Chapter 146
When a Gauss ray penetrated Liulifan City and almost hit Izanami's head.

She finally realized that the situation had gotten out of control.

She shouldn't have released the Primordial Authority in the first place. Although the other party's power is weird, but the upper limit is there, she just needs to consume that human being to death.

But now that it has been eaten, once the dream bubble is released, everyone in the field must die before it will be automatically released.

And now if he no longer summons phantoms, those green creatures and metal men will kill all the troops on his side.

Just take a gamble.

Izanami recited the dragon text, and the dreamy sky once again dropped many bubbles, and half-breeds wearing hunting clothes appeared in the field one by one.

They are the ancient white king hybrids, and their worst strength has surpassed that of Uesugi Koshi.

Although King Bai was asleep, the memory of the bloodline was absorbed by it the moment it woke up.

In order to get out of trouble, it gave the blood of God to the ancient Japanese hybrids. Now, it's time for them to repay themselves.


Yuan Zhinu looked at these ancestors whose appearance was very different from the modern Japanese, with complicated eyes.

Although my blood comes from them, the curse also comes from them.

If they can let go of their greed and find a way to kill the White King, there will be no series of things that Herzog coveted the power of the White King.

"Rest in peace, ancestors, the Eight Sheqi Clans no longer need the ancestor Bai Wang."

Yuan Zhinv said in her heart.

In front of Lu Mingfei, rainbow bubbles also descended from the dreamy sky, but there were only eight of them.

"Bet right!"

Izanami has never been so happy, not even when she persuaded other dragons and half-bloods to rebel against the Black King.

It was tired, tired of that power beyond human comprehension, tired of the nameless creatures he summoned.

The army with a concerted effort against the enemy fighting in the nest, this wave of advantages lies with her!
The Rainbow Bubble shatters, revealing its contents.

Lu Mingfei was stunned, why this?
The thing in front of him looked very similar to the Terminator Power Armor, but there were many differences.

First of all, its color scheme is not the deep black or khaki like the Terminator, but an extremely bright silver.

There is no exposed mechanical mechanism like the Terminator on the surface, but pieces of arc-shaped silver metal plates that wrap all the structures.

Its head is not a full-face helmet, but a transparent fish tank-like hood.

If you look carefully, you will find that the arc-shaped metal plates are also made of smaller metal plates, and the smaller metal plates are made of even smaller metal plates.

As long as the resolution is sufficient, it can be split almost infinitely, just like comparing two mirrors.

The scientific and technological content contained in it, the Mechanicus will overload the servo at a glance.

In fact, this is exactly the case. After he sent information about these things to several familiar forging worlds, they made countless promises on the spot, and immediately sent a fleet to trade.

It's a pity that these power armors all self-destructed before their fleets arrived, otherwise it would be possible to directly establish an all-weather strategic partnership with a forge world.

As for the reason for self-destruction, these old antiques dug up from the underground ruins think that they do not meet a certain usage agreement.

Otherwise, Lu Mingfei would not have planned to sell them all to the Mechanicus. The weakest part of these power armors is harder than Yaojin, and it will definitely be beneficial for jumping gangs, but it is a pity that they cannot be used.

However, it seems to be possible to try now.

Lu Mingfei used the psychic blade to split the lightning Izanami summoned, and then stuck his hand to the silver power armor.

The cold touch quickly became warm, and the silver power armor changed the temperature and material properties intimately.

"Welcome, citizen. I am the artificial intelligence Gunda No. 001, and it is my pleasure to serve you."

The sound was directly transmitted into his brain through the neural network. Although the language used was somewhat different from Gothic, Lu Mingfei still understood it without hindrance.

"What the hell are you?"

he asked in his head.

"This body is the designated mecha for the Gangda Jupiter System Folk Mecha Fighting Enthusiast Competition. In addition, because the pilot of this body has won three consecutive championships, it has the exclusive title 'Freedom'."

Gunda 001 replied.

Such a high-tech creation is actually only used for folk competitions, it really deserves to be a human being in the golden age.

As a millennium veteran who loves sweeping tombs and digging ships, Lu Mingfei also has some understanding of human history before the emperor unified Terra.

"Can I use you?"

Lu Mingfei asked directly.

"Of course, you comply with the usage agreement of this machine."

Gunda 001 said softly.

"Do you need to use me now?"

"She" asked.

Lu Mingfei didn't give her an answer, because he still needed to seek the emperor's enlightenment.

While the Emperor's Light had not completely dissipated, he immediately began to pray.

"Almighty and omniscient emperor, please give your warriors guidance, can I use this abominable intelligence to destroy the enemy of mankind?"

After a while, Lu Mingfei got the answer.

"Thank you for your guidance. I will stick to my principles and never be tempted by power."

he said respectfully.

"let's start."

Lu Mingfei said to Gunda 001.

"Okay, since this is your first time to use it, the body will start the fully automatic boot mode, please don't be nervous."

Gunda 001 soft voice.

Layers of silver nails are automatically separated to reveal the inside of the machine.

There are no tentacle-like wires, no heavy mechanical organs, and the interior of "Freedom" is as empty as a medieval armor.

Lu Mingfei walked in, and the silver armor automatically closed to wrap him inside.

"Welcome to use this machine body, what are your current needs?"

Gunda 001 asked.

"Destroy the enemy."

Lu Mingfei said.

Gunda 001 automatically read his brain signals and knew who the enemy was.

"Scanning target and comparing with database"

"Target No. [-], Orcs, ancient creations, and cosmic disasters are not protected by the agreement."

"Target #[-], Necrons, Necrontyr Transformations, Galactic Scourge, not protected by protocol."

"Target No. [-], an unknown large animal with high intelligence, needs further analysis."

"After the detection, this group has great malice towards humans and is not protected by the agreement."

"After the comparison, all targets are not protected by the agreement and can be regarded as hostile targets."

Before Gunda 001's report was over, a Gaussian burst ball shot over.

The target of the shooter was not Lu Mingfei, but a Storm Boy.

But the greenskin had blasted itself apart with the rocket ahead of time, so the Gauss blaster shot through the air at him.

"Gauss weapon detected, urgently activate the force field shield."

Gunda 001 issued an alarm, and a translucent shield appeared in front of "Freedom".

The green ray was deflected by the shield, and a large area of ​​the land disappeared.

"Deflection force field? Why is there such a large power."

The well-informed millennium veteran was also surprised.

The deflection stance is one of the few individual soldier stances in the empire. Lu Mingfei is no stranger to this, and his own power armor is equipped with corresponding devices.

However, limited by the power, the deflection position can only deflect attacks that are not very powerful, and there is still a probability.

But the deflected stance of "Freedom" can deflect an attack of the level of Gaussian Burst Ball, and it is still [-]% power, which is really shocking.

You must know that even if the ion shield of a knight "Titan" is hit by a Gauss blasting ball, there is a high probability that it will be overloaded.

And the size of "Freedom" is not as big as the Terminator Power Armor.

As expected of a relic from the golden age, it was terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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