarch retorted.

"Then why doesn't father use it? Do you think he is afraid of death?"

asked the other primarch.

The words silenced the Primarch, who didn't know how to speak.

Of course, the emperor is not afraid of death, if his death can be exchanged for the future of mankind, he will not hesitate to turn himself into firewood.

There was only one reason he feared it was a hoax.

There are very few beings in this galaxy who can fool this immortal and strongest psyker, but they are not absent.

The Chaos Gods, the Overlords of the Necrons, the Old Ones and their sworn enemies.

These existences are all related to the Old Ones, and even the Emperor is not sure if this creation has been tampered with.

This is not without precedent, the separation of their brothers is caused by the evil god of chaos.

"But we have to try, don't we? Just like my father's big plans using the webways left by the Old Ones, I have my own plans."

The Primarch said stubbornly.

"The webway is dead, but those guys are alive! Didn't you see the fate of those cultists during the expedition? Do you really think that the relics of an extinct race can solve them?"

said the other Primarch angrily.

"I heard from Curze his prophecy for the future."

The Primarch hesitated for a moment and said.

"That lunatic, do you believe the crazy things he said?"

The other primarch sneered.

He had never gotten along with the Primarch of the Eighth Legion. In his opinion, that guy was brain-damaged by the core of his home planet.

"Actually, I also had a precognitive dream, which coincided with what Curz saw."

The primarch sighed.

"You don't want to say that what that guy said is true?"

The other primarch's eyes widened.

"I didn't see as much as he did, just a few things."

replied the primarch.

"Which ones?"

asked another primarch.

"You and I will be expelled from our father, Horus will rebel, and my father will become a dry living dead."

The primarch said one thing more terrifying than the other.

The other primarch was in shock.

The first two things are not surprising to him, after all, the two of them are relatively deviant in the Primarch, and he has always disliked Horus.

But will their father turn into the living dead?
Will the emperor become the living dead?

What a joke about the galaxy, that is the most powerful psychic in the history of mankind and even in the history of the galaxy. He can crush a planet with one hand, and the evil god of chaos can only negotiate with him on an equal footing.

Not to mention that he is still an immortal, even if he is burned to ashes, he can be resurrected from the dead.

And his brother told him that their father would become the living dead.

"Brother, are you sure you haven't been affected by your psionic energy?"

asked the other primarch gravely.

He knew that his brother possessed the psionic power second only to Magnus, the Primarch of the Thousand Sons Legion, and he could also gather the psionic power of the gene offspring into himself.

With the psychic blessing of the entire Legion, the Primarch's psychic power can surpass Magnus's in a very short period of time.

Another Primarch suspects that the Primarch was mentally damaged while exercising this dangerous ability.

"Of course not, my brother, I'm lucid, lucid to despair."

The Primarch said calmly.

"If even our father fails in the end, is the end of mankind a foregone conclusion?"

The other Primarch was silent, they treated their creators more rationally than their brothers, and thus could see much of the Emperor's imperfections.

"As a tool, I shouldn't have too many thoughts. But as the Primarch who vowed to fight for mankind, I should do my best to change the upcoming defeat."

said the Primarch.

"Perhaps your efforts were the reason for the defeat."

The other Primarch said coldly.

It is precisely because of their close relationship that they have to pour cold water on him.

"Maybe, but it's better than doing nothing. So I called you, my brother. If the plan fails, you'll help me right it, won't you?"

asked the primarch, smiling.

"If I'm in a good mood."

The other primarch snorted.

The Primarch laughed, knowing that his brother was just being stubborn.

Compared with the honesty of Rogal Dorn, the Primarch of the Fist of the Empire, the other Primarch is just pure pride.

Of course, this also made his relationship with other Primarchs generally not good.

"Does he know what you're planning?"

asked the other Primarch suddenly.

Of course the Primarch knew who he was talking about.

"Maybe he knows, maybe he doesn't know. If he didn't send the First Legion or those wild wolves to catch me, then I will continue to do this."

The Primarch said lightly.

As the question ended, neither of them spoke anymore.

They stood facing the subspace outside the window like two statues, no matter how the weird scenes changed, they couldn't affect them at all.

And Lu Mingfei couldn't move, he didn't understand why he had this memory, and he didn't know what perspective he had.

Although his heart was so shocked that he couldn't describe it, he still could only be an involuntary spectator.

Finally, after sailing for an unknown amount of time, the battleship jumped out of the subspace.

"We have arrived."

Looking at the giant planet in front of him, the Primarch came to life.

After shaking for a while, the fleet landed on the surface.

The two Primarchs walked out of the fleet, not wearing life support devices, and seemed to know that the environment of this planet was suitable for survival.

Hundreds of Primarch Guards followed behind. Lu Mingfei wanted to see his legion clearly, but he could only see a blurry shadow.

The team kept walking towards the center of the desert, and along the way, they were constantly attacked by strange-looking local creatures.

But in front of the Primarch's pro-guard, these hill-sized behemoths are nothing more than weak beasts.

The Seiko Plasma Gun and the Seiko Melta Gun shot out bursts of terrifying energy clusters, melting these monsters to nothing.

Even if there is a surprise attack by a ground-burrowing monster, it will be blocked by the veteran guards holding shields, and then a power punch will rain down the sky.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, the team finally came to an open field.

The clearing consisted of nothing but a large stone slab on which was carved a toad-like creature.

Although no mechanical or psionic device was found, the violent wind and sand outside could not enter this open space, and was blocked by invisible resistance to form a ring-shaped wall of yellow sand.

"It's here."

The Primarch muttered to himself, then took out a pendant-like object and placed it on the ground.

As a certain device was triggered, the slate gradually emitted a blue light.

The light gradually became stronger until it became almost white.

The Primarch recited an ancient incantation, all the rays of light converged on the head of the statue and then disappeared, and a device like a lectern appeared in front of everyone.

Four symbols are engraved on the four corners of the device, and a groove is in the center.

When Lu Mingfei saw the four symbols, his brain exploded.

That is the symbol of the four evil gods of chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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