Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei Returns from Warhammer Retirement

Chapter 117 The Invincible Lu Mingfei Woke Up

Chapter 117 The Invincible Lu Mingfei Woke Up
Endless light and heat raged in this land of the dead.

Even though the Bronze City blocked most of the shock waves, the armored vehicle and a few hybrids were still shivering in the strong wind.

Minamoto could finally feel a little bit of Hirosaki and Nagashima's feelings.

Even a super hybrid with royal blood is no different from a bug under such absolute violence.

Under the nuclear bomb, all beings are equal.

"Mr. Chu, do you want to wait for the radiation to decrease a bit before going there?"

Yuan Zhinv was already sitting in the driver's seat.

Finger was already in a coma, and Chu Zihang had only one breath left.

"No, let's go directly."

He shook his head lightly, he had already received some kind of revelation.

The armored vehicles drove into Chaoge City, and the original majestic and majestic bronze city had turned into ruins.

The deeper it goes, the more complete the destruction.

The building was destroyed, the ground was lifted, and the area near the center directly turned into patches of red copper water.

The effects of radiation also began to appear on them, and Yuan Zhinv felt dizzy and nauseous for a while, and her skin began to turn red and itchy.

He stretched out his hand to grab it, and the necrotic skin tissue immediately fell off like a biscuit.

If it weren't for the strong physique of the mixed race, his internal organs would have started to die.

But Yuanzhinv didn't show any fear. Since Chu Jun and the others are not afraid, what is there to be afraid of?
Moreover, he glanced back at Sakai Akina.

If that god really existed, maybe he would be willing to redeem the young girl.

The armored vehicle drove to the center of the city, which had turned into a huge pit.

Chu Zihang and the others have been severely injured by radiation. Large tracts of ulcers appeared on the surface of their skin, and they would cough up bloody fragments even if they coughed.

Yuan Zhinv is slightly better, but she can only drive the armored vehicle with perseverance.

"Merciful lord of mankind, your faithful people have come before you."

"Save your warriors and those who have sacrificed for the cause of humanity."

"If you can't give me too much attention, please take my soul away and return to your eternal kingdom of God."

While vomiting blood, Chu Zihang prayed in his heart.

A light spot suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he flew out of the armored vehicle and sank into the center of the deep pit created by the nuclear bomb.

In the next second, a more dazzling but icy light than a nuclear bomb explosion filled the entire Nibelungen.

The great will came again.

Lu Mingfei's consciousness fluctuated in the endless darkness, and the four voices kept talking to him.

Blood, fighting, variables, conspiracy, lust, abuse, laziness, rot.
Countless pictures and knowledge scrolled and played in his consciousness, sometimes scrolling and fast forwarding, sometimes slowing down and pausing.

Even the staunchest of state priests can be corrupted by this endless pollution.

But Lu Mingfei just watched coldly, without any disturbance in his soul.

If any of these blasphemous thoughts appealed to him, it was death.

But he also wanted sacrifice in duty to the Emperor and humanity, not death itself.

But now, Lu Mingfei's duties have not been fulfilled, all of this is just a silly trick.

He has enough patience to spend with them and spend 100, 1000, 1 years in this space of consciousness.

Lu Mingfei knew that these four things were fragments of the Chaos God, and as long as he could lock them in his consciousness, the Chaos God would never be complete.

This may be the purpose of the emperor to let him return to his hometown, to seal these evil god fragments in another universe forever.

Suddenly, a ray of light penetrated into the dark space of consciousness.

The radiance was so high and so dark, and when Lu Mingfei stared at it, endless sounds occupied his soul.

With the experience of last time, he hastily shifted his sight, and the noise in his soul was reduced a little.

The light gradually deformed, and a haggard old man appeared in the darkness.

His whole body glowed with a faint golden light, he wore a linen robe, a crown of thorns on his head, and held a reduced lectern in his hand, exactly as the Primarch remembered.

"Holy, Lord of Humanity."

Lu Mingfei knelt down on one knee.

He glanced at Lu Mingfei and didn't speak, but took a step forward into the deeper darkness.

The four noisy voices were silent from the moment he appeared, and did not sound again until his figure entered the depths of the space of consciousness.

Painful wailing resounded throughout the consciousness space, even Khorne who enjoyed fighting and Slaanesh who liked being abused were no exception.

The emperor's psionic energy can completely wipe out the existence of subspace creatures. In this universe without the supplement of subspace power, even the evil god of chaos will be wiped out by the emperor.

Moreover, this is Lu Mingfei's consciousness space.

With the strong will of this loyal warrior, the Emperor can wield more than enough power, and these four fragments are nothing more than bereaved dogs.

The sound of fist-to-flesh beating rang out steadily and at a high frequency. It took an unknown amount of time before the Lord of Humanity stopped his unilateral beating.

The Emperor stepped out of the space of consciousness again, and the four runes on the lectern shone with dazzling light.

He threw the lectern to Lu Mingfei, who quickly caught it.

The Emperor's avatar collapsed into a boundless light, illuminating the entire space of consciousness.

"Follow the emperor's orders."

Lu Mingfei saluted respectfully, then opened his eyes.

But in reality, Yuanzhinv looked at the scene in front of her in shock.

A light door appeared in the deep pit, and a giant golden hand stretched out from it, and then grabbed the armored vehicle.

Everyone was surrounded by light, and the necrotic tissue, festered skin, and broken internal organs were all repaired by the light, and the Yuanzhi girl felt unprecedented warmth and tranquility.

"Is this the power of God? Nuan か い で で で ね."

Yuanzhinv offered her devotion to this benevolent deity who was willing to shine on demons and ghosts.

In his body, the "imperial blood" from the White King was wiped out by the mighty power beyond countless levels, leaving only a proportion that did not exceed human blood.

"It is the Emperor's mercy."

Lu Mingfei said behind him.

"Mr. Lu."

Yuan Zhinv bowed respectfully.

"Treasure this kindness and continue to contribute to the cause of mankind."

he said seriously.

"I will join you and pledge my life to the Emperor."

Yuan Zhinv said seriously.

"very good."

Lu Mingfei nodded.

He turned his head to check the situation of the others, the injuries were basically repaired by the emperor, only Akina Sakai hadn't woken up yet.

Her situation is quite special, it is equivalent to being resurrected from the dead, and it will take some time for her spirit to recover.

"I'm sorry, brother Lu Mingfei, I failed to fulfill the responsibility of the deputy head."

Chu Zihang felt his anger and said shamefully.

"You don't need to blame yourself, Brother Chu Zihang, your performance is good enough."

Lu Mingfei said.

"Even you."

He added another sentence to Fingel.

Finger rolled his eyes, you are the leader, I don't care about you.

"Sister Sakai Akina still can't wake up?"

Chu Zihang asked worriedly.

"Her soul needs to be repaired, but it won't take long. Don't worry, when Sister Akina Sakai wakes up, she will become the real singer of the Emperor."

Lu Mingfei comforted.

"Why have you been asleep for so long?"

Chu Zihang asked the question he had been concerned about.

"I received the shock of genetic memory and was trapped in the consciousness space until the Emperor's light awakened me."

Lu Mingfei replied.

He couldn't talk too much, he used to hate the Riddler, but now he seemed to understand.

Chu Zihang knew that the truth must be more than that, but he didn't struggle. Lu Mingfei's waking up was the best news.

He was under too much pressure during this time.

"Chu Zihang, salute the emperor."

Lu Mingfei said suddenly.

Chu Zihang was stunned for a moment, then immediately knelt down on one knee towards Guangmen, saluting the sky eagle with his hand.

"Are you willing to take an oath to fight for humanity?"

Lu Mingfei asked.

"I am willing!"

Chu Zihang replied loudly.

"Are you willing to implement the Emperor's philosophy?"

"I am willing!"

"Are you willing to die for the Chapter?"

"I am willing!"

"Are you willing to give up your mortal status and become an Astartes?"

"I am willing!"

Chu Zihang's tone was sincere and warm.

"Then congratulations, you have become a recruit of the battle group."

Lu Mingfei said gently.

The Emperor's might hastened his physical growth, and now the second gene-seed had matured.

Originally, recruits had to undergo both mental and physical brainwashing before surgery, but conditions do not allow it now.

Moreover, Chu Zihang has passed the certification of the Emperor's light, so there is no doubt about his loyalty, so everything is kept simple.

When he leaves the Nibelungen, he will implant a sacred gene seed into Chu Zihang, making him a true fighting brother.

Lu Mingfei looked at Guangmen, the emperor's will hadn't left yet, there was still something coming.

After waiting for a few seconds, a huge object was thrown out of the light door by an invisible hand, and hit the ground with a heavy sound.

Looking at the familiar triangular head, he showed an expression of relief and joy.

The Thunderhawk Gunship, the old friend of all Space Marines, the Chapter's most reliable transport and bomber.

Lu Mingfei had taken it to the Star Battlefield countless times, and he had also used it to break into the interior of enemy ships countless times.

The Thunderhawk gunship was to him what the jump kit was to the paratroopers.

Unexpectedly, in another universe, two old comrades in arms met again.

Through the identity verification system, Lu Mingfei entered the inside of the Thunderhawk gunship and retrieved the data of the aircraft.

This is a lightweight customized model produced by Mars. The conventional turbo laser cannon and ordinary laser cannon are removed, and only two double-linked heavy bombers are retained.

The left and right attack wings have one each, and the amount of ammunition is only half of the normal one, 1200 rounds.

The fine gold armor on the inner layer is also gone, replaced by titanium steel armor.

The size has also shrunk a lot, and it can only hold fifteen space fighters in power armor.

There are two Hell Strike missiles, but it has not completely turned it into a transport aircraft.

"Brother Lu Mingfei, what is our next move?"

Chu Zihang asked.

"Implant the gene seed for you first, then."

Lu Mingfei showed a cold smile.

"To keep my promise."

(End of this chapter)

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