Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei Returns from Warhammer Retirement

Chapter 151 The Forbidden Army and Judges

Chapter 151 The Forbidden Army and Judges
On an inconspicuous planet in a remote star field in the Milky Way, the high-ranking judge-lord Vilda is making an inspection tour.

No one but her most loyal followers will know she is on this planet.

Every 50 years, Velda will leave behind her double to replace her in public appearances.

And Virda will come to this unknown planet in a small ship, and clean up the traces afterwards.

Knowing that the Emperor's seal was impeccable and would not weaken with time, she couldn't help but visit regularly.

Because the existence in the seal is too sacred and too terrifying.

Just as she was about to open the door of the underground sealed room, several figures suddenly appeared in the wild sand.

The Servo Skull faithfully reported the situation, and Vilda issued the order without hesitation.


The Inquisitor's direct stormtrooper unit opened fire immediately, and Bomb Storm, Plasma Bombs, and Melta Bombs scattered the wind and sand, drowning those who would come.

Virda watched all this coldly, she didn't care about the other party's identity.

Whether they are Chaos Daemons or Space Marines, or even High Lords.

Except for her and her men, no other living creatures are allowed on this planet.

Even, Virda has already conceived a series of follow-up measures in her mind, preparing to find out which link leaked the secret, and then uproot all the people involved.

A volley of firepower enough to destroy a Dreadnought flew over, but those figures stood still.

The judge frowned tightly, it seemed that these people were not ordinary enemies.

She made a gesture of ceasefire, intending to check the enemy's situation first before taking a targeted attack.

The fire and smoke dissipated, revealing the huge figure of the visitor.

"God-emperor is on top."

Velda let out a low moan.

The golden armor and the iconic power halberd undoubtedly revealed the opponent's identity.

The Emperor's mightiest warriors, guardians of the Golden Throne, the Demigods.
Forbidden army.

The leading Custodian soldier took off his helmet, revealing a resolute and handsome face in front of the judge and her followers.

Every Custodian is the most perfect warrior. Space Marine recruits are implanted with augmentation organs from puberty, and Custodian surgery begins as early as infancy.

Even in its early days, the creation of each Custodian was carried out by the Emperor himself.

Each of them is not only a mighty warrior, but also a skilled craftsman, an outstanding artist, a wise philosopher and a learned scientist.

The Emperor created the Custodians with great enthusiasm, seemingly intending to use them as a model for future humanity.

It is precisely because of this that every forbidden army has extraordinary pride, and even the Primarch is not looked down upon.

However, the guard in front of him had a modest attitude.

"I am Mario, Commander of the Guards of the Imperial Army."

He introduced himself.

When a Custodian soldier is officially promoted, he will abandon his past as a mortal, and in the vast history and materials of ancient Terra, choose the names of those wise kings, tyrants, gods or other legendary figures as his own. first name.

It is said that this tradition was inspired by the Emperor himself.

We have no way of knowing if this is due to the unique sense of humor of the Lord of Men, or if it is a deliberate act of irony.

In short, the name of the Custodian is a collection of kings and gods, and the Emperor himself is the king of kings and god of gods.

At the same time, a Custodian soldier will also be awarded additional names by the Emperor or Custodian Commander for various achievements and contributions.

For the imperial army who are immortal and have no worldly desires, the name of glory is their greatest reward.

But their great strength and long lifespan lead to another problem.

The feats of Custodian warriors are so numerous that their honor is so long that it would take miniature engravings to bear upon their armor.

And their missions are often time-sensitive, so the soldiers of the Imperial Army usually only report their initial names.

If a man is lucky enough to know the full name of a Custodian soldier, he is either a very important person or a very important enemy.

The followers behind the judge looked at each other in blank dismay. Some psykers, crusaders and other followers had already knelt down and prayed devoutly to the guardian of the golden throne.

Only the stormtroopers directly under the Inquisition still maintain strict discipline, but the eyes in the helmets are constantly turning to vent their shock.

"Dear Your Excellency Mario, how can I confirm your identity?"

Virda maintained her composure and said.

In terms of strength and achievements alone, she is not particularly outstanding in the trial court.

But her loyalty to the empire and her firm and cold will are beyond the reach of other colleagues.

This is also the reason why Vilda was chosen as the "Paffin Keeper".

"Our existence is proof."

The captain of the shield guard Mario said coldly.

"Sorry, if that's the case, then I can only choose to treat you as lunatics pretending to be the Holy Forbidden Army."

Virda also said icily.

The Inquisition is the Eye of the Emperor, identifying and destroying all threats to the Imperium and humanity.

Velda was responsible only to the Emperor, and not even the Custodians could bring her to her knees.

The veiled order was conveyed to all the attendants, who raised their weapons without hesitation despite the shocked and disbelieving expressions on their faces.

The Inquisitor has proven her loyalty and ruthlessness with her deeds, and no one wants to challenge her orders, even if it means firing at the Custodians.

"You have a group of good men."

Mario glanced at the mortal soldiers and commented.

"Thank you for your praise, they have made a lot of contributions to the empire and mankind."

Virda was not humble for her followers.

Being praised by a company commander of the imperial guards, such a huge honor made all the followers straighten their backs, even the assassins who worshiped death.

This round of dialogue eased the atmosphere a bit, but the judge still had no intention of backing down.

She has even activated the special device secretly. Once she sends out instructions with brain waves, the green alien weapon will turn everything around into nothingness.

"Then let them prove it for us."

Mario glanced at her waist and said.

The giant-like imperial guards stepped aside, and several armor-piercing female warriors with braids came out.

When they approached in silence, Vilda immediately felt discomfort from the depths of her soul.

As a powerful psyker, she can feel her own soul-power in abundance, though she has never been seduced by the might of the Warp.

But in front of these female warriors, Velda felt unprecedentedly weak, and she couldn't help but want to vomit with waves of nausea.

"Sister of Silence."

The Inquisitor fought back the chatter of his teeth.

The female warriors frowned and made several gestures, but Virda didn't understand them.

"They prefer the title Psionic Buster."

Mario acted as an interpreter.

"Yes, psychic nemesis, Emperor's Claw, it's an honor to meet you all."

Virda is as good as others.

The Sisters of Silence nodded in satisfaction. I don't know if it was an illusion. The judge felt that his soul was not so uncomfortable.

In order to communicate smoothly, the silent nuns showed their faces and walked into the yellow sand again.

Virda breathed a sigh of relief, and the power of the soul returned to the full state again.

"Can we confirm our identities now, Ms. Inquisitor?"

Mario said.

"Preliminary confirmation, Your Excellency Mario."

Virda said.

"Can you explain your purpose?"

she asked immediately.

Even the Custodians she has no interest in schmoozing, and there are plenty of threats in the galaxy waiting to be cleared.

"Let's recover 'Number Zero'."

Mario said.

Although she had expected it, when she heard the commander of the shield guard admit his intention of coming, Vilda's eyes turned cold.

Anyone who covets "Number Zero" is her enemy, even the Custodians.

"I think you should understand what He is."

said the judge.

"Yes, we understand that with absolute clarity."

Mario nodded.

"Then you should understand that it is the most appropriate arrangement to put him in this star field with few people."

Virda said.

Even Terra couldn't be any safer than here, because there would always be some self-righteous person who thought he could control Zero to his advantage.

"It used to be, but now He has a better arrangement."

Mario said.

"What arrangement?"

asked the judge.

"I don't know, I was just ordered to transport him back to Terra, I have no right to know other things."

Mario shook his head.

"Whose order? Commander of the Forbidden Army?"

Virda asked.

The Custodian is also the High Lord, but so is the Inquisition Representative, so the Inquisitor can reject the Custodian's orders.

"No, the one on the Golden Throne."

Mario shook his head.

"Keep quiet where you are!"

Weierda's face turned aside, and she shouted in the communicator.

The people who were about to pray immediately let go of their hands and closed their mouths.

"You shouldn't have said it so directly, the power of the warp is everywhere."

The Inquisitor cast a reproachful look at the Custodian.

"I suddenly understood why Your Excellency Commander sent me here."

Mario said suddenly.


Virda didn't understand why he suddenly said something irrelevant.

"It's nothing. Don't worry, Ms. Inquisitor, there is a psychic nemesis, and those evils can't pry into this place."

Mario said.

"I hope so. You said that the one who sent you to recover 'Number Zero', do you have any proof?"

Virda said stubbornly.

It wasn't that she was so paranoid that she was dazed, but that what she guarded was too important.

In the judge's heart, "Number Zero" is not even less terrifying than Chaos God.

"Are you sure you want to watch it, Ms. Inquisitor?"

"of course."

Virda said firmly.

"as you wish."

Marius opened a hidden compartment on the power armor, and the things hidden inside appeared in front of the judge.


Virda let out screams as if being shocked by an electric shock, and all the orifices on her body emitted spiritual flames.

A silent nun came over in time and put her hand on her head, and Mario also closed the secret compartment.

Under the suppression of the anti-psychic domain, Viertan's psychic energy slowly returned to calm.

Trembling, the judge activated the first aid device in the power armor, and injected biochemical agents into her body one by one.

It took a long time for Vilda to recover from the aftereffects.

"follow me."

She didn't ask any more questions, and led Mario's team to a sandy field.

Virda suppressed her headache and used her spiritual energy to communicate with the facilities buried under the sand.

After a few seconds, the yellow sand automatically piled up on both sides, revealing the steps leading to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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